We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Vastu Master Bedroom | Vastu For Sleeping Positions

vastu master bedroomThis article explores the positioning of the master bedroom according to various directions. Should you have any specific inquiries, please visit our Contact SubhaVaastu page. It's important to note that the Vaasthu principles shared on our site may yield different outcomes in homes across various countries, as results can be influenced by the surrounding Vastu effects.

For instance, while many expert Vastu consultants advise against placing the master bedroom in the Northwest, Southeast, or Northeast for the main earners of the household, there have been cases in the USA where such arrangements have led to exceptional Vastu results. Keep this in mind as you read through the article.

There may be some conflicting statements in this link due to the differences between house constructions in India and other countries, neighborhood effects, etc. The approach to building homes varies greatly across regions. After reviewing numerous homes in both India and abroad, we have tried to integrate all these elements here. Please carefully review each point in this link for a comprehensive understanding.

Northeast Master Bedroom is Good or Bad?

Northeast master bedroom effects1. A Northeast master bedroom is generally considered unfavorable in Vastu Shastra. The Northeast direction is associated with spiritual energy, clarity, and purity, and it is best suited for Pooja rooms, or meditation rooms, or living spaces. Placing a master bedroom in the Northeast corner can disrupt the flow of positive energy and may lead to health or financial issues for the head of the household. Instead, the Southwest direction is the most ideal location for a master bedroom as it brings stability and strength.

2. To be clear, bedrooms situated in the Northeast are typically not advisable for breadwinners. Therefore, it's best to avoid planning a master bedroom in this direction, as well as in the East direction or North directions.

3. Occasionally, master bedrooms in the Northeast can yield surprisingly positive results, especially if there's substantial open space in the East or North, including the Northeast. This phenomenon is often seen in homes in the USA.

4. Kindly note that few guidelines might not be applicable to "some homes" in USA, UK, Australia, and other countries. Please consider this information when reading the points below. Vastu is a complex subject that requires extensive research before drawing any definitive conclusions. Over the past 40 years, numerous studies on Vastu science have unearthed a variety of insights and specifications. We encourage you to read through this entire article thoroughly. By doing so, you will gain a better understanding of the principles of Vastu for master bedrooms and bedrooms in general.

5. If the breadwinner of the house occupies a bedroom in the Northeast corner, it could negatively impact his health or money matters.

The Southwest master bedroom is generally the most powerful compared to other orientations. However, some Northeast bedrooms, particularly when used by the breadwinners, may not bring good fortune. Interestingly, through our work on house plans across various countries, we have discovered many residents living happily with Northeast master bedrooms. Go through below to read our findings.

प्रिया सुरेशजी, क्या सभी उत्तर-पूर्व दिशा में स्थित मास्टर बेडरूम खराब माने जाते हैं? हमें एक घर पसंद आया है जिसका मास्टर बेडरूम उत्तर-पूर्व में है, कृपया अपने विचार बताएं। - Satyavathi - Tampa

Is a Northeast Master Bedroom Absolutely Bad in USA?

Northeast master bedroom in USA1. Typically, having the master bedroom in the Northeast does not yield positive outcomes for the primary earners in the home. However, in certain properties, a master bedroom in the same Northeast location does not cause issues for the residents; in fact, they may benefit from it. Take a look at this image, where the master bedroom is marked in green.

2. This house features a Northeast extension, which greatly enhances the potential for positive outcomes. Especially when supported by favorable neighborhood Vastu things go smooth. Regarding Vastu analysis, it is essential to assess both the interior Vastu of the home and the external Vastu of the house. When both aspects are favorable, everything tends to proceed smoothly.

3. There is a chance of variation for some rules based on different structures. If we take homes in Australia, many homes have master bedrooms located next to the main entrance door.

4. For example, East facing home, the master bedroom located either Northeast or Southeast. If the home is West facing home then the master bedroom located either at Northwest or Southwest.

5. Any room which you are using should be snuggery & comfortable, then it will be more energetic to have cozy results.

6. Given our understanding, we should approach these matters carefully. It is widely accepted that a master bedroom in the Southwest yields positive results. However, in certain cases, even a Northeast master bedroom can bring favorable outcomes. This is often due to the presence of ample open space in the North, East, and Northeast, enhancing the beneficial effects for residents.

7. Some individuals use these examples to argue that Northeast bedrooms always provide better results than Southwest ones. However, it is crucial to recognize that Vastu principles should not be applied without considering the surrounding environment. Proper decisions require an evaluation of the house's context and surroundings.

Interesting Vastu Links to Visit

Namaste Sureshji, Is It Good to Buy a Home With a Southeast Master Bedroom? - Sekhar - Plano

Can I Buy a Home That Has Southeast Master Bedroom?

Southeast master bedroom resultsMany residents eagerly purchase North-facing homes at premium prices, attracted by the promise of prosperity. However, this isn't always guaranteed. For example, if the master bedroom in a North-facing house is located in the Southeast (learn more about Southeast homes Vastu ideas through this link), it might result in significant issues such as arguments, unhappiness, sleepless nights, financial hardships, and career instability.

ఆగ్నేయ దిశలో మాస్టర్ బెడ్రూమ్ ఉన్న తూర్పు ముఖం ఇంటిని కొనడం మంచిదేనా? - Raghava - Fremont.

East facing homes with Southeast master bedrooms may encounter similar issues. Many people quickly buy homes facing East, but later find problems with the house. This leads them to look for homes with better Vastu alignment. It is unwise to choose a residence based purely on its orientation without taking into account other crucial aspects. Engaging a Vastu expert early in the home-buying process is advisable to avoid such adverse results. Typically, the fee for this consultation is minimal compared to the potential costs of addressing issues post-purchase.

வணக்கம் ஐயா, எங்களுக்கு ஒரு வீடு பிடித்திருந்தது, எங்கள் தேவைகளுக்கு ஏற்றவாறு அனைத்தும் சிறப்பாக உள்ளது, வாஸ்து பார்வையில் கூட நல்லது, ஆனால் இந்த வீட்டில் ஒரே ஒரு பிரச்சினை, அதாவது மாஸ்டர் பெட்ரூம் வடமேற்கில் அமைந்துள்ளது, தயவுசெய்து வழிகாட்டுங்கள், வடமேற்கு மாஸ்டர் பெட்ரூம் கொண்ட வீட்டை வாங்குவது நல்லதா? - Vidya Srinivasan - Charlotte

Is It Acceptable to Have a Master Bedroom in the Northwest?

Northwest master bedroom in VastuTypically, a master bedroom in the Northwest does not yield positive outcomes. Often, it is not advisable for the primary earners or heads of households to occupy such rooms. They might face tensions, conflicts, discomfort, and dissatisfaction. Additionally, this setting could lead to poor financial decisions, monetary losses, legal issues, and unnecessary disputes. It's important to clarify that not every home experiences these issues, but many do encounter such problems. However, there are exceptions where residents have reported favorable results from Northwest master bedrooms, especially when these rooms benefit from features like ample open space to the north and extensions toward the northeast.

Residents in northwest positioned master bedrooms could face a lack of stability and economic downturns, with frequent disturbances stemming from their professional environments including businesses like offices, hotels (read more on this topic hotels with Vastu ideas ) and retail spaces or even factories (study significant points of factories and Vastu support). Additionally, such a setup increases the probability of marital discord, may face abortion, and ongoing familial disputes, heightening the risk of legal entanglements and substantial financial difficulties, along with emotional distress.

ನಾವು ಮನೆಯನ್ನು ಖರೀದಿಸಲು ಇಚ್ಛಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೇವೆ, ಅದರ ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಪಶ್ಚಿಮದಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾಸ್ಟರ್ ಬೆಡ್‌ರೂಮ್ ಇದೆ, ಇದು ಉತ್ತಮವೇ? ನಾವು ಆ ಮನೆಯನ್ನು ಖರೀದಿಸಬಹುದೇ? - Manjunath - Phoenix

Which Direction Master Bedroom is Highly Suggested for the Breadwinner?

Northwest master bedroom in VastuThe Southwest master bedroom is ideal for the primary earners of the household. The head of the house should claim the master bedroom. Ideally, the homeowner or main provider should rest in the Southwest room. If this is not feasible, the next best alternatives are sleeping in either a Southern or Western bedroom.

According to Vastu Where Should Be the Master Bedroom?

According to Vastu, the ideal location for the master bedroom is in the southwest corner of the house. This placement ensures stability, strength, and prosperity for the head of the household. The southwest is considered the most powerful direction, offering balance and a strong foundation for success in both personal and professional life. It is important that the master bedroom is positioned here to promote harmony, good health, and restful sleep, fostering overall well-being for the family.

What are the Benefits of Southwest Master Bedroom?

1. A master bedroom in the Southwest direction is beneficial for gradually improving financial status, smoothing daily routines, and enhancing the persuasiveness of the resident's arguments. This positioning also supports the resident in effectively managing family members or staff, even when his commands are not directly heard. His financial growth aligns with his expectations.

2. Stability: The Southwest direction is associated with the earth element, which brings stability and groundedness to the occupants' lives.

3. Wealth Accumulation: It is believed to enhance the ability to accumulate and retain wealth, as this direction is considered the zone of savings.

4. Relationship Enhancement: Placing the master bedroom in the Southwest can help in strengthening relationships, especially between the head of the household and their partner.

5. Health Improvements: This direction can positively impact the health of the residents, promoting restful sleep and overall well-being.

6. Authority and Control: The Southwest bedroom can enhance the authority of the head of the family within the household, improving their control and respect among family members.

7. Career Advancement: For those in leadership or managerial roles, a Southwest bedroom can bolster career growth and help in maintaining a commanding position at work.

8. Reduced Stress: The earth element also aids in reducing stress and anxiety, promoting a calm and peaceful environment.

9. Improved Decision Making: Sleeping in the Southwest can enhance one’s decision-making capabilities, leading to better choices in both personal and professional spheres.

10. Longevity: Vastu principles suggest that the Southwest direction can contribute to the longevity of the residents by fostering a robust health framework.

11. Protection: This direction is considered to provide protection against negative energies and potential threats, ensuring a secure environment for the family.

12. Children: There is a possibility of giving birth to fortunate and intelligent kids.

സുരേഷ് ജി, ഒരു മുറിയില്‍ ബ്രഹ്മസ്ഥാനത്ത് മാസ്റ്റര്‍ ബെഡ്‌റൂം ക്രമീകരിക്കുന്നത് നല്ലതാണോ, ഫലങ്ങള്‍ എന്തൊക്കെയാണ് എന്ന് അറിയാന്‍ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു. - Ananth Nambiar - New York

Is It Suitable to Locate a Master Bedroom in the Brahmasthan?

Brahmasthan master bedroom in VastuPlacing a master bedroom in the Brahmasthan, or the center of the home, is generally not advisable. It's rare to see master bedrooms in this location. If the breadwinner occupies the Brahmasthan, then who would occupy the Southwest room, which is considered the most auspicious for them? The Southwest is the ideal spot for the head of the household. So, if the master bedroom is in the Brahmasthan, one must consider what room occupies the Southwest and who is using it.

The Brahmasthan represents the house's most sacred and energetic area. Having a bedroom here can disrupt the flow of positive energy, potentially leading to health or financial challenges. However, in certain cases, a master bedroom in the Brahmasthan may not cause issues. For instance, if the Southwest room is used as storage, and the Brahmasthan master bedroom is next to this Southwest store room, then the placement might not be problematic. Therefore, it’s essential to consider multiple factors before making a decision. This is why most Vastu experts recommend in-person consultations, as online consultations may overlook critical aspects.

Is It Important to Follow Vastu for Master Bedroom?

