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Useful Trees Vastu Tips | Vastu Plants | Vastu Tips for Planting Trees
Is Trees Really Improves Positivity in Our Home?
Obviously trees improve positivity in our homes. When we plant trees in our premises, it multiplies nature heavenly powers into the land and increases harmony. Try to plant Goddess trees only like the coconut tree, banana plant, betel nut, fryer (a tree of heaven).
Increasting Positivity Through Planting Trees
Vastu for Trees here the meaning is supporting the heavenly Element creations. "Don't cut trees in the name of Vastu Shastra". Trees bless us with all power related to our peaceful living. Who plant trees are said to be assistants to Almighty. God Always Love Nature, God Love Trees. Who has respect on God, kindly plant trees, you will be blessed. For a happy future, continue on this planet human beings and other all creatures hugely require trees.
The home with full of trees will enjoy peace of mind. There should some attraction which may attract positive forces and further land will become cool. If the respected climate is cool, the negative power strength gradually decreases.
If the atmosphere (land, area, place) is hot the bad power (negative) increases its power.
Now a days Vastu widely spreads and is the most powerful and that spreads all over the country.
Some vastu slyboots also recommending residents to "cut the trees" and further stated that "trees should not be in the homes", "Trees shadow should not fall on the house".
In the name of Vastu many residents blindly lacerating trees and in some parts of the areas residents completely removed trees. This is unquestionably wicked action.
Unpleasant things were happening in this world and have passed out of the existence of many creatures.
We have to take care of this unlawful mad nature of some bad decisions or evil thoughts. vastu pandits who don't have much knowledge on these ideas some Vaastu people says that "trees shadow should not fall on homes".
Actually Trees blessed home with many good features like, attraction, eyelash spreads when huge trees occupied and further they make the land cooling, good looking, smart in that area, royal touch, peace, cool shadows, particularly security feeling, improving education, good relations, life satisfaction, money, a good name with smart fame, leadership or leadership qualities.
To be frank, if there are no trees, the house lost its fancy looking. It may be clear that if a home has more trees then the resale value will also be hugely increased.
Find Out Which Trees to Plant in Which Direction Through The Following Links
1. East facing house vastu, in this link one can understand where to plant trees.
2. West facing house vastu, is west facing location is good for trees plantation.
3. North Facing House Vastu this link has information on plants and trees plantation.
4. South facing house vastu, note that South facing is the best option to plant trees.
5. Northeast facing house vastu, can we plant trees here, no not at all.
6. Southeast facing house vastu, where should we plant trees, this link has some information.
7. Southwest facing house vastu, one of the best locations per Vastu. Southwest is the exact location to plant huge and long tall trees.
8. Northwest Facing House Vastu link has some information where we need to do trees plantation.
Is This the fact that "Trees shadow should not fall on the home":
What is the reason behind that the shadows of the trees should not fall on the house:
In the olden days, the houses are too big and they have proper space for planting trees.
In those days our elders planted trees, where available space in their premises and compounds open areas. Those houses are constructed with mud and related materials, they don't have knowledge on Cement, (Cement is invented only in the year 1824), if we construct the house with mud, then the structure may not have more strength and may not be stronger.
If we plant trees near to the houses, then the roots may damage the house structure. If the house structure disturbs then life becomes miserable.
Construction/walls disturbance means the entire property is in a way to fail. So our elders feel that if the trees are near to the properties this may lead damage homes construction, this may be the reason that they created one point that "Trees shadow should not fall on the house".
Now cement came into existence, due to this cement pillar construction methods our constructions are very strong, and there is no need to worry about the structures and cracks.
Anyway, we must maintain some distance in between trees from house construction. There are many trees which spreads its roots to more distance and less distance, ask with your forest department people which tree is good for your home and not damaging the foundations or roots more spreader areas.
We are also collecting wide information to publish here about which trees are recommended to plant in our homes. Trees are heavyweight, so many Vasthu consultants may inform you that Trees should plant only towards West, South, Southwest parts of the property.
Sri. Narayana Dutt Comments On Trees Plantation
One of our website visitor Mr. Narayana Dutt commented on trees plantation:
"Whatever the rule in Vaasthu, on trees, all were framed centuries back, rules were not framed in this current year.
On those days there is no cement for the standard constructions. Except for RajaGruha or King's palace, almost all the homes were built with mud, lime, sand and other materials. They may not be standard compared with present cement homes.
By knowing those days structural standards, our elders may framed trees plantation rules like this way as "Trees Shadow should not fall on the home", it is natural that trees routes occupy the local area where they may damage structures.
