We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Vastu for Apartments | Buildings Vastu | India | USA | UK | Australia

Vastu For Building

Vastu For ApartmentVastu for Apartment: Narrated some material on Vastu for Flats and Apartments Vastu, we are trying our level best to publish some tips and information on Flats and Apartments.

These Vastu tips or information may be helpful for the residents who wish to choose the best property in their interesting town/city.

We are also planning to publish complete Vastu Tips for Apartments in this page in view of the rapid growth of Apartment culture everywhere.

Please note that our efforts do not compare equal to one expert Vastu consultant visit, we urge every reader here please show your property with one vastu master and then only decide to buy or search for other Apartments. This is the best practice to live securely and happily.

Due to lack of space, nowadays in many countries, flats and apartment fashion were hugely extended.

For example, we received many inquiries from various countries like the United States of America/USA, Australia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Singapore city, Malaysia, China, Germany, United Kingdom, South Africa, Switzerland, France, Russia, Japan, etc.

Apartment culture is different when compared to independent house culture, you know it well. The system of construction also has many differences for these both apartment and independent homes.

In some areas, these constructions are said to be condos or condominiums. In the modern age, the population has been increasing at an alarming rate.

Nowadays more land is being used for housing (house vastu) purpose. As a result, high-rise apartments or skyscrapers have become popular to meet present society's requirements, and nowadays, these flats or apartments are widely used. (This content is from SubhaVaastu).

There is a general feeling among a section of people that Vasthu need not be considered for apartments. But it is an established truth that Vaastu must be followed wherever man lives- be it an independent house or a flat, be it a village or a town.

Even the government also seems to follow the Vastu principles during the construction of a government building, then Government decisions and the state, people will also enjoy peace.

There are some rules written for public safety, for example in case of an apartment facing East direction, it must have two gates, one must be placed at the Northeast corner (know more about house Vastu Northeast through this link) of the East side and another gate may be towards Southeast-east direction (Get info through can I buy Southeast facing home page.)

Here precaution should be taken with regards to the movement of the residents of the flats. All the residents of the apartments highly recommended to move through East gate which is nearest to the Northeast and always close the east side gate which is nearer to the South side, i.e., Eastern Southeast. (Read full info on South direction homes vastu from this page.)

Any apartment built on the lines of Vastu is sure to bring peace and prosperity to the residents and the builder both are bound to lead a happy and successful life.

In the construction of any apartment, the construction of watchman’s portion is of vital importance often neglected by builders.

It is to be noted that the doors in the watchman portion must be placed at the zenith, otherwise apartment residents always face many problems with the watchman.

If the door to the watchman shed or room is in the correct place, then he will work hard for the apartment and its development. He won't neglect anybody and particularly he won't act like a careless staff.

Following Vastu shastra principles at the time of construction of the apartment is nothing but giving one best opportunity to the residents and builder will also get profits.

In the future while going to undertake the next best ventures residents who would like to buy the flats, then they will select only this builder because of he is a successful builder and then apartment-flat owners may get good results and they will recommend their friends to buy flats only with this builder in his next all ventures.

Just following the Vastu principles will enrich the residents and builders too.

Following Vastu will always help the builder for his strong vision of the best performance before the residents, it clearly shows his interest in the residents who are going to buy his ventures.

Anyhow the best advice is don’t approach a quack consultant for the sake of the fees, always approach an experienced Vastu consultant.

Apartment culture is now spreading to many parts of the world. In the USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Dubai UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, France, Germany, etc apartments are more facilitated to NRI's.

We are regularly updating the website with the latest Vastu information. We are working on this Apartment link. But updating may take some more time. Many people are now interested to live in apartments.

Not to say it as the culture, but sometimes this is the only security option. Now many rich people also looking to live in Apartment flats, because of insecure feeling when they live in independent houses.

How Many Directional Apartments Are There?

1. East facing Apartment.

2. West Facing Apartment.

3. North Facing Apartment.

4. South Facing Apartment.

5. Northeast Facing Apartment.

6. Northwest Facing Apartment.

7. Southeast Facing Apartment.

8. Southwest Facing Apartment.

9. Apartments having street focuses.

Vastu and Apartment Flats:

Apartment flats shared by many not only one resident. So what is the benefits or malevolent results should be shared among all the flat owners/inhabitants / flat owners.

