We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Understanding Vastu Directions for Harmonious Living

Explore the significance of cardinal and intercardinal directions in Vastu Shastra to bring positive energy into your home.

Vastu directions in TeluguDirections play a crucial role in Vastu, an ancient Indian architectural science. Each direction is associated with specific energies and elements, impacting the flow of energy within a space. Proper alignment of rooms and objects according to directions in Vastu is believed to promote harmony, balance, and positive vibrations in the environment. For a plot, there are 4 principal directions, otherwise called cardinal directions and another four are auxiliary or intercardinal or ordinal directions.

What Are The Principal Directions?

The principal directions are East, West, North, and South. These are also known as cardinal directions.

What Are The Auxiliary Directions?

The auxiliary directions are Northeast, Southwest, Southeast, and Northwest. Auxiliary directions are also called as Ordinal directions.

Each auxiliary direction consists of equal two half sub-auxiliary directions, thus the two half of Northeast direction is North-Northeast and East-Northeast. The portion immediately after North is North-Northeast direction and immediately after the East direction is East-Southeast, likewise, this method applies to all other intercardinal directions.

Compass Directions and Their Corresponding Degrees

There are a total of 16 directions, comprising 8 cardinal directions and 8 intercardinal (ordinal) directions. Below are their names with corresponding degrees.

  • 1. East Direction - Ninety degrees (90°)
  • 2. East-Southeast Direction (ESE) - One hundred twelve point five degrees (112.5°)
  • 3. Southeast Direction (SE) - One hundred thirty-five degrees (135°)
  • 4. South-Southeast Direction (SSE) - One hundred fifty-seven point five degrees (157.5°)
  • 5. South Direction - One hundred eighty degrees (180°)
  • 6. South-Southwest Direction (SSW) - Two hundred two point five degrees (202.5°)
  • 7. Southwest Direction (SW) - Two hundred twenty-five degrees (225°)
  • 8. West-Southwest Direction (WSW) - Two hundred forty-seven point five degrees (247.5°)
  • 9. West Direction - Two hundred seventy degrees (270°)
  • 10. West-Northwest Direction (WNW) - Two hundred ninety-two point five degrees (292.5°)
  • 11. Northwest Direction (NW) - Three hundred fifteen degrees (315°)
  • 12. North-Northwest Direction (NNW) - Three hundred thirty-seven point five degrees (337.5°)
  • 13. North Direction - Zero degrees (0°) or Three hundred sixty degrees (360°)
  • 14. North-Northeast Direction (NNE) - Twenty-two point five degrees (22.5°)
  • 15. Northeast Direction (NE) - Forty-five degrees (45°)
  • 16. East-Northeast Direction (ENE) - Sixty-seven point five degrees (67.5°)

What are the Secret Magical Numbers in All Directions?

Have you noticed a secret magic in direction degrees? When you add the digits of each direction's degrees, the sum is always "9". For example: East-Northeast = 67.5° (6 + 7 + 5 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9), and North-Northeast = 22.5° (2 + 2 + 5 = 9). This could be a reason why many people are fascinated with the number "9".

Many vehicle owners, including billionaires and millionaires, spend a significant amount to get registration numbers like "9", "99", "999" or "9999". It's a popular sentiment among them.

Significant Information on Directions

1. East-Southeast adjoins the East direction, and South-Southeast adjoins the South direction.

2. South-Southwest and West-Southwest form the true halves of the Southwest.

3. West-Northwest and North-Northwest form the two halves of the Northwest.

4. The plot should be divided into these 8 directions from the central point, known as the Brahmasthan.

5. Brahmasthan is the geometric center of the plot or house.

6. Any other shapes are unsuitable for Vastu. Plots should be parallel to the adjoining road.

7. Vastu dimensions start by locating magnetic North using a compass.

8. Place the compass at the plot or flat center, mark North and South, and draw the radial line. Mark North and South.

9. At Brahmasthan, a line drawn at 90° to the North-South line represents East-West directions. The principal directions are thus marked.