1. Typically, the breadwinners occupy the master bedroom, making it essential to follow Vastu for master bedroom to ensure harmony and well-being. When the master bedroom aligns with Vastu principles, it promotes peace of mind and emotional stability, helping the residents maintain their physical and mental health.

2. A well-planned Vastu for master bedroom, not only ensures sound sleep but also creates a positive environment that supports the breadwinners in their personal and professional growth. Additionally, it helps in fostering healthy relationships within the family.

3. Therefore, paying close attention to Vastu for master bedroom is crucial for sustaining happiness, prosperity, and overall well-being in the household.

Is It Important to Follow Vastu Principles for All Bedrooms in a Home?

1. Yes, it is important to follow Vastu for all bedrooms in a home to maintain harmony, peace, and well-being. Each bedroom plays a unique role in the household, influencing the health, relationships, and mental state of the occupants. While the master bedroom is crucial for the breadwinners, other bedrooms, such as those for children, guests, and elders, also impact the dynamics of the family.

2. Applying Vastu principles for all bedrooms ensures that positive energy flows throughout the house, reducing conflicts and promoting happiness. Bedrooms aligned with Vastu can improve sleep quality, foster healthy relationships, and enhance the occupants' productivity and mental health. Neglecting Vastu in any room could lead to restlessness, health issues, or emotional imbalances.

3. Therefore, following Vastu for all bedrooms creates a balanced environment that supports the overall well-being of the family.

సర్, నైరుతిలో ఉన్న ప్రతి ఒక్క మాస్టర్ బెడ్ రూమ్ కూడా గృహస్థులకు మంచి ఫలితాలను ఇస్తుందా - Narayana - Seattle.

Do All Southwest Master Bedrooms Provide Good Results?

master bedroom Northwest doorIt is a misconception to assume that every master bedroom in the Southwest will always yield excellent results. If the room has a door in an incorrect direction, the consequences of that mistake will have to be faced by the occupants. For example, as shown in the image, this Southwest bedroom has a door in the Northwest Direction, so the occupants of this room will experience the effects of the Northwest entrance.

Therefore, it's wrong to believe that every bedroom in the Southwest automatically brings great outcomes. The direction of the door leading into the room is of utmost importance. Additionally, the placement of the bed and the position of the head while sleeping also play a significant role in determining the results. Typically, these occupants may encounter discomfort, restlessness, disputes, legal issues, dissatisfaction, and several other undesirable outcomes that we prefer not to elaborate on here.

Southwest Master Bedroom Which Has East of Southeast Door

master bedroom Southeast doorThis is another Southwest master bedroom with a door located in the East of Southeast. As a result, the occupants may experience frequent intense arguments, excessive spending, unnecessary expenditures, disputes, discomfort, restlessness, a tendency to dominate others, possible failures, poor decision-making, rushing through tasks and may fail in catching in a right time, and taking incorrect steps. (Please note that these outcomes are possibilities only.)

आदरणीय सुरेश जी, क्या दक्षिण-पश्चिम मास्टर बेडरूम में उत्तर-पूर्व कट होना अच्छा है? हम इस घर को खरीदने की योजना बना रहे हैं, कृपया अपने विचार बताएं। - Rakesh Sharma- Chicago.

Northeast Cut in the Southwest Master Bedroom

Northeast cut Southwest master bedroomMany residents believe that Vastu doesn't work, even when they meticulously follow all its principles during construction. However, this often happens because they don't receive proper guidance or compromise on expert consultation, ultimately blaming Vastu and its consultants.

Take a look at this image, this home also features a Southwest master bedroom, yet it may not deliver the desired results. Additionally, the occupants' growth could stagnate, leading to various unnecessary problems, restlessness, and potential disruptions to family harmony. In some cases, it may even result in serious health issues, particularly affecting the brain or head.

NNW Door and Northeast Cut in the SW MBR

North of NW and Northeast cut Southwest master bedroomThis Southwest master bedroom also has a Northeast cut, with the door positioned towards the North of Northwest. Typically, such bedrooms can disrupt family life, leading to conflicts, legal issues, failures, loss of hope, and general unhappiness. The occupants may face unnecessary troubles, constant stress, and a lack of enthusiasm in life. They might find themselves frequently visiting temples, with their religious sentiments reaching extreme levels.

They may become inclined to follow every suggestion they hear, only to encounter failures across various aspects of life. Furthermore, they might experience a lack of support from family members, along with frequent arguments and disputes within the family or with others. Please note that these outcomes are potential possibilities.

जी, हमें एक घर बहुत पसंद आया है, जो हमारी सभी जरूरतों के लिए पूरी तरह से उपयुक्त है। लेकिन हमने देखा कि दक्षिण-पश्चिम मास्टर बेडरूम में दो सीढ़ियों का गड्ढा है। क्या यह घर खरीदना सही रहेगा? कृपया अपने विचार बताएं। - Mahesh- Mumbai.

Floor Depression in Southwest Master Bedroom: A Concern

Southwest Master Bedroom with Floor Depression IssuesTake a look at this image, this is another Southwest master bedroom. You can see that the floor of this bedroom is lower, with two steps leading down from the main house. Usually, when the Southwest area has a floor depression, things don't go smoothly, and the people living there might face different problems.

2. We feel this is not the right place to describe every possible outcome in detail. But here is one example. In a family from Gujarat (state name changed for privacy), after their elder son got married, the daughter-in-law moved into the house.

3. Within just eight months, the family started noticing serious negative changes in their lives. Out of respect for their privacy, we won’t share more details here. Having a Southwest master bedroom with a floor depression can lead to significant problems.

4. If possible, please visit this link to learn about the effects of floor elevations and depressions in a house. This content will help readers better understand their impact.

Dear Sir, we found a home with a Southwest master bedroom and a Northwest toilet. Everything appears to be in alignment with Vastu. Should we proceed with buying this house? - Amit - Perth

Northwest Toilet within the Southwest Master Bedroom

Northwest toilett for Southwest master bedroomThis Southwest bedroom has a bathroom located in the Northwest section. Observe it carefully. Take a close look, this bathroom starts within the Southwest room and extends into the Northwest part. In few homes, we often see such bathrooms. Typically, homes with this kind of setup tend to bring various financial difficulties to the residents. In many cases, houses with such extended Northwest bathrooms connected to the Southwest bedroom have been observed to result in severe financial troubles, even leading to bankruptcy.

Hi, is it advisable to buy a home with a Southeast toilet attached to the Southwest master bedroom? – Kumar – Atlanta

Southwest Master Bedroom With Southeast Bathroom

Southwest master bedroom with southeast toiletThis home’s Southwest master bedroom features a toilet positioned in the Southeast. The bathroom starts directly from the Southwest master bedroom and extends into the Southeast. Typically, homes with such configurations may attract scrutiny from higher authorities. In several cases of income tax raids, we observed a pattern with homes having similar setups.

About three decades ago, we came across a house in Rajasthan with the same feature that was subjected to an IT raid. Later, we found another similar case in Kerala, where the home was also raided. Over time, we identified multiple homes with this layout that experienced similar issues with income tax authorities.

It is important to note that income tax raids often extend to the relatives and friends of the primary individual under investigation. Therefore, the primary focus should be on the main individual’s home, rather than just the homes of their relatives. Please keep this point in mind.

Sureshji, can we consider buying a home with a Southeast toilet and a Northwest bath attached to the Southwest master bedroom? – Suhaas – Detroit Metropolitan

Southwest Master Bedroom with Northwest Toilet and Southeast Closet

is all southwest master bedrooms are giving good results?This Southwest master bedroom features a Northwest toilet and a Southeast closet. Many residents focus solely on the presence of a Southwest master bedroom without considering the overall configuration. During visits to several homes where residents faced bankruptcy and had to abandon their properties, we observed similar setups, with Northwest toilets and Southeast closets contributing to the unfavorable outcomes.

2. In such homes, arguments between family members, especially between husband and wife, are quite common. Unhappiness becomes a constant presence in these households. The residents often face continuous troubles, and many residents may get involved in the stock market, only to suffer significant financial losses, sometimes losing their entire savings.

3. Similarly, a toilet in the Southeast and a closet in the Northwest can also produce similar negative effects.

4. Thorough research is essential in every field to uncover underlying facts. Simply identifying the presence of a Southwest master bedroom and basing a purchase decision on that alone is insufficient. A comprehensive evaluation of all elements is necessary before making any final decisions.

Vastu is a broad subject. Even for the Southwest master bedroom alone, we could describe over 100 potential illustrations and examples. However, due to space limitations, we are sharing only a few examples here.

Hello, what are the most favorable sleeping positions in a bedroom according to Vastu? - Murthy - Canada.

What Are the Ideal Head Placements in a Bedroom According to Vastu?

Sleeping Positions as per VastuSleeping with the head positioned towards the South is widely considered highly favorable according to Vastu principles, as it is believed to align the body with positive energy flows. In this position, the person's feet will naturally point towards the North, promoting better rest and mental well-being. This alignment is said to enhance physical health, reduce stress, and attract prosperity into the household. Our elders also recommend this orientation for ensuring a peaceful and rejuvenating sleep. Thus, placing the head towards the South Direction is regarded as the most ideal and beneficial head placement for restful sleep.

Suresh ji, is it acceptable as per Vastu to sleep with our head towards the North? - Kedarnath - Germany.

Is Sleeping With the Head Towards North is Acceptable in Vastu?

Vastu wise Sleeping PositionsAccording to Vastu, sleeping with your head towards the North is not recommended. This alignment is believed to disrupt the body’s energy flow, causing restlessness, stress, and health issues. It is thought that the Earth’s magnetic field can negatively affect the brain in this position. Instead, sleeping with the head towards the South is considered ideal.

Namashkar Ji, Is it good to sleep with our head towards the West direction? - Narendra - Minnesota.

Sleeping with Head Towards West: Is It Good as per Vastu?

Sleeping with head towards the West direction as per Vastu guidanceWhen we first started learning about Vastu, few people advised that sleeping with the head towards the West was not favorable. At that time, we also believed the same to be true. However, after conducting research in 1992, we closely examined the living conditions of those who slept with their heads towards the West.

We received some complaints from people sleeping with their heads towards the North, but no such issues were reported from those sleeping in other directions. We conducted further observations on households where residents slept facing the West. Surprisingly, none of them raised any complaints. We also encouraged some residents to switch their sleeping direction to the South or East, but even then, no significant changes were noticed. Later, when asked to switch back to the West direction, they did not experience any notable differences.

Based on these observations, we concluded that sleeping with the head towards the West does not cause any negative effects. In fact, we noticed that professionals, students, writers, job holders, and researchers who followed this practice achieved remarkable results. Particularly, this sleeping direction appeared to benefit those in academic and professional fields.

However, if you encounter any difficulties while sleeping with your head towards the West and notice improvements after switching to the South or East, please inform us.

Hi, according to Vastu, is it recommended to sleep with our head towards the East? - Devendra - Connecticut.

Is It Good to Sleep with Your Head Towards the East as per Vastu?

head towards east while sleepingAccording to Vastu, sleeping with your head towards the East is considered beneficial. This direction is believed to promote intellectual growth, concentration, and good health. It is especially recommended for students, scholars, and individuals in creative or learning professions, as it enhances memory and mental clarity.

2. The East is associated with new beginnings and positive energy, as it is the direction from where the sun rises, symbolizing knowledge and vitality. Sleeping with your head in this direction aligns your body with natural forces, leading to peaceful sleep and improved mental well-being.

3. If the master bedroom is very large, placing the bed attaching the east wall may not yield optimal results. To balance the space, it is recommended to arrange furniture towards the Southwest, including the South and West areas, to fill the vacant portions.

4. Additionally, ensure there is a gap between the bed and the east wall, as it is not advisable to position the bed directly against the east wall.

Dear sir, does placing bed at an inclined angle in the bedroom lead to negative effects? - Sumanth - Delaware.