Before taking a flat in an apartment, don't give too much importance for the Septic Tank, water storage sump, main gates, if your flat is very near to these things, then you must consider them.

For example: if you plan to buy the South direction flat at the first floor, generally under your flat, there may be car parking area, at your South side if there is a Septic tank or water storage tank, then don't buy it.

If you are looking for the North facing flat (read all qualities of house vastu North from this page), and the ST is towards the South direction, then don't give more weight on this ST, as you are planning to buy only the North facing flat.

Please note that you should show your interested flat to one best Vaasthu competent scholar before buying the flat in an apartment. Without experts advice don't buy any property.

Thousands of years back the uncivilized humans live in caves. Later he little developed his knowledge and known the necessity of security from wild animals, so he start using built cages made with wood or bamboo and leaves on trees. He requires security from animal attacks.

Now we the civilized people are living in caves or cages made with cement, steel, and wood. Some are looking for security reasons and some are looking for the price.

What is the difference between the olden days and nowadays, now humans and in olden days animals?

You are well known the fact that Vastu for apartment/flats also is as useful and important as that of other dwelling structures.

Generally, the positive power of a ground-level floor residence may be increased by constructing compound/boundary walls.

In the case of Apartment flats, once the construction is completed then it is not so easy to modify the structure or placement of rooms.

For example, if the kitchen was placed at Northeast corner, then it is not so that much easy to change the kitchen towards the Southeast (the Southeast kitchen always brings goodness to the residents).

Alterations, modifications, repairs are not so easy to improve the Vastu positive power in apartments. Based on this point, one should follow the Vastu principles before selecting the flats or apartments.

Builders may also concentrate on Vastu principles when going to start structures.

The typical floor plans of the apartment flats should be carefully monitored and alter before one competent Vastu pandit, so that the percentage of positive powers may reach maximum extent if one followed the principles.

If the rooms are constructed or planned according to Vastu principles then positive powers may grow there. Due to the erratic planning of the apartment flats/structure of the rooms, many inhabitants are seriously suffering from different complications.

Apartments VastuGenerally most of the vastu pandits expresses that Northeast room is not good for Kitchen, we are also mentioning the same, if the builders know about vastu then he never planned kitchen to be constructed towards Northeast quadrant, he takes care of such principles. When we observe many apartment flats in cities, most of them are failed to have a Southeast kitchen, many properties may had kitchens at Northeast and unfortunately, they published brochures and stated 100% vastu.

How it's possible for 100%, though it does not meets even 10%. It seems to be they just added another "0" to 10%. It's almost impossible to make apartment flats with 100% vastu, unbelievable, not practicable to construct them with 100% vastu.

For their benefits many builders are attracting their brochures with these words. If you question them they are saying many things or forcibly diverting the matter to some other matters. If there is an opportunity to make very beneficial flats if there is only one flat for one floor. But it may be very costlier and unbearable for the common man.

Southeast Kitchen in Apartment

Apartment and VastuThis image shows that there is a flame lights at one corner, that is the Southeast corner of that property. The auspicious placement of Kitchen came towards Southeast, most of the vastu consultants are recommending this placement of kitchen at Southeast. Further, in Southeast room, the kitchen has to be planned to come towards Southeast, which exactly that was shown in this image, approximate placement for the stove at this Southeast kitchen.

By reading many books and articles at websites many residents now checking the kitchen whether they are at Southeast or not.

You may believe or not, we recommend some flats which the kitchen placed at North or Northeast-North also. Based on many things and structures we have taken such decisions. It happened in the year 2007 and 2008 onward, we did not get any complaints from residents.

How? to know some more interesting information then this What is Vastu link may help a little bit. The days are changing, lots of changes were observed in our society. Based on many things we should search for many other ways to have a peaceful life with the latest observations.

Northwest Kitchen Placement in Apartment

Northwest Kitchen in Apartment Northeast placement of kitchen is also OK, this is second best placement for kitchen. Generally, Northwest kitchen (Know about is all Northwest facing homes are bad, this page explains what is good and what is bad) may not be possible for West facing entrance homes. If there is a bigger plinth area then we may arrange this Northwest kitchen for West direction properties. Now apartment flats mean single bedrooms or two bedrooms or three bedrooms or finally four bedrooms but this is not common in many areas. Two and three bedrooms are popular in most of the apartments.

