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Vastu Consultant in Visakhapatnam | Amaravathi | Vijayawada | Andhra Pradesh
Vastu Consultant Services in Andhra Pradesh | Amaravathi: Andhra Pradesh is a state in India out of 29 states, located in Southern part of India. Hyderabad is the shared capital of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh for 10 years and the de facto capital is Vijayawada for Andhra Pradesh, as it was decided by UPA Government.
Andhra Pradesh state has 10 years' rights by doing their administration from Hyderabad, but the Government of Andhra Pradesh decided to form a new city. After observing many locations and discussions, Amaravathi village has been coming into the picture and finalized as the capital city of AP and its side by River Krishna. CRDA office is at Thullur Village. From Amaravathi Temple to AP Secretariat is at about nearly 26 KM distance.
Andhra Pradesh is a purely Telugu language speaking state and has a total 23 districts. Unfortunately, this state was bifurcated in the year 2014. 10 districts went to Telangana and the remaining 13 districts with Andhra Pradesh State. New Andhra Pradesh state capital city named as "Amaravathi" on 01st April 2015.
Amaravathi city has Lord Shiva temple and called as Amareswara Swamy Devasthanam, some say it as Amareswaram. Amareswara Swamy temple of Amaravathi is one of the famous Pancharamas temples. Pancha means five, 5 temple towns called Pancharamas, it was formerly said to be known as Andhra Nagari. The famous and well noted Krishna river is passing through this place.
The government of Andhra Pradesh decided to propose a new metropolitan city near to Thullur Village which was almost in between Guntur and Vijayawada cities. Later the idea of City place was moved to Amaravathi and is said to be the most well-organized planning city which the new city plan was organized by Singapore country. (Which we got information when we published this webpage)
Coming with Vastu Shastra, AP is said to be the birthplace of latest Vastu researches. Many vastu experts in AP invented the latest Vaastu principles and served society. We appreciate all vaasthu pandits in AP for their hard work in finding the new inventions.
This Vastu Pandit link has elaborated information, particularly on consultants. One of our known vastu expert in Visakhapatnam always requesting us to publish the consultants' qualities on our website. Most of the NRI's wish to make their homes with Vasthu principles which are in AP and they are always looking for the Best vastu consultant in AP. We appreciate this new trend.
Further NRI's never compromised on Vastu Expert in AP payments. They are looking for only experts. Now they are educated on this Vasthu system and looking only for expert vastu pandits in AP. They never reach to quacks who constantly blaming other Vastu masters and wish to gain. Generally, NRI's never go for cheap payment Vastu consultants. They know how their work will be.
We thought these below links may be useful for your further reference, these are the directional links information:
తెలుగు వారందరికీ శుభాకాంక్షలు. శుభవాస్తు.కామ్ వెబ్ సైట్ ను సందర్శించినందుకు మీకు ధన్యవాదాలు.
ఈ భూమి మీద అనర్గళంగా మాట్లాడగలిగే ఒక మహాద్భుతమైన తెలుగు భాష ప్రియులకు సుస్వాగతం. మీకు తెలుసు కదా తెలుగు భాషలో వాస్తు శాస్త్రం గురించి విపులంగా వివరించబడిన మన శుభవాస్తు డాట్ కామ్ వెబ్సైటు, మరచిపోకుండా మీ అనుకూలంబట్టి సందర్శించండి.
మీకు తెలుగు భాష చదవడానికి వచ్చినట్లయితే తప్పకుండా తెలుగు భాషలో తూర్పు దిశ గురించి వివరంగా తెలియజేసిన ఈ లింకును సందర్శించండి
మొట్టమొదటిగా తెలుగు భాషలో తయారైన గృహ వాస్తు గురించి సంపూర్ణ వివరణాత్మకమైన విశ్లేషణతో కూడిన మన వెబ్సైటు మరచిపోకుండా సందర్శించండి
పూర్వకాలం అనగా రాజులు కాలం నుంచే వాస్తుశాస్త్రము బాగా వాడుకలో ఉన్నది అయితే అప్పట్లో ఇప్పుడున్నంత సమాచార విప్లవం లేదు. కేవలం రాజులు, చక్రవర్తులు, ధనవంతులకు మాత్రమే సమాచారం అందే అవకాశం ఎక్కువగా ఉన్నందువల్ల వారు మాత్రమే వాస్తు శాస్త్రం గురించి తెలుసుకొని పాటించడం జరిగింది
మిగిలిన సాధారణ గృహస్తులకు సమాచారము సరిగా అందకపోవడం వల్ల వారు వాస్తుశాస్త్రము ను పాటించడానికి అవకాశం ఉండేది కాదు అయితే కాలగర్భంలో ఎన్నో మార్పులు సంభవించి రాజులు రాజ్యాలు పతనమయ్యాయి రాచరిక వ్యవస్థ నాశనం అయింది ప్రజా పరిపాలన రావటం, మరియు దీనివల్ల ప్రతి ఒక్కరికి స్వాతంత్రము లభించినట్లయింది.
స్వాతంత్రం రావడం వల్ల ప్రజలకు తమ అభివృద్ధి మరియు సమాజ అభివృద్ధి చేయడానికి చాలా చక్కటి అవకాశాలు ఏర్పడ్డాయి , ఇది ఒక కారణము మరియు సమాచార విప్లవం కూడా ఒక కారణమని కూడా చెప్పవచ్చును . ఎప్పుడైతే సమాచారము అద్భుతంగా అభివృద్ధికి వచ్చింధో అప్పటి నుండి ఎన్నో విషయాలతో పాటుగా వాస్తు శాస్త్రము కూడా వెలగటం ప్రారంభమైయింది.
ఈ సాంకేతిక సమాచార విప్లవం వల్ల ప్రపంచంలో ఎన్నో మార్పులు సంభవించాయి. 1993వ సంవత్సరంలో మొదటిగా Atlanta City నుండి ఒక డాక్టర్ గారు పిల్లలకు హాలిడేస్ రావటం, వారు ఇండియాకు వచ్చినప్పుడు అమెరికాలో గృహ నిర్మాణం కోసం మమ్మల్ని సంప్రదించడం జరిగింది. మేము వద్దంటున్నా వినకుండా వెళుతూ వెళుతూ ఎంతో ఆనందంగా మాకు కొన్ని అమెరికన్ డాలర్లను ఇచ్చి వెళ్లారు ఆ రోజుల్లో ఇది ఒక గొప్ప విషయం.