Is Inclined Cot Placement in the Bedroom Cause Bad Results?

Vastu Master bedroomSome residents build their homes according to Vastu but overlook proper bed placement, which may lead to issues. In this image, the bed faces three major openings, Southeast, Northwest, and Northeast. While the extended Northeast can promote peace, the Northwest and Southeast may trigger problems like family disputes, leaving the home, dissatisfaction, legal troubles, financial issues, overthinking, and unnecessary doubts. However, these effects may not occur if the house is skewed, as that involves a different context. These challenges are more likely when the house is aligned at principal angles.

2. A master bedroom is a space where the head of the family rests after a long day’s work, prioritizing relaxation and peace. In some parts of India, it is also referred to as Vishranthi Mandir, or a Sayanaghar, a place dedicated to rest and rejuvenation. Inhabitants prefer not to engage in unnecessary conversations here, as the primary purpose of the room is to provide tranquility, hence the name Vishranthi Mandir or Sayana Ghar.

3. Sleeping positions play a crucial role in Vastu for achieving a peaceful life. Some residents may wonder why Vastu involves so many rules instead of just one or two simple guidelines for peace. However, just like in health, education, career, profession, business, factories or transportation, where multiple rules are necessary to follow, Vastu also has its own set of principles to ensure a smooth and harmonious life. When we follow these rules diligently, things tend to align and flow smoothly. Similarly, adhering to Vastu principles helps our life progress effortlessly. It's as simple as that.

4. In a master bedroom, uneven cot positions can disrupt the flow of energy. When the bed is not aligned with the room's symmetry, it may cause restlessness, unease, or even strain on relationships. Ensuring the bed is placed in a balanced and stable position, especially in the Southwest, West or South, promotes harmony, better sleep, and overall well-being for the inhabitants.

5. We have come across a few instances where people preferred to place their beds in uneven positions within their bedrooms and later faced unfavorable experiences. In a small city in South India, we visited a luxurious home with an uneven bed placement in the master bedroom. Unfortunately, the couple living there eventually left the city due to their unhappiness. It was extremely difficult for them to correct the bed's uneven placement because of the substantial cost involved in modifying the setup, an expense they had already heavily invested in for their master bedroom. A difficult situation for the couple, indeed.

The Influence of Inclined Homes on Bedroom Placements

Inclined Bedrooms, introducing a crucial aspect of Bedroom Vastu, a particularly challenging topic. In this section, we explore into inclined homes, their bedroom arrangements, and the impact of sleeping positions or cot placements. Many residents have various questions about **Vastu for inclined bedrooms**. They can share their inquiries through this Contact SubhaVaastu link.

Cot Placement in Angled Bedrooms

Previously, we covered cardinal direction bedrooms, and now we are focusing on ordinal direction bedrooms. Please note that this section is exclusively about inclined bedrooms, which is why the following images highlight only bedroom layouts along with roads to help identify the directions of the home or bedroom. Keep this in mind as you go through the content below. We have concealed the rest of the home to keep the focus solely on the bedrooms.

Suresh Ji, what is the best bed position in a northeast facing bedroom? - Suryanarayana - Colorado.

As discussed earlier on the Skewed Properties page, there are three types of inclined homes or rooms: inclined square rooms, inclined vertical rectangular rooms, and inclined horizontal rectangular rooms. It is not feasible to explain everything with images here. To help you understand this subject, we are showcasing only one example, a square bedroom, in the image below.

Ideal Sleeping and Cot Placement for a Northeast Facing Bedroom

sleeping position for Northeast facing bedroomPlease note that we are only displaying a bedroom, not the entire home. In this setup, the bed is positioned close to the Southwest wall, leaving a small gap between the bed and the wall. There is ample open space towards the Northeast and moderate space left towards the North and East and further less space left towards Northwest and Southeast. This arrangement follows the correct procedure for placing a cot in a Northeast-facing bedroom.

Pranam, We have purchased a Southeast-facing home, and our bedroom also faces Southeast. Currently, selling the home is not an option, and we are seeking guidance on arranging the bed in our bedroom according to inclined Vastu principles. Could you please explain the proper way to arrange the bed as per Vastu rules for inclined spaces? - Krishnamurthy - Maryland.

Optimal Bed Arrangement and Sleeping Position for a Southeast Facing Bedroom

bed arrangement for southeast facing bedroomIn general, we are hesitant to recommend Southeast-facing homes. After thorough analysis and numerous observations, we may or may not give approval for purchasing such homes. Southeast-facing properties often come with certain Vastu challenges, especially when it comes to the layout of the rooms. However, since we are already dealing with a Southeast-facing bedroom, this could be the ideal arrangement for the bed placement to mitigate potential Vastu concerns and enhance positive energy flow.

The location and door placement of the master bedroom play a crucial role in achieving desired Vastu results, especially in Southeast-facing homes, which can be challenging to make fully Vastu-compliant. In this discussion, we are focusing only on the bed arrangement, not addressing other aspects such as the bedroom door's position. Understanding where the master bedroom is located within the home is essential, as it influences key factors like bed and door placement. The layout provided is just a sample for reference and is not a definitive bed position, as the arrangement depends on the specific location of the master bedroom.

Dear consultant, we are planning to renovate our NW home, which was built in the 1970s. We have a Northwest-facing bedroom and would appreciate guidance on the ideal bed placement. Could you provide some insights? - Madhu - Ashburn.

Ideal Bed Placement and Sleeping Position for a Northwest Facing Bedroom

bed arrangement for Northwest facing bedroomAs previously discussed with the Southeast facing bedroom, the Northwest-facing bedroom also presents some challenges when determining the ideal sleeping position and bed arrangement in the master bedroom. To provide helpful information on this site, we are sharing a brief overview. It is important to mention the door position for this bedroom, but since there are various possible placements for doors in Northwest-facing bedrooms, we have not illustrated this aspect. Nonetheless, to grasp the concept better, please refer to the image provided.

Panditji, let me know how to arrange the bed position for the Southwest facing bedroom - Rammohan - Wisconsin.

Vastu Friendly Bed and Sleeping Position for a Southwest Facing Bedroom

Best Bed Placement Guide for Southwest Facing BedroomsPlease note that as part of our commitment to delivering comprehensive content on Vastu, we aim to provide as much valuable information as possible for easy access. The Southwest-facing bedroom is a particularly complex topic when determining the correct bed and sleeping positions. It is crucial to review the floor plan before finalizing the bed placement. Nevertheless, we are offering some content and an image to help illustrate our approach. Please understand that this is not a definitive solution.

Dear sir, What are the effects of placing the bed in the center of the bedroom? - Prasad - Tennessee.

Impact of Placing the Bed in the Center of the Bedroom?

Effects of a Central Bed Placement in the BedroomIf the bed or cot is placed in the center of the bedroom, it may not cause serious issues, but it does result in the loss of potential benefits from the North, Northeast, and East directions. Since all directions have their own significance and work together, the residents may miss out on the positive Vastu energy from their bedroom. Their life may proceed more in line with their horoscope rather than receiving the full Vastu influence. While placing the bed in the center might offer practical benefits, such as better air circulation from the fan, our primary focus here is on Vastu principles and their impacts, not on comfort alone.

Master the Art of Rest with Sleeping Vastu Directions

Good morning, what are the ideal sleeping Vastu directions for a peaceful life? - Damodhar - Sydney

The ideal sleeping Vastu directions, as per traditional Vastu principles, emphasize head placement for enhanced peace and well-being. Research and traditional knowledge suggest that sleeping with the head towards the South promotes calmness, better health, and longevity due to alignment with the Earth's magnetic field. East is also considered beneficial, especially for students and professionals, as it fosters clarity and focus. Studies on magnetic fields and human sleep patterns align with Vastu's emphasis on directionality influencing well-being. Avoid North-facing head positions, as they are believed to disrupt energy flow, leading to restlessness and poor health outcomes.

Hello sir, our house is slightly tilted, and we have a total of 4 bedrooms. Each bedroom is currently occupied, one by me (used as a home office), one by my husband (also a home office), and the other two by our kids. I would like to understand the ideal sleeping positions for each bedroom according to Vastu? - Madhavi - Massachusetts.

Can Sleeping in the Northeast Direction Enhance Your Life as Per Vastu?

Is the northeast sleeping position in a bedroom yielding good results?When a resident sleeps with their bed positioned in the northeast, they may experience uncertainty, face challenges, feel ignored by others, and gradually lose the ability to manage things effectively. Health may deteriorate, and restful sleep could become elusive. Additionally, their business may not perform as expected. However, these issues may not arise in full, if the bedroom has ample open space towards the North, East, and Northeast.

We kindly request you to understand an important point. We are demonstrating various bed placements in specific directions to highlight the potential impacts on the inhabitants. Please note, this is not about the head position specifically. There are 8 directions and typically 4 sleeping positions, and explaining each one in detail would result in extensive information, potentially affecting page load time. Therefore, we are presenting a few options while aiming to cover all sleeping directions in a bedroom. Additionally, please note that in this section, we are currently focusing on the master bedroom, not all bedrooms.

Sureshji, our bedroom is quite spacious, and at present, we have positioned our bed towards the east. We seek your expert opinion on whether this is the correct placement or if we should consider moving it to a specific location within our master bedroom. I have heard that following sleeping Vastu directions is very important. Kindly share your views. - Narayana Swamy - Maine.

Can Sleeping with Head Towards East Improve Your Life According to Vastu?

Is it Vastu-compliant to sleep with the head towards East?Sleeping with your head facing East and placing the bed against the East wall are two different things, each having distinct effects. If the room has typical dimensions, like 12'-0"X15'-0", positioning the bed along the East wall may not cause significant harm. However, it’s advisable to leave some space between the bed and the East wall. Placing the bed in the Southwest with the head facing East is different from keeping the bed next to the East wall.

If the master bedroom is too spacious, approximately as shown in this above image, placing the bed next to the East wall may not be advisable. Instead, shifting it to the Southwest is considered a safer and more favorable option.

Hello, we have currently positioned our bed towards the Southeast in our bedroom. Is this an ideal sleeping Vastu direction, or should we consider moving the bed to a different location within the master bedroom?. - Muralidhar - Vermont.

Is it acceptable to place our bed in the Southeast direction as per Vastu?

Is placing the bed in Southeast direction good as per Vastu?Placing a bed in the Southeast direction is generally not recommended. The Southeast is governed by the fire element, which can lead to disturbances such as increased anxiety, restlessness, heavy expenditures, uneasiness, and disputes between family members, particularly couples. Sleeping in this direction may also impact overall health and peace of mind. It is advisable to move the bed towards the Southwest or South, which are considered more stable and balanced for the head position while sleeping. These directions promote restful sleep, harmony, and positive energy flow in the home, leading to better mental and physical well-being.

Namaste, currently, our master bedroom has the bed positioned in the North area. We have tried moving it to the Southwest, but it's not possible. Instead, can we move it to the South? Is sleeping in the South direction acceptable as per Vastu?. - Srinivaas - Pennsylvania.

Is Sleeping in the South Direction Vastu-Compliant?

can we sleep in the South direction in my master bedroomYes, sleeping with your head towards the South is considered highly favorable as per Vastu principles. It is believed to enhance longevity, prosperity, and overall well-being. If moving the bed to the Southwest isn’t possible, placing it towards the South is an acceptable and beneficial alternative. Ensure there’s ample space around the bed for positive energy flow and avoid placing the bed directly against the wall if possible.

Dear Sureshji, we recently came across information suggesting that placing the bed in the Southwest part of the bedroom can help in attaining our goals. Is there any truth to this belief? - Keerthi Kumar - Alabama.

Is the Southwest the Ideal Position for Sleeping and Bed Placement?