10. From Brahmasthan, on the North-South line, draw two lines at 29° on either side. This creates a total extent of 58° for the North and similarly for the South. On the East-West line, draw lines at 29° on either side to designate the East and West extents.

11. This marks the influence of the 4 cardinal directions and their geographical dimensions on the plot.

12. The remaining 4 corners (Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest) form the other 4 triangular spaces. In the center, mark a square location parallel to the external dimensions with two lines on each side. This rectangular space is the Brahmasthan.

13. For flats and apartment complexes, the 8 cardinal and auxiliary directions are supplemented by two more: Sky and Earth.

14. Placement of services such as water tanks, staircases, water pumps, and servant quarters is usually on the ground or rooftop.

15. These placements affect the residents of the flat or apartment complex as a whole, thus all 10 directions are considered.

16. Many people think the 8 directions are equal in their geographical intensity, each apportioned 45°. The reality is:

17. Sun rays fall perpendicular to the earth up to 47°, so this alone is East. All other divisions follow accordingly.

18. The difference between 47° and 45° is insignificant. Taking 45° per direction usually yields satisfactory results. For large enterprises, 47° is more appropriate.

19. Note the difference between true north and magnetic north.

20. The earth's molten iron core makes magnetic north deviate from true north. For most people, accurately marking true north is nearly impossible. However, this difference does not significantly affect Vastu principles. Magnetic north is easier to recognize than true north, which involves complex mathematics.

21. We recommend using magnetic north. Similarly, using 45° per direction is not considered negative in most cases.

What are the International Standards in Directions?

Vastu For Directions1. The international standard dictates that North is always at the top. When reviewing a house plan, it is customary to mark the North direction at the top, with this orientation present in 99% of house plans. However, for convenience, some engineers might adjust the North point on their floor plans. For example, community layout maps in USA often do not show North at the top, as the North point is adjusted for practical reasons. When reviewing floor plans, first identify the North point. Only after locating north should you proceed with the rest of the floor plan details.

2. Vastu for Directions: Before delving into this topic, please acquaint yourself with "How to Find Directions". In Vastu, understanding directions is crucial, similar to the importance of eyes in a human body. Accurately determining the directions of a property, whether it is a house, land, or factory, is essential for assessing its positive or negative influences as described in Vaastu Shastra.

3. The four primary compass directions are known as the cardinal directions: North, South, East, and West, abbreviated as N, S, E, and W. It is suggested that the term NEWS derives from these directions.

4. These main compass points are also referred to as cardinal points, with each direction sometimes prefixed with “due”, such as "due north".

5. The directions situated between the cardinal points are called ordinal directions, which include Northeast (NE), Southeast (SE), Southwest (SW), and Northwest (NW), and are also known as intercardinal directions.

6. Located between each cardinal and ordinal direction are the secondary-intercardinal directions, which total eight. These include NNE (22.5°), ENE (67.5°), ESE (112.5°), SSE (157.5°), SSW (202.5°), WSW (247.5°), WNW (292.5°), and NNW (337.5°). To determine these directions, add 22.5° to each corresponding ordinal direction.

7. Similar to how a doctor depends on a stethoscope to assess a patient's health, a Vastu consultant requires precise directional knowledge to properly evaluate a property and provide accurate advice. Without such knowledge, even a famous Vastu consultant would struggle to make effective evaluations.

8. Misidentifying the directions of a property can lead to errors that persist through the development process, adversely affecting the occupants and their descendants. Although errors are common, vigilance is crucial in this field to prevent long-term issues among residents.

9. In Vastu Science, Magnetic North is used as a baseline to establish other directions. Depending on whether properties are regular or skewed, the primary directions—East, West, North, and South—are aligned perpendicularly in regular plots but may not align perfectly in skewed plots.

10. The central point of a property, known as the Brahmasthan, is essential. After plotting a property on a map and identifying the Brahmasthan, the principal directions are marked accordingly.

11. The Earth’s axial tilt at 23.5 degrees influences the positions of sunrise and sunset, which affects how true east and other directions are determined. The cardinal directions are integral parts of any property evaluation, each covering specific degrees in the compass layout, ensuring accuracy whether the property is regular or skewed.