ఇది జరిగిన తర్వాత మాకు తెలిసిన వారందరికీ అమెరికా నుంచి మాకు వాస్తు చూపించుకోవడం కోసం ఇతరులు సంప్రదించారు అని చెప్పడం, ఆనందంతో పొంగిపోవటం జరిగింది. ఆ తర్వాత, డాక్టర్ గారి ద్వారా మాకు చాలా ఎక్కువ శాతం అమెరికా కన్సల్టెన్సీ నే వచ్చేది, మరియు, మెల్లగా అమెరికా కన్సల్టెన్సీ కే స్థిరపడి పోయాము. ఎంతోమంది అమెరికా లోని మన భారతీయులు అడగటంతో, 2003 వ సంవత్సరములో ఈ వెబ్సైట్ ను స్థాపించటం జరిగింది.
ఈ దినాలలో లాగా ఆ దినాలలో కమ్యూనికేషన్ అంటూ ఏమి సరిగా ఉండేది కాదు సమాచారాన్ని చేరవేయడం కోసం ఎన్నో తిప్పలు పడేవారము.
1994వ సంవత్సరంలో మాకు మొదటిగా ల్యాండ్ ఫోను వచ్చినది. ఆ తర్వాత 1999 లో మొబైల్ ఫోన్ వచ్చింది. అప్పట్లో ఎవరైనా కాల్ చేస్తే రిసీవ్ చేసుకోవడానికి భయపడేవారము. ఎందుకంటే ఒక్క నిమిషానికి 10 రూపాయల ప్రకారం డబ్బులు కట్టవలసి వచ్చేది మేము కాల్ చేయాలంటే 12 రూపాయల ప్రకారం కట్టాల్సి వచ్చేది పైగా ఎస్ టి డి బిల్లు మరియు ఇతర టాక్స్ లు కలిపి బోలెడంత అయ్యేది. ఇటుక రాయి అంత సైజు మొబైల్ ఉండేవి. నెల తర్వాత వచ్చే బిల్లులు చూస్తే గుండె ఆగినంత పని అయ్యేది. మొదట్లో తీసుకున్న ఫోన్ నెంబర్ నే నేటికీ వాడుతున్నాము.
విదేశాలలో వున్న మన భారతీయులు, ముఖ్యముగా మన తెలుగు వారు ఈ వెబ్సైటు అభివృద్ధి కోసం ఎన్నో విధాలుగా తాపత్రయ పడ్డారు. ఏంతోమంది ఎన్నో రకాలుగా సహాయ సహకారములు అందించారు. పేరు పేరునా ప్రతి ఒక్కరికి ధన్యవాదములు తెలుపుకుంటున్నాము. ఇక వాస్తు విషయానికి వస్తే:
ఇది తూర్పు ముఖ ద్వార గృహము. అందరూ అనుకున్నట్టుగా ప్రతి ఒక్క తూర్పు గృహం అద్భుతమైన ఫలితాలను ఇవ్వదు. ఇంటికి పెట్టుకునే తలుపులు మరియు కాంపౌండ్ వాల్ యొక్క గేట్లు ఫలితాలను ఇచ్చే విషయంలో ప్రముఖ స్థానాన్ని ఆక్రమిస్తాయి. తూర్పు గృహం అనుకున్నంత మాత్రాన వెంటనే కొనడం మంచిది కాదు. అనుభవజ్ఞుడైన ఒక వాస్తు సిద్ధాంతి కి ఆ గృహము చూపించి తర్వాత నిర్ణయాన్ని తీసుకోవాలి. ఈ చిత్రంలో, కాంపౌండ్ గేట్లు మారడం మీరు గమనించవచ్చు. తూర్పు ఆగ్నేయం గేటు ఉంటే మంచిది కాదు. తూర్పు గేటు మంచి ఫలితాన్ని ఇస్తుంది. తూర్పు ఈశాన్యం గేటు చాలా మంచి ఫలితాలను గృహస్తులకు అందిస్తుంది. తూర్పు గృహము కు సంబంధించిన ఇతర సవివరమైన విషయాల కోసం East facing house vastu లింకు ను నొక్కండి.
ఇది పశ్చిమ ముఖ ద్వార గృహము. అందరూ అనుకున్నట్టుగా ప్రతి ఒక్క పశ్చిమ గృహం చేదు మరియు చెడు ఫలితాలను ఇవ్వదు. పశ్చిమ ముఖ ద్వార గృహము అనుకున్నంత మాత్రాన బెదరవలసిన అవసరం ఏమీ లేదు. బాగా వాస్తు తేలిసిన వ్యక్తి చే గృహమును చూపించుకుంటే భవిష్యత్తులో ఏ సమస్యలూ రావు. ఈ చిత్రమును చాలా జాగ్రత్తగా గమనించండి. పశ్చిమ గృహము వాస్తు కు ఎంత బాగా వున్ననూ, ఈ చిత్రములో కనిపించినట్లుగా ఇంటికి వెనుక భాగములో ఇలాగా రాళ్లు, మరియు రప్పలు వేసినట్లయితే, ఫలితాల విషయంలో భాధ పడవలసి వస్తుంది. పశ్చిమ గృహము కు సంబంధించిన ఇతర విషయాల కోసం West facing house vastu లింకు ను నొక్కండి.
సాధారణంగా గృహస్తులు తూర్పు ముఖద్వారం లేదా ఉత్తర ముఖ ద్వారం గృహములకై విపరీతమైన ఆసక్తి కనబరుస్తారు. వెనకా ముందూ చూడకుండా వెంటనే కొనేస్తారు. ఇది సరైన విధానం కాదు. దయచేసి ఈ చిత్రమును గమనించండి, ఇందులో ఉత్తర ముఖ ద్వార గృహమును చూడగలరు. ఈ గృహమునకు తూర్పు ఆగ్నేయం పెరిగినది దీనివల్ల గృహస్తులకు ఊహించిన సత్ఫలితాలు రావు. పైగా ఎన్నో సమస్యలను ఎదుర్కోవలసి వస్తోంది. ఒకటి లేదా రెండు విషయాలు తెలిసినంత మాత్రమే, ఆతృత పడటం మంచిది కాదు ఈ విషయాన్ని ఎవరూ మరచిపోకూడదు. గృహము అనగా మన మరియు, మన పిల్లల భవిష్యత్తు. ఈ విషయాన్ని దృష్టిలో ఉంచుకొని వాస్తు బాగా తెలిసిన వారి చేత తగిన సలహాలు తీసుకోగలరు. మిగిలిన ఉత్తర దిక్కు విషయములకై ఈ North Facing House Vastu లింకు ను నొక్కండి.
