We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Vastu USA | Houses | Homes | Sites | SubhaVaastu.com:

Vastu Properties in USAVastu in USA : Once one software engineer from New Jersey (NJ - United States of America) requires to buy a property and asked us to visit one link and images for Vastu Consultancy. He wants to buy one property in NJ. We checked the property and finally noticed some important issues here. Prior to contact us, he already approached one of his family member who knows little vastu knowledge and he accepted to buy this property, to save his family members and his life, he decides to have second opinion and asked us to get full vaastu consultancy.

His family member advised this plot as the best one among his 6 selected plots. He informed that this plot is having North and East direction open space and road.

There is one door towards Northeast-north to this property. After checked this property through online we informed him not to buy this property. Check the property once below.

Vaastu in USAThere is an open space which is too countable for immediate good or bad results and its situated towards West direction side., i.e., West is too much open and almost it may be called as street focus. Residents never get any improvement / development in this property. Most probably chances are more for the males may loose their jobs or life style in this house, Even this home is having door towards Northeast-north, but there is no vaastu power to this house in our readings. We rejected this property and shown another property which he intended to buy. While in his enquiry the facts come out that, the owner of that home has meet loss in his business and selling that property. It is nothing but surroundings or neighborhood vastu.

Vastu USAWe have 6 options (properties) to select any one good property for him. This above house is also one of our selected property, because this home is North facing house. Selection is not based on North direction, but we checked the surroundings and then only we fixed to this property to buy. Below is the neighborhood position to this house.

The above image is exactly opposite to the 2nd image, so the Northeast-north and little bit Northeast is open and having Northeast-north street focus, it leads to happy life with more income and development in their fields. It is nothing but heavy pressurized neighborhood allocation. Just by seeing the surroundings we decided to fix-up with this property to have bright life to our client.

Some properties have good inside vastu power and some properties have outside good vasthu power, this home is having neighborhood vaasthu power and we selected this property to buy. He is a lucky guy.

He decides to buy this property. He informed us that his mother in law is very strong believer of vaastu and she requires only the house with good vasthu power.

Please note that, it is very hard to find the vastu properties in western countries. Even in Australia also many NRI's are searching for best vastu expert to select a property. Availability of vastu specialist is not so easy in other countries.

Based on our Indian vastu principles we have to select atleast some vastu applicable principled house. As per Indian vastu principles, sump is good at Northeast, maybe you may turn Sump into a swimming pool, because, in India, Sump is required to store water, but in other countries water may become through a channel and no need to dwell sump, instead of sump they may construct swimming pool there.

But in India, we never check many swimming pools, but in other countries, many residents have a swimming pool, it is a very ordinary thing for them. But it may a great thing for other country people. Based on their financial strategy and place available and interest they may go for the construct swimming pool. Now we discuss on where the swimming pool to be placed in the house premises.

Every house does not have swimming pool towards Northeast, some house have at the south side, some have Southwest corners etc. (matter is from SubhaVaastu.com) In that case what we have to do.

We have to select the house where the swimming pool is constructed at North, East, Northeast corners. Can we get houses having swimming pool exactly towards Northeast or north or East. It may not possible. If one house is having swimming pool towards Southwest what we have to do.

Check the swimming pool link for more information. Avoid buying that property. Many people have one faith that South and West facing properties are not good., but we recommended many people to buy West and South facing properties, it happened that we rejected the East and North facing properties.

It seems to be astonished thing, but it is true. the surroundings are like that. We checked the surroundings and finally pointed to the property which has more positive powers. (matter is from SubhaVaastu.com) For everything the residents may not select the properties. It is better to have an expert vastu consultant opinion before buying the property.

One Sekhar (name changed) from New Jersey requires to buy one property. He selected two properties and he requires vastu consultation for these two properties, he searched net for best Indian vastu consultants and found one website and approached to have vastu consultancy for these two houses.

First he enquired about payment for the services and noted that its waste of money (even it is a very small payment by comparing of his consideration ) and contacted one known person who knows some vastu principles and finalized one property. The same resident left New Jersey after selling the property within two years.

He got so much of pains in that (matter is from SubhaVaastu.com) house in the name of job tensions, financial crunch, family issues, health problems, pressures from relations for financial support. (Many NRI's have experienced this situations, getting calls from their friends or relatives for financial support), finally he sold that property and changed to one rented property.

Why it was happen. What is the main problem there. Why he sold that property and leave that area. Why does he did not likes to have vastu consultancy, why he wants to avoid vastu consultancy payment. The bad time starts in his life and done all these steps. Now we will check that property.


USA VastuHis friend selected this house by seeing that the entrance door to the house is Northeast-north and East side is having more open space than the West direction. By seeing only these two things he suggested him to buy this property. He never checked that the main entrance gate is towards Northwest, Swimming pool is towards South direction, the entire house is towards North, much more space towards South side (generally in Western countries more open space is very common towards backyard, they likes privacy and more over it is convenient for playing and drinking). Inside also some defects there.

Browsing vastu websites and reading vastu books are not bad, getting knowledge from them, but one should (matter is from SubhaVaastu.com) not decide the property after reading some books or browsing websites. One cannot do operation by reading some books.

Practical is too important to do operation and there is a process to do so. Same applicable here. This is brand new house. Why the buyer looks about Vastu Shastra consultancy fee, even it is very very lesser amount of 0.005% when compare with lot price. Why he wants to avoid this very small fee for this dream home. It is due to his fate or his previous house vastu effects.

The above property is the North facing property, he is too interested on North facing property. But he forget about all the points which plays a vital role in vastu .

Once wrong step happens, the entire scenario changes. One should not enter into others field. (matter is from SubhaVaastu.com) Knowing vastu is different and blind following is different. Experts are there in many fields, one has to give respect for their recommendations, one should not count experts payments.

Cul-De-Sac: Somebody asking about this word in the United States of America, to calm vehicle traffic or dead end of a road or blind diverticulum or like a pouch or a street/passage closed at one end is called "Cul De Sac", in Canada its called as "Crescent".

These Western countries are taking care, particularly in lawns turfing, based on their hard work, the entire country looks most beautiful and clean and tidy. In India also we may see them but they are all visible in political leader homes, not in public areas. There is no special cul de sac house design available with anybody, only we have to choose the best out of worst. This is the exact proverb in USA.

Selecting the homes in Half moon shape line. The half moon line is not at all recommending to buy, there is a measurement consideration also has to check otherwise some homes will have Gomukhi and few may be rectangular.

While considering the vastu, buying the wrong homes, then we have to check the exact homes side by, otherwise the negativity can't be shared to other properties. Only one property will takes off such negativity in the half moon line. Further we need to check the direction of this half moon.

Otherwise, the entire evaluation will become waste. If we take the half moon towards East, then some homes will become Southeast facing, some are East facing and remaining are Northeast facing. Very tough to pick homes in half moon lines, half circled and Cul-de-sak areas in most of the areas in USA.

Finding good vastu property in USA is not easy task, but vastu in USA is different when compared with vastu in India.

Before buying the properties in other countries first check :

1. where is the swimming pool, and in which state the home is located to buy?

2. