We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Southwest Facing House Vastu Tips And Remedies {Nairuthi Corner}

We provided detailed information on Southwest in this article, if you have any questions, let's know , we are happy to answer them. Here is our Contact SubhaVaastu page.

Can We Buy Southwest Facing House?

Lengthy Southwest to Northeast home bring cheers to the family. Here one should first observe whether the home is rectangular or square-shaped if it is square-shaped then without Vastu expert's advice one should not buy the home, if it is rectangular which is SW to NE lengthy home and there is heavy open space towards Northeast then they may try to buy it, better to obtain proper Vastu experts advice.

How Many Degrees Is Southwest Has In A Directional Compass?

Southwest (SW) direction has 225° (Two hundred and twenty-five degrees) as per the directional compass (learn more about compass importance in Vastu from this article). Southwest is an ordinal direction. Southwest direction has a prominent role in Vastu.

Where Exactly the Southwest Direction Exists?

Southwest (SW) direction exists in between South direction and West direction.

In this SW direction page, we like to publish many solutions and remedies for different problems. Please note that these remedies are general remedies, residents should not comply with any solutions which were published for information purposes here, without vastu consultants suggestion.

Southwest Direction In Compass

Southwest facing house vastu in TeluguThis image helps to find the Southwest direction, which has 225°. Southwest is also called as Nairuthi, Nirruthi, Niruthi, rakshasa moola and in some parts of India Southwest is also called as Kubera moola, in their region this may be right, but overall it's not called as Kubera Mula, Southwest is called as Rakshasa Moola or Nirruthi or Nairuthi moola.

How Many Types Of Southwest Direction Homes

1. "Southwest Corner House"

2. "Southwest Facing House"

A lot of difference exists between the above two words. Many residents say that they are looking to buy a Southwest house. Let us first check whether that house is "Southwest Facing House" or "Southwest Block House".

Huge difference between these two terms like "Corner" and "Facing".

Observe The Difference Of Southwest Corner Home And Southwest Facing Home

Looking to buy "Southwest Corner House" - OR - "Southwest Facing House"

Looking to buy "Southwest Corner Plot" - OR - "Southwest Facing Plot"

Looking to buy "Southwest Corner Site" - OR - "Southwest Facing Site"

Looking to buy "Southwest Corner Flat" - OR - "Southwest Facing Flat"

Before buying the home, residents should be careful that they are buying Southwest corner home or Southwest facing home. Not only home, regarding plot(plot vastu), site(sites vastu), restaurant (hotel vastu), factory (factory vastu) always remember is it "Southwest corner" or "Southwest facing".

Southwest Corner House

Vastu for Southwest facing houseIf a plot/house has South road and West roads, then it is said as Southwest Plot / House. This same rule applies to a factory, site, home, etc. A site possessing roads on Western and Southern lateral sides is termed as a Southwestern site/block. It is said that while proper Northeast direction gives rise to birth, improper Southwest may lead to death.

The Southwestern house has a bearing on the head of the family, his better-half and the eldest male issue. In this image, the South road runs towards the West direction and the West road runs towards the South direction, both roads are running.

Southwest Facing House:

Southwest facing house VastuThis is Southwest facing house. Please observe the above image and this image twice then we can easily find out the difference of "facing" and "corner". Kindly note that Southwest facing is different and Southwest corner house is different.

Southwest Facing Shortened House:

Southwest facing house Vastu in HindiObserve this sketch and sketch below, this sketch has Many residents are asking whether these Southwest facing homes are giving good results or bad results. For that question, our straight answer is generally, SW facing homes are not good in India, but we have been providing many recommendations to NRI's in USA to buy Southwest facing homes after an entire observation of the complete home and surrounding premises.

With this nobody has any further complaint, which means, with due diligence South west plot or houses can be converted to excellent results in particular where the plot is has shown above having Southwest facing dimension shorter than the other side, it gives expected results while on the other hand where the southwest facing dimension is longer than the other dimension the results are adverse

In first case, because of the inherent nature of the plot northeast extension also exists which counters any adverse features of the southwest.

In the later case, it is not so.

Further, by default every room in the house would have their shape similar to the plot, compounding the inherent features.

Southwest Facing Extended House:

Southwest facing house vastu in TamilWhat is the difference in this house and the above house?. In this house Southwest dimension is more than the other dimension. If the house is like this with boundary wall, and the rooms inside also having similar shapes then getting good results may be tough. In all such cases of Southwest, house entrance one needs be careful in locating the entrance, doors, etc. If there is a mistake in structure, door placement, room shapes, then residents may enquire for south west vastu dosh remedies.

While deciding on Southwest plots, SW homes (homes vastu) , Southwest facing plots, Southwest facing apartment (Apartment Vastu), Southwest facing flats ( flats vastu), greater attention is important even on minor points, petty mistake while choosing the plot/house may ruin the entire life. For even bijou negligence can lead to disaster.

Any person having some knowledge of Vastu would know about Southwest's direction and its malevolent and benevolent effects. Considering the nature of the Southwest plot per se one should not rely on one's own interpretation of the conditions. It is here that a competent Vastu scholar's guidance is essential. He would guide with regard to the appropriate remedies for Vastu dosh and southwest entrance and the like.

Coming with Vastu southwest facing house, an ordinary resident who got some knowledge through Vastu websites or vastu books or Vastu videos may fail in taking the right decision to buy and finally they search for Vastu remedies for southwest entrance or looking for vastu shastra southwest facing house dosh remedies.

Important Connecting Links to Visit

1. Read the glory effects of East facing house vastu through this link.

2. Remember how this West facing house vastu helping humans to grow well. Decoding the myths.

3. Don't rush to buy North homes, before that read North Facing House Vastu link content to enlarge the ideas.

4. Surprise by knowing the benefits of South facing house vastu. Money minting direction, if we make it favorable.

5. Stop paying 60K or 75K as a premium for NE homes. We thought it is good to express how people suffer with Northeast facing house vastu. Read the merits and demerits of this direction.

6. Residents should be careful when buying exact SE facing homes, we provided almost 45 images in this Southeast facing house vastu article.

7. Get proper consultation before buying the NW facing homes, learn several helpful points through this Northwest Facing House Vastu post.

