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Children Bedroom and Vastu Help for Bringing Good Results in Studies & Health
Our efforts are focused entirely on our kids progress, yet, do the children grasp the weight of their responsibilities? Typically, no... It's common for children to be unaware of effective strategies for academic success or how to maintain and elevate their parents' distinguished standing and respect in society.
1. Is Children Achieve Good Results Through Vastu Tips?
Vastu an Indian ancient and traditional architecture is a most powerful subject, blessed to humans. Outstanding & predominant outcomes can be obtained if it is used mindfully. Once residents perfectly organize these ancient science principles in a proper way then kids can achieve expected results.
2. Will Kids Improve Interest On Their Studies if We Follow Vastu Principles?
Like what we already informed, if residents sincerely follow exact Indian Vastu shastra principles, then their kids improve their interest on studies. In this regard, Vastu will surely assist your infants.
3. As Per Vastu Is It Ok to Provide the Southeast Room as a Study Room to My Kids
Better to avoid Southeast room as their study room. Try to provide the East room as children's study room. The Northeast room is also supercharged for Kid's shining in their studies. If there is no other room except the Southeast room, then ask your kids to sit in the East direction and facing towards the East direction, open the East windows while they are studying in that room.
4. In Which Direction Should the Kids Bedroom Be as Per Vastu?
Kid's bedroom can be arranged either in West direction or South direction. If both are not available then the North bedroom or East bedroom can be allotted to kids..
5. To Which Direction Should Child Face While Studying in the Room?
Normally, children can face towards East direction while studying then this feature brings enlightenment of the subject, improving the knowledge, develop the interest on studies, increase their memory power, etc. If no chance to face towards the East direction while studying then they may face towards the North direction too. Facing towards North direction is also good while studying. Further, facing towards Northeast direction is also very good. Please note that if your kids studying facing towards Southeast direction may not support.
6. Can Kids Study Facing West Direction?
Try to sit facing towards East direction otherwise North direction, if not, then Northeast, if it is also not available, then facing towards West, but their back (east direction) should have more open space.
7. Can my daughter study facing towards Northwest
Generally, in Northwest facing houses this question may arises. If your home is NW facing then find out a good place where your daughter can face towards either East or Northeast, if both are not available then facing towards North is highly recommended. Studying while facing Northwest is not recommended.
8. In Which Direction Should the Book-shelf Be Placed in the Child’s Bedroom?
Book shelves can be arranged either in South or West or Southwest directions. Even in Northwest or Southeast also accommodate if no way to keep at Southwest, west and South directions. Don't arrange the book shelves at the Northeast corner. In this image the red color represents bad. Green color represents accepted placements.
9. In Which Direction Should the Door Be in Child’s Bedroom?
Maximum try to arrange the door at either Northern Northeast or Eastern Northeast. These two positional doors are excellent. If both are not compatible, then arrange children's bedroom door either Western Northwest or Southern Southeast.
10. In Which Direction Should Study Table Be Placed in Kid’s Bedroom?
We researched in several homes. Finally, we got a feedback that keeping the table towards East direction helps them to improve interest on their education and getting name in their educational institutions. Please note that the door for their room plays a vital role, that residents should not forget.
11. According to Vastu, Which Is the Best Direction for the Child’s Bedroom?
Generally, the West bedroom is good for boys and the South bedroom is auspicious for girls. If a home has spacious North open space, then North bedroom furiously encourage your kids in terms of education, name, and health. If there is heavy open space towards the East direction, then the East bedroom will assist children in all ways.
12. Is Northeast Best for Study in Child’s Bedroom?
If the home has a huge open space towards the Northeast quadrant and kids room came at Northeast then kids can keep their study table at the northeast direction.
13. Can We Have a Bathroom in West Direction in Child’s Bedroom?
If kids bedroom is located in the West direction (not in the Southwest) the West direction toilet may not harm. Anyway, get a word from one expert Vastu consultant before setting the house plan and design. This is a safe method.
14. Idols of Which God Should Be Placed in a Child’s Bedroom?
Lord Ganapathi photo frame is best suitable in Kids Bedroom. If residents wish then they can keep Lord Ganapathi's idol on the Kids' study table. Idols should be below 9 inches.
15. What Type of Pictures Should Be Hanged in Child’s Bedroom for Gaining Positive Energy?
Don't hang black color portraits in kids' bedroom. Arrange nature photo frames, Goddess Saraswathi Photo, Lord Hayagreeva images, Lord Ganapathi Photos, etc.
16. Can I Place My Child’s Study Table Under the Staircase?
Education means a supreme principle highest quality of a person. Education is life. Education is the future. We should respect education and studies. Staircase means, using it with our legs, hence, keeping the study table under the staircase is not at all recommended. If there is no other way except keeping the study table under the staircase then keep one pyramid on the table.
17. Can I Place Drinking Water Filter Under the Staircase in Study Room?
Closed lid water filter can be placed under the staircase. Maximum make an effort to keep the water filter in places other than under the staircase. If no way, then keep the filtered water can under the staircase, make sure that the lid is properly closed.
18. Which Direction Is Best to Usher Positive Vibes in Children’s Bedroom?
Normally, the Northeast direction has such positive vibes to usher kids' intelligence. Hence, don't keep heavy-weight items in the northeast direction. Always keep Northeast less weight or no weight.
19. Can We Keep Soft Toys on Southern Direction in Child’s Bedroom?
Yes, it is acceptable to keep the soft toys at Southern Direction in the kids' bedroom.