We are not recommending buyers to have Kitchen towards Southwest parts (Read vastu homes Southwest article through this page). Some consultants are suggesting Southwest Kitchen, but we are not recommending to buy.

In our researches, we found problems with the owner or inhabitants. Southwest is good for bedrooms, not for Kitchen or dining rooms.

If Kitchen was placed towards Southwest then males accessing that room is lesser and females accessing will be more. Southwest is excellent for males than females. Should be kept in mind before buying the properties.

We can modify alterations to independent properties, whereas it is very difficult to do rectifications to flats in apartments, generally, apartment association may not accepts for the civil corrections, instead of doing corrections its best to have advice from a competent Vastu consultant and pick the good flat for happy living.

Many residents failed to have expert Vastu consultants recommendations, most of the inhabitants are likes to approach only the cheaper price consultants and bringing bad luck to their homes. Hidden complications may not be common, but doing corrections to them are very tough or maybe a challenge to do them.

To save construction costs and the limitation of space we have to accommodate all the basic required things for the apartment, the infrastructure like sewage pipes, chimneys, water pipes, drainage system facilitation pipes etc are to be arranged in a particular manner or specific side.

According to space availability only we have to arrange or plan all the required rooms. This may lead to negligence of important guidelines for the domicile. If each flat has to sacrifice one or more guidelines, the inhabitants in flats may suffer extent defects.

This is said to be like this way also, people are buying the problems instead of buying the flat. If one is serious about Vastu, then buying independent property is so fine instead of buying the flat. Due to many factors and reasons, residents are forced to stay at these constructions only. It is really a pity and it happens only because of heavy population growth.

Residents Enquiring Directions

Apartment Gates FacingThis is one apartment property and blue colored with white bordered lines marked is a compound wall. For entire property there is one door or gate, that is towards North, so this property is called as North facing property. Now come to the point, somebody raised some questions about their flat is facing to which direction. Now we will discuss more on this subject. Just observing the below images one can easily find out the directions of the main property and inner property.

Now, this apartment is North facing. Most of the Vastu consultants are also mistaken about facing here. We are clarified such doubts with images help.

To locate the directions, no need to calculations or no need to approach masterminds. The very simple logic to identify the directions here.

It's very common that nowadays people are approaching astrologists and taking consent about their names and property facing information to buy. For them, this information may be hugely benefited.

How to Find Out Direction of Main Entrance Door in Apartments?

Vastu for ApartmentThis images shows only the flat, not the apartment. The door is towards East direction, the entire apartment is North facing and this flat is East facing. Here many people getting lots of doubts that is this flat is facing towards East or North. Our question is are you planning to buy flat or entire apartment, if you are looking to buy one flat, then check the directions of that one only, no need to check the entire property directions. Residents requirement is most important here to point out this.

Are you buying only one or the entire building? Simple logic, no complication here. Generally, there should not be two main entrance doors to the flats, one main entrance door is familiar.

If anyone observed two doors then the question arises for argument. A debate took place only if there are two doors. Otherwise, the answer is very simple to pull out.

Showing Apartment and Boundary Wall

Apartments with VastuTrust that your doubt is cleared. Just by observing this image one can easily find out the directions of his flat which he is interested to buy. Here we showed the properties of North and East, this is for your kind information purpose only. By seeing that one may not have a bad opinion on South or West entrances. For many properties, we recommended people to buy West and South, because the independent properties are different and this structure of living is different.

Rules were slightly switched. We have already been informed you about two doors and directions. We thought that images may help here to understand quickly, that is the only reason shown each and every point with the help of images. If experts saw these images they may feel bored, but we are only concentrating on a gullible public.

For your smooth understanding purpose, we have shown only one flat in one apartment. If we showed many flats in this image, they may disturb and divert or may lead to confusion.

If there is no way to have one independent property, one has to buy the flat, if so there are some guidelines for having a fortunate property with some small tips.