Directions importance in Vastu"Fig A" is a regular square plot. o is Brahmasthan which is the geometric center of the plot.

vastu directions in Hindi"Fig B" is a skewed plot, yet square. Note how NE, SE, SW, and NW are sited with reference to the regular plot.

directions in Tamil"Fig C" is a rectangular plot and regular with reference to the principal directions. Note the positions of NE, SE, SW, and NW.

directions in Kannada"Fig D" is a rectangular skewed plot. Again note the siting of NE, SE, SW, and NW.

Always mark the directions of the plot/house are a room with reference to the geometric center of the same. Needless to repeat that the geometric center is the Brahmasthan. In every direction, one half of the same is exhalted where one can locate doors so that movements reduced positive energies. Those on the other half or debilitating half where if there are doors produced adverse negative energy.

importance of directions in Vastu In "fig-2", the exalted half of each of the eight directions are indicated with green lines. At these precise positions, doors produce positive energy. Note that all of Northeast direction is exalted. Similarly, all of Southwest directions is debilitating.

"Directions In Vastu" is the most vital and decisive part in Vaastu consultancy, now let us start learning how to find them, its very simple process. Stand before Sun (Bhagavan Suryadev) at early morning, so you are looking SUN, that is the East direction it means you are viewing East, then your backside is West, the left-hand side is the North and right-hand side is the South.

Here somebody may raise one doubt, in some places (this matter is from subhavaastu.com) we cannot see the Sun because of clouds, then how to find out the directions, yes you are almost right and your doubt is very valuable, at this moment we must have one compass with us. Compass is just like an instrument which is easily find out the North with one red mark, it works in the daytime, night or at any season.

The compass shows the North direction and there has factory setting shown like "0°", "90°", "180°" and "270°" or East, South, West, and North. Most of Vastu Pandits observing the directional manually, they evaluate the directions of the site by seeing Sunrise.

In olden days Vastu Experts does not have the compass, on those days they used to find out directions by seeing the Sunrise only. That is why in earlier times Vastu pandits used to observe sites only on mornings that too early hours like a 7'0 cloak or 8'0 clock etc.

Accuracy may not be estimated/accessible in this method of observing and this is not the proper way of finding. Believe it or not, once upon a time we personally observed one vastu pandit who runs a "Vastu Institution" from the past 11 years, does not have the compass.

After knowing this information we stunned and given one compass as a gift to him and he asked how to work with the compass. This is not a story or a created joke, this is 100% true, it happened in the year 2011. How silly methods that some people are following.

We don't have any answer to say to her wife for her question "he could not have any Vastu consultation inquiries", we requested him that, "stop running the Vastu institution". Without stethoscope doctor never visits patients, likewise without compass vastu consultant should not visit any premises.

Imaginery Animated Directions File

Vastu DirectionsThis compass image is an animated and this is for your kind information purpose only. One arrow showing "0°". This image helps how to find the directions, as per international standards in a compass "0°" or "360°" means almost the same and it represents the "North" only. 90° means, it's the "East". 180° means its the South. 270° means its the West.

Hope you observed the arrow moved from North to North, 0° to 360°. Observe the moment of the arrow starts from "0°" and the same arrow reaches the starting point and it shows 360°. This image may assist you to find the directions with degrees.

North should always on top, this is the international standard. Based on international (this matter is from subhavaastu.com) standards only we prepared almost all images, in some links due to some other reasons and facilitation purposes we used to outfit East as the top instead of North and that was also clearly mentioned in those images with compass mark or showing the road with West or North road etc, by knowing the road direction anyone can easily find out the remaining directions.

If found any image does not contain directional compass or appropriate guidance kindly inform us, we will immediately take action and make them set right, please click SubhaVaastu Contact Details page to make it corrected.

At first the arrow showing 0° this is North and moves further and shows 90° that is East, afterward it moves to 180° that is South and arrow moves to 270° that is West, and finally arrow reaches to North ("0°" or "360°").

To know the color combination and directional representation of colors, we prepared arrows with directional representational colors. Hope you understand this section. If not, below information may be useful, at your leisure time read the content to enlarge the meaning of this section.