దక్షిణ ముఖ ద్వార గృహములంటే చాలా మంది గృహస్తులు కొనడానికి ముందుకు రారు. అయితే మేము అమెరికా దేశంలో దాదాపుగా ఇప్పటికి ఎన్నో దక్షిణ ముఖ ద్వార గృహం లను మన వారిచే కొనిపించడం జరిగింది. ఇంతవరకు ఒక్కరు కూడా తాము కొన్న గృహంలో సమస్యలు వస్తున్నాయని పితూరీలు చేయడం లేదు. పైగా ఎంతో మంది మన వారిని మా దగ్గరకు వాస్తు సలహాల కోసమే పంపిస్తున్నారు. మంచి ఫలితాలు బాగా రాకపోతే ఎవ్వరు కూడా ఇతర గృహస్థులను మా దగ్గరకు సలహా కోసం పంపరు కదా. మిగిలిన దక్షిణ దిక్కు విషయములకై ఈ South facing house vastu లింకు ను నొక్కండి.
4 దిక్కులు మరియు 4 మూలలు అనే విషయం మీకు తెలుసు కదా, ఈ మూలలనే విదిక్కులని లేదా దిక్మూఢమని రక రకాలుగా పిలుస్తారు. ఈ క్రింద ఇలాంటి విదిక్కుల విషయాల గురించి తెలుసుకుందాము:
As we know Northeast is one of the most favorable direction in vastu, now read this Northeast facing house vastu link, thereafter you can understand how big this science is. It's true, this is a very big subject which we cannot understand everything within days.
Can anybody dare to buy these Southeast facing house vastu, but we recommended some homes, they did not complain, we take care of the selection of houses. Anyway, it takes time to evaluate SE homes.
Just by hearing of such work Southwest facing house vastu, most of the vastu gurus, first states that should not buy this kind of properties. What is the fact, what factors make this direction of such negative impact? Study the material in this SW link.
This is Northwest Facing House Vastu also one of the thoroughly check and decide direction. Only vastu experts can decide whether this house is good or bad.
Boundaries to Andhra Pradesh is Telangana state towards Northwest direction, Northeast is Odisha or Orissa, West direction is Karnataka state, South part lies with Tamilnadu. The east direction lies with the Bay of Bengal. Andhra Pradesh is the fourth largest state by area and the 5th largest state by population in India.
Vijayawada bears testimony to the existence of old age Buddhist and Hindu civilizations and historical monuments. Puttaparthi and Tirumala are two International holy religious hubs in the Southern area of the state. Tirumala is well known for Lord Venkateswara Swamy and Puttaparthi is for Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Vastu in Andhra Pradesh reaches peak levels which were beyond our expectations in India, one may easily observe how Andhra Pradesh become rich with the help of Vastu Consultancy services.
Always Vasthu researches were done in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and spread the entire country/world. One of the Best Vastu Consultant in Visakhapatnam wished to prepare a unique portal for all spiritual places information in Andhra Pradesh.
Unfortunately we missed him as he settled down in Australia and now he is taking rest in his retirement life, he is not doing any Vastu consultancy services now. At any point of time people likes to take rest from any of their profession, but researchers never do likes to take rest, they continue working for the people prosperity.
15 years back one Vastu Consultant in Tirupathi also tried to open Vastu Office in Tirupathi surroundings to serve to this Vasthu Science, his wish only to research on this subject, it was continuously postponed as he is busy in his other professions.
While it is so many were predicting about state capital formation location. In this course, one vastu consultant in Vijayawada told us the capital city formation is best to locate at Vinukonda area, as there are many hills and the capital city should by towards Northeast for these hills.
One known vastu consultant in Guntur thought Andhra Pradesh capital will be either Guntur or Vijayawada. In our common general discussion one, Vastu expert in Vijayawada challenged that AP new capital will be Vijayawada only.
No one guessed/expected Amaravathi will become the capital city of Andhra Pradesh. Anyway, we guessed that Government will plan the capital city should be at the center of the state. Finally what happens. What about Vastu consultant in Vizag predictions, what about vastu consultant in Vijayawada ideas, what about one Vastu Specialist in Visakhapatnam challenge with us that Visakhapatnam will be the new capital city of Andhra Pradesh, further, one vastu Siddhanthi in Vijayawada challenged on a stamp paper that Vinukonda location will be the AP capital. What happens finally.
We should learn one thing that development will always be in the surroundings of water/rivers/lakes. Where there is a river/water, there we can observe development. This is natural and nature power.
In the future, we can see the drastic changes in coastal areas and river sides, because of many transport facilities which were arranged through water, air, road transportation. No doubt Visakhapatnam is the biggest city in AP, whereas this could not be easily accessible to the Rayalaseema region including Nellore District too. Based on easy accessibility to all the districts in AP, the state capital should be located at the center, it will be the pivot point, this could justify all district citizens, this is what we expressed in our views. We have great respect on all Consultants and their opinions. They guess but the results will be decided by God.
While it is so the arguments are continuing in AP, one Vastu Consultant in Hyderabad tried his level best that Hyderabad should be capital city for both states. His idea is great, and we appreciate his efforts, but both states people or politicians were not happy or something unexpected happens and a new capital city was formed in AP, i.e., Amaravathi.
AP is also called as Rice Bowl as Andhra Pradesh is the largest producer of rice in India, and hence, it is nicknamed as The Rice Bowl of India. The state is India's eighth largest state by area of 1,60,205 km and 10th largest by population. This state has a vast coastal line.
The Government has to take appropriate actions to develop the coastal business, generally coastal areas has many facilities to transport goods from different countries. This may be an additional feature to Andhra Pradesh State.