How Do Residents Call Southwest Direction in Different Languages

In Telugu = నైరుతి Gujarati = દક્ષિણપશ્ચિમ
Kannada = ನೈಋತ್ಯ Hindi = दक्षिण पश्चिम
Kerala Malayalam = തെക്കുപടിഞ്ഞാറ് Maharashtra Marathi = दक्षिणपश्चिम
Punjabi = ਦੱਖਣ ਪੱਛਮ Sindhi = ڏکڻ اولھ
Tamilnadu Tamil = தென்மேற்கு Urdu = جنوب مغرب
Bengali (Bangla) = নৈর্ঋত German = Südwesten
French = Sud-ouest Latvian = Dienvidrietumi
Arabic = جنوب غرب Filipino = timog kanluran
Malay/Indonesian = Barat daya Italian = sud-ovest
Japanese = 南西 Mandarin Chinese = 西南
Russian = юго-запад Sinhala= නිරිතදිග
Norwegian= sørvest Odia/Oriya= ଆଗ୍ନେୟ
Bodo = Update Soon Dogri = दक्षिण पश्चिम
Kashmiri= Update Soon Konkani= नैऋत्येक आसा
Maithili = दक्षिण पश्चिम Meetei (Manipur) = Santhong Maikei
Nepali = दक्षिण पश्चिम Assamese = নৈৰ্ঋত
Afrikaans = suidwes Sanskrit = दक्षिणपश्चिमः


Please note that this website is only for the information purpose, residents should not take any decision after come across this article. Our sincere advice is without proper guidance through vastu pandit, residents should not take any decision of buying the Southwest facing plot.


Don't forget to visit our vastu tips for several detailed vastu tips on our home.

Precautions During Construction Of Southwest House:

A few precautions are appropriate at this time. As per Vastu, this plot bestows benevolent effects equal in measure to that of NE plot. For these certain conditions are best observed. These are:

1. First examine if there are drainage canals (or even strum water drains), that are conspicuously large. Or water bodies and ditches etc. towards south and west.

In which case, a strong compound wall towards south and west and comporting shorter walls towards east and north are advisable. In the absence of a proper compound wall, one may have to face an adverse situation. At times people ignore such small details which cause disastrous consequence later in long run.

2. Seldom it would be where there are no drainages towards south or west (where there are streets). Hence first build a compound wall and your house within this. At least there should be 3’ feet distance between such compound wall and your main house in which case the defective neighbor effects are arrested at the compound wall itself.

3. In the northeast side of a Southwest plot, digging a well/borewell. Ground level water tank etc is a excellent feature.

vastu for south west facing house4. This figure shows the pattern of the boundary wall (compound wall). The north and east compound walls are comparatively thinner (and shorter too) in comparison to that in south and west walls. This should be the pattern of compound wall construction.

5. Within the four walls of the boundary walls ensure site levels such that east, northeast and north directions are at a lower level in comparison to west, southwest and south sides. This will ensure prosperity.

6. It is best to avoid toilets at SW side of the plot. If the same are inevitable, then such toilets should comparatively at a higher level than the general floor level of inside.

Further, the septic tank (if there is one) shall not be in SW side.

Septic tank can be best in the east or North directions (For more details – see the chapter on vastu for septic tank link ).

Further, the drain water pipes or gutters in the plot should not go out directly from the SW side.

Such drainage should be collected either in the North or East or finally at NE side and then drained off (by an underground pipe) and then drained (by an underground pipe) to the desired side i.e. either towards South Southeast or West Northwest directions as required.

7. The entry gate of the Southwest plot can be entered towards either South or West as per convenience. However, there should not be two gates (on west and south). Having gates on both sides results in a problematic life for the residents. Southeast of South is also acceptable and Northwest of West is also acceptable, use only one gate to enter into the plot. If both the gates are essential as per your requirement, then residents may have one on saying western northwest which is always used and another one at Southern Southwest (smaller) which is occasionally used vice versa. Normally, both gates create predicaments.

8. If the south side has a low level, then shift the main gate to the west side (and vice versa), thus avoiding gates at the debilitating sides.

9. In SW plot, it is least to plant strong trees towards south and west, thus causing heavier installation on these sides which is beneficial. It bestows imaginable returns.

10. In an SW plot, the NE room floor should be depressed.

11. In so far as windows are concerned, one may into have more than two windows (one in SSE and another in WNW). And a number of windows in the Northeast (NE) room if the number of windows in SW room is more, it is essential that the NE room has more than that number of windows. To the extent possible there should be no windows in either WSW or SSW sides.

12. If possible the SW room may be used either as a master bedroom or storeroom.

13. In summer sun rays fall in this side (in the afternoon). To avoid this, we are tempted to build a Verandah on this side.

14. If windows are inevitable at Southwest location in Southwest room, then there should be more big windows has to be installed at Northeast corners of the northeast room.

This is totally malevolent. There shall, under no circumstances, a sloping Verandah on the SW sides. Compensating this by a similar one in NE, in our view is not appropriate.

Southwest Corner House

south west plot Vastu in Telugu In this image the South road and west roads are not intercrossed, just touching through each other. This is a safe Southwest corner house. If the inside home constructed as per vastu, then generally, the residents may dominate on their enemies.

West Road Running Towards South

West Road running for Southwest houseIn this image the West road is running towards South direction, on the other hand, the South road finished at West road, it is not running towards West direction. This house may not be giving bad results, based on the support of the neighborhood strengthen. Otherwise, it may trouble the residents. Anyway, proper care should be taken in this regard. An example of a Neighborhood here is, if the South plot is vacant, then don't buy this Southwest house.

South Road Running Towards West Direction For Southwest House

South Road running for SW homeThis image speaks that the South road running towards West direction and the west road hold at South road. The West road is not running towards South road. Generally, this kind of homes may not trouble the residents if the neighborhood supports. Otherwise they may experience difficulties. An example of neighborhood here is, if there is no home at West plot, then don't buy this Southwest corner plot.

Can I Straightaway Construct the House From Southwest Corner

south west corner Vastu in TeluguLeaving some space at South and West directions is safe method. Right away constructing the home from the Southwest corner is not recommended. Some plots may have only lesser measurements, in that situation only residents may construct home directly from Southwest corner. Otherwise leaving open space towards South and West is highly recommended.

Sections in Southwest Segment

south west corner vastu in teluguFor readers information purpose and knowledge purpose, we divided the exact Southwest portion with two colors. Red is marked as WSW = Western southwest portion and Green is marked with SSW = Southern Southwest portion. We thought this may be useful for your future discussions.

The wind from this direction will bring many diseases to the occupants. Hence, this direction should be shortened and closed to the maximum extent. Hence, this direction should be closed by the construction of structures.

This level should be elevated than all other directions. Proper utilization or usage of this direction will bring success over enemies, the sudden growth of wealth, fame, etc., in a very short time.

This corner should be heavily loaded. This will fetch more riches, fortunes, and Health like Kamadhenu, the Divine Cow.

Benefits Or Advantages Of Southwest Facing House:

1. If the house is Vastu complaint, the residents will enjoy prosperity for generations. And they will be recognized as wise people too.

2. It is best that the plot is slightly at a lower level or more lower level than that of the street. If so residents will enjoy a prosperous life.

3. Within the compound, ensure that South, Southwest and West sides are higher than the East, Northeast and North sides then the life of the residents would be free of any worries.