Best Example Of Finding Directions Through Animated Image

Directions VastuPlease wait for just **5 SECONDS** and observe carefully. You will see a dark landscape with faint sunlight starting to appear. As the Sun begins to rise, light gradually fills the area, leading to a visible sunrise (dawn). A man then appears facing the Sun, with his back towards us. He raises his hands, and shortly after, the word "East" flashes on the screen, indicating the direction. The man's back is towards the "West," which is also displayed. "North" appears on the left-hand side, and "South" on the right-hand side. We hope this visual helps clarify the concept.

Directions With Degrees

Vastu for DirectionsEach direction holds its own unique significance. Different planets are associated with various directions, and each planet has a specific color that brings auspicious effects. For instance, North is associated with Green and ruled by Kubera, East with White/Orange and ruled by Indra, South with Red and ruled by Yama, and West with Blue, governed by Varuna, the Rain God.

2. See this picture to learn about auxiliary directions. This will help you better understand information related to degrees. Vaasthu Couplet: Vastu offers not only wealth on earth but also bliss in the celestial world. Respect all the lords and all directions, and residents will be blessed.

3. We are also planning to publish detailed information on the Brahmasthan, the central, powerful portion of a structure. The merits and demerits of Brahmasthan will be discussed on other pages. This image is clickable and will direct you to the compass link.

4. The meeting point of two directions is commonly referred to as the "Junction," "Corner," "Intersection," "Joint," "Confluence," "Assembly Point," or "Gathering Point." While some residents may use different terms, most people simply refer to it as 'Corner,' which is the most commonly used term.

The importance of Corners in Directions:

The corner means, it intersects with two directions, so this corner has built with two directions power or stamina in it. The corner has multiple mixed forces of 2 directions.

Hence the corners should be properly planned during the time of construction. We urge residents not to do any mistake with regard to the Northeast. This corner is more delicate and powerful in giving the development than any other direction.

Northeast is the most salient feature point of any property. Every house has got the same eight directions, but their effects may differ, depending upon their usage and management, construction system and particularly neighborhood influence. If everything is perfectly used and maintained according to the rules of Vasthu, the house may definitely safeguard the residents, like a mother who secures her child.

If we construct against to the principles/rules then the home will become hell ( Devils den ). Please do understand the hidden meaning of it, the effect of directions depends upon on how the person is utilizing them.

For example, take one Northeast (eshan) corner, if a home Northeast corner is in a good position and perfectly constructed according to Vastu rules then residents enjoy satisfaction in their life, further, they can see gradual development, prosperity, (this matter is from subhavaastu.com) richness, successful life.

If the Northeast corner is disturbed, truncated, closed, generally, inhabitants lose most of the valuables like development, progress, prosperity and maybe kids education. Not knowing the truth behind the Vastu many people are inviting troubles and tensions, unnecessarily. There is a certain level of impact of Vastu influence on human existence and this is the fact.

By knowing specific principles of vastu human lives in such positive properties and experience the real harmony, wealth and health. Vastu is an unimaginable mighty ocean, properly use it then enjoy it, it pleasures with many joyous moments to the residents always.

The importance of orientation of a building is not only for saving energy but also to have a better house design, which not only gives comfortable living but also gives good health, prosperity and wealth to the house owners/occupiers and their families.

There lies a co-relation between the rotational scenario of the planets and the house design and their different directions with respect of the NORTH. The building of any type and its construction meets the purpose if proper orientation has been given using suitable local building material. It increases not only its lifespan but also improves the condition of occupants.

There are instances where buildings are not planned according to required local orientation were lost or deteriorated much faster than the buildings having built with proper studies of orientation. The proper orientation means the proper knowledge of all the Eight Directions.

It is a common knowledge that the direction from where the Sun arises is known as East and where it sets as West and when one faces the East towards one's left is (this matter is from www.subhavaastu.com) North and towards one's right is south.

The corner where two directions meet obviously is more significant since it combines the forces emanating from both the directions. So overall eight directions are there, North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest. The basic rules of Vastu are based on these eight.