Those days the structures are not that much standard and cracks may develop due to trees when cracks developed then positive power may be left the home.
It's only the reason, our elders stated that the structures should be standard, cracks should not be developed. Now there is no such fear of trees. Our constructions are with stone, cement, steel, and sand.
Maintain standard gap in between trees and home. When walls are very near to the trees, there is a possibility of cracks on the walls. An appropriate gap should be maintained between the home and compound wall, then no need to worry about trees plantation at our homes."
Where Should We Plant the Trees
The general rule in Vastu is the eastern and northern spaces should be larger than the western and southern spaces. While it is so, trees required spacious areas to grow and they cover some land in the homes. If we don’t have a certain spacious area in West and South directions, then it's not possible to plant trees at West and South directions. Again these people say that we should not plant trees in the North and East directions.
Well, if the argument is such a way then where should we plant trees in our boundary premises.
It's almost tough to plant trees and residents should forget trees to plant in our boundary premises. Humans, themselves, vanished forests. Trees planted outside towns and cities do not have security, some people cut trees and take away wood to their homes.
Is These are the Trees Vastu Rules for Homes?
Some Vastu known people spreading a rule in the society that trees shadow should not fall on the walls of the home. If so where is the place for trees and further these people stated home should be built only towards Southwest and on the other hand, they express that trees should not plant in the North and East directions. How difficult it is to digest.
If in such case there is no way to plant trees in the home premises. We find solutions here to have the home to be planned towards Southwest and place for trees too.
So Vastu is the main cause for vanishing trees, most of the residents dream and have the interest to plant trees in their boundary premises but fear in planting trees after hearing the above rule. Is Vastu curses on Trees.
Certainly, NO.
We should break these principles and maintain feasibility and should find a way for the plantation and on the same way respect Vastu principles. Let us come to one amicable solution.
In Matsyapurana it is said that :
Ten Water wells are equal to one water tank
Ten water tanks are equal to one lake
Ten lakes are equal to one Son
Ten Sons are equal to ONE TREE.
We should respect our rushis invisible instructions.
Is There Any Importance for Trees in Vastu
Yes, there is numerous importance for trees in Vastu. Where there are trees, there we can observe life security, good education, peace, satisfaction, experiencing harmony, and pleasure in life. Numerous number of trees home inhabitants can get overjoyed, ultimately they will rule the road.
It has to be understood the importance of the trees on our planet, if humans go on cutting trees then the day will come which has worse in our life with natural calamities, Hud Hud like disastrous incidents, floods, famine, no rains, etc, already we are facing many bad situations and we noticed about global warming and the importance of trees and balancing nature. Planting trees can secure humans life on this earth.
Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi requests at International seminars regarding global warming. Our Puranas/myths are also clearly stated that trees are life for humans and Earth. Save Earth by planting trees.
South and West Trees Plantation in a Home
Is there any solution for this Vastu and Trees problem?. Yes, there is a key explanation and solution for this someone created complication. In this image the house provided with a spacious area in the North and East directions and in the same way the home outfitted with a relevant spacious area to plant trees in the South and West directions. We respected the rue of constructing home only at Southwest quadrant and provided an area for trees plantation at South, West and Southwest directions.
With this thought, residents can plant trees and Vastu wise also this property has a spacious open area at North and East than South and West directions.
One should not forget a note that "Trees are the hidden attraction for heavenly elements". With this small technique, the East and North got more open space than the West and South directions. Now it was clear that South and West direction open space was occupied by trees and North and East has more open space, so the argument point gets solved.
3D Image of South and West Trees Plantation
This is a 3D image that the trees covered almost South and West directions, except North, East, and Northeast corner. One may plant trees at entire home premises except for the Northeast corner. Further, if trees planted at the Northeast corner, don't cut them, if anyone delivered a dialogue that the Northeast tree may harm, then just dig one water sump at Northeast corner, it will balance the negative effect if there is any. Frankly speaking, trees do not have any negative impact.
South and West Covering With Trees
Another view of the home with trees planted at Southwest, South and West directions. Make sure that left the Northeast corner without planting heavy trees. Don't trust the sentence that "trees shadow should not touch the house". You can cover the house with full of trees, and leave some small portion at Northeast direction, this is enough to minimize the bad effects if there is any that one may find.
Is It Compulsory to Cut the Northeast Trees
NO, not at all. Just plant trees at South and West directions including Southwest, this is more than enough to save the Northeast trees.