20. Can There Be a Window at Western Direction in Child’s Bedroom?
Western direction windows acceptable in kids bedroom.
21. Can We Use Circle Shaped Study Table in Children’s Bedroom?
Generally the study table will be either rectangular or square shaped only, if your youngster looking for circle shaped table, then arrange it, but don't keep it at Northeast direction.
22. Which Direction Is Best for the Placement of Mirror in Child’s Bedroom?
Northeast is best place to keep the mirror in kids' room.
23. Can We Place the Toys Made of Clay in Kid’s Bedroom?
If you have little ones in the home, then don't arrange the toys made of clay, they may chew them and may trouble their health. If they are below teenybopper or below teenage, then keep the toys made with clay.
24. Can We Place a Mirror Opposite to the Bed in Child’s Bedroom?
Many experts have different opinions on this point. The best idea to keep the mirror is Northeast. If your descendant bed came into Southwest, then arranging mirror at Northern Northeast or Eastern Northeast. Don't keep the mirror at Southeast or Northwest directions. Please avoid keeping the mirror at Southwest.
25. Can We Use Metal Cot in Child’s Bedroom?
Always best to use wooden cot. If they are not available then you can arrange metal cots. Generally, the metal cots are not advisable for offspring.
26. Can We Place Radium Stickers of Universe in the Kid’s Room?
Yes, arranging radium stickers of the universe may not be crummy. Arrange minimum stickers not heavy. They look pleasant for them.
27. Can We Place Nightstands on Either Side of the Bed?
We can arrange the nightstands on either side of the bed in kids bedroom, but if they are teenage, then no problem, if they are infants then there is a chance of issues occur like they may play with nightstands and they may fall down on them. Be sure their age permits to maintain such things, no issues at all. Otherwise, best to avoid keeping nightstands at the children's bedroom.
28. Is Northwest Bedroom Good for schoolgirls?
Northwest bedrooms are good for girls.
29. Can Child’s Bedroom Be Triangular Shaped?
This is very rare phenomenon, generally, it won't help schoolboys or school girls. We never come across such triangular shaped kids bedrooms. As per knowledge acquired from the experiences we strongly thought that this triangular shaped bedrooms may not good for kids.
30. In Which Direction Should the Wardrobe Be Placed in the Child’s Bedroom?
The first choice if possible is the West and South, if for any reason this is not possible then the Northwest is the 3rd option. If not NW then the Southeast can be the other option, which means never in East, North, or Northeast direction. In any case, avoid NE corner for use of a Wardrobe. Should you ever put wardrobe in the Northeast corner of the kids bedroom the child's growth will stunted.
31. Can Kid’s Bedroom Be in Southeast Corner of the House as Per Vastu?
Where the houses are small, the Southeast corner room for the children is ideal if there are only two bedrooms, then the Southeast bedroom is ideal, parents can sleep in the Southwest bedroom. However, where the houses are spacious and generously proportioned these maybe towards other than this Southeast.
32. Which Colour Is Best for Kids Study Room?
Any color having light shade is the best. Which means not deep colors. However, colors associated with red and brown should be avoided.
33. In Which Direction and Placement Should the Windows Be Placed in the Child’s Bedroom?
As far as windows are concerned the directions where the windows are possible irrespective of whether they are East, West, North, South is ideal. Avoid exact Southwest windows. (This principle bypassed in Inclined homes)
34. Can Child’s Bedroom Be in Northeast Direction of the House According to Vastu?
The Northeast is the best for playroom for the children and not for the bedroom. However, the majority of homes are tiny and not accommodating several rooms, in such case kids' bedroom can be arranged in the Northeast too. Already we have discussed this point that, if a home has a heavy open yard towards Northeast then the Northeast bedroom is recommended for kids.
35. Can We Keep Entrance of Child’s Bedroom in Southeast Corner?
Children's bedrooms should be designed with precise Vastu alignments. Regarding the Southeast direction, it's important to note that there are three variants: Eastern Southeast, true Southeast, and Southern Southeast. Among these, only a door positioned in the Southern Southeast direction contributes positively to children's educational growth.
36. Can Children Keep Their Head Towards West Direction to Sleep as Per Vastu?
Yes, as far as sleeping is concern the general principles of Vastu are applicable for all in this regard including children. Maximum try to accommodate to keep their head towards South or East directions if it is not possible then West is acceptable. Avoid North direction.
37. Can We Keep Study Table Towards Western Direction in Child’s Bedroom?
Keeping study table towards West arrangement will not be detrimental. However, it's best to position the study table towards West, ensuring that children are facing either East or North while studying. Under these conditions, orienting the study table towards the West is acceptable.
38. Which Is the Ideal Place for Kids to Study at Home as Per Vastu?
Both East and Northeast are ideal places for stripling study places..
39. Which Colours Can Be Painted in the Children’s Bedroom for Their Overall Growth?
As far children’s bedroom is concerned light green or light blue colors are ideal. Avoid red mixed color combinations.
40. Entrance Should Be Placed in Which Direction to Improve Child’s Concentration as Per Vastu?
The benevolent directions for doors as per Vastu are uniform for guttersnipe too. Because they will first come to the home, without entertain with losel in the streets.
41. Which Things Should Be Placed in Child’s Bedroom That Help in Gaining Luck and New Ideas for a Better Future?
Things promoting thinking faculty should be placed in bairn study rooms. Like attractive books, ideals of puzzles, keeping Sudoku books, knowledge of birds, animals, etc.