4. A slopping verandah towards the north (without constricting the NE side) would ensure all-round happiness and prosperity. Female folk will have a pleasant life.

5. In a similar fashion, a sloping verandah (slanting portico) on the east side (without constricting the NE side) is greatly beneficial to the residents, when there will be all-round progress in life. People residing in such houses, if in a responsible position, would greatly benefit. If perchance, beyond the compound wall, if there is open space beyond towards the east, (without any other construction), recognition in the political field is possible. Such people would be considered as elders in society.

6. In a SW plot, if the NE room is fairly large (in comparison to SW room), there are several unimaginable gains. There will be overall progress for the residents.

Some vastu experts opinioned that, the Northeast room should always be smaller than that of the Southwest room. This is not a wrong statement.

7. In the SW side, building solid mountain rock platforms would help financial gains. Also in every endeavour, success awaits one. A feeling of status helps happy living of the residents. Social recognition is possible.

8. If there be an outhouse on the SW side, it is greatly helpful. Unheard of prosperity will befall the residents. It should, however, ensure in the event of an outhouse in SW side, the floor level is higher than that of the main house. Please note that the outhouse should not touch the main home. There should be gap in between the outhouse and main house

9. If far off the SW plot, either towards South or towards the west (or both), beyond the road, there are high rise apartments, hillocks, towers, and such other high rise installations, then it will be a great fortune, befalling residents.

10. If SW is properly handled, it will ensure a secured life. And there shall never be a fear of insecurity. They need fear none.

DeMerits | Dont's | Disadvantages of Southwest Block House:

1. Unlike other directions, even small defects in the SW direction may at times, apart from causing large losses in the enterprises may even cost one's life. Hence it is essential that due diligence is observed while evaluating this direction. If the SW corner is beyond 90° or less than 90°, several untold miseries would befall. Serious ailments will be a routine affair. It is best to recognize all these even prior to house construction. In any plot, first fix up SW corner and all other directions later is a prime thumb rule.

Human Made Mistakes In Vastu

south west entrance vastu remedies2. As discussed earlier, if the house extends towards west, one has to face Southern Southwest street thrust adjoining with Northern Northwest street focus would be the results. Both are disastrous. Hence it is absolutely essential that at all times such situations are avoided even in the beginning itself. SSW street thrust would result in severe ailment among the female folk. If in addition, there below levels or ditches in the SW side, premature deaths could be possible.

Financial losses insecurity feeling, getting caught in acquired situations and being unable to get out the same of the event and the like may occur, its all because of encroachment of the west side.

This is a human-made street focus. This happened only because of house extended towards West direction.

Wrong Street Focuses To Southwest Home

south west facing house vastu in Hindi3. Because of encroachment towards the South direction, this plot/house landed with Western Southwest street thrust and Eastern Southeast Street Focus. This is a human made mistake and it is not safe for the residents. With WSW street thrust, men folk become the target of dangerous situations. Along with this, if SW is at a lower level, suicidal tendencies among men folk may be indicated. Financial losses, insecurity feelings, etc may be possible. Unable to obtain the help of the right people, men folk would get caught in dangerous situations and thus suffer. Loss of status in the society and few times sudden death’s may also possible.

Western Southwest Door For Southwest Corner Home

remedies for south west doors4. If there is a main entrance door towards the exact Western southwest segment, and the main entrance gate is towards the Southwest then there is a possibility of sudden deaths, unpopularity, ill health, imprisonment, cardiac failure, accidents, paralysis or paralytic strokes, suicide or homicide, etc may be possible. Normally the Southwest doors are not auspicious doors.

These are called as debilitated awful positional doors. (Some points are not applicable to the homes in USA, UK, Australia, and most of the locations in Delhi, etc.)

5. If far an SW plot, beyond the plot, towards SW, or west, there are large open spaces, and there is no compound wall, the elders of the family may be afflicted with paralysis, incurable diseases, financial losses, domestic problems, having no peace of mind, etc.

6. There should not be gates simultaneously on both the South and West directions. It there are such gates, (some possibilities are ) even a more successful company may not survive long. It will be caught among internal tangles and may even get closed. If, it is a house, constant domestic irritations, financial stringency, getting angry on each other non-corporative attitude even among the family members are possible.

7. If there is sloping verandah on the southern side, ladies would suffer ill health. Incurable ailment and financial suffering, therefore, financial stringency are possible.

8. If there is slopping verandah on the west side, the menfolk would suffer ill health and suffer due to incurable diseases. In addition to this, they face insults and develop a rather cruel personality.

9. If either south or west slopping verandah is in the SW area of the house either both males and females would suffer ill health, financial tragedies, indebtedness, using faith even among family members, etc.

10. If drainage water is let off from the SW side, financial losses, indebtedness, ill health, no peace of mind, having no progress in life are possible.

House Straightaway Touching the North Wall In Southwest Corner Plot

south west facing entrance vastu11. If house built to the extreme north (which in effect means no open space on the north side and heavy open space towards South). Severe financial calamities, lady folk being greatly unhappy leading a miserable life, men folk suffering unnecessary and additional labor, no peace of mind at home, fights, and disputes are possible, and finally there is a possibility of the house may come for sale.

Home Directly Constructing On East Boundary Wall In Southwest Corner Lot

south west house entrance vastu12. If house built to the extreme east (thus no open space towards east side and open space towards west) loss of name in the society, doing wrong things and thus acquiring notoriety, loss of job, getting into serious financial situation and thus getting ruined, men folk suffering unproductive efforts, having no peace of mind at home, fights, and disputes, children remaining liberates not getting educated would be the result.

13. In SW plot, if there are windows in the SW wide, and if the windows in the NE room are less when compared to SW windows, the residents would have a sort of insecure life and for everything spend more than what is normal. At times clarity in life or actions will be lost.

14. Low-level & ditches in SW invite early death. Huge losses, some times enterprise will suddenly collapse and unbearable troubles have to be faced by the management.

Southwest Extension House

remedies for south west extended house15. If SW projects towards the exact southwest then residents may suffer from rivalries, prolonged litigations, court cases, insults, loss of peace of mind, indebtedness, getting caught in huge troubles, etc may be possible. In case if there is a well at Southwest corner at this direction, it ruins or leaving with disastrous effects.

Is Water Well at Southwest Is Considered to Be Good or Bad?

Waterwells in Southwest directionHere is an image depicting water well located at Southwest. This feature is not at all nourishing for the health and wealth of the family members in the home. Contact one expert and get an idea of how to manage this Southwest water well. He will guide you on how to solve this issue by closing or without closing the water well. Generally speaking, the Southwest water well may not support the residents in their development in their fields, furthermore, it may constantly disturb their health too.

What Are The Effects of Water Well in Southwest?

vastu effects of south west facing house16. Southwest well will affect the dignity, wealth and may lead to suicide also. Drug addiction, drunkenness, gambling, etc., the destruction of families is due to the afflictions of SW direction. The characters of males will be ruined. They are susceptible to Karma diseases like Cancer, T.B., AIDS/HIV, etc.