Some residents raise questions like "as per the Vastu, Tree should not be planted near the northeast corner, do we cut down them, what are best suitable suggestions in this regard" for them the answer is if we are cutting down all the trees in the name of Vastu, who will save our planet.
If there is a tree at the Northeast corner, then plant trees at the Southwest corner, it will balance the bad effect, if there is any. If residents are so serious on this Northeast corner tree then just cut the branches instead of cutting the entire tree.
Again we are expressing our views that planting heavy number of trees turns home peaceful, happy living, multiplying the positivity, life security feeling, etc.
Planting Trees at South Direction
Planting heavy trees at South and West directions is a wise thought. Such home residents experience additional benefits, like financially sound, improved health, ultimate peace, and standard life, etc. In this image, the complete South direction is filled with trees, likewise, plant heavy trees in the West direction too. It easier for residents with some qualities like secure life, good health, financially sound, confidence, losing enemies' power, etc.
Treat the trees and plants like your children, they save residents. In Sanskrit, there is a word on trees "Vrukshadevatha". If you have any query on trees vastu kindly Contact Us, we will surely reply you.
Any of your friends or relatives have big/heavy ( number of) trees, please inform them regarding this link, if they planned to cut trees in the name of Vastu, suggest them not to cut the trees.
If the land is cool then good Vastu work immediately. If the land is hot then bad vastu will starts working.
Love trees, it's nothing but loving God. God bless our planet.
Without consulting any Vastu expert residents can plant trees at Southwest, South, West, Southeast and Northwest directions..
"G" Type Trees Plantation at Home
The green mark with text "Trees" shown in this image, residents can plant trees in this entire green marked area (shown just like "G") for the plantation. No problem if inhabitants planted huge trees in this area marked with green color. The remaining North, East, and Northeast directions don't plant heavy trees. Mini shrubs are suitable at North and East directions. The grass is specifically suitable in Northeast direction. Good idea is have one word with Vastu Consultant before planting trees.
Tree in Front of North Facing House Vastu
Broadly says a tree may not provide auspicious results if it is exactly in front of main door that to particularly towards North and East direction homes. Here you may observe a tree is exactly in front of the main entrance door, commonly says this could not be good, if a tree is like this way at any home, its better to change the door from exact North direction to Northeast direction, requesting don't chop the tree.
North direction tree is not at all bad, further, you may plan to plant another tree towards Northwest, this is good idea to have more exceptional results. One or more trees towards Northwest may not damage your results. Try to plant more trees at your home compound territory, more trees means more peace and happiness.
We clearly observed some homes which have very bigger trees towards the Northeast also bring luck to them. One home which has worthy Northeast has complete trees towards Northwest, North, and Northeast also. They are enjoying their lives there, they never thought to cut down the trees there.
Their home is in Mysore, Karnataka, while they got a number of recommendations to cut off trees, we said don't cut them, further we suggest them plant some more trees if they have the interest to plant. They never complained about their professional development and other activities.
Tree in Front of East Facing House Vastu
Planting tree exactly opposite to the main entrance door for east homes. But in some countries like in USA, this system of planting trees in front of the main entrance door is mandatory. If there is no rule in your respected area, then don't plant a tree in front of East facing door. The simple remedy is continue this trees plantation towards Southeast. Should not plant trees towards Northeast. Always NE should be kept free, open.
Can We Plant Tree Exactly Opposite To The South Facing Main Entrance Door?
This is South facing house. Observe the tree planted exactly opposite to the main entrance door which is towards South. We found several homes which the residents never complaint on trees. Please carry on if you have the tree exactly opposite to the main entrance.
Planting Tree Exactly Opposite to West Facing Main Entrance Door is Good?
Now we are discussing about West facing entrance home, which has a tree exactly opposite to the home entrance. Is this west tree is bad. Not at all. Please continue if you have a tree opposite to entrance. Don't cut this tree in the name of Vastu.
Trees in front of the Inclined houses:
Tree exactly opposite to the Southwest entrance door is not at all menace.
Tree towards exactly opposite to the Southeast entrance door is not given any trouble to the residents.
If there is a tree exactly opposite to the Northwest entrance door, which is also not harming the residents.
Only "one single" tree exactly opposite to the Northeast main entrance door may harm, that too slightly, the remedy is simply cut the branches, don't make it grow too much thick and height.
Please note that in our observations, trees which were planted in the entire home including Northeast does not trouble the residents.
There are many equations in this section. Soon we will publish all such equations one after another.