As we already said that if the property is built according to principles then promoters may complete the entire flats early and earn profits and cut the interest costs from Bankers or from Financial Institutions.

The residents may also bless the promoters if the property is perfectly stitched with principles.

1. Check the good days with one pandit and start the Bhoomi puja or foundation ceremony.

2. The construction should be perfect, before constructing the apartment the flat buyers and particularly the promoter has to ensure that the site should be according to government standards or not. Otherwise some time there may be a chance for the collapse the entire structure.

Government framing all rules and regulations for the public/residents' safety only. Builders also should verify the land with expert engineers and then only start the construction, otherwise horrible incidents may occur. For example, read the below and observe the photo.

Apartment Sinking Image In Coastal South India

building vastuIn one coastal town in South India (we hide its town name) there is one residential Apartment at "ABCDEF" Nagar was constructed by one "XYZ" constructions in 2008. There are almost 15 families residing. One evening the building started shaking with a huge sound and neighboring residents rush to the roads and they suspected that the sound and shaking is due to an earthquake.

Within minutes only the residential complex sunk nearly 10 feet and the first floor came parallel to the ground level, the entire parking area and watchman quarter totally sunk into the earth. The entire apartment floor sinking to the ground level.

Immediately local people sprung into action and made maximum vain attempts to rescue those who were trapped inside the building. A few youths dared and entered the building along with the fire department personnel and rescued nearly 6 children who reportedly went into the building for attending dance and music classes.

3. Avoid buying irregular shaped flats. Rectangular or square shaped flats are good.

4. The apartment site should be cleaned properly before constructing the building. The ups and downs or undulations of the plot should be leveled with a bulldozer or Poclain or with a tractor. Land elevation is best towards Southwest and land depression is best towards Northeast .

5. The staircase should not come into the Northeast corner of the flat or Apartment. We should treat each and every flat as a single residence and then amalgamate. If the staircase came towards the Northeast of the apartment then all the residents have to face small troubles or the builder has to face some sort of risk.

5a. It is a fact that great care has to be taken in deciding the staircase in any building. This is true for any other facility also. Many people believe the staircase in the northeast is not good because of the construction weight and place blocking (northeast place blocking is not a good idea).

While it is true if the staircase were within the building the same is totally untrue, if the same staircase is outside the building even it is northeast as long as it is such that the Northeast is extended then it would not harm as expected.

In the case of multi-story buildings usually, nothing projects outside the perimeters, if the staircase within the main construction area it does no harm as expected.

6. Maximum try to send the drainage or used sluggish water may be moved towards North or East directions. If it is not possible then try to come towards Southeast or Northwest. Flow from Southwest is not recommended.

7. The passage may be best towards North or East directions.

8. Many times informed on our website that toilets or staircase or bedrooms or bathrooms should not be planned at the Northeast corner of the flat.

9. Even number pillars are so strong than the base numbers. Standard of the building is most important. Even number pillars are scientifically strong than the base number pillars.

10. Cellar/basement is best towards North, East or Northeast.

11. Watchman room or quarter or cabin should not be built at the Northeast corner of the entire apartment plot.

12. Ensure the fact that there should not be any street focus or bad passage focus to your selected plot. If so approach one Vastu Specialist and show that property and then only buy or leave it.

When coming to the apartment flats in future if you found any mistake as per vastu then only minor changes may be done instead of doing heavy alterations, keep it in mind before buying the flats.

we are humans so there may be a chance for mistakes on our website, please note this point before selecting your interested flats after reading the content here.

There are many things that we have to discuss, where is the best place for pooja room, bedrooms, living room, family room, prayer room, powder room, utility section, dining area etc, along with this which is the best place for refrigerator/fridge, hearth placement, washing machine, washer, shoe rack, furniture, Zoola chair, children study table etc has to be perfectly planned.

Please understand that publishing entire information in one page or website is not possible, but we are trying hard to reveal many researching things in this site, took time to publish the entire information in our website soon.

What is OTS in Apartments?

Open to Sky (OTS). But somebody explains a different definition for this acronym i.e., Open to Terrace.

What is BHK in Apartments?

Bedroom Hall Kitchen (BHK).