Those who live in these houses (South-west facing houses) will have more enemies. Enemies will be always very active and powerful. If this direction is extended, the girls will cross limits and leave the house. Their chastity will be affected. The males may have wrong thoughts and may attract to concubines. Bad people’s association becomes unavoidable. (This point is not concerned to most of the homes in USA, UK, Australia, etc countries homes)

This direction should not be lowered or extended in any way. There should not be Septic Tanks or Water storage tanks etc., at Southwest locations.

This kind of bore wells, septic tanks damage the health and finances of the residents, not only that they lost many things including name too. Further, cruel mentality may also improve when there is a land depression in the Southwest.

These water pits, water wells may also cause for the development of agitated mentality.

17. If the house is constructed straight to the exact Northeast and there is a huge open space in Southwest, south, and west directions, then the house will come for the sale very soon with numerous trouble suffered by the inhabitants.

18. Southwest quadrant has any of such water features like water body, huge water channels, then the institution may become financially weaken/futile.

Questions and Answers on Southwest house Vastu?

1. Can I Buy a Home That Has Water Lake in the Southwest Direction?

Ans: Water bodies at Southwest damage the finances and health of the residents, so don't plan to buy any property that has water sumps, pools, or water bodies in the Southwest direction. Avoid buying/rent that has Water Lakes, Water Wells, Rivers, Ponds, Torrents, and Streams in the Southwest Direction?

2. Can We Plant Trees in the Southwest Direction?

Ans: Perfectly accepted and indeed it is good idea to plant heavy trees at Southwest.

3. Buildings or Apartments in the Southwest Direction is Good or Bad?

Ans: Excellent.

4. Planning to Buy One Southwest Facing Plot, Opposite There Are Many Open Vacant Sites, is This Good?

Ans: No, don't buy, if buying is mandatory, then get experts advice without delay.

5. Found One Huge Water Tank Opposite to Our Plot, (Large Storage Structure on 8 Pillars), is This Good?

Ans: Good.

6. Mountains and hillocks at South west direction are bad or good?

Ans: Surprisingly Marvelous.

7. Can we plan septic tank at southwest direction?

Ans: Please don't plan for Septic tank at Southwest corners. For further assistance please study more information at septic tank vastu link.

8. Having electricity power polls and transformers are good?

Ans: Power polls is no problem. Regarding Southwest transformer is not a big deal, rarely transformers are creating problems for the residents if they are located at Southwest direction. So better to leave this SW plot. Search for another plot/house.

9. Cross extended southwest plot is good to buy?

Ans: Some asking about south west extension vastu is good, NO, but you can do alteration by cutting such extended part from the main plot, further can plant big trees in that extended plot to minimize vastu dosh, simple remedy.

10. Having water storage sump (below ground level) is good or bad?

Ans: Not at all good, it is dangerous.

11. Can we plan basement/cellar for South west facing house?

Ans: Not recommended. There are some rules for this basement, consult one expert for complete details.

12. Can we construct car shed or car garage, can we keep vehicles for parking?

Ans: Accepted, but the car garage should not touch the main home, or get experts advice.

13. Having an entry door or entrance gate or window is harm to us?

Ans: Southwest exact door is not at all good. If there is compulsory then plan for a very small window, otherwise, window is also should be abandoned.

14. Can we have a home office in this direction?

Ans: If the master bedroom is Southwest direction on another upper floor then office room can be suitable at Southwest direction. Office desk can be placed near to Southwest quadrant, one should sit facing towards East or North direction.

15. Southwest pooja room is acceptable or not good?

Ans: Not good

16. Can we have a garden?

Ans: Very very small garden is accepted, but there should be a heavy and spacious garden in Northeast direction, otherwise, cancel this SW garden. If the garden is mandatory then please plan for heavy trees plantation.

17. Can we plan a lift/elevator?

Ans: No, for further help read some guidelines at elevator vastu link.

18. Having an internal or external staircase/steps is acceptable?

Ans: Not recommended. External staircase is accepted for South facing homes and West facing homes.

19. Can we keep a treadmill?

Ans: Heavy furniture or cot coupled with the treadmill is accepted.

20. Keeping rocks in this direction is good?

Ans: Absolutely perfect and auspicious.

21. Having sewage line at Southwest direction makes any damage?

Ans: Don't plan at SW, best to plan at Northwest. If using the pipes fixed to the wall, then it is not a big deal, please ask your expert vastu consultant for further information.

22. Is constructing a storeroom or stocks at this location is OK?

Ans: Very good idea, please carry on.

23. Toilet towards Southwest is good or bad?

Ans: Southwest toilets are not at all good. Don't plan toilets at Southwest corner. This damages health and wealth too. Sometimes premature death also.

24. Can we construct porticos at SW corner?

Ans: SW is not a suitable direction for porticos. If it is inevitable, then the home should had the portico at Northeast too, it's mandatory.

25. Master bedroom at Southwest is good?

Ans: Master bedroom towards Southwest is an excellent idea.

26. Can we plan for a water fountain at Southwest location?

Ans: Not a serious matter. But the water fountain floor level should be higher than the inside home floor level.

27. Is balcony at Southwest direction creates any problem?

Ans: Not recommended, in such conditions where residents compulsory need it, then get experts advice.

28. Pergola or cabana is acceptable at SW?

Ans: Accepted.

29. Can we have a kitchen in the Southwest direction?

Ans: Kitchen towards Southwest is not an auspicious idea.

30. Planning Lanai is a good idea?

Ans: Not recommended.

31. Is Breezeway is acceptable?

Ans: No ( If it is not touching the main home, then only acceptable, please get experts' advice before taking any decision).

32. Can we buy a Southwest elevation floor home?

Ans: Southwest land elevation is Wonderful. If residents found the buying home has Southwest floor exalted upper level than the Northeast then they can consider this home as auspicious. Normally, the benefits are, standard life, overpower the enemies, good health, become sound in finance, domination etc, may be the outcome. 1 or 2 inches land height may not be considered to be superb. But when the Southwest floor is elevated more than 6 inches then residents can experience good results. If Southwest is 3/4 ft height then that home is considered to be slendid.

33. Lower levels, depression or lower roads, is this acceptable at Southwest?

Ans: Not good, if so then residents may face immorality, vices, wickedness, prolonged illness, protracted ill health issues, or premature demise.

34. Keeping furniture, sofa sets is bad or good?

Ans: Accepted on one floor only, what about master bedroom location if the furniture is placed at Southwest, if the house is only one floor.

35. Can we plan for servant maid room or labor quarters?

Ans: Not good.

36. Is Southwest street focus is good or bad, can we buy this SW Road thrust house?

Ans: Dangerous. Don't buy this property. For more info read suitable matter at Southwest Street Focus link.