Southwest ideal bed placement for peaceful sleep as per VastuPositioning the bed in the Southwest corner of a room is considered highly favorable in Vastu. It is believed that this placement provides stability, enhances focus, and contributes to achieving life goals. When the bed is set in this direction, it is said to bring a sense of security and balance, which is essential for success in personal and professional life. For individuals aiming to strengthen their position in life and make sound decisions, the Southwest is considered an ideal sleeping area. Following this guideline may help align energies for a more prosperous and peaceful life.

Hi, we have the option to shift the bed from the Northeast to the West direction. Is it advisable to sleep with the bed positioned towards the West? - Verma - Mississippi.

Is West the Optimal Direction for Bed Placement and Sleeping?

Best Bed Placement for West Direction as per VastuYes, positioning the bed in the West direction is possible. While not as advantageous as the Southwest, it is still considered acceptable in Vastu. Sleeping with the head towards the West is thought to bring moderate success, stability, and balanced energy. The Southwest is often suggested for those aiming for significant growth and long-term achievements, but the West offers steady results, especially beneficial for students and professionals. It is essential to ensure that the bed is properly positioned, leaving space between it and the walls to allow for a smooth flow of energy within the room.

Hello Sir, we recently purchased a home, and the bed in our master bedroom is positioned towards the Northwest. Is this placement incorrect? - Karthik - Indiana.

Is Bed Placement in the Northwest Corner of the Master Bedroom Correct?

Proper Bed Placement in the Northwest Corner of the Master Bedroom According to VastuAlthough placing a bed in the Northwest corner of the master bedroom isn’t considered ideal per Vastu, it’s not completely unfavorable either. The Northwest direction is linked to movement, air, and restlessness, which may impact your peace and stability.

2. For a more grounded and stable energy, the Southwest is often recommended. However, if moving the bed to the Southwest isn’t feasible, it’s advisable to get proper idea from a consultant to make suitable adjustments or consider an alternative placement to maintain balance and harmony in the room.

3. As per Vastu, master bedroom placement is essential for maintaining peace, prosperity, and stability in the household. The ideal location for the master bedroom is the Southwest corner of the home, as it provides grounding energy and supports the head of the family.

4. The bed direction according to Vastu suggests keeping your head towards the South or East while sleeping. This arrangement is believed to improve health, well-being, and mental clarity, ensuring a peaceful sleep.

5. For the bed direction for sleeping, it’s crucial to avoid placing the bed directly in line with the door or under heavy beams. Such placements can disturb the energy flow in the room, leading to restlessness and discomfort.

Hi, Is it OK to place the bed directly against the South and West walls in a Southwest room located in the Southwest area?- Jagannath - New Hampshire.

Placing the Bed Touching South and West Walls in a SW Master Bedroom

Bed cot touching South and West walls in a Southwest master bedroomIt is generally not advisable to place a bed directly against the South and West walls in a Southwest master bedroom. Maintaining a gap between the bed and the walls allows for better energy flow, air circulation, and easier cleaning. Additionally, this arrangement helps in minimizing negative external influences from directly affecting the inhabitants, promoting better stability, health, and well-being. Ideally, the bed should be positioned with some distance from the walls, especially in the Southwest corner, to allow positive Vastu energy to circulate throughout the room effectively.

Pranam panditji, is it necessary to maintain a gap between the cot and the south and west walls?- Arjun - Ohio.

Is a Gap Between the Cot and the South & West Walls Needed?

maintain gap between bed and wallsIt's advisable to keep a gap between the cot and the south and west walls. This allows for better energy flow in the room, enhancing harmony and positivity as per Vastu. Keeping the bed directly against the walls, especially in the south and west, might block the free movement of energy, potentially affecting well-being and peace in the room.

A person typically spends 6 to 9 hours on their bed, so proper air circulation is essential for comfort and health. Further, leaving a gap between the bed and the walls makes it easier to clean around and beneath the bed. Additionally, if there's any negative influence from outside the bedroom, it’s less likely to directly affect the occupants if the bed isn't directly against the walls. Therefore, maintaining a gap between the bed and the south and west walls is recommended. Please note, the bed is positioned with the head towards the west for visibility purpose, but ideally recommended head position is the head should be towards south.

Namashkar, We are considering purchasing a home that faces east, but the master bedroom extends into the South of Southwest. Is this a good choice according to Vastu principles?- Saravanan - Kentucky.

South of Southwest Extended Master Bedroom

Southern Southwest extended master bedroomSome homes in the USA feature a master bedroom that extends towards the South of Southwest. Typically, homes with such an extension do not yield favorable results. However, in some cases where the master bedroom is in this position, residents have not reported any significant issues, further they informed that they are living superb in such homes. If this extension is used for a kitchen, dining room, or guest bedroom, it could cause problems for the occupants. Additionally, if the home has a Southeast garage with a driveway towards the East of Southeast, the residents may face challenges. To mitigate this, they should consider planting dense trees to the East of the extended SSW master bedroom.

Thank you sir, for sharing such valuable information about the master bedroom, it's greatly appreciated. We recently came across a home where the master bedroom extends into the North of Northwest. Could you please advise if this is a good option to consider for purchase? - Hemanth - Arkansas.

North of Northwest Extended Master Bedroom

North of Northwest extended master bedroomThis home is a mirror image of the one described above, with an extended North of Northwest master bedroom, a feature found in some homes in the USA. Typically, such a design could cause challenges for residents. Homes with this layout often come up for sale within 3 to 4 years, suggesting that residents may not fully benefit from Vastu principles. The extended NNW master bedroom could disrupt the tranquility of the home, leading to frequent arguments, unexpected expenses, legal issues, and dissatisfaction. Couples may experience constant disagreements, and issues like troubles in job, health problems, bad habits, or a tarnished reputation could arise, some kind of children birth issues may happen. Rectifying to this NNW MBR issue is not an easy task.

Hello, is it advisable to place two single cot beds in the master bedroom, or is that not recommended? - Karunakar - Dubai

Is It Good to Place Two Single Cot Beds in a Master Bedroom?

Two single beds in a spacious master bedroom with neutral decorFor some couples, having two single beds in the master bedroom can be useful, especially for those who like their own space while sleeping. This setup works well if the couple has different sleeping styles or schedules, like if one person needs a softer mattress or works late. It's also handy for when you have guests or kids staying over.

However, many elderly people believe that couples should sleep together in one larger bed to help them feel closer and more loving. Even though two beds might be more comfortable, it's good to think about how it might affect your relationship. To enhance love, affection, intimacy, and closer physical connections, it is recommended to use a double bed rather than single beds.

Due to various reasons, some residents ask, 'Is it advisable for couples to use two single beds or a double bed?' Our recommendation is to use a double bed. However, if your work schedules or other specific needs require separate beds, then opting for two single beds can be considered.

Ji, is it advisable to position two beds facing each other, and is this arrangement beneficial or detrimental? - Vishnu - Bahrain

Is Positioning Two Beds Facing Each Other a Good or Bad Idea?

Two beds arranged facing each other in a roomPlacing two beds facing each other might not be a good idea because it can cause some problems. This setup might make it hard for people to have their own private space, especially if they are sharing the room. It could also make the room feel crowded and leave less space to walk around. Plus, seeing someone directly from your bed might not be comfortable for everyone. It's important to think about these issues before deciding how to arrange the beds. This setup wont be suitable for couple, and also kids too.

Does the Master Bedroom Play a Role in Achieving Positive Results?

The significance of bedroom Vastu for inhabitants is paramount, given that it's where the residents spend much of their time resting. Hence, it is wise to contact a knowledgeable Vasthu expert when building a home to ensure all aspects are handled correctly. Be cautious, as not every Vaastu practitioner is authentic and trustworthy. In searching for Vastu advice, steer clear of those lacking proper experience and choose only those consultants who are proven to be competent and dependable.

Does Arranging the Master Bedroom According to Vastu Truly Improve Our Lives Significantly?

If only the master bedroom is meticulously arranged according to Vastu principles, while the remaining parts of the house and its surroundings neglect these guidelines, it is uncertain that there will be any significant improvement in the residents' quality of life. However, properly aligning the master bedroom with Vastu principles might still yield some slight positive results for the residents.

Hence, it is advisable for residents to consider remodeling their homes to incorporate local Vastu principles for better outcomes. Additionally, some homes may suffer from negative Street Focus effects, leading residents to face challenges. Often, these issues are misattributed to Vastu errors. In such instances, it is crucial not to overlook these problems and to seek advice from experts.

What Are the Best Directional Placements for the Master Bedroom in a Home?

The best direction for a master bedroom as per Vastu is the Southwest, offering stability and control to the breadwinners. If the Southwest is unavailable, South and West are good alternatives. Avoid placing the master bedroom in the Northwest or Southeast, as these may cause restlessness. Proper Vastu alignment ensures peace, health, and harmony in the household.

Is a Southwest Master Bedroom Suitable for Elderly People or Breadwinners?

A Southwest master bedroom is ideally suited for breadwinners as it provides stability, authority, and control over personal and professional life. This direction promotes physical well-being and mental peace, making it beneficial for those managing the household or finances. However, it may not be the best choice for elderly people, as the Southwest carries strong, dynamic energy that can feel overwhelming for seniors.

Is a Southwest Master Bedroom Suitable for Flats as Well?

Yes, a Southwest master bedroom is equally applicable to flats or even in Villas. Whether it’s a standalone house or an apartment, the principles of Vastu for master bedroom remain the same. The Southwest direction provides stability, control, and positive energy to the breadwinners, promoting peace and well-being.

However, in flats, it’s important to ensure that the room layout aligns with Vastu principles and that the bedroom is not compromised by cuts. Proper placement of the bed, headboard facing South or East, and other furniture arrangements will further enhance the positive effects of the Southwest master bedroom.

(If you're seeking more details about Vastu for apartment flats or Vastu tips for villas, these links provide valuable insights.)

Which Is The Best Place For Bedroom And Master Bedroom In A House

Prior to knowing this information, first we have to learn how many directions in a house.

1. East Direction

2. Southeast Direction

3. South Direction.

4. Southwest Direction

5. West Direction.

6. Northwest Direction.

7. North Direction

8. Northeast Direction

In a home, the ideal placement for the master bedroom is generally in the Southwest corner, and it should be used by the primary earner. Other bedrooms can be situated in suitable areas such as the West, South, Northwest or Southeast. If the household has many members, bedrooms in the North and East are also acceptable. Bedrooms should not be located in the Northeast; this area should be kept free from bedrooms. However, if the only available space is in the Northeast, carefully evaluate all aspects before setting up a bedroom there.

Why is It Called the Master Bedroom?

The term "master bedroom" originated in the United States in the early 20th century. It was used to describe the largest or most significant bedroom in the home, typically equipped with the most amenities and intended for the heads of the household, such as the parents or homeowners. Over time, the term became standard in real estate and interior design to denote the primary bedroom of a home, often featuring an en suite bathroom and ample closet space. The use of "master" refers to its size and importance relative to other bedrooms in the house.

Alternative Names for Master Bedrooms Worldwide

1. Primary Bedroom

2. Owner's Suite

3. Main Bedroom

4. Main Suite

5. Adult Bedroom

1. United States and Canada: "Primary Bedroom" or "Owner's Suite"

2. United Kingdom: "Main Bedroom" or "Master Bedroom"

3. France: "Chambre principale" (Principal Bedroom)

4. Germany: "Hauptschlafzimmer" (Main Bedroom)

5. Spain: "Dormitorio principal" (Principal Bedroom)

6. Italy: "Camera da letto principale" (Principal Bedroom)

7. Russia: "Главная спальня" (Main Bedroom)

8. China: "主卧室" (Main Bedroom)

9. Japan: "主寝室" (Main Bedroom)

10. India: "मुख्य शयनकक्ष" in Hindi,

Is It Necessary to Correct Vastu in Both the Master and Children's Bedrooms?