42. Which Colours Should Be Painted for Peaceful Atmosphere in Kid’s Bedroom?
Other than Red combination colors any color can be used and they should be light colors, don't use dark colors. If resident requirement is a color combination in the juvenile bedroom, it improves their peace and concentration on studies, not on any other entertainments.
43. Which Coloured Lights and Soothing Colours Should Be Used in Child’s Bedroom?
Any colors which should be light, other than red is OK.
44. Which Type of Pastels Can Be Used for Doors?
As per walls, otherthan red, black, and brown.
45. Can We Place Television in the West Corner of Child’s Bedroom?
Absolutely, NOT, no TV should be in the adolescent bedroom. When the kids have got tremendous mental activity which is not known to us and having a Television in the bedroom would prevent the mind to be ready to go to sleep, hence, TV should not in the bedroom.
46. Can the Bed Be Placed Either in the Middle of the Room or at the Corner Towards the Wall?
Other than Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and North, the bed can be placed anywhere in the room.
47. Can We Keep Pet Dog in Child’s Bedroom Along With the Kid?
Yes, the child gets confidence. However, the fur of the dogs is very unwelcome for a child’s health. So ensure the dog does not jump on the cot. For the sake of kids' health avoid children kissing the dogs and hugging them and petting them.
48. Is It Good to Keep Books in the Cot’s Rack of Child’s Bedroom?
Yes, you may keep, but along with them, put some stimulating mechanism also on the rack of the bed.
49. Which Type of Living Plants Should Be Grown in Child’s Bedroom?
Aloe Vera and all other indoor plants like money plants etc. Don't keep thorny plants.
50. Is It Beneficial to Decorate the Kid’s Room With Soft Toys?
Yes, not excessive.
51. Can Electronic Equipment Be Placed in South-west Corner in Kid’s Bedroom?
Yes, subject to safety precautions.
52. General Instructions For Kids Improvement
Once upon a time, there was peaceful weather encircled with green fields and spacious open grounds for kids to play in. But times have changed, from outdoor grounds to indoor electronics with smartphones, laptops, tabs, TV, and whatnot. These gadgets may repeatedly divert their mind and affect their brain and memory enormously.
Are there any ideas to improve kids’ memory power? Read the following ideas attentively.
Herewith we are providing some good ideas to improve intelligence in kid's.
1. Give First Priority to – SLEEP
- To improve a kid's memory constantly, sleep is an essential source.
- Dedicated sleep hours change according to children's age.
- Toddlers require a minimum of 12+ hours of sleep to develop.
- 10-12 hours of sleep is enough for a Preschooler.
- A kid between 5-9 years of age needs 10 hours of sleep definitely.
- Gradually teenagers require 8-10 hours of sufficient sleep.
Kids Bedroom Tips for Sound sleep
- Kids' imagination power can be enhanced by good storytelling.
- Don’t encourage gadgets during nighttime.
- Remove all the electronic items from the kid’s bedroom.
- Play a piece of relaxing or sweet-sounding music around their room.
- Hang pleasant-colored curtains to safeguard their minds.
- For better sleep, offer them a glass of lukewarm milk before heading to bed.
2. Strictly say NO to - TV
- In most of the houses, Tv continues to play irrespective of audience presence.
- The running TV movements, colors, actions tend to attract naive kids.
- They finally fall into the trap of Tv and watch it irrespective of language, channel, pictures.
- One of the painful things is, the above whole process is practiced by some parents to control their kid’s naughtiness.
- Due to these, numerous sounds occupy the tiny brains and keeps them busy from thinking out of the box.
- The potential of remembering new words can be greatly disturbed in the children who spend a lot of time watching tv.
- Capacity of recollecting and the power of learning new words will significantly develop in the children who stay far from the TV.
- The best and yet simple suggestion is to be careful with TV.
3. Role of - Nutritious FOOD
- Right food helps in the development of children's Memory power.
- Most importantly, having Almond milk at night has numerous benefits, hence provide them milk with almond powder.
- Give your kids more dairy products to make them stronger.
- Make sure the intake of protein, calcium, potassium and vitamin D is high in children’s food.
- Berries like strawberries, Jamun has tons of brain development features hidden in them.
- Add berry-related fruits to your kid’s diet.
- Also add fruits that contain antioxidants, vitamin C, and omega 3 fats which aid in memory power.
- Oats, red rice which is high in vitamin B, glucose is prominent addon to their daily menu.
- Include Fish – high in Omega 3 fats – twice a week.
- Fruits play a meaningful vital role in developing kids brain.
- Constantly serve fruits to your children.
4. Sharpen brain with – GAMES
- Try engaging the tv addicted children in peculiar physical games.
- Try to erase the bond between the children and video games with different ideas.
- For instance, take out a toy from the orderly arranged toys and ask your kid to find out the missing piece, which makes them to actually think and recollect.
- Make the game vibrant with different colored cars, balls etc.
- The same game can be played in a different way, just by covering the toys with a cloth after a certain amount of time and ask your kid to repeat the toy names that they remember.
- All these sorts of games aids in boosting the memory power in kids.
One of the biggest deceases in this regard is the mobile phone in kids hand. The addiction becomes too severe to handle, please avoid this, the best way to avoid children using mobile is you should avoid mobile usage in children presence other than for talk with some other persons, not browsing.
It is observed these days thanks to craze for technology, children are becoming youth bypassing the luxurious and adventitious stage of childhood, kindly don’t subscribe to this philosophy, we want children to grow into proper human beings and not Robots wedded to technology, money, and pleasure alone
53. Other Important Points
We are leading our lives for the sake of children only.They are beyond doubt an integral part of our living ( get some info on useful Vastu ideas on Living room).