37. Computer table is acceptable?

Ans: Yes.

38. Southwest cut or truncation is acceptable?

Ans: Not a good feature. In some conditions it is ok, but residents have to get experts advice compulsory.

39. Can we extend Southwest in our home?

Ans: Generally, Southwest extension is giving only bad results, in a few cases, it is acceptable based on the land elevations, in such case, the resident should get proper vastu advice.

40. Is Southwest "facing" home is good for rent?

Ans: If it is SW FACING then try to get advice from experts, otherwise please search for other homes. Getting experts advice to save one's life. If it is Southwest corner house then can take for rent.

41. Can we close the Southwest with any construction?

Ans: OK.

42. Can we have mountain rock constructed platforms to sit at SW?

Ans: Wonderful thought. Please proceed.

43. Southwest entrance gate is good?

Ans: Not good.

44. Can we construct the house right away at Southwest?

Ans: Accepted. (Some conditions apply, please contact expert vastu consultant)

45. Southwest swimming pool is good?

Ans: No, no, and NO. Inground pools are very dangerous. Onground pools or above-ground pools are accepted.

46. Can we construct cattle shed at Southwest?

Ans: In the general run of things, it may not give good results.

47. Which color is suitable for Southwest direction?

Ans: Peach, mud color, biscuit color, Brown, or light brown, using color is the discretion of the house owner. (the color is not too important to follow, better to avoid this point. We provided the answer only because of people asking questions.)

48. Southwest direction is suitable for which person in our house?

Ans: Elderly persons, breadwinners, income generators, head of the family and their better-half or the eldest males, etc.

49. What are the best usages of SW direction?

Ans: Master bedroom, store room, overhead water tank, above ground water storage cans/tanks, outhouse, substantial hefty or tall and heavy trees.

50. I heard that all Southwest homes are bad, is it true?

Ans: Normally, Southwest homes are giving good results, before buying the homes it is highly suggested to have experts advice, SW homes in India is different and SW homes in USA, UK, Australia is different, keeping of this point, one should get proper guidelines and instructions from a genuine adept.

51. Where should we plan the bed, cot, and master bedroom?

Ans: Southwest is more convenient for the Master bedroom as per Vastu. While sleeping head should be kept at South direction and the legs will be in North direction.

52. Would like to construct a shop, which is a good location?

Ans: This is a critical question to answer. As we discussed earlier Southwest facing homes and Southwest corner homes. Some rules may change with this "facing" and "corner". Based on several conditions we have to take the decision. If residents plan to construct a shop for their own or rented purposes, then they can plan a shop at Southwest, please ensure that this shop should not have a direct accessibility door connected to the main home. For West facing homes, the Northwest shop is also giving good results without accessing the door to the main house. There are many other things that need to observe and finalize this answer. If a house is exactly facing towards Southwest and looking to have a shop then they can arrange a shot at Southwest Southwest, instead of Western Southwest. Without experts, opinion don't plan anything with regard to the Shop.

53. Can we plan a conservatory at Southwest?

Ans: Not good.

54. Is dwarf boundary wall is acceptable in the Southwest direction?

Ans: Constructing the dwarf wall is good in the Northeast direction and the colossal wall in the Southwest is excellent.

55. Can the southwest outhouse touch the main house, is this a good feature?

Ans: The Southwest outhouse should not touch the main house. It should be separated from the main home. For more good results, the outhouse walls also should not touch the main Southwest boundary wall. Anyway the Out House is extremely helpful if it is located at Southwest.

Constructing Solid Rock Platform is Acceptable at Southwest Corner

rock platform at SouthwestHeavy weight rock platforms at Southwest direction brings life security, standard finance, domination, improving health etc. This could manage to clear the debts too. It can also perform best to protect the residents from various ill-effects like accidents, litigations, hospitalization etc.

Amazing Benefits of Rock Stones at Southwest Direction

benefits of rock stones at SW cornerThis image clearly explains us, how heavyweight the stones are, you can observe electrical pole when you deep drive into the image. Now readers have a better understanding of how much these boulders weigh. When a home has such heavy weight stones at Southwest then they can experience a wonderful leading life. Householders enjoy a gorgeous life. Also, if they face accidentally any challenges or dangers, finally, it may turn with positive results.

Keeping Iron Almira at Southwest

Vastu for Southwest PlotMany vastu consultants and Vaasthu itself recommends keeping the iron shelf Almira towards Southwest part of a room and that to in Southwest portion of the house. This tip is advisable and recommended too. Keep the Almira towards the Southwest and its opening should be either towards North or East directions. But beware it should not have the mirror if this iron almirah kept at Southwest quadrant of the Southwest room. Southwest mirrors are not giving any good results further, they are giving troubles like health disturbances, money loss, unhappiness, restlessness, fame loss too.

Keeping Iron Almirah At Southwest Is Good, What Happened If It Has A Mirror

Southwest direction house VastuKeeping almirah at the southwest part in the southwest room is auspicious and recommended. This almirah has one mirror. It may be nothing but considered as a door. The Door towards Southwest direction is not auspicious. Please note that we have tested somewhere and getting reviews and noted points and informing to our website visitors. By doing wrong or right things in Vastu, some may get immediate results and some residents may not get immediate results, based on other Vastu supports.

Based on the feedback of from our customers, we have decided to practically do the experiments and noted the points, some health problems are created and financially some issues are coming if the almirah had a mirror which is kept at SW. Better keep the Almira without a mirror at the Southwest part.

If you never face any problem, then continue, we don't have any objection, what we published here is what we experimented. The heavy furniture like Almirah and Sofa sets and heavy tables etc should be arranged towards the southwest corner, which are auspicious.

Remedy For The Mirror Almirah Which Is At Southwest Corner

vastu for Southwest facing homeThe remedy is very simple. The resident may remove that mirror from the almirah, this is one remedy. Sometimes, this may not possible to remove the mirror from the almirah, in such case, use thermocol to cover the almirah mirror. Observe this image for your best understanding. Thermocol is available everywhere now. If you did not find the thermocol then you can arrange the scenery which has mountains only. These portrait sceneries are available everywhere including fancy shops or book stores.

Another Simple Remedy For The Mirror Almirah Which Is At SW Location

Here is another tip, use the matching color paper which is perfectly suitable with the almirah color, this is also easily available in the market like printing press, DTP centers, Flexi board shops, etc. Affix the same color paper to this thermocol, or you may directly affix the color paper to the mirror with transparent cellophane tape.

If there is no availability of placement for the Almirah or Iron Rack or cupboard at Southwest then try to place them at South or West, if it's also not available then keep at Southeast or Northwest. When you place at this position, maximum try to avoid keeping cash in such Almirah.

At any cost don't keep the Almirah or Iron shelve/shelf or Cup Boards at Northeast corner.