After bifurcation of AP, we did not get the exact population information of AP. Andhra Pradesh state is famous for its delicious Andhra cuisine and tourist attractions and non-stop spiritual adobes.
What are the most important Spiritual Places in Andhra Pradesh?
Andhra Pradesh owned international spiritual hubs (Famous temples in Andhra Pradesh) like Tirupathi Balaji (Tirumala Tirupathi Devastanam), Srisaila Mallikarjuna Jyotirlingam, Maa Bramaramba Devasthanam, Vijayawada Kanakadurga Temple (Durga Malleswara Swamy Devasthanam), Sathya Saibaba Samadhi of Puttaparthi, Lord Shiva mandir temple at Mahanandhi, Kanipaka Ganapathi Temple at Chittoor District, Sri Raghavendra Swamy temple in Mantralayam Kurnool District, Lord Shiva or Mukteswara Swamy temple at Srimukhalingam, Sri Suryanarayana Swamy Temple at Arasavilli, ( this matter is from SubhaVaastu.com website) Sri Kanaka Mahalakshmi temple at Visakhapatnam, Lord Vishnu Temple at Srikurmam, and temples in Pitapuram, Buddist stupas at Salihundam near to Gara Mandal in Srikakulam district, one of the important port is Kalingapatnam a place for Dargha Shariff the tomb of religious people.
What are most important Tourist Attractions in Andhra Pradesh?
Visakhapatnam Beach, Rajahmundry (Rajamahendravaram),
The state of Andhra Pradesh forms a part of the famous Deccan plateau and has the second-longest coastline of 972 km in India. Two major rivers traversing this plateau section are the River Krishna and River Godavari, while running across the state, the two rivers create huge deltas prior to flowing into the Bay of Bengal, Konaseema is also very well known of amazing delta zone, its a famous for eye scenic beautiful greenery and a great culture of hospitality.
Andhra Pradesh is quite rich in minerals and captures the second position in India in terms of its mineral deposit resources. The important industries in Andhra Pradesh include Business Management, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Construction, and Real Estate.
The official language of the state is Telugu, some other languages which are often spoken in Andhra Pradesh are Tamil, Oriya, Marathi, Kannada, and Hindi. Telugu people are the main ethnic group in the state, they are primarily called as Dravidian in the olden days.
Key Points of Andhra Pradesh State
- Andhra Pradesh State Capital City: Amaravati
- Area 162,970 km2 (62,920 sq mi)
- Districts 13
- Population 49,386,799
- Literacy 67.41% (2011)
- Language Telugu
- Main Crops Rice, farmers also grow jowar, bajra, maize, minor millet, coarse grain, many varieties of pulses, oil seeds, sugarcane, cotton, chili pepper, mango nuts and tobacco
- State Bird Indian roller
- State Animal Blackbuck
- State Flower Blue-Water Lilly
- State Tree Neem
- Popular Rivers Krishna, Godavari, Penner
- Spiritual Places Srisailam, Tirumala and Tirupati, Kanipakam, Mahanandi, Mantralayam, Srikalahasti, Tirumala, Vijayawada, Ahobilam, Annavaram, Yaganti, Simhachalam (Very Near to Vizag city), Mangalagiri - Lakshmi Narasimha swamy Temple (in between Guntur and Vijayawada), Amareswara Swamy Temple - Amaravathi), Kadiri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple (Near Anantapur), Penna-Ahobilam, Anjaneyaswamy Temple - Kasapuram, Subramanyaswara Swamy temple - Pampanuru, Satya SaiBaba Puttaparthi, Lepakshi, Bugga Ramalingeswara Swamy Temple-Tadipatri, Samarlakota (Near Kakinada), Draksharamam (Near Kakinada), Antharvedi (Near Rajahmundry), Sri Someswara Temple - Bhimavaram (Near Rajahmundry)
- Important Cities Amaravati, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Guntur, Anantapur, Nellore, Rajamundry, Kurnool, Kakinada, Tirupati, Kadapa, Vizianagaram, Eluru, Ongole, Nandyal, Machilipatnam, Adoni, Tenali, Proddatur, Chittoor, Hindupur, Bhimavaram, Madanapalle, Guntakal, Srikakulam, Dharmavaram, Gudivada, Narasaraopet, Tadipatri, Tadepalligudem, Tanuku,
- Border States Telangana towards Northwest, Odisha in the Northeast, Karnataka towards west, Tamilnadu at South and towards East direction water body of Bay of Bengal. 30 ms small enclave of Yanam, (district of Puducherry), where it lies South of Kakinada district in the Godavari delta at East direction.
- Tourist Attractions TTD - Tirumala Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Tirupati is one of the world's most popular and important religious spiritual location, almost 2 crore devotees visiting per year. Kanaka Durga Temple in Vijayawada. Srikalahasteeswara Swamy Temple at Srikalahasti, Bramaramba Mallikarjuna Swamy Jyotirlinga Kshetram at Srisailam, Prasanthi Nilayam in Puttaparthi, Mahachaitya at Amaravathi, Ameen Peer Dargah in Kadapa. Some more natural attractions like Visakhapatnam Beaches, Araku Valley Hill Station, Horsley Hills, most greenery area of AP i.e., Konaseema island of Godavari Delta.
Andhra Pradesh Location

Andhra Pradesh Map

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List of Districts of Andhra Pradesh
The state has a total of 13 districts and with two regions Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra often referred as Seemandhra by the news media. The largest district is Anantapur and smallest is Srikakulam district. Rayalaseema comprises with four districts like Anantapur, Chittoor, Kurnool and YSR Kadapa or Cuddapah. Coastal Andhra comprises the 9 districts namely East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore District, Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, and Visakhapatnam. Observe the below AP map published with district names and their location.