We are striving for their all round development only. Do the children know their responsibilities. Generally, children don’t have knowledge of how to overcome problems arising from their studies and earn a reputation for their parents in society.
Work and rest epitomize the division of night and day in nature. Sleep ideal form of rest is necessary for all.
So a horse falls into sleep in standing posture. (This matter is from www.subhavaastu.com). Dolphins in the seas close one eye and open one eye in sleep while Swimming.
Bat hangs upside down. Cats squeeze themselves into a ball and sleep. Nature is composed of five elements that blessed living beings with rest, which is sleep.
So the only place of bliss is that where a man can sleep blissfully, may it be the abode of peace or abode of happiness. It is the bedroom. To speak the truth, the bedroom in the house is like the heart to the body. It is the place where most of the time is spent while in our home. There are eight directions.
Southwest is the most kind. (This matter is from www.subhavaastu.com). That is why it is better the elders made this their bedroom.
Bedrooms can be arranged in Southeast and Northwest also. But elders of the home should sleep in the Southwest room as per Vastu.
If there are no South or West bedrooms in the home, then young people can sleep in the Southeast room and girls can make the Northwest room as their bedroom, children should sleep in a Southeast room or at Northwest rooms only. Please read the important points below:
Wife and husband should not make the room in the Southeast as their bedroom. If the house is big and a number of bedrooms are there the first issue should sleep in the South room, the second issue has to occupy the southeast, third in the Western room, (know about West through Vastu tips for West direction homes) fourth in the Southwest, this is the best.
Child means they are boy or girl. Mostly spare Vayavya (Northwest) bedroom to Girls. And for boys spare Agneya (Southeast) bedrooms, for more information contact us, don't make your own decision, it spoils your child's future
How Do I Focus on My Studies at Home?
Study rooms are often the most ignored in a home when it comes to Vastu of a residential home. But, vastu plays a crucial role in the concentration, productivity, and the attitude towards education of your children.
Although there might be other reasons, try inspecting the Vastu of your children’s study room in your house, if you think it is taking a heavy toll on the future of your children.
This blog discusses, in brief, the role played by study room Vastu on your children and their academic career followed by some precious tips to ensure you are following all the Vastu norms to avoid adverse impacts.
Make sure your study room door is always kept open. If you are uncomfortable or think that you may get distracted with your family observing you while you are engaged in your studies, try facing your back towards the door.
From Vastu perspective, the living room is the second best choice to pursue your educational activities. Try using your living room, while you are studying. You will observe your family members ending the chaos once and for all looking at you working hard.
It is quite natural to get distracted for various reasons while studying. But you don’t have to give up. You can either find a calm and serene corner to continue your studying in your home or try playing white noise on your earphones or motivational songs while studying to keep yourself going without any distractions.
Do you have pets at your home? Pets are a great distraction. Take your family’s help to avoid being distracted by your pets or find a calm corner in your home to avoid being found by your pets so that you can work hard in peace.
Always have a clock in front of you while studying. This way you will know how much time you have spent productively and it also creates a sense of urgency for you to rush through your tasks.
The environment in the room plays a huge role in shaping your mindset before studying. An untidy room and lazy outfit may ruin your concentration for the rest of the day. Hence, keep your study room and your surroundings clean and neat always. Always make sure you wear neatly washed clothes before studying to avoid being carried away by distracting thoughts.
Always remember that students often get distracted by innumerable external forces while studying and it is quite natural. Be it friends, pets, family, or something else, it is your responsibility to create a quiet and friendly environment at home to boost the concentration of your children at home.
If you are a student and couldn’t concentrate on your studies, it is time to rethink and reevaluate your life choices. What is it that is distracting you so much and for what reason? Is the reason so worthy enough of your attention more than your career? Try reminding yourself about the struggle and hard work of your parents, who work hard day in and day out to make your life better than theirs. Once you realize the value of education and your parent's struggle, everything begins to fall into place.
Best Children Bedroom:
Bed should be placed at southwest direction and space should become round the bed, its best method for children. If space cannot provide around the bed, then place the bed at the southwest corner or south corner, or west corner.
Children should place their heads at East direction and legs in the West direction, it's the best method for them to have high intelligence and knowledge, and more memory power has to rise at this position.
More vacant space should be left at North side
More vacant space should be provided on East.
Children can have their bedrooms either at East and North side.
Slight variation is there for Male and Female kids.
Knowledge is divine, it can't available in the market to buy. Elders should take care of kids' childhood to improve their observations and grasping power.
Don't make them addicted to Televisions or video games or mobile phones.
Try to allow them to play outside, don't suggest them to play with cellphones.
Maintaining distance with gadgets is recommended. Otherwise, they will be addicted and can't come out from the attraction.
If residents have more children and if they need to provide more bedrooms to them, construct bedrooms at Southwest, South, West, Northwest (Vayavya), Southeast (Agneya), North and East sides, better leave the eshan (Northeast) corner, don’t construct bedroom at Ishan (Northeast) corner.
If it is compulsory to construct bedroom at Northeast (Ishan) corner then please get advice from one experienced Vastu Consultant. Descendants future is most important for every parent, so plan everything according to Vastu. Your kids will have a bright future.
Please observe is your child place head at North direction, please note that it's very dangerous to their knowledge and memory power. Modern people pooh the warnings as the superstition of elders voice, but after research done by scientists, then they accept the facts and they obey their words, not our elder people's voices.
North placing head is not good as it has been proved truth scientifically. (This matter is from www.subhavaastu.com). This posture makes the circulation of blood to the limbs at a distance of heart slow. Sleep will be disturbed. It will cause headaches and in irritation and disturbances.