2 BHK means 2 bedrooms, 1 Hall, 1 Kitchen.

3 BHK means 3 bedrooms 1 Hall, 1 Kitchen.

Questions from Residents

1. Hello sir, we bought a flat in Hyderabad. But the watchmen has placed his ironing stand in the middle of the apartment near the staircase. So everyone has to see the Ironing stand (which is fire) while going out. And also my dad passed away unexpectedly. Please give me your opinion - Saritha - Hyderabad - Andhra Pradesh - India.

Most of the Cosmopolis nowadays were differently changed cultures and traditions. The internationally important cities are now inhabited by various countries and different cultures with distinct people and reflecting numerous varieties of contrasting cultures.

Based on international requirements, now builders changed Indians' requirements and doing offbeat changes to the structures. Though they may be facilitated to international clients, but may not be fulfilled Vastu. Better to ask them for Vastu properties. By having positive properties people enjoy peace, not divorce cases.

2. Respected Suresh Ji, we are living in one newly developed gated community having 8 blocks of apartments. We choose an apartment located centrally. I recently visited your website regarding road thrusts and noticed that this center apartment got Northern Northwest road thrust. Earlier joining with this apartment, we lived happily, we did not face any challenges in our lives, but when we joined this apartment, we are always feeling tense. Unfortunately, the so-called Vastu expert never explained this road thrust generating from the apartment's construction by leaving a gap. Right now, our life is not run smoothly, things are against to us. Psychological troubles, feelings, arguments in the home, my daughter disturbed in her education, she developed an interest in gadgets and entertainments only, earlier she got ranks in her academic exams. Now, she is too lazy in everything, always craving for the new smart mobile phones, been sitting before a mirror for hours together. My grandmother becomes a gabbler, overall we are highly inconvenient in this apartment. We need peace, please help us - Sashank - Vijayawada

3. Nowadays, there are many high-rise apartments being constructed in Hyderabad which are mostly East or West facing, with roads on East side and Lawns on West side. How to choose the Best East facing apartment?. The land in which the high rise apartments (multiple towers, each tower with East-West apartments) is not as per Vastu, but the apartments are facing East or West, in such case, how to choose the best apartment to consider the overall land in which the towers are being built? Will the overall vastu of the land affect all inhabitants even though the individual apartment is east facing? What is the criteria? - Vijay.

Vaastu Questions

+10 #21 Flat Purchase On 13th Floor South Facing ApartmentPrashant P Sangani. 2017-06-25 11:15
Hi Sir, my name is Prashant Sangani I am Manglik. Recently I saw a flat on 13th floor it's a top floor in the apartment. On the terrace above the flat there is a water tank and water tank is on Northeast to Northwest. I heard the flat exactly below Water tank should not be purchased. Please guide me, sir. You have given wonderful information in your website. I congratulate you for this services. Thank you so much sir.
+10 #20 Vastu for apartments facing southPoonam 2017-03-09 06:41
Dear sir, just enter into your magnificent Vastu website, liked it. I want your opinion for my new flat in this South apartment. Can u give me Vastu suggestion personally in my mail id if I send my flat design.
+5 #19 Vastu for ApartmentSuresh R 2017-02-03 13:52
Hi I am buying a 3 bed room apartment in the first floor of the property with 30 feet road on the west side of the property. The main gate to the apartment community is at north- west corner of the plot. And my apartment is north facing and entrance is at North. The total plot area is 38 feet west and 60 feet north. And the plot is at T jucntion by west- south west , but the exposed plot area is just 4 feet width. Does it have a big impact to my apartment in the first floor and do i need to do any remedy for it.
+8 #18 OPINION PLEASEB N RAO 2016-12-22 12:55
+4 #17 Shraddhashraddha 2016-12-10 11:47

I am Shraddha, planning to buy flat at 4th floor facing to east and main door is at north east corner.
Flat facing two stair cases. distance between staicase and main entrance is 4 ft. One exactly opposite to main door going down to other apartments and other staircase is infront of neighbour flat to access above floor.
Kitchen is in south east corner and bedroom is in southwest corner. we have two bathrooms between kitchen and bedroom.
Is flat is good or i have to do any changes? My birthdate is 15-december-1985.