- District
- Headquarters
- PinCode
- Anantapuramu
- Anantapuramu
- 515001
- Chittoor
- Chittoor
- 517001
- East Godavari
- Kakinada
- 533001
- Guntur
- Guntur
- 522002
- Kadapa
- Kadapa
- 516001
- Krishna
- Machilipatnam
- 521001
- Kurnool
- Kurnool
- 518001
- Nellore
- Nellore
- 524001
- Prakasam
- Ongole
- 523001
- Srikakulam
- Srikakulam
- 532001
- Visakhapatnam
- Visakhapatnam
- 530001
- Vijayanagaram
- Vijayanagaram
- 535002
- West Godavari
- Eluru
- 534001
Summary of all AP districts:
Anantapur District
Anantapur District is in Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh and it is the largest district in terms of geographical area in Andhra Pradesh State and seventh largest district in India. The district headquarters is located at Anantapur town/city. It has a semi-arid climate, with hot and dry conditions for most of the year. The District has been divided into three Revenue Divisions consisting of 63 Revenue Mandals (Anantapur Division 20, Dharmavaram Division 17 and Penukonda Division 26).
The list of 63 mandals in Anantapur district are:
- Agali
- Garladinne
- Madakasira
- Rayadurg
- Amadagur
- Gooty
- Mudigubba
- Roddam
- Amarapuram
- Gorantla
- Nallacheruvu
- Rolla
- Anantapur
- Gudibanda
- Nallamada
- Settur
- Atmakur
- Gummagatta
- Nambulapulakunta
- Singanamala
- Bathalapalle
- Guntakal
- Narpala
- Somandepalle
- Beluguppa
- Hindupur
- Obuladevaracheruvu
- Tadimarri
- Bommanahal
- Kadiri
- Pamidi
- Tadpatri
- Brahmasamudram
- Kalyandurg
- Parigi
- Talupula
- Bukkapatnam
- Kambadur
- Peddapappur
- Tanakal
- Bukkarayasamudram
- Kanaganapalle
- Peddavadugur
- Uravakonda
- Chenne Kothapalle
- Kanekal
- Penu Konda
- Vajrakarur
- Chilamathur
- Kothacheruvu
- Putlur
- Vidapanakal
- D.Hirehal
- Kudair
- Puttaparthi
- Yadiki
- Dharmavaram
- Kundurpi
- Ramagiri
- Yellanur
- Gandlapenta
- Lepakshi
- Raptadu
It is bounded on the North by Kurnool District, on the East by Kadapa District, on the Southeast by Chittoor District and on the Southwest and west by Karnataka state. Six rivers flow within the district: Penna, Chithravathi, Vedavathi, Papagni, Swarnamukhi, and Thadakaleru.
Chittoor District
Chittoor is a municipal corporation and district headquarters located in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. Chittoor city lies on the banks of Ponnai River at the Southernmost part of Andhra Pradesh state. It is located at the junction of national highway 4 and national highway 18 between Bangalore and Chennai. The famous Tirupati temple and Kanipaka Vinayaka Temple is located close to the city.
There are a total of 66 Mandals in Chittoor district are:
- B.Kothakota
- Kurabalakota
- Puttur
- Vedurukuppam
- Baireddipalle
- Madanapalle
- Ramachandrapuram
- Venkatagirikota
- Bangarupalem
- Mulakalacheruvu
- Ramakuppam
- Vijayapuram
- Buchinaidu khandriga
- Nagalapuram
- Ramasamudram
- Yadamari
- Chandragiri
- Nagari
- Renigunta
- Yerpedu
- Chinnagottigallu
- Narayanavanam
- Rompicherla
- Yerravaripalem
- Chittoor
- Nimmanapalle
- Santhipuram
- Chowdepalle
- Nindra
- Satyavedu
- Gangadhara nellore
- Pakala
- Sodam
- Gangavaram
- Palamaner
- Somala
- Gudipala
- Palasamudram
- Srikalahasti
- Gudupalle
- Peddamandyam
- Srirangarajapuram
- Gurramkonda
- Peddapanjani
- Thamballapalle
- Irala
- Peddathippasamudram
- Thavanampalle
- K.V.B. Puram
- Penumuru
- Thottambedu
- Kalakada
- Pileru
- Tirupati Rural
- Kalikiri
- Pitchatur
- Tirupati Urban
- Kambhamvaripalle
- Pulicherla
- Vadamalapeta
- Karvetinagar
- Punganur
- Varadaiahpalem
- Kuppam
- Puthalapattu
- Vayalpadu
It is bounded on the east by Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh and Trivuvallur and Vellore Districts of Tamil Nadu, on the west by Kolar and Chikkaballapur Districts of Karnataka, on the North Kadapa District of Andhra Pradesh and on the south by Dharmapuri District of Tamil Nadu.
East Godavari District
The East Godavari District is located in the North Coastal part of the state of Andhra Pradesh and district headquarters is at Kakinada. The District is known as rice bowl of Andhra Pradesh with lush paddy fields and coconut groves. It is also known as another Kerala.
The culture of East Godavari district is a rich traditional one in all parts of the district, and reflects the true culture of Andhra Pradesh. It is known for Veda-pandits, the Godavari River and the hospitality of the people. The Telugu language originated in this district (in Rajahmundry or Rajamahendri or Rajamahendravaram). East Godavari District has produced several stalwarts in area of culture, music, art and cinema.
The key industries that offer employment and source of livelihood to the people are fisheries, plywood unit, paper mill, sugar factory, sugar and bio fuel plants etc.
The district is divided into 6 revenue divisions and 60 revenue Mandals among which 58 are rural and 2 are urban.
- Amalapuram
- Jaggampeta
- Maredumilli
- Rangampeta
- Addateegala
- Kadiam
- Mummidivaram
- Ravulapalem
- Ainavilli
- Kajuluru
- Mamidikuduru
- Rayavaram
- Alamuru
- Kakinada (Rural)
- P.Gannavaram
- Razole
- Allavaram
- Kakinada (urban)
- Pamarru
- Routhulapudi
- Ambajipeta
- Kapileswarapuram
- Pedapudi
- Sakhinetipalli
- Anaparti
- Karapa
- Peddapuram
- Samalkota
- Atreyapuram
- Katrenikona
- Pithapuram
- Sankhavaram
- Biccavolu
- Kirlampudi
- Prathipadu
- Seethanagaram
- Devipatnam
- Korukonda
- Rajahmundry (Rural)
- Thallarevu
- Gandepalle
- Kotananduru
- Rajahmundry (Urban)
- Thondangi
- Gangavaram
- Kothapalle
- Rajanagaram
- Tuni
- Gokavaram
- Kothapeta
- Rajavommangi
- Uppalaguptam
- Gollaprolu
- Malikipuram
- Ramachandrapuram
- Y.Ramavaram
- I.Polavaram
- Mandapeta
- Rampachodavaram
- Yeleswaram
The district is bounded on North by Visakhapatnam District, Malkangiri District of Odisha on the Northwest by Khammam District, on the East and South by Bay of Bengal and West by West Godavari District.