The changes in the circulation of blood affect the heart sensitively. Researches was conducted jointly by the scientific and technology institute and the V.H.S Medical research institute of Chennai. By changing the direction of the head, joint pains and such Health diseases may get cured.
And so many invisible diseases will also be cured placing head at South. These scientist projects studied the Effects of the changes in blood circulation by sleeping towards the east the research revealed that the changes that occur in the circulation of blood by sleeping with the head towards North will not occur if done so in the direction of south.
Scientists studied the changes that come about during this sleeping posture in animals and humans. Subtle changes come about in the electric currents of the mind. (This matter is from www.subhavaastu.com). Geo Electric Magnetic power influences the body.
By changing the direction of the head we got all good things and health is also good and pleasure. By this, we understand the truth of our old adages. If the south is not feasible east can be better. North and west are prohibited.
In this image the Bed is towards the Southwest corner, head position is at South direction if the bed is at Southwest corner the bed area gets more space towards East, North, and Northeast and this more free space is shown with moving arrows. This sleeping position is always the best source for improvement of more knowledge to the pupil who uses to sleep here. The bed should always be at Nairuthi direction of the room, if it is not possible to place the bed at Southwest (Nairuthi) corner then, next best to keep the Bed at least at South side or West sides only. (This matter is from www.subhavaastu.com).
The bed should not be placed at Southeast (Agneya) or Northwest (Vayavya) corners and at any cost the bed should not be placed at Northeast (Northeast house vastu) (Eshan) corner. The entrance is at Northeast corner towards East side for bright Education or plan this entrance to this room at Northeast-north.
Due to space constraint some residents may arrange some other room for the twins or two kids, if they require to place the Bunk beds then they may arrange at this same place. Maximum maintain to have a good climate in their room, the climate should encourage them to study.
Don't keep TV in their rooms, its not at all recommended. Should not allow them to use the internet at their rooms, finally, it may leads to wrong life. Their future should be bright then think on each and everything. Regarding using music in their rooms, we have given some notes at bottom of this article.
Here the head position in the bed is towards East direction, this type of bed placement is also good for education and bright future. Parents mean visible Gods, they should take all steps and care on their children. www.subhavaastu.com is ready to serve useful Vastu shastra tips for kids at the time of their examinations. vastu tips may always be updated here to have good marks in their examination. We are publishing attractive Vastu tips at the time of January ending or February first week www.subhavaastu.com is always stood for the better society, to reach the target please participate with your known ideas to make our society wonderful and peaceful and more knowledgeable people to live here.
We thought to develop your kid's education, without your co-operation nothing is possible at anywhere. Your kind participation is highly appreciated.
Proper ventilation should be required in their rooms, oxygen has to be more in their rooms if you close all the windows and doors continuously in their rooms, then there might be some problem with Oxygen issues.
We found one home near to High-Court in Telangana and found that kids' bedroom does not have any windows and it has all the walls except one door.
When we go inside of that room, we found very uneasiness and in our inquiry elders said that kids are poor in their education and always dull. What is the cause for this, it's simple, no sufficient Oxygen is there.
Further we/elders should learn that we never press our kids for the forcible education, needs to make them so interested on the education, then they will try to turn to the learning knowledge, otherwise, they divert to some other things.
Elders are taking intelligent ideas then kids will learn things, try to concentrate on their education otherwise they may be slumber to avoid forcible education. What is your etiquette and need to know by your kids and stand with responsibility in this society?
Simple Ideas to Improve Children Caliber
1. Forty minutes moning walking is mandatory, including excercise U will get Vitamin D.
2. Evening walking is most important, maximum try to walk more than 20 mins based on your schedules. 40 minutes is highly recommended.
3. Take orange juice daily. This is mandatory, you will get natural "vitamin C".
4. Take carrot juice daily. It improves several health organs. ( Raw juice, not pulp separated and juice separated)
5. Daily consume Guava or best to have Guava juice. ( Please note that it should be the raw juice, not pulp separated and juice separated)
6. Beetroot juice is recommended. (Raw juice, not pulp separated and juice separated)
7. If your age came to take coffee, then don't take coffee after breakfast, this is the biggest mistake that humans are regularly following. 60 minutes gap after breakfast is highly suggested.
8. Give atleast two hour gap to have a coffee after lunch. Don't take coffee within 90 minutes after lunch. It spoils the stomach. Slowly body will get damage.
9. Frequently take green tea. It multiplies your immune system.
10. Consuming 4 almonds in the early hours improve entire body constitution. Soak almonds in the water at night and consume it early morning. This is extremely helpful to the body.
11. Daily 15 minute exercise improves total body metabolism.
12. Consume at least one fruit a day. Seasonal fruit is auspicious.
Please follow above tips to fight with any ailments and improve your physical and psychological standards.
Which Home Vastu Affects My Kid?
Respected sir, I live in a city with my parents in house A. Here my daughter was born and brought up. My wife has shifted in 2018 to live with her mother in house B, in the same city. (as her father died in 2018 ) Now my daughter lives in another city alone in house C. Which house Vastu in A, B or C will affect my daughter? - Mohan Dave - Sharjah.
Dear Mr. Mohan, where is your kid currently living, that home Vastu effects involved on your children, regardless of whether they are propitious and unfavorable. On the off chance that your child is normally visiting her mom's home, at that point, a mother living home Vastu is additionally begun taking a shot at her, based on a period of stay of living. Time of stay is generally significant in yielding outcomes. Fortunately, if all homes Vastu is good, your daughter or son will enjoy the fruits of this Vastu science.