Keeping almirah at East is not a good idea if in the house it's only the available place then the mirror to the almirah is a great idea.

Keeping almirah (heavyweight Almirah) in North location is not a good idea if it's only the available place then keeping a mirror to the almirah is a good thought.

One More Simple Remedy For The Mirror Almirah Which Is At SW Location

I have an almirah with a mirror in the Southwest of the house which I have covered with paper. I have placed two mirrors facing each other inside the almirah in front of some real money. Please confirm this is ok or not - Veera Raagavan - Bengaluru - Karnataka - India.

>>> Your question is different like a magic box to double the money, we appreciate your practicals, let's know if you found any difference within 6 months, then please inform us, we will share in our website, our main aim everyone should like with peace and harmony.

In our observations, mirrors towards Southwest are not auspicious and recommend our clients to close them with paper or any other material. Remove the mirror if it does not seem to be ugly.

The attribute results of the Southwest may also be shown if residents make any minor mistakes in their homes, it always extends the negativity in the home.

Southwest part is the best location for keeping cabinets, wardrobes, and cupboards.

In general, the Southwest part should be strong in a home if it is debilitated then results will also be the same.

By knowing tiny vasthu knowledge some tried to incorporate storeroom at Southwest quadrant if the storeroom is segregated the results will be strong.

Sometimes the small alley also makes troubles the residents when they are at Southwest. If so the floor level should be elevated.

The bay windows are not suggested to have in a Southwest quadrant or Southwest bedrooms. These Bay windows are best suitable at Northeast, North (North facing house vastu) or east or finally anywhere except exactly Southwest. If there is external south or west has good structural support then one may plan for bay windows if they feel it is compulsory to have it.

Some residents planning to have full-size windows towards South walls or West walls at their bedrooms which are located at Southwest Quadrant, generally this is not a good idea to amend. Please note that if there is quality structural support from South or West then only they may plan for full-size windows (full glass instead of Wall)

Residents should subjugate the Southwest then the chances of their victories may double. If Southwest is enervated then they may experience adverse results.

Make Southwest as much as super-strong then residents will become doable/capable to succeed in their activities.

If the Southwest is delicate the results will also be shadowed on residents.

Can I Buy a Plot Which Has Huge Buildings at South and West Directions?

huge buildings at Southwest directionWhen there is huge buildings towards Southwest, West or South directions then the house or plot is considered to be auspicious. Check this image, if a resident found there are huge buildings at South direction and West directions and the white marked land is available to buy then verify that property with one expert and buy it. Normally, this plot has high quality positive features.

Can We Keep Pergola on Deck at Southwest?

Keeping pergola on Southwest deckSome residents like to arrange pergola on deck and looking to arrange to keep at Southwest areas. It is acceptable to fix up Pergola on Southwest Deck. Please note that we are not discussing on Deck and its locations. We are discussing only pergola location on deck.

Can We Keep Kids Play Double Swing at Southwest?

Double swing at Southwesta. NRI's obviously know, what their kids losing in other countries. NRI kids may not join up with local children, in many countries the locals don't like to entertain Indians and their kids to play with their children. Hence, NRIs always searching for a possible way to entertain their kids with jumbo play items.

b. Several NRI's arranging swings in the homes for their kids. Some NRI's asking where to keep such items in their homes. Please organize all the heavy play items at the Southwest quadrant.

c. If a home has a heavy open place at Southwest locations, it is advisable to organize the trapeze arm swing, tube slide swing set, monkey bars swing sets, dual slides swing sets, interlocking sandboxes, playmaker deluxe swing sets, super scooter spring rider, chateau swing sets, outing tube slide swing, Malibu Playhouse, Free standing swing frame, arch climber, corkscrew climber, tree climber, interlocking sandbox, see-saw, play-zee-bo, giddy up horse spring rider, fireman pole, children's picnic table with shade umbrella, 2 pieces cool wave slide, wooden toy chest, etc.

d. Arranging all these jumbo play items at Southwest makes stability in the life, it may secure the health of the inhabitants too.

Small Mistake Turned Sundar Pocket Empty

Dear readers, please read one of our website visitors who suffered from untold events in his life with a small mistake in his life.

southwest entrance door vastuDear Sir, My name is Sundar and I desperately need your help and advice. I am presently residing in a rented flat for the last 6 years and I am attaching a copy of the plan of my rented flat for your observation. In these 6 years, I have lost everything what I had which means my own property, my mother’s property, gold, and everything.

I am in huge debt plus my family is under constant stress and financially nothing is working for us. We are just managing by means of loan or borrowing or help from friends and relatives. Besides the job, I am also working hard to regain everything by making contacts and meeting new people.

I am able to see that there are opportunities and ways which can give me back my lost wealth, but still, it looks sometimes hard and difficult for me to access the opportunities and get success. Kindly advise me. I cannot afford to pay your fees right now, but promise you I will pay once I can. Always grateful to you. Thanking you. - Sundar.

Vastu is a magnificent subject that is always assisting humans to have a peaceful life. But some imprudent residents taking their own decisions after reading some information from websites and got knowledge from Vastu videos and lost their life. Don't do such practices to lose a life.

Life is most valuable Don't spoil your life and your kid's life.

Southwest Facing Resident Bhaskar Experience In Texas

Hi, I was living in Texas in a house facing Southwest. I lived in that house for quite a long time nearly 8 years and I spent extraordinarily superior time there mentally, physically, and financially too. Due to work situations, I moved to Miami in Florida in the year 2019. With a friend of mine advised me to take a house facing the Northeast only to facilitate satisfied living, peace, development. For the past three years since I am staying here, its daily disaster and there were never a single moment even which I could say a happy one. Mentally disturbs, family wise uncomfortable, and financially miserable. I am surprise to note when people say Southwest facing house is ruin the life and a northeast house is comfortable, my experience has been just the opposite. What is the mystery behind this. In this situation, I happened to browse your website where it is clearly mentioned mere Southwest and Northeast is mere incomplete, the premises must be fully vastu compliant which residents failed to understand. I am a victim of practical experience. Finally, I had a good experience with your website. It has tons of articles. Thank you for maintaining such a huge website without attracting the readers for forcible consultations. This change should be welcome. I heartfully appreciate.

Horrible Instances Experienced By Vann With A Very Minor Mistake.

After reading all the information about a Southwest facing house I understand why my life is total chaos and why so many problems, we did pretty good for about 3 years but after that everything has been bad, with my daughters, with my husband, with our finances, I'm very depressed. I have gambled a lot and lost a lot of money, now I feel stuck we live to pay day to day we never have any extra, we can't move because we don't have money. Bad evil things have happened to us. Please assist let me know what we can do we need your help urgently. Is there anything I can do to fix this or do I need to move the problem is that I can't move I'm blocked. I don't have money, I feel like I'm in a box and no way out. Please help me. We should have to consult you before joining this house. All of my neighbors are well and stand good in society, except me. Their homes are also Southwest facing. Damn with the current situation. Vann Treese - NORCROSS - USA.