Are there 8 directions or 10 directions?

Some researchers are still continuing of saying that there are total 10 directions, we supported this and we published the same in our Vastu books too. The two remaining directions are sky (Up) and earth (Down). In future definitely, there should be many kinds of research took on this Sky and Earth.

Cardinal Directions Information Broadly Disclosed With Animated Images Support

Before reaching to corners, one may try to get abridged knowledge on below directions.

Vastu for North Facing Homes, with this link resident can get amazing benefits of North.

Vastu for East Facing Homes, get complete importance knowledge through this abridged cave den.

Vastu for South Facing Homes, some residents searching for remedies and step by step guidance, for them this link absolutely guide.

Vastu for West Facing Homes, sacred knowledge clubbed with literal assisted articles.

Read a detailed description of each ordinal direction below, don't forget to step into individual links, you are most welcome to experience our doable strive.

NE Direction Showing With Animated Picture

Vastu And DirectionsThis image shows white boundary line and observe all directions text marked in this image. North is on top and East is on the right-hand side. The animation shows two small blue color patches mixed into one corner, this is the Northeast corner. The Northeast corner is in between North and East direction, so it's got the word "Northeast". It plays the most important role in every property. Elders say that this corner is Daiva Moola or God's Corner.

One should be careful with this Northeast corner and observe carefully it should not be disturbed i.e., it should not be cut off or truncated or even rounded (in some locations these round corner is not affecting residents).

If Northeast is (this matter is from www.subhavaastu.com) good and no truncation then residents enjoy the peace and may observe development in their profession or business and has an opportunity to get male progeny and kids will have a good education.

This is the place of Lord Eshwar. Lord Shiva, in some scripts, says Esana, that is why it is called as God's corner. When at the time of Bhoomi Pooja (the occasion of starting the construction of the house or structure) most of the priests start doing prayers and religious rituals at this corner only.

Holy water will be poured and many other performances also being done. Having water in this corner is the best suitable factor.

Frequent walks to this corner lead to development and peace, more depression means more development. Need to know more information then click this Northeast Facing House Vastu .

SE Direction Displayed With Animated Image

Directions VastuA blue patch combining to one corner from East and South directions and it's called Southeast corner. Corners means, clubbing two directions i.e., two-direction powers are concentrated on in one area. That is why one should be careful when deal with corners or Skewed Plots. This area is best suitable for the kitchen, staircase, toilets, etc. The first preferential placement is the kitchen.

Most of the resident problems will be solved if we do corrections in this area. Chances of some symptoms shown or covering with health disorders, cheated by others, wrong decisions, unsolvable problems, money loss, tensions, quarrels at home or with outsiders, court cases, fire accidents, accidents, thefts, self-pity, womanizing, drinking, angriness, untimely decisions, playing cards, bad habits, smoking, enjoying the life, failures in education and failures in life, hungry, good eating, carelessness, lack of concentration, having high interest on non-social activities, somebody may have good physic, etc.

If this Southeast is good, then residents enjoy sound health, all-round prosperity, respecting the guests, arranging timely good food for them, the relation may frequently or occasionally visiting, etc.

For more information check this Southeast Facing House Vastu link.

SW Direction Publicize With Vitalize Portrayed

దిక్కులుIn this image the Southwest corner was shown. Generally, it's called as Nairuthi, Nirruthi, Rakshasa Moola or Southwest corner. This Nairuthi came in the center of the South and West. The Both South-Southwest and West-Southwest joining into one corner that exact area called as Nairuthi or Southwest. The West side part is called as West Nairuthi or Paschima Nairuthi and South side called as South Nairuthi or Dakshina Nairuthi.

Our elders say that proper Northeast causes birth and improper Southwest causes death. In villages, most of the elders who know a little bit about vastu say that anything health disorders happen to somebody they taught about Southwest.

Improper Nairuthi causes negative impacts on residents and may suffer from severe health problems, unexpected losses. Nairuthi is highly tempered.

If Nairuthi corner is strong, then enemies are destroyed instantly. Always speaks bold results either benevolent or malevolent.