+6 #16 apartment common corridor (passage) vastukumar 2016-10-01 18:07
hi sir, i wanted to know my common corridor (passage) of my apartment is towards north & my flat is facing towards east , but my corridor (passage) is ending exactly beside my flat gate. this corridor (passage) is not ending till end of my flat wall so is it consider as a cut of NE & does it harm towards me anyting of corridor (passage) cut. there are four flats in one floor.
+3 #15 Importance of Vastu and Help from Mr. Suresh Garu...Naresh Mohan 2016-08-10 10:02
Dear Sir,

I was sending plans of different flats to you saying east and north etc thru mails... finally i found that there is lot of different when it comes to see personally or seeing plans in computer or mobile.

When we met and seen personally those flats and your explanation on requirements and figured out how and why to changes.

I am very confident and clear about each and everything... I am ready to buy the same flat now....

Thank You somuch........
+8 #14 best flats with vastuPraveen 2016-05-27 11:22
In India number of the people will believe the Vastu. It was really very powerful. Most of the Indians will believe this.
+11 #13 Northwest facing flatKatamkumar 2016-04-19 06:15
Dearsir, my name is kumar i have purchased northwest corner west facing flat. Kitchen south east corner is there, after purchased to this flat im facing lot of problems, can i get suggestions for this for any changes
+7 #12 North west adjourning liftPundari prasad 2016-03-15 10:59
Sir we want to purchase a flat. The flat main entrance as facing west direction all the inner is very nice but I havhave a doubt that in the North West corner of my flat adjourning to my flat the lift is there so I can purchase that flat or not please say me
+6 #11 main door entranceRam kumar 2015-11-22 07:22
I want purchase 3bhk flat. my horoscope acquaris (Kumbha). which is the best main door entrance.
+9 #10 Apartment Vastu QueryUmesh HS 2015-11-17 03:41
I was chking on a apts wherein they are not able to give the exact position of the house as the construction is yet to happen so when insisted on the same they gave this detail. Kindly advice on the same.
Main Door angle is tentatively 56 degree from north 34 deg from east.
+12 #9 how to keep Almirah in Master bedroomHarish Patel 2015-11-15 11:38
i have to ask which direction to put cupboard in bedroom.
+5 #8 dimentions of sub directionsyvbalaji 2015-07-06 08:21
I fully agree with Lonnie here. I wish to know how to specify the sub corners NE,SE,SW,SE. within the main directions of NSEW. Is there any calculation to demarcate these sub direction. Kindly throw light on this for the benefit of a large section of society as often we feel confused, every alternate fellow speaks as an vastu expert and main directions take a back seat.
+4 #7 selection of blockyvbalaji 2015-07-04 15:56
hi,we have selected a 3bhk appt in a block out of three blocks situated on south west side of a high rise appts .some one advised that all the blocks in sw corner should be rejected. we are in a fix because the selected appt suites us in all aspects. kindly advise.
+9 #6 shermukh propertybhavna 2015-03-31 06:22
We intend to buy a builder flat built on a shermukh plot. the builder has corrected that by building a rectangular flat and has cut of the extended area from the main building. he intends to use that area for placing a generator. that extra area is not covered by the roof and can be entered into from the parking area using a small gate
is it now suitable for residential purpose?
+11 #5 Request for commercial idea of vastu consultancyVikram.Kumar 2015-01-19 07:55
I have bought a 3 bedroom flat in an apartment in Indirapuram Ghaziabad and seeking consultancy in term of Vastu friendly design/decorati on to improve healthy and cordial lifestyle. Request please provide the details of commercial idea in this consultancy.
+16 #4 opinion requiredchalam 2014-11-08 07:17
we want to purchase a flat in 6th flooe (G+5) north facing , in the north east corner steps (stair case ) is present and in the northwest corner lift is present is it good to buy the flat
+14 #3 Apartments ConstructionTheodore Kumar 2014-05-22 17:19
We arе a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. Your web ѕitе providеd us wіth valuable information to work on. You've done an imprеssive job and our whole community will be greateful to you.
+22 #2 ApartmentsMargarito 2014-04-16 04:07
I visited many websites but the theme explaining the content here is marvelous. Nice articles on Indian cultures.
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Inspirational Quotations

"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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