>>> What exactly happened with Vann here, there are 14 homes that are all facing towards Southwest, but she bought the home in Cul-De-Sac which the remaining accessible road directly hitting her home. Honestly speaking their home does not have any Southwest Street Focus. Her dwarfish rudimentary knowledge of Vastu makes her restless. Though she has sufficient information & tiny knowledge on vastu she was taken the decision of buying this home. We cannot change the FATE. Looking to save few dollars and melting into boiler after self-decision.

Are The South And West Facing Plots Are Bad

There is nothing that is good or bad in nature and it applies to the directions as well. Every direction has a good portion and a bad portion. If you have understood the theory discussed earlier. You will realize that the application of vaastu faithfully will yield benefits irrespective of the facing of the plot. If vastu of the property is good then one may easily buy the South or West facing homes. If vastu is not good then don't try to buy East or North direction homes too. So, one should not think about is that plot is either South or West. If vastu of the plot is good, then everything went well then.

About Southwest (Nairuthi)

Southwest is the most important and powerful Direction. It is to be observed that while DEVAS (LORDS) made as to the directional lords of the other 7 directions, RAKSHASA or DEMON is announced as the lord of SW direction. The affliction of this direction will bring the most unwanted results very rapidly when compared to the other directions in vaastu.

Nairuthi Bhagawan, a demon is the owner of this direction. He is the lord of ASURAS (devils) also. He is more powerful than the other lords and brings good or bad results quickly to the occupants.

The qualities of Asura (Devil) is he gets angry or become mad easily and destroy the enemies instantly. He is highly tempered. He will give bold results whether it is good or bad which have great influences in one’s life.

His character is greediness, stubbornness, domination, cruelty, etc., because of the various nature of Asura we should be more cautious while handling this direction.

The sacred writings scripture says that he has one face and two hands. There is a big SWORD in his right hand and a big SHIELD in his left hand. That shows he is ever ready for fighting and slaughtering the enemies.

His Devi or wife is called as KALIKA. He rides on a dead man for his movements. He eats raw meat and drinks the blood of living things. He harms the occupants rigorously if this direction is afflicted.

Hence, this direction should not be extended or have more open space. There should not be any well, pit, or pond. This direction always elevated or occupied.

Turn Your Home As a Temple

Even when a house is fully vastu compliant for sake of conveniences residents placed their daily articles at the wrong places and negate the otherwise good vastu principles applied in construction. We have seen several cases, where for example, people keep water sink at Southwest, etc. Please don’t do such things which ruin otherwise a great opportunity bestowed by benevolent vastu construction. You should not ruin the construction benefits for the sake of your conveniences.

For this will nullify all benevolent conditions available. This is similar to dirtying a pious place like a temple.

Above Our Southwest Almirah at My Flat, the Upper Flat Owners Arranging Their Toilet With Commode, is It Require to Change My Almirah?

At the moment our lives are tied to apartment flats. Having a tiny area, residents should arrange everything within their limits. Previously there is 3/4 story apartment flats are common, right now, the number extended to 40/50 story floors. This happened, due to the alarming growth of the population.

In all cases water flow in the Southwest area is strictly forbidden, however, the water tank in the same southwest area is properly covered & and there is no overflow whatsoever is acceptable.

Your top floor residents locating a bathroom, in the southwest, unfortunately, would face disastrous consequences. So it is advisable if you can persuade them to shift the toilet to another convenient place.

In mast cases this may not be possible. As long as there is no seepage of water, what so ever this would not affect you. Advise them to take proper precautions to prevent ceiling by using an anti-seepage compound, so that you are safe.

Can I Buy a Home That Has Huge Water Body in Southwest Direction?

We are planning to buy a Southwest facing home in California that has a huge water body at Southwest, is it good to buy this home? - Shashank - San Jose, California - USA.

Southwest home with waterbody>> Generally, the Southwest waterbody may not help the residents to grow well. Further, there is a possibility of creating several problems. It is highly recommended to have a word from one of the best Vastu expert before buying this home. If no one is available, then avoid buying this home. Normally, these kind of homes are not giving good luck to the inhabitants.

Can I Buy Southwest Site That is Far From Our Current Living Home?

Namaste Sureshji, My gratitudes to you for such a detailed discussion on Vaasthu and sharing your wisdom on this wonderful website. Only today, I came across your website while searching eagerly for an answer and guidance on Vaasthu doubt that is disturbing me. I live in a own house in Bangalore and recently I purchased a plot 10 kms away in south-west direction to my house in the same city but in different area/pin code. I am not planning to construct anything in the near future and will not be visiting it regularly as well. I know we should not buy adjacent or nearby to the house in south-west direction but whether same principle applies to far away land in the same city OR plot in another city /village south-west to our city? I had to buy this for some reason. Can I continue to hold this plot OR can I at-least hold it for at least 2 years to get the returns OR should I sell it immediately. Awaiting your response and Thank you so much for your guidance. Best Regards, Vijaya, Bangalore.

>>> Namaste Smt. Vijaya Ji, No need to worry, you can continue with this property. You can construct the home too for either rent or resale etc. Adjacent Southwest plot is different and far away plot is different.