Very few residents focus solely on optimizing the Vastu of their master bedroom, overlooking the importance of their children's bedroom. Both the master and Children's bedroom Vastu are crucial for ensuring the family’s success and overall harmony.

Master Bedroom in Southwest Direction

Vastu Master bedroomThis image displays four colors marking four directional sectors of a house. The Southwest is ideally suited for the breadwinner's bedroom. However, there are instances where a Southwest master bedroom yields unfavorable results. This is due to the nuanced nature of this ancient science, where each detail is backed by research and many experts continually seek to enhance happiness through their innovations.

Continuous difficulties arise for breadwinners occupying a Southwest bedroom with excessive open space in that direction.

Similarly, if the entrance to a Southwest bedroom is improperly placed, the occupants tend to experience adverse effects.

Large windows facing the Southwest, South, or West can lead to health issues, financial debts, underperformance by children, business losses, mental stress, and conflicts, among other potential problems.

Master Bedroom in West Direction

Master bedroom in West directionBesides the Southwest, the West direction also serves as a favorable zone for a master bedroom. However, positioning the entrance of a West direction master bedroom in the exact Northeast can induce stress for the inhabitants. On the other hand, an East entrance ensures more favorable outcomes for such bedrooms. While Northeast doors typically bring beneficial effects, they are not universally suitable for every room. For instance, if a master bedroom occupies the entire West section and the entrance is precisely in the East of the Northeast which is exactly next to Northeast corner, it might unintentionally align with the Southeast of the remaining home. In such scenarios, it's advisable to position the door closer to the East, just next to the East of the Northeast zone.

Master Bedroom in South Direction

South Master Bedroom VastuIn addition to the Southwest, the South direction is also suitable option for a master bedroom. However, negative outcomes may arise if a room in the South direction has a door precisely in the Northeast. This issue often occurs in homes where the dimensions extend significantly from West to East and feature a master bedroom Northeast door coupled with a North entrance. This configuration can lead to unfavorable results. How does this happen? Check the below image.

Can a South Direction Master Bedroom Yield Negative Outcomes?

Is South master bedroom is badIn a North-facing home, a resident named Shri. Phaniraj constructed his home in Visakhapatnam in 2004 (names and location altered to protect their privacy). The Southwest bedroom was designated for his parents, while he chose the South for his master bedroom. This house was sold in 2010 due to severe difficulties.

The main entrance to his master bedroom was in the Northeast, while the house itself had a North facing main entrance. Exiting his bedroom always involved moving from the Southeast to the Northwest, adversely affecting his career, financial stability, and domestic peace. This seemingly minor error led to major challenges, ultimately compelling them to sell the home.

Master Bedroom in North Direction

North direction Master Bedroom and VastuWhile North bedrooms are generally not favored for the family breadwinners, they can be suitable for other family members such as children, daughters, or sometimes elderly parents. In cases where a home lacks Southwest, South, or West bedrooms and only offers a North bedroom, careful consideration of these unusual configurations is necessary.

In the USA, few residents with North master bedrooms report satisfaction. This can occur when there is significant open space towards the North. Vastu is grounded in logic rather than magic. Understanding Vastu principles is beneficial, but practical implementation often fails to deliver expected beneficial outcomes, especially if done incorrectly. This is why many adepts are reluctant to rely solely on phone or email consultations, preferring personal site visits to accurately assess and recommend changes.

Master Bedroom in East Direction

East Master Bedroom VastuEast bedroom is not good for breadwinner of the family, but it may be not bad for other family members, like younger children or kids etc. Sometimes the East direction master bedroom bestows with expected quality results on the basis of heavy open space towards the East direction or water bodies at East direction, etc, we may find such homes in America or homes in Canada, etc countries.

Exploring the Effects of a Master Bedroom in the Northeast Direction:

Dear sir, I am a US citizen from Texas with a keen interest in Vastu. In my research, I have noted that three acquaintances have experienced issues with Northeast master bedrooms, yet one known family has achieved positive outcomes despite having the master bedroom in the same NE location. Could you explain the possible reasons for these differing results? - Gangadhar.

what are the results of Northeast master bedroomDear Gangadhar Ji, typically, a Northeast master bedroom is unsuitable for the family's primary earner. However, it can be acceptable for other members such as young children. Occasionally, this bedroom configuration might benefit the breadwinner if there is ample open space towards the Northeast. This scenario is frequently observed in homes facing West, South, or Southwest across America.

Optimal Head Placement for Sleeping:

1. Positioning the head towards the South ensures sound sleep, reduced tensions, and improved health.

2. Directing the head towards the East fosters intellectual growth, beneficial for students, children, and professionals.

3. A Westward head orientation may occasionally lead to ill health, influenced by the open space to the West of the property, otherwise, this is also good.

4. Facing the head North can result in nightmares, health issues, and restless sleep.

5. Position cupboards in the Southwest, West, or South directions of the room.

6. Place the bed in the Southwest corner of the room.

7. Situate the dressing table in the Southeast or Northwest corner, subject to specific conditions, like mirror or without mirrors.

8. Locate room cupboards in the South, West, or Southwest areas.

9. Arrange the bed or cot towards the South, West, or Southwest for best results.

10. If feasible, position the cooler in the Southeast or Northwest; alternatively, if the aircooler has castor wheels, then it can be placed in the North or East but must not touch the walls.

11. If the bedroom is in the Southwest, ensure its floor is elevated relative to the rest of the house.

12. Ideally, situate the bathroom in the Southeast or Northwest corners; don't select the home which has Nairuthi (Southwest) bathroom.

Many visitors desired clarity with examples for bedroom and position of the bed and the like in several situations. Here is shown in a typical bedroom in a regular plot with a bed in the southeast corner. The points to be observed here are:

What Causes Some Northeast Master Bedrooms to Yield Exceptionally Positive Results?

Vastu BedroomIn the image, the bed is positioned in the Northeast corner (Ishan), which may not consistently yield favorable results for the breadwinners. However, under certain conditions, such as in homes in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, or even India, this arrangement could be advantageous. Homes with this configuration often boast significant open spaces to the North and East, along with large windows facing these directions. Such architectural features can potentially channel positive energy into the room/house, benefiting its occupants..

Sureshji, let me know the best direction of bedroom as per Vastu, if our master bedroom is in Northeast? - Subramanyam - Bangalore.

Why Do Some Northeast Master Bedrooms Yield Positive Results?

Northeast master BedroomHere, the bed is placed in the Southwest corner, which can be more beneficial than a NE bed arrangement. Northeast master bedroom may not always deliver the best results. However, under certain conditions, such as when there's a large open yard to the Northeast, East, and North, or even a pool in the Northeast, the setup might consistently produce good results for the breadwinners.

This type of arrangement can be particularly advantageous in countries like the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, or India, where homes often have ample open spaces and large windows facing these directions. To ensure a positive future, it's essential to thoroughly search and research and understand the specific layout and environment of the home.

What Are The Results of Southeast Master Bedroom?

Vastu BedroomPlease be aware that the concerns outlined may not be relevant for some homes in countries like Australia, the UK, the USA, and Canada, especially those with significant open spaces to the East and Northeast. Additionally, the presence of a Northeast extension in these Southeast master bedrooms could mitigate some negative effects.

The positioning of the entrance plays a crucial role in determining the outcomes, both positive and negative. For instance, if the Southeast master bedroom has an entrance in the North of Northwest, it may exacerbate issues, whereas a door located in the West of Northwest might yield more favorable outcomes. Precise assessments depend heavily on the actual configuration and location of the room.

1. The Southeast bedroom imposes a heavier burden compared to a Southwest positioned bedroom.

2. Residents may endure various consequences, including:

A. Disharmony within the household.

B. Quarrels and troubled relationships with both family and neighbors, tarnishing the household’s reputation.

C. Unwarranted negative & bad perceptions affecting the residents unfairly.

D. Gradual financial decline, leading to potential ruin.

E. An inclination towards unethical shortcuts affecting legal, financial, and personal integrity, compounding societal decline.

F. Risk of forming improper relationships, both financially and personally.

G. Persistent tension and perceived non-supportiveness from family members.

H. Development of harsh or negative thought processes.

I. Significant financial outlays.

J. Poor judgment or misguided decisions.

K. Feelings of unease.

L. Persistent restlessness.

Dear sir, please inform me about the almirah in which direction that is most suitable for our Southwest master bedroom? - Swathi - South Africa.

Hello sir, could you advise on the best placement strategies for almirahs in master bedrooms? Also, is it appropriate to position a walk-in closet (WIC) towards the West? - Ramnathan - San Jose.

Hi, is it advisable to position a wardrobe entirely towards the West direction? - Murthy - Seattle..

Best Direction for West Wardrobe in Southwest Master Bedroom?

WardRobe in which directionMany residents familiar with Vastu principles often search for the optimal "almirah direction as per Vastu in bedroom," especially for the best placement in their master bedrooms. In this guide, we discuss several recommended positions for almirah placement. Notably, for working professionals, positioning the almirah in the West direction within the master bedroom is considered most favorable. Here, you will find insights on setting up a West-facing almirah in the master bedroom.

The walk-in closet (WIC) is ideally positioned in the West direction. Placing the "Walk in master bedroom closet" in the West ensures an optimal fit.

If the West-facing almirah obstructs the windows, ensure there is space left at the North of Northwest side to accommodate the window.

Hello Subhavaastu Team, is it suitable to place a full almirah on the south side of my Southwest master bedroom? - Revanth - Idaho.

Hello, is it recommended to position a wardrobe entirely towards the South direction? - Kumar - Miami.

Is a South Wardrobe in a Southwest Bedroom Advisable?

wardrobe Located in the South Direction in master bedroomThis almirah in the south direction offers another option for the master bedroom. If residents require a window facing south, it can be positioned at the South of Southeast, allowing the remaining space to accommodate the almirah. Such an arrangement generally promotes financial stability and business growth. This arrangement can provide support for residents who are currently running a business or planning to start new business.

Sir, can we have L shaped almirah in master bedroom - Dhanu - Pune.

L-shaped Wardrobe in Southwest Master Bedroom

L shaped Wardrobe in Master bedroomIt is suitable to place an L-shaped wardrobe in the Southwest corner of a Southwest master bedroom. This arrangement allows for some space to be left open towards the West of Northwest and South of Southeast, which is ideal for installing windows. The configuration of this L-shaped wardrobe provides ample storage space, making it perfect for accommodating a substantial amount of clothing and other heavy items. This setup not only enhances storage efficiency but also maintains the room's aesthetic and functional balance.

Sir, I have read that almirahs should be placed in the east and south, but due to space constraints, ours are in the west and north with the locker's back towards the west and opening towards the east. Is this arrangement acceptable? We don't have any other space available. I would be very grateful for your advice - Rupali - Punjab.

Almirah Position in Southwest Master Bedroom

Southwest Almirah in Southwest master bedroomMany are inquiring about the ideal position for a locker in the Southwest master bedroom, as well as the placement and opening directions of an almirah. The image provided shows the almirah or locker situated in the Southwest corner of the Southwest master bedroom, with its door opening towards the North. This arrangement is acceptable. However, it is important that the almirah or wardrobe doors are free from mirrors. Should mirrors exist, they must be concealed or replaced with landscape images that do not depict water. This aspect is essential and should not be compromised.

Namashkar sirji, our almirah is positioned in the southwest corner of the bedroom and faces east. Additionally, the almirah doors are mirrored. Is this mirror setup appropriate, and are mirrors on the almirah doors acceptable? Your guidance would be appreciated. - Navneeth - Singapore.