Directions wise we will discuss on planting the trees.
Please note that trees is different and shrubs are different and plants are different.
1. Best place for the biggest, huge, tallest, very big trees are suitably fit at Southwest direction areas.
2. The same above very big trees are perfectly suitable to plant at West direction.
3. Very big trees are excellent to plant at South direction.
4. Trees/plants can be planted conveniently in Northwest direction areas.
5. Plants/trees are planned to plant at Southeast direction area.
6. Plants are suitable to plant at Southeast-east location.
7. Plants are good to plant at Northeast-north direction area.
8. Plants/Grass is recommended at North direction.
9. Green carpet grass/plants are suitable at East direction.
10. Grassi's perfectly fits at Northeast direction areas.
11. Tree Well construction towards Southwest is excellent and the same may be good at South, West. Medium at Southeast and Northwest direction areas.
Topiary shrubs are best suitable towards Northwest to North and Southeast to East directions. If you have any unused timber, it may be best suitable to keep them at Southwest corner, but save them from direct sun heat and rains. Bushes are also good to have only at Northwest to North and Southeast to East.
Tara From Bangalore is asking this question: - My plot is east facing. So, can we have a garden in the South-east portion and also can we grow chikoo, custard apple, guava trees in that direction?
Yes, you may grow them. Try to plant heavy trees towards Southwest and South if there is no sufficient place then you may plant at Southeast too.
We, SubhaVaastu website requesting all Governments to pass a rule to planting trees is mandatory otherwise permissions should not be processed.
To save our planet/environment tree plantation is the only way to protect.
Further, we requesting all Governments please pass a rule if anyone trying to cut the trees in the name of vastu, please punish them with severe fines or imprisonment or with both.
SubhVastu website requesting all countries Governments and Officers please pass a rule that if any person wants to construct a house, he must plant atleast two trees at his house or outside of his home.
He must show the space or provide space for plants and without trees don't allow them for construction. We Hope everyone knows about a rule in USA, any builder or promoter requires obtaining permission for community layout for homes construction they should sign on a conditional agreement that they will plant trees in front of the main home. How good is this rule. Thanks to USA government policy.
We planned to develop this link with latest developments in our planet, this link may inform which tree is better to which land, etc information and how to protect trees, tree types, route causes damage to the home or house bedrock or foundation, etc. Nature/Trees lovers are requested to write an email to us with good information on trees. If any of your friends are tree lovers, kindly inform this website link to them, they may guide us for more content to be published here. You may click this SubhaVaastu Contact Details for more suggestions on the plantation on our earth. Help our environment by planting trees.
"From the day we are after killing non-speaking animals and plants - our every morning is welcome with a fresh and miserable new problem. The day we love trees, the world would be a paradise.". You may write your experiences on Trees plantation and you are welcome to send photos and videos on trees, we are ready to publish all of your stuff here. Observe below some images, how impressed these homes with trees. Plant trees at homes.
"Dear readers, you may please check the people how they are accepting the humans' mistakes openly. This is highly appreciated. Come and share your thoughts and mistakes of our neighborhoods, Governments, society, our friends, relatives, ourselves. Should not cut the trees in whatever the reason it has. We should protect trees, which means, we are protecting the globe/nature. This globe is not ours' this is our newborn next generations, save nature for them, otherwise, present generations will be always blamed by newborns. The people in Europe try to shift the responsibility to the GOD, Vastu, Jyotish.
They do not want to take their own responsibility, fear of responsibility. But we believe also, that we need to research all aspects of the upcoming before the affair started using ancient sciences as instruments and helpers. After this year's trip to India, we realized that we need to believe and trust more to internal God, who is always with us :), and do not search for an external manifestation of God, not run/follow for the false manifestation of God. We need to trust more of ourselves. You said: Don't cut the trees in the name of Vastu. Here people are ready to cut all trees to open space in the name of "money and spirituality" if you allow me, I will publish some of your conclusions on my page in Facebook time to time for the people - Alexey - Jurmala - Latvia."
Sir, I wanted to plant a Parijath or Sampangi tree. Mine is a northeast corner plot. Can you please suggest the location to plant these trees or any other similar flowering plants? - Thanks. Padma.