Our Kids Are Lazy in Studies After Move to This East Home
Dear Suresh Ji, namashkar, great to observe all of your sincere attempts to make our kids more active, educated, intelligent. Thank you so much, it is much appreciated. Coming with our home, we were unaware of vastu and just heard that east facing home is good for kids and bought this home in new jersey. Things become worst day by day. We were never expecting this change in our life. We would have to take consultancy before buying this home. Please help us.
Dear Kaushik Ji, namaste, your home has Eastern Southeast road shula and your main door is Eastern Southeast, generally, this kind of home may trouble the residents in many ways. While in our call, you said that you were planning to shift to another home in this month, this time without experts opinion don't buy any home.
Significant Key Points for Kids
Aimlessly surfing on the internet to see what is attracted is a pastime is best avoiding.
Newton’s 3rd law of motion is best observed for your own good.
Never indulge for you are violating Newton 3rd law of motion.
Frequent mobile ringing, be comfortable switch off the mobile or silent mode. The world is not coming too close so soon.
Arguments: avoid them like plaque, they produce only heat.
To do lists: a useless exercise which is best avoided. Do things as the need arises.
Perfectionism, never attempt this. Attempt excellence for NO ONE repeat is perfect.
Be Available:
to others at your convenience. Or else you will became a slave to others.
Never indulge in idle in phantacising.
Let cigarette be your slave, not otherwise.
Attend to them at your convenience.
Action Mirage:
This is useless pastime. Just be calm.
Breaking up early:
Early bird catches the worm. If you are bird, be early. If you are worm, be late.
Not doing nothing:
This is a wrong statement, for when you are apparently doing nothing, your mind is directed towards much needed rest.
Six Ethics of Life
Before you Pray - Believe
Before you Speak - Listen
Before you spend - Earn
Before you write - Think
Before you Quit - Try & TRY
Before you die - Live.
Honest studied student never fails. Concentrate only on studies, success is very near to you, you will achieve the target once entire your body requires to win.
In a classroom, there are many students, some are intelligent, some are non-intelligent, fun is that some non-intelligent students achieve the targets which intelligent fails, it happens only because of aim. Targets are all harder to reach, but you have excellent courage to reach it.
There is no meaning of try to reach the target, no failure, only success, the key for success is hard work, concentration, responsibility.
Think twice before you are going to do wrong, think about your parents, their reputation in society. Don't spoil your parent's dreams. Before praying to God, pray your parents. Parents are living God's. Augmenting education will be fruitful only with the blessings of your parents.
Attaining quality curriculum vitae will be completed with their blessings only. Trust you understand the epitome behind here. Please note that your parents are most happy if you succeeded in your education.
Actually many students have thought that their parents apprehended them not to enjoy. But its 100% wrong. Your parents always wish to make you the most respectable in society.
When your exams start your parents felt onerous than you. Many things are coming heritage one after another generation, so your parents feel terror if your studies may halt for any reason.
If you completed your studies then your parents will feel gratifying forever and eventually. Again please note that they never erroneously shout on you.
Whatever vociferous, it's purely your fault, otherwise they never angry on you. Please keep this point in your mind and heart always.
Back in 2003, when we were on the brink of launching www.SubhaVaastu.com, many voiced concerns that it was merely a financial drain. Despite the skepticism, our vision was clear and driven by a conviction of success in our niche. Indeed, we reached our goal, as evidenced by our website attracting over 26,000 hits and 4,300 unique visitors daily, all without resorting to advertisements. This success is a testament to the power of trust in the quality of our work. Embrace your vision with confidence. The time to begin is NOW. Pursue your goals with determination, dear student. You see your target; now strive to meet it. Accelerate your efforts. Your success will bring joy to your parents, and there's nothing more rewarding than making them proud.
Unlock Learning: Top Vastu Tips for Effective Study Rooms For Students
Information in this image may be helpful for your kids, this image has roman numbers from 1 - 100 numbers. Show it to your kids, ask them to learn roman numbers. Reading is too important to your kids than observing videos or playing video games or operating mobile phones, watching Television. Try to show them different images and teach them with elaborated knowledgeable information, they learn easily with parents interest concentration on them. Have a Great Effort.
Shaping Tomorrow: Nurturing Our Kids, Fulfilling Our Dreams
Symbolic Accessories: Incorporate symbols of knowledge and wisdom, such as the image of Goddess Saraswati or a globe, strategically placed in the northeast corner of your study space. This Vastu practice is believed to significantly boost academic success by inviting positive energy and enhancing focus and understanding. Such symbolic representations can serve as a constant source of inspiration and motivation for students, encouraging them to strive for excellence in their educational pursuits.
Achieve Top Grades: Key Vastu Strategies for Exam Success
1. Study Room Direction: Ensure the study room is in the east or northeast part of the house to enhance concentration and memory.
2. Study Table Placement: Place the study table facing east or north for better focus. Avoid having a wall directly in front of the table.
3. Lighting: Natural lighting is best for studying. If using artificial light, ensure it's bright enough and placed to the left of the study area.
4. Seat Position: While studying, one should face east or north to increase learning efficiency.
5. Wall Colors: Opt for light and soothing colors like light green or blue in the study room to promote calmness and concentration.
6. Bookshelf Placement: Store books in the east or northeast side of the room. Avoid placing heavy bookshelves to the south or west walls.