Optimal Master Bedroom Almirah Placement and Mirror Considerations

Vastu Guidelines for Master Bedroom Almirahs with Mirrored DoorsIn the Southwest master bedroom, it is ideal to position the almirah locating at the Southwest with its doors opening towards the East. This setup is acceptable. However, ensure that the almirah doors do not include mirrors. If mirrors are present, they should be removed or covered with scenic posters without water feature. It is crucial not to overlook this detail.

Suresh sir, is it acceptable to position a full mirror directly opposite the master bed? - Chandra Mohan.

Hi, according to vastu where to keep full mirror in master bedroom? - Devendra.

Mirror Facing North Directly Opposite to Master Bed

North-Facing Mirror Opposite the Master BedMany residents asking questions, like the ideal placement of mirrors in a master bedroom, often preferring a full-length mirror directly across from the bed. The accompanying image illustrates the master bed positioned in the Southwest, with a full mirror facing it from the North. Though the mirror may be opposite to the bed, but this setup situates the mirror in the North of Northwest sector of the master bedroom, a placement typically discouraged in Vastu. Notably, a white line depicted at the North indicates the central region (central line) of the master bedroom. This "central line" clearly illustrates that the mirror is positioned in the North of Northwest, an orientation considered unfavorable.

Is It Good to Have a Mirror Towards East Directly Opposite to Cot

East full Mirror Opposite to cotNumerous inquiries focus on the optimal setup of mirrors within a master bedroom, particularly the preference for a large mirror opposite the bed. The displayed image shows the bed situated in the Southwest, facing a large mirror from the East direction. While the mirror directly faces the bed, this configuration places the mirror in the East of Southeast section of the room, a position generally advised against in Vastu principles. A prominent white line on the East side represents the central axis of the bedroom, clearly demonstrating that the mirror is located in the less favorable area like East of Southeast area. Hence, don't install the mirror at East of Southeast.

Respected sir, what are suitable and best places to install mirrors in my Southwest master bedroom? - Ramana - Guntur.

Suitable Mirror Placements in the Master Bedroom

perfect mirror locations in master bedroomPlease take note of the image showing large mirrors positioned in the North of Northeast and East of Northeast, both appropriate locations for huge mirrors in a master bedroom. If you are considering large mirrors, these areas are ideal. However, be aware that if there is sofa set furniture located in the East, Southeast, North, or Northwest, these mirror placements might cause some issues. Therefore, it's wise to consult with one experienced guy before proceeding with the installation of full mirrors. For smaller mirrors in these recommended areas, expert advice may not be necessary.

What Are the Best Places for Wall Clock In The Bedroom?

Wallclock at BedroomPlacing a wall clock in the bedroom is most favorable towards the East direction, and if that's not feasible, the North direction is the next best option. The preference for East and North is based on the positive energy these directions are believed to impart, especially beneficial when checking the time first thing in the morning. This practice aligns with the simple logic that one's initial gaze upon waking should be towards these auspicious directions. Contrary opinions exist, suggesting that due to their weight, wall clocks should be hung on the South or West walls. However, considering the minimal weight of a wall clock, typically not exceeding one or two kilograms, this concern seems negligible.

Which Is The Best Location Of Air Condition In Master Bedroom

Air condition Placement in bedroomFor split air conditioning units, positioning them at West or South is advisable. However, when it comes to window air conditioners, the situation requires more consideration. The precise location of the window where the unit will be installed must be determined, among other factors, before deciding on the final placement. It's important to note that items like wall clocks and air conditioners are relatively minor fixtures. If the property adheres to Vastu principles, their placement is generally not crucial. Nonetheless, if Vastu compliance is not observed, the placement of these items should be carefully evaluated.

Dear visitors, should you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here. We will respond with images, which will benefit everyone, including yourself.

Bedroom portions placement in a houseSome reidents looking only on how to arrange the TV, Fridge, AC machine, Washing machine, iron safe, etc, unfortunately, they are not looking about the house structure as per the Vastu or not. Observe this home, it has Northwest-north increased and has Northern Northwest main entrance door. If the home is constructed like this way, then residents have to correct the major mistakes in the house, should not check the minor things. But some inhabitants look only very small things in the house and forgot about the major mistakes, finally, these residents may comment that "Vastu won't work".

No doubt, arranging movable properties as per Vastu is a good idea, but first, we should check whether the home is as per Vastu then only we have to check the small things.

With this small logic the residents understood what should be important and what not. Follow the exact principles and stand as a leader in society.

What is Recommended to Look at First Upon Waking for Positivity?

Upon rising from bed, some individuals first open their eyes and look at their hands while reciting a mantra. Others prefer to gaze at a favored deity, a mirror, family members, or cherished photos, believing these will bring positivity throughout the day.

Elders often advise that, after waking, one should first see Lord Balaji, who is Kaliyuga Daivam or the presiding deity of Kaliyuga, or calming scenes such as smiling children, natural landscapes, or waterfalls. Observing what brings the most positive energy is key. A well-designed Vastu home contributes to general well-being, and while personal practices are respected, incorporating certain principles could improve lifestyle.

What Defines a Master Bedroom, and How is It Different From Other Bedrooms?

A master bedroom is the largest and most important bedroom in a home, typically reserved for the head of the household. It often has added features like an en-suite bathroom and more closet space, offering privacy and convenience. The term "master bedroom" indicates that it’s designed for the primary occupants, usually the homeowners, with more space and amenities compared to other bedrooms. Other bedrooms in the house are generally smaller and may be used by family members, guests, or children.

Is It Advisable to Have 4 Bedrooms in the 1st Floor?

I have a one storey house, first floor has four bedrooms (two of these are in Northeast and Southeast of house and other two are Northwest and Southwest. The bathroom is in the West of the house. The stairs start from East and lead to West of house. The kitchen on the ground floor is Northwest and my living room on ground floor Southeast. Additional to this is the verandah which is in the West wall direction of whole house. My question is that my husband and myself sleep in the Southeast bedroom as its a large bedroom. My son and his wife sleep in the Northeast bedroom as this is another large bedroom. My unmarried/student daughter who sleeps in the Southwest bedroom as this is a small bedroom. Also, an extra room in the Northwest is a small bedroom. Please advise me of who should sleep where and how we can make Vastu style adjustments. The sun can be view from the front of the house in the summer but in the winter the sun has moved towards the Southeast direction of the house. Lots of arguments and problems are being faced in house with people and partners! I am concerned about health, happiness and education/job prospects - Thank you - Kavitha - Coventry - United Kingdom.

>>>Constructions styles in India is different and other countries has a lot of different. In India nowadays majority residents looking for vastu principled constructions, But whereas in other countries, the local residents never check vastu, they are looking for facilitation, air, light and look. Generally, Indians like to buy homes with vastu, they never compromise.

You have total four bedrooms at 4 corners. Southwest, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast. Here the Southwest and Northwest bedrooms are smaller and Southeast and Northeast bedrooms are bigger. Based on the space available you have occupied the Southeast and your son occupied the Northeast bedroom. One point is missing that who is the breadwinner in your family. Elder is different and the breadwinner is different.

If you are the breadwinner, it is better to occupy the Southwest b/r, and your son will occupy the Southeast and your daughter has to occupy the Northwest b/r. The Northeast b/r has to be kept always open, or you may use it for study room or has to provide only for the guests who are visiting your property a while in a year. If it is not possible then ask your daughter to change b/r from Southwest to Northwest. You may use the Southwest b/r as your bedroom or sitting room for reading or some other purposes. The Southwest bedroom is the most recommended for the breadwinners/elders in the home.

In your ground floor, Kitchen located at Northwest part and you kept the Southeast as living room, the whole West is the verandah, is it possible to make a small partition at Southwest part at ground floor, if so, better to occupy that room as your personal living room.

What about the Northeast part of ground floor. It was not mentioned in your email. The second best option (may not be possible for you, but we are publishing here for your kind information purpose) is that you may make another b/r at Southwest Ground floor for your son and you may use the Southwest first floor b/r as yours. Then everything will be under control and all will feel happy in that house, it is better to show your property with one expert vastu pandit, he will recommend you the best solutions.

North West Bedroom Vastu Remedies

When the master bedroom is at Northwest, the best remedy is to change the bedroom. If it is not possible and needs to stay in that home only and trying to get proper remedies, try with these simple thoughts. Keep one big mirror at Northeast of North and Northeast of east. Keep your bed only at Southwest corner. Try to arrange one door closure for this room and sit more time at Southwest of the house to ward off this Northwest master bedroom troubles.

Can We Use Carpets At Living Room And Master Bedroom?

Using carpets in the home is a good idea. If the location is clean and tidy, then one can happily use the carpets at their homes, even in the master bedroom. If dust is heavier then please clean the carpets daily, don't forget to clean daily, otherwise, bacteria and many viruses will store and may create loads of infections or developing allergies to the family members. We are highly recommending our visitors to have carpets in their homes. Buy only the costly carpets and colorful carpets. In Western countries, we may not find heavy dust, there residents can happily use carpets in any room including master bedroom too.

Wife Should Sleep on Which Side of Husband In The Master Bedroom

Wife should always sleep towards right side to the husband. This will be perfectly suitable when couple heads towards South direction and legs towards North direction.

Is It Good to Have Southeast Entrance Door to the Southwest Master Bedroom?

Generally, the Southeast entrance door to the Southwest master bedroom may be common in USA, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, but very less in India, the East facing and North facing homes may have Southwest master bedroom, no doubt this would beneficial to the residents, some of the homes have Southeast entrance for this Southwest master bedroom.

The master bedroom is at Southwest, the entrance will be at Southeast, in this case, it is possible to get heavy expenditures, quarrels, the possibility of unexpected accidents (accidents meaning, anything which is unnatural) irritation in routine life, things cannot go smooth, etc maybe occur, in certain cases like having direct main entrance door to the exact SE of the home will make more troubles to the residents, if there is an obstruction in between SW and SE direct touching then they feel more troubles with heavy expenditures and certain health issues, maybe minor, if there are no obstruction things in between southwest and southeast then residents have to face few challenges which may or may not solve.

The most painful thing is that unfortunately, some residents are buying such homes after having tiny Vastu knowledge through Vastu books and Vastu videos or Vastu websites, later they are panic about the situations. This unfortunate happening may not be applicable to all the properties but sufferers are heavier than the beneficiaries. One should be careful before buying the home.

As Per Vastu Which Bedroom Should Give to Senior Citizens

Breadwinners are different and senior citizens are different. Breadwinners always occupy Southwest bedroom and senior citizens can occupy the remaining any other bedroom.

If Breadwinner is Working in Another Country, then Which Bedroom Should Be Given to Elders

If the breadwinner is working in another country, then parents can occupy the Southwest bedroom.

Where Should Widowed Mother Sleep in the Home as Per Vastu

Dear Sir, What is the ideal and second best location for the widowed mother of the family to stay in? The son and his wife will occupy the Southwest. The mother would like to stay close by. Kindly suggest her ideal bedroom location. Thank you. Hemant - Chennai.

Different experts have their opinions, but our opinion is the breadwinner should not occupy the Northwest bedroom. So widowed mothers can avail either Northwest bedroom or Southeast bedroom based on availability. Breadwinner safe occupied bedroom should always be at Southwest.

Among 2 Available Options Which Is Better to Keep Our Head Either Southern Southwest or Western Southwest

Dear Sir, we have only two options to keep our head while sleeping in my bedroom. One is Southern Southwest or Western southwest. Let me know which is best - Venkat - Erode.

>>> We are suffering with space problem throughout the globe. Based on availability of space, we have to decide everything. As you told that you have only two options either Southern Southwest or Western Southwest. Best to keep your head towards Southern Southwest. If it is not possible then only choose the second option.

Is All Southwest Master Bedrooms Award Good Results?