Guntur District
Guntur is the third most populous city in Andhra Pradesh, located 40 miles (64 km) to the west of the Bay of Bengal it is third most populous city in Andhra Pradesh after Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada.
The city is also a center for business and commerce, industry and agriculture. The city is famous for its exports, including chilies, cotton and tobacco. The city is slated to be part of 'Twin Cities' combining the near by Vijayawada.
Towns and villages
Guntur mandal consists of Guntur Municipal Corporation and its Urban agglomerations.Gram Panchayats of ten surrounding villages viz., are merged with Guntur Municipal Corporation.
The remaining villages in the mandal are :
China Palakaluru
Kadapa District
Kadapa District (also referred to as YSR Kadapa District) formerly known as Cuddapah, is one of the 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh, India.
The city is surrounded on three sides by the Nallamala and Palakonda hills. The city is nick named Gadapa (which means 'Threshold') because it is the gateway from the West to the sacred hills of Tirumala, which is known for its connections to Lord Venkateswara Swamy.
There are a total of 51 Mandals in Kadapa district.
- Atlur
- Kalasapadu
- Porumamilla
- Veeraballi
- B.Kodur
- Kamalapuram
- Proddatur
- Veerapanayani Palle
- Badvel
- Khajipet
- Pulivendula
- Vempalle
- Brahmamgarimatham
- Koduru
- Pullampeta
- Vemula
- Chakrayapet
- Kondapuram
- Rajampet
- Vontimitta
- Chapadu
- Lakkireddipalle
- Rajupalem, Kadapa
- Yerragun
- Chennur
- Lingala
- Ramapuram
- Chinnamandem
- Muddanur
- Rayachoti
- Chinthakomma Dinne
- Mydukur
- Sambepalle
- Chitvel
- Mylavaram
- Sidhout
- Duvvur
- Nandalur
- Simhadripuram
- Galiveedu
- Obulavaripalle
- Sri Avadhuth Kasinayana
- Gopavaram
- Peddamudium
- T. Sundupalle
- Jammalamadugu
- Penagalur
- Thondur
- Kadapa
- Pendlimarri
- Vallur
Krishna District
Krishna district is a district in the Coastal Andhra region of Andhra Pradesh, India. Machilipatnam is the administrative headquarters and Vijayawada is the biggest city in the district (third in the state) and a commercial center. Matter is came from SubhaVaastu.com website.
Krishna is also home to Bandar Laddu, Bandar Halwa, Nuzvid mangoes, Chilakalapudi Bangaram (Imitation Jewellery or ornaments), Pedana Kalamkari (Block printed Cotton textiles) & Kondapalli Toys or Kondapalli Bommalu.
The list of 50 mandals in Krishna district are:
- A.Konduru
- Gudlavalleru
- Movva
- Penuganchiprolu
- Agiripalli
- Guduru
- Mudinepalli
- Reddigudem
- Avanigadda
- Ibrahimpatnam
- Musunuru
- Thotlavalluru
- Bantumilli
- Jaggaiahpet
- Mylavaram
- Tiruvuru
- Bapulapadu
- Kaikaluru
- Nagayalanka
- Unguturu
- Challapalli
- Kalidindi
- Nandigama
- Vatsavai
- Chandarlapadu
- Kanchikacherla
- Nandivada
- Veerullapadu
- Chatrai
- Kankipadu
- Nuzvid
- Vijayawada (rural)
- G.Konduru
- Koduru
- Pamarru
- Vijayawada (urban)
- Gampalagudem
- Kruthivennu
- Pamidimukkala
- Vissannapeta
- Gannavaram
- Machilipatnam
- Pedana
- Vuyyuru
- Ghantasala
- Mandavalli
- Pedaparupudi
- Gudivada
- Mopidevi
- Penamaluru
Krishna District gets its name from the holy river Krishna, the third largest river that flows in India. The river Krishna originates near Mahabaleswar (Maharastra) and joins the Bay of Bengal near Hamsaladevi Village in our district.
Kurnool District
Kurnool is a beautiful city located in Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The city is known to be the seventh most populated city of the state of AP. The name Kurnool derived from "Kandenavolu". The city known as Kandenapalli or the city of Kandena. Kandena is a Telugu word it means Grease. The city was also called as the city of Skanda or Kumaraswamy ( the chief God of Wars, son of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvathi )
Among well known Kurnool attraction are- Kondareddy Fort or Kondareddy Buruju, Ranamandala Hill, Nallamala forest, Mahanandhi temple, Jagannatha Hill, Nayanalappa, Alampur temple, Velgode Reservoir, Tartoor, Ahobilam Narasimha Swamy Temple and Kalava Buggha. All these places located in and nearby Kurnool are must-visit tourist attractions.
Kurnool lies on the banks of the Tungabhadra River. The Hundri and Neeva rivers also flow through the city. Kurnool is considered as the Gateway of Rayalaseema as one must pass through Kurnool to reach Kadapa or Chittor or Anantapur districts while travelling from Hyderabad.
Kurnool District comprises 3 revenue divisions, and 54 mandals in Kurnool District. The revenue divisions are Adoni, Nandyal and Kurnool.
- Adoni
- Holagunda
- Owk
- Allagadda
- Jupadu Bungalow
- Pagidyala
- Alur
- Kallur
- Pamulapadu
- Aspari
- Kodumuru
- Panyam
- Atmakur
- Koilkuntla
- Pattikonda
- Banaganapalle
- Kolimigundla
- Peapally
- Bandi Atmakur
- Kosigi
- Pedda Kadubur
- Bethamcherla
- Kothapalle
- Rudravaram
- C.Belagal
- Kowthalam
- Sanjamala
- Chagalamarri
- Krishnagiri
- Sirvel
- Chippagiri
- Kurnool
- Srisailam
- Devanakonda
- Maddikera (East)
- Tuggali
- Dhone (Dronachalam)
- Mahanandi
- Uyyalawada
- Dornipadu
- Mantralayam
- Veldurthi
- Gadivemula
- Miduthur
- Velgodu
- Gonegandla
- Nandavaram
- Yemmiganur
- Gospadu
- Nandikotkur
- Mayalur
- Gudur
- Nandyal
- Halaharvi
- Orvakal
Kurnool is surrounded by districts of Mahbubnagar/Mahaboobnagar/Palamuru district of Telangana to the North, Anantapur sitrict, Kadapa districts to South, Praksam district to East and Bellary of Karnataka to the West.