7. Clutter-Free Space: Keep the study area organized and clutter-free to encourage a focused mind.
8. Study Table Shape: Use a regular-shaped (square or rectangle) study table for stability in studies. Avoid irregular shapes.
9. Avoid Beams: Ensure there are no beams overhead at the study space, as they can cause unnecessary pressure and stress.
10. Mirror Placement: Avoid mirrors in the study room, especially facing the study table, as they can distract and create stress.
11. Open Space: Maintain open space in front of the study table to encourage fresh ideas and positive energy flow.
12. Wall Clock Position: Place a clock in the north or east side of the room. Avoid placing it behind or directly in front of the student.
13. Use of Study Lamp: A study lamp can enhance focus. Place it on the southeast corner of the table for optimal results.
14. Ventilation: Ensure good ventilation in the study room for fresh air, which helps in keeping the mind alert and focused.
15. Seating Comfort: Use a comfortable chair that supports the back well. Avoid overly soft chairs that might induce lethargy.
16. Water Element: Place a small bowl of water or a fountain in the northeast corner of the room to enhance concentration and learning.
17. Avoid Gadgets: Keep electronic gadgets away from the study table to minimize distractions and electromagnetic stress.
18. Pyramid Power: Placing a small pyramid on the study table can help in maintaining focus and reducing stress.
19. Positive Imagery: Decorate the room with motivational posters or quotes to inspire and motivate the student.
20. Avoid Toilets: Ensure the study room is not adjacent to or above a toilet, as it can drain positive energy.
21. Regular Shape Rooms: Prefer study rooms that have a square or rectangular shape for balanced energy flow.
22. Plant Energy: Keep a small green plant in the room to enhance oxygen flow and bring in positive energy.
23. Avoid Sleeping Area: The study area should not be in the bedroom. If it is, it should be distinctly separated.
24. Window Placement: If possible, have a window on the east side of the study room to allow sunlight to enhance positivity and energy.
Empowering Your Journey: The Art of Overcoming Laziness
Overcoming laziness involves a combination of motivation, planning, and self-discipline. To kickstart your journey, consider these approaches:
1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Knowing what you're working towards can provide a clear direction.
2. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Large tasks can seem overwhelming. Divide your tasks into smaller, more manageable segments and concentrate on finishing each segment one step at a time.
3. Create a Routine: Establish a daily routine that includes time for work, rest, and activities you enjoy. Consistency can help reduce the effort needed to start tasks.
4. Eliminate Distractions: Identify what commonly distracts you (e.g., phone, social media) and take steps to minimize these distractions when you need to focus.
5. Use Positive Reinforcement: Reward yourself for completing tasks, even small ones. This can help build a positive association with completing work.
6. Stay Organized: Keep your work and living spaces tidy. A clutter-free environment can help improve focus and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.
7. Seek Motivation: Read about or listen to inspirational stories, watch motivational videos, or talk to people who inspire you. Sometimes, seeing others' achievements can spur you to action.
8. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity can boost your energy levels and improve your mood, making it easier to tackle tasks.
9. Get Enough Sleep: Lack of sleep can contribute to feelings of lethargy. Ensure you're getting enough rest to keep your energy levels up.
10. Practice Mindfulness: Activities like meditation and yoga can improve your focus and reduce stress, making it easier to avoid procrastination.
11. Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthily: A well-nourished body functions better overall, including your energy levels and ability to concentrate.
12. Visualize Success: Imagine completing your tasks and achieving your goals. Visualization can create a positive mindset and increase your motivation.
Remember, change takes time, and it's okay to have moments of laziness. The key is not to let those moments become the norm. Remember to maintain patience with yourself and remain steadfast in your endeavors.
Crafting Futures: Our Children, Our Lives, Our Aspirations
Indeed, Vastu Shastra principles can significantly enhance children's study habits. In the link provided, we delve into numerous strategies designed to boost your kids' interest in studies, expand their knowledge, and sharpen their concentration.
Additionally, we offer insights on how to effectively combat laziness and procrastination, ensuring a holistic approach to improving their academic performance and overall learning experience.
Math Magic: Fun Tables to Spark Your Child's Curiosity and Ease Math Fears
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn’t it?
And finally, take a look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321
Ask your lovely kids to prepare in these digits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc, what they are going to get, whether fun mixed results appear or not, but they will try, they will show some interest on maths, a good bedrock for them to increase interest on Maths. All the Best for your effort.
How many countries in the world and how many States in India and what are their capital cities. To know about important cities in India and their states then click the above link.
Question from Jenny Halt
1. Hi There, My name is Jenny Halt from Seattle and I am writing because as a mother of two, like any parent, I want my children to grow up to be smart and successful. Even when they were in the womb I played classical music, which was not something I listened to much before, but I hoped it’d help. Then I found out about some research that shows that music tastes can affect SAT scores. I know you are busy, so I’ll keep this quick. Recently, I came across subhavaastu.com and you reminded me of this and of an article I wrote on this subject not so long ago. It would be fantastic to know your thoughts on this subject while sharing mine. Of course, I’m more than happy to write a short introduction or summary for you too. Just let me know what you think. Can Students Study with Music in Vastu? There is no doubt that music is an important component in a student’s life whether studying for a test or writing an essay. From relaxation to multi-tasking, everywhere you look, it seems that each pupil has earphones stuck to their ears. But can music actually help learners to study? Conflicting Results on Impact of Music Researches and studies have conflicting results as to the effects of music in studying.