Bad Southwest master bedroomWe are discussing about one home in Indira Nagar in Bangalore city, this is independent home and herewith providing only important information. This home has 3 floors, we don't like to publish the complete house floor plan and hiden some part of it and the owner name and city to secure residents' confidentiality. The owner (XYZ) constructed this home in the year 1997 with a cost of 2 crore rupees and lost nearly 30 crore rupees within 8 years of time.

He is running a Jewelry shop and his brother has another different shop in same city. Business wise both were clubbed all the funds and later "XYZ" found a deficiency in his cash funds but he cannot blame his brother as both were living under one roof.

Slowly things were serious and one fine day "2005", his brother separated after severe arguments in this home. "XYZ", noticed a huge difference in his business and funds. He lately understands what was happened.

In the year 1997, he approached 3 experienced Vastu pandits, after knowing their payments, he alone learnt several techniques in Vastu and later "XYZ" become a master in Vastu.

He knows "everything". He thought all Southwest master bedrooms are giving good results and planned like such MBR as shown above.

Toilet came at Northwest, which is acceptable, but he missed the main point of how it has to be planned properly, he missed the main concept of NW toilet and improperly planned.

Southwest master bedroom is perfect, but the entrance door for this room located at Eastern Southeast, these two settings made him serious in family life and financially lost everything and severe arguments ran in the home and experienced nightmare life. But he saved Vastu experts fee, Alas! at what cost. Every expert wishes to save residents' life. The educated and intelligent residents know these points and they never compromise.

How Much Space We Have to Provide in Each Direction in Bedroom

As most of the residents know that the bedroom is the primary chamber to provide the major part of the results. It plays a focal position in Vastu. Hence, most of the expert Vastu people first check the resident's master bedroom while in their consultancy. Here are some ideas. Leave a short space in the West direction and the East direction should have heavy open space. Likewise, leaving short space in the South direction and heavy open space in the North is highly recommended. For example, A master bedroom has 16 ft by 15 ft. (East to West 16 feet and North to South 15 feet) Leave 2 ft at West direction and 6ft will be the bed and the remaining 8 ft will be left towards East direction. Likewise, leave 2 ft in the South direction and arrange the bed (6 ft) and leave 7 ft in the North direction. In this system, Both the West and South directions will have smaller open spaces, and the East and North directions will get large open spaces.

Is West Direction Bedroom is Good For Breadwinners?

Master Bedroom for breadwinnerMany thought that West direction bedrooms are perfectly match to the breadwinners, this is acceptable fact. If that same bedroom touches the Northwest part of the home, then the breadwinners may suffer from some financial issues, income tax issues, debts problems, guarantee issues, etc. Care should be taken when arranging the main master bedroom for the breadwinner. A small mistake may ruin the peace in their respected home.

Is Walk in Closet Play Any Role as Per Vastu?

In short the Walk in closet is called as WIC. Normally, the walk in closets can be arranged any area except Northeast directions. In few cases, these Northeast walk in closets also giving excellent results based on the bedroom structure and entrance door to the bedroom.

Southwest direction "Walk In Closet" is accepted.

West direction WIC is also accepted.

South direction also handles the WIC.

We can manage Walk in Closet in Southeast direction with some conditions.

WIC can be arranged at the Northwest direction also with some terms.

WIC may not be suitable in the North direction. Few times, this North direction was also able to accommodate the WIC.

Generally, the East direction may not be suggested to have the "Walk in closet", but sometimes, it may also fit for this WIC

What Is Walk in Robe and How It Impacts as Per Vastu

Normally, WIR or "walk in robe" is used in USA or UK countries. This is also almost near to the meaning of WIC. Normally, these WIR Vastu rules are near to the WIC. Please read the WIC rules which are simultaneously suitable with WIR too.

Namaste, what is the best location for placing family photos in a master bedroom according to Vastu? - Manohar.

Guruji, what are the ideal spots for family photographs in a master bedroom as per Vastu guidelines? - Srikanth.

Sir, could you recommend some optimal positions for displaying family photos in the master bedroom? - Jagan.

Is It Okay to Display Couple Photos in the Master Bedroom?

Wife and Husband Photo In Master BedroomAbsolutely, it's a wonderful idea to place photos of the couple in the bedroom. Make sure these pictures are displayed in the master bedroom and depict both partners smiling. Avoid hanging images where either person appears annoyed or disinterested. The goal is for these photos to evoke feelings of joy, comfort, and happiness whenever they are viewed. If a photo ever stirs feelings of anger, it's advisable to move it to a less frequented area of the home, away from where the couple regularly spends time

Is It Acceptable to Keep God Photos in the Bedroom?

God Photo In master BedroomTraditionally, elders advise allocating a specific room for worship, often referred to as a prayer room, pooja room, or god room. While human nature encompasses the intimacy of a couple, having sacred images in the bedroom might impact the comfort and happiness associated with such private moments. If you have no reservations about displaying religious pictures in the bedroom, it's your choice. However, it is generally recommended to place God photos in the designated prayer area, rather than keeping them in the Master bedroom.

Optimal Day Bed Placements According to Vastu

Day Bed1. A Day Bed serves as both a seat and a place to sleep, which is especially handy in small apartments or rooms with limited space. This type of furniture is versatile, allowing for seating and sleeping in our living areas. Previously, day beds might not have been common in many homes, but recently, they have become increasingly popular. This trend is a positive development. The points below emphasize how practical and attractive day beds are, illustrating why they are favored for enhancing comfort and making the most of space in different living settings.

2. Efficient Use of Space: Due to its dual functionality, a day bed is excellent for efficiently using space. It is commonly used in guest rooms, home offices, or children’s rooms where having an extra bed is beneficial.

3. Stylish Design: Day beds come in various stylish designs that enhance the decor of a room, fitting seamlessly into any interior design scheme, from modern to traditional.

4. Under-Bed Storage: Many day beds feature built-in storage underneath, such as drawers or space for baskets, ideal for storing bedding, clothes, or other household items.

5. Outdoor Use: Some day beds are designed for outdoor use, perfect for patios or gardens, providing a comfortable spot to relax during nice weather.

6. Child-Friendly: In children’s rooms, day beds offer a comfortable area for parents to sit while tending to their children and can be a more approachable bed for toddlers transitioning from a crib.

7. Reading Nook: Day beds can create a cozy nook ideal for reading or relaxing in a quiet corner of a home, especially when paired with good lighting and soft pillows.

Placing Nightstands Beside the Bed

Sureshji, can we place nightstands next to the bed? Are there any Vastu related concerns? - Pavan - Rhode Island

bedroom nightstands placementsYes, residents can comfortably arrange nightstands on both sides of the bed, as they offer convenience for keeping essential items such as water, books, alarms, lamps, watches, and other necessities. However, it is recommended to avoid placing mobile phones too close to the bed during the night. Instead, keep them at a safe distance to minimize exposure to electromagnetic fields, ensuring a peaceful sleep. Bedside tables not only enhance convenience but also contribute to an organized and aesthetically pleasing bedroom setup. According to Vastu, there are no specific restrictions on nightstands, as long as the overall room arrangement follows Vastu principles.

Dear sir, I recently rented an apartment where the master bedroom is located in the East corner, and the bed is placed in the Northeast with the sleeping head position towards the East. Additionally, the second bedroom is located in the West, and the children's bedroom is in the Southwest. I would appreciate your guidance on whether this arrangement is in compliance with Vastu principles, as I am currently facing unexpected financial blockages. Thank you for your time and assistance. Regards, Manoj, Bangalore, Karnataka.

Bedrooms in the Second Floor Matter?

Namaste Ji, I would like to know if having bedrooms on the second floor (above the ground floor) matters too? Thanks - B. Singh - Ontario.

Namaste Dear Singh Ji, yes, the placement of bedrooms on the second floor is important as well. The layout and location of these rooms can significantly influence the well-being of family members who use them.

ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ ಸರ್, ನಮ್ಮ ಮನೆಯು ಪೂರ್ವ ದಿಕ್ಕಿಗೆ ಇದೆ. ದಕ್ಷಿಣ-ವಾಯುವ್ಯದ ಕೋಣೆಯನ್ನು ಮುಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಕಟ್ಟಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಅದು ದಕ್ಷಿಣದ ಗೋಡೆಯನ್ನು ಮತ್ತು ವಾಯುವ್ಯದ ಗೋಡೆಯನ್ನು ಕಾಂಪೌಂಡ್ ಗೋಡೆಗೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ ಕಟ್ಟಿದ್ದು, ಆ ರೂಮ್ ದೊಡ್ಡದಾಗಿ ಬರುವಂತೆ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ೨ ಅಡಿ ಸೇರಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ, ಆ ರೂಮ್ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ದೊಡ್ಡದಾಗಿದೆ. ನಾವು ಈಗ ಹಾಸಿಗೆ (ಅಂದರೆ ಮಂಚವನ್ನು) ದಕ್ಷಿಣದ ಗೋಡೆಗೆ ಹಾಕಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದಾ? ಆ ಕಡೆ ತಲೆ ಹಾಕಿ ಮಲಗಿ ಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದಾ? ಹೇಗೆ ಇಡಬೇಕು ಅಂತ ಗೊತ್ತಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ರೂಮ್ ಗೋಡೆ ದಕ್ಷಿಣದ ಕಾಂಪೌಂಡ್ ಗೋಡೆ ಸೇರಿರುವುದರಿಂದ ಏನಾದರೂ ತೊಂದರೆ ಇದೆಯೆ? ದಕ್ಷಿಣಕ್ಕೆ ತಲೆ ಹಾಕಿ ಮಲಗಿದರೆ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಗಳೆನಾದರೂ ಬರಲಿವೆಯೆ? ಪಕ್ಕದಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಯುವ್ಯದ ಗೋಡೆಗೆ ಅಲ್ಮಿರಾಗಳನ್ನು ಇಟ್ಟಿದ್ದೇನೆ. ದಕ್ಷಿಣ-ವಾಯುವ್ಯ ಕೋಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅಟ್ಯಾಚ್ಡ್ ಬಾತ್ ರೂಮ್ ಇದೆ, ಅದು ಸೌತ್ ಈಸ್ಟ್ ಭಾಗಕ್ಕೆ ಬರುತ್ತದೆ. ಅದು ಕಾಂಪೌಂಡ್ ವಾಲ್‌ಗೆ ಟಚ್ ಆಗಿಲ್ಲ. ಅದರಿಂದ ಮುಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಎಕ್ಸ್ಟೆಂಡ್ ಆಗಿದೆ ಸೌತ್ ವಾಲ್. ಅಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ಪುಟ್ಟ ಕಿಟಕಿ ಇಟ್ಟಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ನಾವು ಈಗ ಸೌತ್ ವಾಲಿಗೆ ಮಂಚ ಹಾಕಿ ತಲೆಯ ಸೈಡು ಇಟ್ಟಿದ್ದೇವೆ. ಅಲ್ಲಿ ಆ ಕಿಟಕಿ ಮಂಚಕ್ಕೆ ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತೆ, ಅದು ಎಷ್ಟು ಸಮೀಪವಾಗಿದೆ? ಬಾತ್ರೂಮಿನ ಬಾಗಿಲು ಮಂಚಕ್ಕೆ ಎದುರಾಗಿ ಬರುತ್ತದೆ. ಇದರಿಂದ ಮಂಚವನ್ನು ಆ ದಿಕ್ಕಿಗೆ ಇಡಬೇಕಾ ಬೇಡವಾ ಎಂಬ ವಿಷಯ ಗೊತ್ತಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ಸರ್, ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಈ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ಬಗೆಹರಿಸಿ. ಮಂಚವನ್ನು ಇಡುವುದೇ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಯಾಗಿದೆ. ಸದ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಸೌತ್ ವೆಸ್ಟ್ ನಲ್ಲೇ ಅಲ್ಮಿರಾ, ಕಬ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ ಇವೆ. ಮುಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಮಂಚವನ್ನು ಸೌತ್ ಸೈಡಿಗೆ ಹಾಕಬಹುದು ಎಂದುಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದೇನೆ. ಇದನ್ನು ಎಷ್ಟು ಬದಲಾಗಿಸಿದರೂ, ಸದ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಮಂಚವನ್ನು ಎಷ್ಟು ಹಾಸಿದ್ದೇನೆ, ಯಾಕೋ ಅಲ್ಲಿ ಬೆಸ್ಟ್ ತಲೆ ಹಾಕಿರುವುದರಿಂದ ನಿದ್ದೆ ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ಆಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ಪ್ರತಿನಿತ್ಯ ಕನಸುಗಳು ಬೀಳುತ್ತವೆ, ಫ್ರೆಶ್ನೆಸ್ ಇಲ್ಲ. ತಲೆಭಾರ ಇರುವುದು ಅನುಭವಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೇನೆ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಕ್ಷಮಿಸಿ, ಪರಿಹಾರ ತಿಳಿಸಿ. - Kumudha - Bangalore City.