Generally, trees should be best located in Southwest, South and West directions of a home. Due to lack of space nowadays there is spacious land to plant trees. If anybody has a good area to plant trees then first try to plant trees at Southwest, West and South directions. If there is no such option then try to plant at Southeast or Northwest. So you may best to plant trees in this way. If there is already trees towards Southeast and Northwest then you may double-check and plant trees at North or East. Generally, we never suggest planting trees at East or North, further in continuation of this statement, if already trees existed at Southeast or Northwest then you may plant trees at North or East if you feel that planting trees in the land is too required. Finally, don't plant trees in the Northeast. If you need more information on this Northeast trees planting then you are requested to please read our article at the top of this link. Thank You.
Some Interesting Points:
Always plant large and heavy trees (Neem, Mango, Coconut, Banyan, Coralwood Tree, Deodar, Sacred Fig, Chinar, Mast Tree, Sal, Fish-tail Palm, Bilimbi, Sandal Wood, White teak, Iron Wood, Alder, Indian Laburnum, Bhilvpathra / Bilva / Bilwa / Bel / Kuvalam / Koovalam, Wild Date Palm, Indian Rose Wood, Teak / Indian Oak, Umbrella or Portia Tree, Mohwa, Indian gooseberry, Palmyra Palm, Rhododendron, Shailendra Tree, Gulmohar, Khejri, Jujube Tree, Indian Cork Tree, Golden Champa, Cashew, White Sandalwood or East Indian Sandalwood, Beleric myrobalan, Jammi, Agar, Indian Almond, Ashoka, Rain Tree, Papaya, Indian Beech, Java Plum, Bhallatak, Arjun, Flamboyant, Breadfruit, Bael fruit tree, Burans, Jacaranda, Jackfruit tree, Alstonia, Blue Jacaranda, Baobab, Andaman Padauk) towards Southwest, South and West directions.
If there is no possibility of planting trees towards Southwest, West and South direction then residents may plant trees at Southeast and Northwest too.
The grass is always best towards North, Northeast and East directions.
Creepers also can be used to plant in the home.
Crotons which are in the pots are best suited to place anywhere in the home except Northeast.
Encourage people to plant trees in their home, factories, near to commercial complexes, schools, colleges, universities, gated communities.
Trees require only some water, later they are giving many to the humans that everybody knows well.
Giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in California's Sequoia National Park is the largest tree in the world. It is called as General Sherman, the tree is about 52,500 cubic feet (1,487 cubic meters) in volume.
A wild fig tree growing in South Africa area named as Echo Caves near Ohrigstad has roots going (400.0 ft) 121.92 meter deep, world's deepest route tree.
Message: Was very worried about planting 3/4/5 mango trees in premises offered by govt. Because 12 years of service remains. 5 years tree will give some fruits. which I should distribute among all colony children. But other Vastushashri knowledge not permitting. You have opened my eyes. I will plant mangoes - Nimbarao - JALGAON (MAHARASHTRA)
House Owner Changed Their House Plan To Save Tree
One should appreciate the care taken for saving the tree yet having good architectural feature. However, one should note that a building very close to a robust tree is not a good idea, because its roots may go through the foundation wall of the building and cause damage. This is the reason why vastu scholars say that the shadow of a robust tree should not fall on the walls of the building.
Can we Plant neem tree in house as per vastu
If there is sufficient space, residents can plant neem trees in their homes. Please maintain some gap in between this Neem tree and boundary walls. This neem tree should not be very near to the house walls. Other than, these simple conditions, one can happily plant neem trees in their boundary premises. We come across a lot of homes which have neem trees. No one complained so far.
Can We Plant Pomegranate Tree as Per Vastu
Trees are really loving creatures by God. Once we have many trees in the home, they start creating positivity in the entire home. Just 3 months back, we observed several Pomegranate trees in one MNC group chairman home. They are very happy. They never cut the pomegranate tree in the name of Vastu. They enquired with us about this Pomegranate tree whether they should continue or need to cut, we said please continue planting pomegranate trees in their home.
Can we plant Lemon tree in house vastu:
Definitely, the resident's plant as much as possible lemon trees in their home, the only important factor is there should be ample space required to plant the trees.
Guava Tree In Home Vastu
Some residents has doubt that Guava trees is not good to plan in their home as per vastu. No issues at all. We have seen many guava trees in a number of homes. They are all happy. Don't get tension by seeing some notes on books.
Can We Plant Palm Tree In House
We do not guarantee how this Palm tree is giving good or bad results. But we have seen many homes having palm trees in several countries, they are happy indeed. But we never assure whether these palm trees are giving good results of bad results in India. Because we did not come across palm trees in Indian properties. But palm trees are growing in many airports in India, but we did not get in touch with homes that have palm trees. Let us know, if you have any experience, we will definitely publish the info with your name.