2. The famous Mozart effect suggests that listening to Mozart music can improve certain mental tasks such as ‘spatial reasoning’. The original study which leads to the theory confirmed that although listening to music can, indeed, lead to an improvement in spatial reasoning, the effect is temporary lasting for only 15 minutes. More experiments were conducted and it was suggested that Mozart is not the only type of music that can enhance learning, any music will do fine. In this regard, arousal of the brain was needed to improve mental tasks suggesting that preference in music has an important role. In fact, research in the US indicates that SAT scores and the type of music listened to are correlated. Higher scores were reported among those who listened to high-level music while those who favored repetitive music fell way below the curve. Other researches were done to see how students performed while studying with or without music. Memory and concentration were perceived to be better in a quiet atmosphere although ambient sounds such as traffic noise or chatter are more distracting compared to listening to music. Music, Studying and Vastu, the ancient Indian science of architecture, provides tips on how a home and its rooms should be constructed and sited using geometric patterns and directional alignment. It has an influential role in many aspects of Indian buildings including how to create the perfect study room for students. The room should be facing certain directions (east, north, or northeast) to attract power and enhance concentration. It should be devoid of noise including ambient clatter and must not have distracting devices such as televisions and radios. Based on these concepts, it appears that music is seen as a distraction for students who must learn in a noise and clutter-free environment. Alegui’s research on ‘The Impact of Listening to Music on Cognitive Performance’ validates this Vaastu concept that silence is the best atmosphere when studying. Volume is a crucial factor and even more important than the type of music being played. However, music is not totally devoid of merits. There is no denying that music relaxes and stimulates emotions. In Indian music therapy, it is based on the raga (assembly of notes) and rasa (emotional and mental impact) that together soothe not only the ears but also the entire body.
Answer to Jenny:
Dear Jenny (Newark) Thank you very much for your letter regarding music and Vastu. Actually, Vastu science is not in conflict with any other activity, such as studying, playing and the like. It only gives you guidance to harmonize the invisible sources of energy to bestow on your harmonious life. Not in conflict with nature and its surroundings. A comprehensive answer for this problem as under.
As per ancient Indian Yogic philosophy among all the five senses, the most sensitive is the ear (Sense of hearing). Thereafter other senses such as eyes, nose, tongue, and skin follow in that order.
Ear is guided by Space.
Eyes are guided by Sun.
Nose is guided by Air.
Tongue is guided by Water.
Skin is guided by Earth.
Any activity for its fulfillment needs full attention by all the five senses. For example, when you are seeing a picture seeing is prominent to the extent that the other senses are minimal in expression so that the mind can grasp all the significance of what the eyes are seeing.
In the same way when you are hearing music activity of ears gains supremacy over other senses.
While studying the eyes are conveying the matter to the mind and the mind is busy digesting the matter conveyed by the eyes. At that time if music is played, however soft it may be, this becomes an avoidable nuisance to the mind because the mind at that time is busy conceptualizing and understanding the content conveyed to it by the eyes. So in our opinion, these two activities cannot go together.
While eating food the attention of the mind is fairly relaxed. The tongue can taste in spite of other disturbances. This is the specialty of the tongue. At the time of taking food indulging in music simultaneously is most appropriate. I would say the same even while you are in a bar.
When all the senses are aiming at relaxation. However while in a park or gym you are working and relaxing (since the mind is not heavily taxed) together with the motor organs, music at this time may be used or may not be used immaterial.
పూర్వకాలంలో గురువులు శిష్యులుగా చేరాలనుకునే వారిలోని నిగూఢమైన విజ్ఞాన అవగాతాన్ని ఇలా కనిపెటేవారు.
శిష్యుడి ప్రశ్న: - గురువుగారు నాకు జ్ఞానం సిద్దించాలంటే ఏమి చేయాలో దయచేసి తెలపండి?
గురువుగారి సమాధానం : - నాయనా శిష్యా, ప్రతి దినమూ కొన్ని మంత్రాలు పటించాలి, దానితో పాటుగా ప్రతిదినమూ 2 అరటి పండ్లను తినాలి.
శిష్యుడి ప్రశ్న: - అరటి పండ్లలో ఏ రకమైనవి తినాలి, అమృతపాణి నా లేకా చక్రకేలి నా?
గురువుగారి సమాధానం ( శిష్యుడి వైపు త్రీవంగా చూస్తూ) : - ఏ మంత్రం చదవాలి అని అడిగి ఉంటే నీకు జ్ఞానం సిద్ధించేదేమో కానీ అరటిపండు గురించి అడిగావు చూడు, నీకు ఈ జన్మలో జ్ఞానం రాదు.
ఇందులోని మర్మం గమనించిన వారు జ్ఞానవంతులు. దయచేసి మీ పిల్లలను విజ్ఞానవంతులుగా తయారయ్యేలా బలమైన ప్రయత్నం చేయండి అంతేగాని వారికి అనవసరమైన విషయాలలో ఆసక్తి వచ్చేలాగా మీ ప్రయత్నాలు ఉండకూడదు. ఉదా : - మొబైల్ ఫోన్ చేతికి ఇవ్వడం , లేదా టీవీ పెట్టి వారి నుండి తప్పించుకోవటం.
- Would like to learn more info on Vastu Vidya?
- What are the easy steps to find the East direction?
- Which direction is suitable for the dining room or table?
- Is staircase should have even or odd number counting?
- Which part is the convenient for keeping the dining table?
- I am more interested to know something extra on kids rooms?
Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents
Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
Delayed Marriages
Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".
Vastu Questions
A comprehensive range of Vastu queries have been addressed here.100 Vastu Questions & Answers
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Who are eligible for Free Vastu Services, check this page.
Inspirational Quotations
"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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