Nellore District
Nellore district (or Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore district), located in Coastal Andhra region, is one of the 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh. Nellore also known as Vikrama Simhapuri or Simhapuri.
Nellore is a city and municipal corporation in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Nellore is the forth most populous city in Andhra Pradesh and the administrative headquarters of Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore district.
The mandal is bounded by Sangam, Butchireddipalem, Indukurpet, Kovur, Podalakur, Thotapalligudur, Venkatachalam and Muthukur mandals.
Towns and villages:
- Akkacheruvupadu
- Kanuparthipadu
- Allipuram
- Mannavarappadu
- Amancherla
- Mattempadu
- Ambapuram
- Mogallapalem
- Buja Buja Nellore
- Mulumudi
- Chintareddipalem
- Ogurupadu
- Devarapalem
- Pedda Cherukur
- Donthali
- Penubarthi
- Golla Kandukur
- Pottepalem
- Gudipallipadu
- Sajjapuram
- Gundlapalem
- South Mopur
- Kakupalle-I
- Upputuru
- Kakupalle-II (Madaraja Gudur)
- Vellanti
- Kallurpalle
- Visavaviletipadu
- Kandamur
Prakasam District
Prakasam District is an administrative district in Coastal Andhra region of Andhra Pradesh and district headquarters is located at Ongole, the largest city in the district.
The Ongole district was formed on February 2, 1970. It was later renamed to Prakasam on May 2, 1972. The Prakasam district was formed with Markapur division from Kurnool, Ongole division from Guntur and Kandukuru division from Nellore. The district is named in memory of 'Andhra Kesari' Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu who was born in Ammanabrolu of this district. The only Municipal Corporation in Prakasam is Ongole.
Main Towns:
Singarayakonda, Addanki, Inkollu, Markapur, Yerragondapalem, Podili, Darsi, Donakonda, Chirala, Kandukur, Pamuru, Parchur, Giddaluru, Dornala, Cumbum, Kanigiri, Chimakurthy, Martur
Srikakulam was formerly called Gulshanabad (Garden city) during Muslim rule and was headquarters of Muslim fauzdars and it was renamed as Chicacole or Chiccole by British colonial rulers. After independence, it was renamed to Srikakulam District.
The Temple of Sun God is located at Arasavalli, 2 kilometers away from the town is the only Sun God temple in Southern India and was constructed by a Kalinga dynasty king. Mukhalingam: Sri Mukhalingam is another temple in Srikakulam which is believed to have been built in the 9th century. This holy place is on the left bank of Vamsadhara.
Important Towns in Srikakulam District:
Amudalavalasa, Battili, Gorlepeta, Ichchapuram, Palakonda, Palasa-Kasibugga, Pathapatnam, Rajam, Sompeta.
Vishakhapatnam District
Visakhapatnam District often called "The Jewel of the East Coast" is one of the North Eastern Coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh and it is primarily an industrial city, apart from being a port city. Its an Metropolis which is located at East coast. This city is also called as Vizag, some body calling it as Waltair. It is the administrative headquarters of Visakhapatnam District and is also home of the Eastern Naval Command of the Indian Navy.
Visakhapatnam is famous for its natural harbour, Ship building unit, Steel plant, Oil refineries, Dolphin's Nose Hills, and Ramakrishna beach. Rushikonda beach. It is industrial city in Andhra pradesh.
Some important Tourist spots are Bhimunipatnam (Sea Port), Simhachalam (Sri Varaha Narasimha Swami temple), Araku Valley (famous for scenic beauty), Borra Caves (also called as Borra Guhalu), Bavikonda, Kondakarla Ava (largest freshwater lake in the country).
- Anakapalli
- Makavarapalem
- Anandapuram
- Munagapaka
- Ananthagiri
- Munchingiputtu
- Araku Valley
- Nakkapalli
- Atchutapuram
- Narsipatnam
- Bheemunipatnam
- Nathavaram
- Butchayyapeta
- Paderu
- Cheedikada
- Padmanabham
- Chintapalle
- Paravada
- Chodavaram
- Payakaraopeta
- Devarapalle
- Pedabayalu
- Dumbriguda
- Pedagantyada
- G.Madugula
- Pendurthi
- Gajuwaka (Urban)
- Rambilli
- Golugonda
- Ravikamatham
- Gudem Kotha Veedhi
- Rolugunta
- Hukumpeta
- S.Rayavaram
- K.Kotapadu
- Sabbavaram
- Kasimkota
- Visakhapatnam (Rural)
- Kotauratla
- Visakhapatnam (Urban)
- Koyyuru
- Yelamanchili
- Madugula
Some important residential locations in Visakhapatnam
- Visakhapatnam City
- Visakhapatnam Steel Project
- Dwaraka Nagar
- Gajuwaka
- Kasimkota
- Payakaraopeta
- Pedda Waltair
- Pendurthi
- Revidi
- Atchutapuram
- Akkayyapalem
- Allipuram
- Anakapalle
- Anandapuram
- Andhra University
- Auto Nagar
- AVN College Road
- Bharat Heavy Plate
- Bheemunipatnam
- Butchirajupalem
- Chengal Rao Peta
- China Bazar
- China Waltair
- Chintapalli
- Chittivalasa
- Chodavaram
- Daba Gardens
- Devarapalle
- Gandhigram
- Gandhinagaram
- Gavaravaram
- Gandhi Market
- Gopalapatnam
- Govada
- Gnanapuram
- Isakathota Visakha
- Kailasapuram
- Kanchara Palem
- Kaspa Jagannadhapuram
- King George Hospital
- Lalitha Nagar
- Lawsons Bay Colony
- LIC Building
- Maharanipeta
- Makavarapalem
- Malkapuram
- Marripalem
- Muppidi Colony
- Muvvalavanipalem
- Nausena Baugh
- Naval Dockyard
- Nehru Nagar
- Panduranga Puram
- Pithapuram Colony
- Salagramapuram
- Resapuvanipalem
- Sabbavaram
- Sileru Project
- Sriharipuram
- Vaddadi
- Vemulapudi
- Visakha
- Visakhapatnam Zinc
- Waltair
- Yellamanchili
- Visakhapatnam Port
- Vepada
- Ravikamatham
- Munagapaka
- Mindi
- Medivada
- Simhachalam
- Araku Colony
- Bonangi
- District Court Building
- Dondapudi
- Etikoppaka
- Gangaraju Madugula
- Industrial Estate
- Kanithi Junction
- Kintada Kotapadu