Question from Krishnachari - Bangalore
Dear Sir, greetings - Our plot is t/w East facing with dimension 34*42.5 = 1445 Sqft. South to North-34 and East to West- 42.5. In this plot we have two coconut trees placed one in the Southeast and another one in Northwest. Both the trees are 10 ft distance from the boundary lines. Please let us know if we can remove these trees or can we just remove one of them at least?. Appreciate your prompt response, thanks.
Dear Krishnachari, both trees at in right place. Don't cut them. If you have any option, then please plant more trees at Southwest too. Good luck.
Can We Plant Paras Pipal Tree at Home
Respected Sir,I wish to know can we plant paras pipal tree at home - Shweta - Bhopal
Generally some people won't accept to have Pipal tree at our home. But in our observation, we did not find any trouble if the Pipal tree is planted at home. Please note that if the home is very bigger then residents can plant Pipal tree, otherwise NO. Because, this routes may cause damage to the home foundation. If the residence has very bigger open yard, then plan to plant Pipal tree. Good location to plant Pipal tree is Southwest or South or West. Avoid planting Pital tree at Northeast or East or North directions.
Where to Plant Banana Trees According to Vastu?
Banana tree does not come under the huge tree (Mahavriksham), it is nothing but a tree and many places it is also called as "plantains". Banana trees can be planted at any place except the Northeast corner. Can also plant in North and east directions, but be sure that there should be trees at Southwest, South, and West directions. Otherwise, avoid planting banana trees in the North and East directions.
Where to Plant Coconut Trees According to Vastu?
Coconut trees are best suitable at Southwest, South and West directions. Can also plant at Southeast and Northwest too. Avoid planting coconut trees at Northeast corner, North and East directions.
Large Trees Plantation at South and West Directions
Idea. Plant several ficus tree hedge all along West and South walls. This tree grows two meters every year and grows up to 25 meters total height. This can make a large tall hedge at both South and West directions.
Keeping Vera And Arka Plants In The Home Considered To Be Good
Rajan Thomas: I have one doubt regarding vastu, I heard that Aloe vera plant ( Kalabanda), Arka (white Jilledu) is very good for the house in a lot of articles. Some of them saying that if you have aloe vera in the home it will be equal to 33 crore gods will be in the home. How it is possible, some people should not allow thorny plants, plants in the home, they will be inauspicious. Aloe vera is the thorny plant, Jilledu is milk giving one. Can you clarify it?
Can anyone provide the answer to this question?. Please contact us to send your answers, click this Contact SubhaVaastu Details page. Thanks in advance.
Name of Trees In English and Telugu
- Trees English Name Telugu Name
- Banyan tree మర్రి చెట్టు
- Berry tree రేగు చెట్టు
- Blueberry tree నేరేడు చెట్టు
- Cashew Nut జీడిపప్పు చెట్టు
- Casuarinas సరుగుడు చెట్టు
- Coconut tree కొబ్బరి చెట్టు
- Cotton tree పత్తి చెట్టు
- Drumstick Tree ములగ చెట్టు
- Jackfruit tree పనస చెట్టు
- Lemon tree నిమ్న చెట్టు
- Mango tree మామిడి చెట్టు
- Neem Tree వేప చెట్టు
- Palm tree తాటి చెట్టు
- Pipal tree రావి చెట్టు
- Plantain tree అరటి చెట్టు
- Plum tree రేగు చెట్టు
- Pomegranate tree దానిమ్మ పండు చెట్టు
- Sandal tree గంధం చెట్టు
- Tamarind tree చింతచెట్టు
- Teak wood tree టేకు కలప చెట్టు
Which Tree you are falling down
Vastu Shastra Questions
- Is this Vastu works in USA?
- How to check vastu of your house?
- What is House Vastu, how it works?
- How to construct a house as per vastu?
- What are best guidelines for site selection?
- Where to keep money plant in house vastu?
- Where can I get total free house vastu plans?
- How to avoid fighting at home according to vastu?
- Is Southeast Street focus property is good to buy or not?
Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents
Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
Delayed Marriages
Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".
Vastu Questions
A comprehensive range of Vastu queries have been addressed here.100 Vastu Questions & Answers
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Who are eligible for Free Vastu Services, check this page.
Inspirational Quotations
"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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I wish to thank you for your suggestion regarding the tree removal.We are now at mental peace that we do not have to carry out any tree removal operations. your prompt reply is very much appreciated.Kin dly inform me when you visit chennai.
We have a neem tree at north east corner.