Nairuthi character may be greediness, stubbornness, domination, cruelty, etc. Caution should be taken when dealing with Nairuthi. If Southwest is most powerful then beggar becomes king and faulty may make Kings as beggars.

This Southwest causes for a financial collapse or health disorders. Many vastu experts first investigate on this Southwest/Nairuthi corner if any financial collapses within rich people families. Read more info on Southwest Facing House Vastu link.

NW Direction Merchandise With Below Picture

basic directions in vastuHere animation plays at North and West areas. Both were joined at one corner that corner is called as Northwest corner. The junction is mixed with the West and North. This is also called as Vayavya kon or Northwest corner. Particularly it capable of making residents either rich or poor according to its proper or improper usage. Generally, this direction works on ladies, children and money matters, brain position, rivalry, mental strength, litigation, friendship, solvency or insolvency, untold sufferings, court litigation, etc.

This Vayavya is also responsible for foetus formation, it's the development and easy delivery. The affiliation may lead to abortion to ladies frequently, some times SE also had some defects.

Vayu blesses with some features like mentally sound and emotionally strong, blesses with superior knowledge on certain arts, education and happiness if Northwest position is correct and perfectly altered.

This Northwest writes the life of emotions, females of the home and third son. For more info click this Northwest Facing House Vastu link.

Which One We Trust In Finding Directions Is Sunrise Or Directional Compass

The compass directions are important to evaluate the directions of the land/house or Flat or a place. Why should we are not taking Sunrise or Sunset for the consideration for the directions of a site, because earth is moving and due to this we found Sun rising in different places throughout the year. But the directional compass is scientifically proved and it is recommended to find directions in any day throughout the year.

Sun's Journey From Uttarayan to Dakshinayan and to Next Uttarayan

Sun MomentsThe sunrise in the East is photographed every month on the same day and at approximately the same time from the same location. These photographs are used to document the sun's lateral movement along the eastern horizon throughout the year.

Showing that Earth is wobbling while journeying around the Sun, this wobbling is to the extent of 47° from the meridian 23 1/2° of each side. In the wobbling of the earth on 21 March of every year, the sun is directly facing the equator on 21st march when the earth starts wobbling down so that the Northern hemisphere faces fully towards the Sun.

The ancient Rishis recognized this aspect and looked for the date as an auspicious moment to start any huge construction activity.

The Konark temple in Odisha is constructed taking these aspects into the view and very properly placed vis-a-vis Sun.

There are many temples in South India where Sunrays falls on the principal diety on a particular date and time only. One can see this phenomenon in Hampi Virupaksha Mandhir and Shiva Mandir in Tadipatri, Anantapur District, and Suryanarayana Swamy temple in Srikakulam, and many other places.

It is indeed a great tribute to the ancient seers as to how they visualized these phenomena without modern-day techonology etc.

The Placement of Quadrants According to Directions

To help you understand, some images have been displayed here. Please pay attention to all the images shown below. If you only look at one and ignore the others, you may not fully grasp the subject. Currently, we are considering a place or a house. For instance, imagine we have chosen a place; the images below illustrate how many parts there are in that single location and how each part is named.

This text seems to be guiding the viewer through a visual presentation, possibly for educational or instructional purposes. It emphasizes the importance of observing each image carefully to understand how various parts of a place or structure are identified and related to each other. This kind of approach could be particularly useful in fields like architecture, urban planning, or geography education, where spatial understanding and the ability to differentiate components within a single location are crucial.

Please note that we have mentioned 'Quadrants,' which can be understood as zones, divisions, portions, shares, partition or parts. The terms are largely synonymous. The images shown below are related to a single location, but the names may vary. This expression of views indicates that while the images pertain to only one place, the terminology used to describe various words, or parts of that place might differ.

East and West Quadrants

East West Quadrant PortionsWhen this location is divided into two parts, it is described as the East and West parts. The division line, known as the dividing line, extends from the north to the south. When the location is split into two equal parts, there is an opportunity to refer to them as the East and West parts. This image elaborates on how a specific location is geographically divided, emphasizing the equal partition into East and West segments by a line running from north to south. This kind of division is typical in spatial planning and Vastu descriptions, often used to simplify navigation and management of areas.