Important Vaastu Shastra Questions

+18 #19 Southwest direction of the main entrance doorPravin Shende 2017-12-03 12:45
Namaskar, I am planning to buy new flat at Navi Mumbai, its main door facing south-west direction. Please suggest remedies for south west facing flat
+18 #18 Vastu for Southwest facing houseRajesh 2017-09-25 08:21
Sir, my house is a 3 floor small building, my room is south west facing door and till date I'm not working permanently. My wife passed away 2 years before and I'm alone now. Is there any remedies for south west door. Along with the same please reply with remedies for south west entry. Please inform me sir
+26 #17 SouthWest corner plot vastuLakshmi 2017-07-28 04:42
Hello sir, We are planning to buy a SouthWest corner duplex house in a gated community with West Facing. We have a 4 roads junction at the southwest corner of the plot. Towards West, we have 8 more houses are being build and towards East one build (behind our plot) with East facing. Please suggest with south west house entrance vastu tips for happy life. Also provide vastu remedies for south west bedroom
+16 #16 Vastu remedy for Southwest extended homesAahil 2017-07-18 18:09
Respected Sir, looking for vastu tips for south west facing house. Ours is the family with 4 members. We have the front side in the South and the main door facing in the east direction. The living room is extended in the south west direction. The entrance is from the living room only. Also, window exists in the south direction of the living room. South west extension problems seem to exist in our family. Please, kindly advice any remedy for this type of vastu dosh for south west entrance vastu.
+11 #15 South west corner vastu in TamilSaravanan 2017-04-04 13:34
Hi sir, please inform more info on south west corner plot vastu in Tamil. Our house is facing in south direction and south west corner is open and we have faced all the issue as per this article, head of the family died due to TB and mother also suffering from cancer now , we are planning to move to another place, please tell we can give this house on rent or should we sell this house? need to check south west facing house vastu plan. Thank you in advance
+30 #14 southwest facing main entrance house in usaanasuya 2017-03-27 04:50
we are planning to buy new house in usa. that house main entrance facing south west. when we are coming out we will face southwest direction then turn right side to go out..please will you advise me .this house is good or bad.my husband name lakshmanana rao and birth star bharani. pls can you tell me lucky facing house for him.
+12 #13 South west facing flat good or badAnantha Kumar 2017-01-24 06:32
Dear Sir, We are purchasing a flat facing south west direction. Please provide vastu tips for south west facing flat. What are the advantages of south west facing flat. Actually, need to know about is south west facing flat good. If there is any remedy for south west facing main door flat, let me know please sir.
+15 #12 Remedies for south west entrance for our houseLakshmi 2016-11-11 22:44
Sir, we live in Texas USA. We bought a plot recently. It is a south west corner plot with main door having SW entrance. Is this good or bad? Our front yard is smaller than backyard (NE). We can't change the interiors. Are there any remedies for this vastu dosha? looking guidance for south west facing house vastu in USA. My husband nakshatra is Jyestha. thanks
+9 #11 South west facing flat vastuKuldeep Jain 2016-10-28 00:33
Dear Subha Vaastu, In my compound, the South West is down and sloppy, around 20-30 feet. Not even possible to make a retaining wall and fill it. The house is in North east side. Please suggest some corrective measures for south west road house vastu. Regards, Kuldeep
+30 #10 South west entrance vastu in HindiPunitha 2016-09-15 06:34
Sir, right now living in south west facing flat, can i place the almira outside my main entrance cos i have my neighbor door facing to my door which I understand is not auspicious too. My friend said this south west facing house vastu remedy for my south west entrance house vastu. Please guide me sir, need remedies for this entrance door.
+3 #9 South west facing house vastu in TeluguAnisha 2016-06-13 21:21
Suresh Garu, please tell me is south west facing house vastu good or bad. We have recently booked a house which has southwest facing door. Since then I have read a few blogs regarding south west facing house vastu. Can you advice regarding it. The Southwest entrance of the house towards the left side of the house while you are facing outside the house. Can you advice on any remedies required? ---------Entran ce-- This is how I would say the entrance is located. South west facing house is good?
+34 #8 Southwest plot vastuShaikh Abdul Nazeer 2016-04-15 07:06
Suresh Bhai, I am planning to buy a plot to construction house. Please advice southwest plot vastu with two side road, can I get one image for south west vastu for house, I found one south west facing house plan as per vastu in your website, I am downloading that map.
+10 #7 Remedies for south west facing entranceVishnu kumar 2015-11-28 08:41
Dear sir, I have a plot. My flat is south west facing. I want built room. Can you suggest me where I build room, toilets, entrance, bathroom, and kitchen for south west facing site vastu. Thanks, Vishnu Kumar.
+15 #6 Vastu tips for south west facing homeKannan 2015-07-21 05:28
Dear Sir, In my plot have not square or rectangle. In the southwest have toilet and west side have cut out for drainage system. Sothside have cutout for neighbor's bed room. In between neighbor bed room and bathroom there is one bed room of mine. In this bedroom I have closed this bathroom and in front of this bathroom door I have put almirah without mirror and another one is with mirror. Is it OK or have any problem please give me advise on southwest facing house vastu remedies.
+19 #5 Vastu remedies for south west cornerYeshvanth Kumar 2015-03-31 17:23
Respected Suresh sir, let me know the exact south west facing entrance vastu effects, can't we have ample life here?, some says vastu southwest entrance is iniquitous? what are the correct principles for south west entrance according to vastu? Can you please publish vastu tips for south west facing house in Hindi language. Your articles on southwest site vastu are really commendable. I appreciate your efforts here to publish the articles without expectations. My humble request is, please provide south west facing house remedies in Hindi language. Comprehensive suggestions required from you on complete south west direction in Hindi. Looking forward for your graceful support to the human kind. Thank you so much sir.
+17 #4 Southwest facing house vastuRavi Bhat 2014-05-11 12:31
Suresh Bhai, can you provide south west facing house plan and please give me also on remedy southwest main door. Previously we are good in this house. One of my customer told about south west facing house sunlight is good, so we opened one big window, afterwords, we are facing some troubles. please help
+11 #3 South west vastu in TeluguNidhi 2014-05-11 03:34
Namaste Suresh garu, dhayachesi Telugu lo southwest facing house vastu gurinchi vrasthaara. mee articles chaala baaga vuntaayi. Sujana cheppindi, south west vastu in amil lo content release chestunaara?
+47 #2 నైరుతి ముఖ ద్వార గృహము కొనవచునారమ్య 2014-03-28 02:12
సర్, North Brunswick Township లో నైరుతి ముఖ ద్వార గృహము చూసాము. ఇది మంచిదేనా, ఇక్కడ New Jersey state లో ప్రత్యేకించి కొన్ని communities లో నిరృతి ముఖ ద్వార ఇళ్లే ఎక్కువున్నాయి. పశ్చిమ నైరుతి మరియు దక్షిణ నైరుతి, మరియు నైరుతి బ్లాక్ ఇళ్ళు మంచివేనా. Nicholas George Afoakwah మీ website గురించి తెలిపి మిమ్మల్ని contact చెయ్యమన్నారు. మీ వెబ్సైటు చాలా బాగుంది. ఎన్నో విషయాలు చక్కగా తెలిపారు. అయితే అనుభవజ్ఞుల సలహా తీసుకోవడం చాలా మంచిదని Nicholas చెప్పిన తరువాత, మేము నిర్లక్ష్యం చెయ్యడం మంచిదికాదని మిమ్మల్ని సంప్రదిస్తున్నా ము. మాకు తగిన సలహా ఇవ్వగలరు.
+33 #1 South west facing house good or bad in HindiSandeep Patil 2014-02-17 11:00
Shri Suresh ji, looking to get more information from you on south west entrance door remedies tips and also south west toilet vastu remedies in Hindi and further "what are the benefits of a south facing house", further more south west entrance door remedies tips and finally, south west facing house feng shui, looking to release a small note book for my customers. When can I expect your reply. My kind request to you is, please make a short note on these below points too, south west vastu entrance, and
south west vastu in Hindi and last point is
south west vastu house facing. Thanking you so much sir ji.
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Delayed Marriages

Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".

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A comprehensive range of Vastu queries have been addressed here.100 Vastu Questions & Answers

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Inspirational Quotations

"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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