- Peda Bayalu
- Naval Base
- Turners Choultry
- Srungavarapukota
- Sunkari Metta
- Visakhapatnam Bus Station
- Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
- Railway New Colony
- Government General Hospital
- Pedagummuluru
- S. Rayavaram
- Koduru
- Kothuru
- Hukumpeta
- Kurupam Market
- Lakkavaram
- Lalitha Colony
- Madugula
- Malki Mohammad
Vizianagaram District
Vizianagaram is one of the principal towns in North coastal Andhra, otherwise known as Uttarandhra. Vizianagaram translates to the "city of victory". The principal rivers flowing in the district are Nagavali, Vegavathi, Gomukhi, Suvarnamukhi, Champavathi and Gostani. Vizianagaram was ruled by different Hindu emperors of Kalinga (ancient Odisha) up to the medieval period. After the fall of the centralized Gajapati empire of Odisha, the region was governed by the Golkonda rulers. The ancestors of the Maharajas of Vizianagaram are believed to be the descendants of MahaRanas of Udaipur, the Sisodia dynasty and Vasishta gotra. The district is bounded on the east by the district of Srikakulam, Southwest by the district of Visakhapatnam, southeast by the Bay of Bengal, and northwest by the state of Odisha.
34 Mandals of Vizianagaram District :
Bhogapuram, Badangi, Bondapalli, Balijipeta, Bobbili, Cheepurupalli, Dattirajeru, Denkada, Gajapathinagaram, Gantyada, Garividi, Gurla, Garugubilli, Gummalaxmipuram, Jami, Jiyyammavalasa, Komarada, Kothavalasa, Kurupam, Lakkavarapukota, Makkuva, Mentada, Merakamudidam, Nellimarla, Pachipenta, Parvathipuram, Pusapatirega, Ramabhadrapuram, Salur, Seethanagaram, Srungavarapukota, Therlam, Vepada, Vizianagaram.
West Godavari District
West Godavari District headquarters is located at Eluru, and it is one of the 13 districts, in the Coastal Andhra region of Andhra Pradesh, India.
The district is extremely fertile, getting water abundantly throughout the Cotton barrage built on the Godavari River at Dhavaleswaram. The barrage channels water through two canals. Topographically the district is divided into the Delta and the uplands.
Rajahmundry (also called Rajamahendravaram) was a part of the Buddhist kingdom of Vengi. The Eastern Chalukyas ruled coastal Andhra from 700 to 1200, with Vengi, near the village of Pedavegi, as their capital. Historical evidences are found at the villages of Pedavegi and Guntupalli (Jilakarragudem).
In the Delta, aquaculture, coconut, lemon and rice are cultivated. The district is popularly known as the Granary of India since about 50% of the state's rice production comes from the district. In the uplands, oil palm, sugarcane, corn, mango, banana and other fruits as well as tobacco and cotton are produced. In the coastal belt of the district, prawns and fish is exported to Japan and the United States.
Eluru is the largest city in West Godavari District, with a thriving woolen pile carpet industry. Tadepalligudem is the geographic center of the district and is biggest market centre. Bhimavaram is a hub for Prawns export and is the home of Vendra paper mills. Tadepalligudem has foods, fats and fertilisers industry. Tanuku has Andhra Sugars. Narasapuram is one major town in West Godavari District and it is famous for crochet lace products. Palakol is a famous for coconut exports.
There are a total of 48 mandals in West Godavari district.
- Attili
- Gopalapuram
- Nallajarla
- Palakol
- Akiveedu
- Ganapavaram
- Nidadavole
- Thallapudi
- Achanta
- Iragavaram
- Nidamarru
- T.Narasapuram
- Buttayagudem
- Jeelugumilli
- Polavaram
- Tadepalligudem
- Bhimavaram
- Jangareddigudem
- Pedavegi
- Tanuku
- Bhimadole
- Kamavarapukota
- Pedapadu
- Undrajavaram
- Chagallu
- Kovvur
- Pentapadu
- Unguturu
- Chintalapudi
- Kalla
- Peravali
- Undi
- Devarapalle
- Koyyalagudem
- Poduru
- Veeravasaram
- Denduluru
- Lingapalem
- Palakoderu
- Yelamanchili
- Dwarakatirumala
- Mogalthur
- Penumantra
- kukkunuru
- Eluru
- Narasapuram
- Penugonda
- velerupadu
Now coming with our subject point of view, some consultants expresses that due to this present AP shape this state will dominate and will become very rich in future.
We opinioned that the shapes may not be calculated for the states or countries, if there is a barricade or boundary wall or Compound Wall for the entire state then we have to calculate the shape.
If there is a way from different places from different corners, how can we determine. The shape is excellent as per vaastu, no doubt on it. Please note that after dissolution only Andhra Pradesh state seen massacre Hud Hud force cyclone.
After one week also Government is unable to calculate the estimation of loss. So what we opinioned that the shape may not be the countable point, the boundaries or barricade may be counts with Vastu.
200 Vastu Shastra Questions
- How reduce unwanted expenditures?
- How to construct the portico in our home?
- Where should we keep the water storage tanks in our home as per vaastu?
- Factory Vastu, how to construct our factory with vastu principled property?
- Some vastu people says that Northwest street focus is good, is it fact to believe?
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Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
Delayed Marriages
Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".
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A comprehensive range of Vastu queries have been addressed here.100 Vastu Questions & Answers
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Inspirational Quotations
"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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