North and South Quadrants

North and South Quadrant PortionsPlease observe this image. Here, the same location shown above is divided in another manner. It has been divided into North and South quadrants, meaning this location can be described as divided into two portions. You can refer to them as the North part and the South part of the location. This image describes a scenario where a specific location is viewed and divided differently in an image, with a focus on the north-south division, illustrating an alternative perspective or method of partitioning the same geographical area.

Travel Over the Four Directional Quadrants

Place is divided by four portionsPlease observe this image. This place has been divided into four parts: the northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest sections. Please note that all these divisions pertain to the same location. This image explains how a place is segmented into four directional quadrants, which is useful for detailed Vastu orientation or spatial planning, indicating a comprehensive division that covers all main directions.

NorthEast and SouthWest Divisions

Northeast and Southwest DivisionsIn this image, the place is divided into the Northeast and Southwest parts. You may notice that even though it is the same place, it is referred to in different ways. This place highlights how a single geographic location can be segmented and labeled in various ways, emphasizing the flexibility and diversity of spatial terminology based on directional divisions.

NorthWest and SouthEast Divisions

Northwest and Southeast DivisionsThis place has also been divided into two parts. The Northwest and Southeast sections. Although it is the same place, carefully consider how many names it has. This place conveys the idea that the same geographical area can be identified by multiple names depending on how it is divided or referenced, highlighting the complexity and variability in naming parts of a single place.

Exploring the Six Enchanting Regions

six divisions of a placeIn this image, the place has been divided into six parts. The Northeast, Southeast, South, Southwest, Northwest, and North sections. This place describes how the image illustrates the division of a specific area into multiple directional sectors, encompassing all primary and some secondary cardinal directions. This detailed segmentation could be useful in various contexts such as Vastu findings, geographic education.

Discover the Six Captivating Divisions of This Place

The Place divided into six divisionsPlease observe this image, the place has also been divided into six parts, but the names are changing, so pay careful attention. The divisions are the Northeast, East, Southeast, Southwest, West, and Northwest sections. This place highlights the segmentation of a specific area into various parts using both cardinal and intercardinal directions. It also notes that the names of these divisions may change, suggesting a need for careful observation to understand how the area is described in different contexts or documents.

Explore 9 Enthralling Sections of a Place

Nine Divisions of a PlaceIf you observe this diagram lastly, the place has been divided into nine parts. The Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest, North, and the central area is referred to as the midpoint or 'Brahmasthana'. Now, the same place is divided into nine divisions. This place details how a specific location is intricately divided into eight directional zones surrounding a central mid point, which is termed 'Brahmasthan', a concept often found in traditional Indian Vastu and spatial planning, denoting the central, most sacred part of a structure or space.

1. Observe how one location is called by many different names. For example, a person is referred to as a son, husband, brother, father, brother-in-law, son-in-law, officer, manager, chairman, or a friend, but it's still the same person. Similarly, the place is the same, but how various names are applied to it should be carefully observed.

2. This place highlights the idea that just as a person can have multiple roles or identifiers depending on the context or relationship, a single geographic location can also be referred to by various terms, each reflecting a different aspect or "CHARACTERISTIC OF THE PLACE". This analogy helps illustrate the complexity of naming and categorization, whether it pertains to human roles or spatial divisions.

3. A skilled Vastu consultant meticulously examines every corner of a location from various angles to uncover the facts about the place or home. They have a deep understanding of how to identify the unique characteristics of a home. Wise residents (For example NRI's) always seek opinions from these experts and always avoiding those with only partial knowledge, regardless of their service fees.

Is There Any Particular Direction to Move in Buying a New Home From Our Current Living Home?

Dear Sir, Kindly tell me if there is any specification in vastu as to which direction we should move when we are changing houses, like for example, whether we should look for our new place of residence in the north, south, east or west direction from our present place - Balaji - Chennai.

Respected Resident, please read Madhusudhan's case. In the year 1993, we heard a practical experience from one resident who got an astrologer suggestion to move to a particular direction from his current living home.