List of Vastu Doubts

+33 #20 Northeast Bedroom VastuVirginia 2017-11-26 06:45
Mr. Suresh, having great respects on your work and services to the entire community. You are saving society from different clusters of troubles. I am a single mom and my bedroom is in the northeast part of the house. I am renting that house. The other option is the southeast bedroom. My bed now is attached to the west wall. Also the only entrance of the house is SW and there is a cut in the SW. What are the best remedies? Thanks in advance.
+25 #19 North East Bedroom Vastu for CouplesPravin 2017-07-24 16:42
Respected sir, I greatly appreciate your website services. It's a noble concept. Congratulating you for having such a exclusive and comprehesive website. Coming with my question, we are interested in a one storey house in which, bedroom located at southwest corner of 1st floor. We want to add a walk-in wardrobe cum dressing area in northwest position of bedroom (west side of the house). Is this good as per vastu? Further, please inform the position of dressing room / wardrobe in southwest bedroom
+28 #18 How to hide beam in bedroomChaitanya Kumar 2017-06-04 12:37
Dear sir, if a beam is running in the middle of the master bedroom what you suggest in such case. Is it accepted or not as per Vastu or any suggestion?, how to cover beams on the ceiling of a bedroom as per Vastu. Can we get a detailed answer for beam vastu dosh nivaran. Can I hide the beam in bedroom with any material? Is POP is enough to cover or need to do any other material. Please explain sir. I am suffering with generic pompous people those has vastu expert boards in front of their homes. I have great faith on your website and your services. Please help sir.
+17 #17 North east bedroom for couplesSaikrishna 2017-05-22 04:09
Namaste sir I have seen west facing flat with master bedroom in Southwest which is to be used by my parents and children bedroom in northeast. If I got married shall I use this bedroom or shall I avoid this flat or is there any remedies plz answer me. Married children can stay in northeast bedroom?, what are the northeast bedroom vastu dosh remedies?, Is box bed is acceptable as per vastu?, your explanation is most important for vastu for unmarried girl bedroom in the home?, if in case I found a new home, in that new home, if there is SE bedroom, then what is the best south east bedroom vastu remedy?, is it good to have child bedroom in north east, what about benefits of bedroom in north direction, and bedroom in east vastu, north west bedroom vastu remedies.
+28 #16 Vastu MasterKusum 2017-05-17 09:56
Respected sir, I m 50 years old, I want to know which bedroom and place is better for me for good health and long life me and my hubby stay different rooms he used northwest and I used southwest please suggest good for us 3.
+17 #15 Remedies for master bedroom in north eastAmit 2017-04-11 13:15
Namashkar Suresh Ji, yours is wonderful website on the earth. Having a lot of information and improving confidence on humanity. Very kind of you sir. Seeking guidance as we are shifting city and while selecting flat would like to ensure maximum possible vastu compliance, as in last flat I lost job, repeatedly health related concerns of whole family. New flat entrance which we have seen is at first floor, below is parking, entrance is south east and master bedroom would be at Northeast. So, my query is first of all first floor is a right choice as per vastu or not, as below there will be free air flow and above are the rooms direction. So, please help at the earliest. Thank you so much Sureshji.
+20 #14 Bedroom vastu in TeluguVishnu Vardhan 2017-03-10 18:02
Pranams Suresh ji, mesmerized by seeing your detailed website. God will definitely bless you for all of your generous assistance to gullible commoners who does not have minimum knowledge on vastu. Can you please answer for some of my questions. Our's is East facing house. What is the best color for the bedroom as per vastu, is there any conditions for the paintings in vastu for the bedroom. Which is the good bedroom direction. Can you please provide some tips for bedroom vastu for senior citizens and couples like newly married couple, which bedroom is acceptable for the newly wedded couple?. Please release Telugu language bedroom vastu. Appreciate your help in clearing my doubts.
+36 #13 Master Bed in Northeast Direction and Head In North and Legs towards SouthPuja 2017-01-06 20:29
Hello Sir, yours is a tremendous information website. I love this site having large sight. We recently bought a house and our Master Bedroom is in the Northeast. I am not sure if its a Northeast Corner. But the position of the bed is North-South That is we have to place head in the North and legs in the South. We have no option since we have a closet on both sides of the bed and master toilet in front of the bed. There is no way we can put our heads in South. Is there any remedy for this?, is it bad keeping our head towards North direction. What are the most evil consequences?. Please clear my doubt sir. Thank You.
+24 #12 Master bedroom vastu for east facing houseRakesh Joshi 2016-11-29 14:23
Jai Shriram Suresh Ji, Namaste, very nice to know about all of your extreme outstanding services. Most impressive. God bless you. Please provide me some Vastu tips for master bedroom Vastu for east facing house. Is this Vastu changes when we buy any South facing house or West facing house. Previously we lived in North facing house. Got some small troubles in the past home. Now, decided to get a pleasant life with the help of vastu. Kindly provide us very useful hints on bedroom vastu for east facing house. Thank you Sureshji.
+20 #11 Master bedroom vastu for south facing houseMeera 2016-11-13 09:43
Respected sir, this is nice & exquisite handy information on vastu. Prepared precious content here. My blessings on your gesture of helping hand. Our master bedroom located in a northeast direction. I have just completed 2 months of marriage. Currently we are lot of problems, no progress in our job. Door is located in the South. Cupboards in south wall. Bathroom in also located in south /southeast wall. 6 widows 3 on east wall and 3 on north wall. Bed is placed in east to west direction. Please help us to correct the vastu related problems we are currently facing. Awaiting your response. Thanking you
+15 #10 Best direction for master bedroomPankaj 2016-11-09 18:17
Dear sir, I have east entrance and one room lies in northwest and another room in Southwest/South east. So kindly suggest me which room is suitable for the master bedroom (head of family) and for kids. Because I have options to make any room, master and kid's room.
+22 #9 Perfect Vastu BedroomPallavi 2016-10-18 21:10
Respected sir, I am looking for ready possession Duplex house by builders and I liked two houses very much both are EAST facing houses but one house has NE entrance and NW master bedroom whereas second house has SE entrance and SW Master bedroom. (in both houses kitchen, living room & rest everything are perfect as per vastu). Which perfect vastu house to select? Husband's DOB 23 Aug 1982 and My DOB is 08 July 1984. Please guide me to get the perfect vastu home for us.
+31 #8 Master bedroom adviceAshruti 2016-09-30 07:21
Dear sir, very good website on vastu. My sister constructed jack and jill bathroom to their kids NE bedroom, is there any specific direction for this jack and jill bathroom as per vastu?. Today I bought a new flat that has corners as south north west east instead of NW, SE, SW, AND NE. Living room lies on SW wall and it has bathroom next to it and one bedroom next to it on same SW wall. A small balcony is there with room attached. There are two bedroom one with north corner and another with east corner. As per flat design north corner room is master bedroom walls on NE and NW sides. But it has really open space balcony with fresh open air and sunlight. Please suggest me which room I should make bedroom NORTH corner room or West corner room.
+27 #7 Bedroom vastu for pregnantPrahlad Agarwal 2016-09-13 11:44
Namaste sir, this is best website on Vastu. You beautifully developed it. Thank you. Please release bedroom Vastu for couples in hindi PDF. Provide the best Vastu tips for bedroom to get pregnant, this is 6th year after marriage, we tried our level best, but problem in conceiving. Is feng shui tips for conceiving has any major role. Like to know Vastu tips for getting pregnant in hindi Hindi language. Which bedroom bring us kids. Narayan Agrawal told about you, we are looking for urgent help, also inform us bedroom direction for a couple as per Vastu. Can we keep family photos in our bedroom?, like to know where should we arrange the smoke alarms in each bedroom or sleeping room and between the sleeping rooms are the remainder of the basement (hallway). All smoke alarms in the dwelling unit must be interconnected. Battery operated alarms are permitted in a house more than 5 years old.
+29 #6 For cordial relationshipBabita 2016-09-12 15:07
Hi sir, thank you for giving all the easy tips without any expectations. Our children bedroom is in northeast drawing-room in east to west our bedroom at northwest, bed resting to north cupboard resting north kitchen southwest stairs up towards north no harmony or peace at home we are four two sons aged 16 and 22 husband is 50 years, I am 47 years, please help.
+17 #5 Master bedroom in NE directionAnu 2016-08-26 10:15
Hello sir, just I came here and found a lot of useful information. Thank you very much for your website. My master bedroom is in northeast direction. Room is having two doors, one is in south-east direction and other one is in south west direction. On west side of room, there are in-built cupboards. it is quite difficult to shift bed in south or west direction. is there any other solution for it? Please help.
+25 #4 north-east corner cut in Master bedroomKoteswara Rao 2016-08-08 11:37
Dear sir, yours is a noble website. Thank you so much. The master bedroom is in south-West (13ft x12 ft size ). Entrance to the master bedroom is north-east corner on north side. Due to some reasons, master bedroom is extended in West side by 4 x 12 feet. (13 ft x16 ft). At entrance to the master bedroom (north-east side), nearly 4x3 feet is cut in. Is it OK. Please give me the remedy? Thank you, sir. Kotesh.
+29 #3 SW guest bedroom in my houseTanishq 2016-06-04 03:15
Namaste sir, I have purchased a flat where the master bedroom has its bathroom in NE corner and the bed placed in the North, the balcony of the master bedroom opens in Nw and this room is occupied by my father in law the bread winner of the family. We are going through financial crisis presently. Also the guest room lies in the SW with a bathroom in the SW corner. My Nephew is coming to stay here for doing some course of six months and will stay in the guest room. We have shifted here about 4 months back. Kindly guide me the solution.
+23 #2 Remedy for Northeast master bedroomParag 2016-05-15 12:50
Respected sir I had been visiting vastu websites from various sources. The website hosted by you is supreme in all respects. The information contained therein is exhaustive and comprehensive. People like myself have benefited a lot by visiting your website. Thank you for the aristocratic service that you are rendering to the people interested in vastu science. I am staying in a rented flat and master bedroom is in Northeast direction. Another bedroom is in East direction. What is the remedy?. Since the carpet area is less. Please suggest. Thanks.
+26 #1 Best place for master bedroom in our homePatpari 2016-04-09 12:30
Namaste sir, we were just browsing through the sites for vastu stuff and came across and we were very impressed with the explanation and the different vastu stuff. So I thought I would contact you! I saw your name also in some Q/A. Glad to chat with you Suresh Ji. we have got a bed in the northeast direction. Cannot change the bed as one side cupboards and one side door. Is there any remedy to lessen the effect.
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Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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