Madhusudhan is a trader and living in a tiny home that is at the center of a town. He likes to upgrade and planning to buy a new home and he approached one astrologer for proper guidance. The astrologer said, he should move only towards the Northeast. If he moves other than this direction he lost his life.

Based on the astrologer's suggestion, he bought one home at the Northeast location of that same town. Later on he suffered with untold events in his life. It is really a tedious task for him to find a good home in another community that is with Vastu compliant. But he loves to follow his astrologer recommendation.

With all of his stamina he fought with tiresome situations and no way for him except to shift from that devil's nest. This time also he gets advice from his astrologer, he said he should move only towards Northeast. The far away from available northeast is burial ground. Madhusudhan, finally finds a quality home which is in the Northwest direction for his living home and moved and settled in 1996.

Astrologer warns him that he lost his life with court litigations and will surely attempt for suicide. After the completion of 20 years even, Madhusudhan lived in that home happily, he never met with any bad incidences in that home. Furthermore, he earned a good amount of money and bought 2 investment homes and one big plot. After hearing the same, the astrologer had no voice. From the year 1998, Madhusudhan never approach the same Astrologer.

Cordial thanks to everyone who continuously patronage their assistance in enlightening this vastu website efforts. God Bless You all.

Answers For All Vastu Doubts

+8 #8 Content of Vastu DirectionsDr Sidhartha Sankar Das 2022-05-01 02:10
This is the best website on Vastu directions.
+68 #7 Directions In VastuPrashant Sawant 2016-05-19 19:21
Respected Sir, I have opened the retails cloths shop. The city itself is not as per vastu direction. If I check the compass, at standing middle of shop than main glass door is exactly North-West direction. I have placed the furniture considering opening of shop is west (Not North West). So I seat at South West corner. Light furniture at north and heavy furniture in south side. My questions:
1. How to handle the direction in such a case when it is not perfectly as per compass?
2. Do I need to move the main entrance door?
3. DO I need to move my seating place? Please advise.
+38 #6 Directions of PlotKarunakar 2015-04-30 10:34
Dear Sir, this is high standard website. Very secured and safe to browse. We have one east facing triangle plot which has 20 towards East direction and 70 feet towards South direction, 40 feet towards North direction, 23 feet towards West direction, we found that Northwest of North was extended, is this giving any trouble in future. Let me know the remedies. I had been browsing your website from the past 3 months, I noticed that you have mentioned all the keynotes regarding the Vastu directions and other tips. Thank you so much for your genuine help to all of us.
+91 #5 దిక్కుల గురించి వివరణాత్మకమైన వ్యాసముబదిరి ప్రసాద్ 2015-04-02 05:26
అయ్యా, దిక్కులా గురించి ఇంత సులభ వివరణ ఇచ్చినందులకు మీకు కృతజ్ఞతలు తెలుపుకుంటున్నా ను. ధన్యవాదములు.
+66 #4 HumanityRajee 2014-11-14 07:48
Hi! by seeing your website, I still have great hopes on humanity, appreciations came from my heart. God bless you team.
+60 #3 How to find Directions Like East West North and SouthDante 2014-11-02 02:06
Respected sir, you own a very nice website. if I come out from my home that is west, now tell me is my house is west facing house or east facing. Anyway, your images shown here are wonderful and so helpful. I was so impressed.
+47 #2 Vastu DirectionsNaseer Ahmed 2014-04-19 02:13
Respected Sir, you are providing the step by step guidelines on vastu directions. Thank you so much for this guidance. Today, we are all busy with different social media, but you never care about social media trap and continuing the assistance to the public, Currently, I am living in East facing rented house, the main door is North facing, east I have a balcony door, I don't have any progress in house, I am facing a false court case, can u suggest any remedy for which I shall be very thankful to you sir.
+78 #1 Directions in VastuDiana 2014-04-02 19:28
Dear Sir, congratulations on having such a miraculous site. Great to visit here. Please inform do you do personal direction calculation according to vastu principles. Are directions are convenient to the person according to its personal birth data?. Diana
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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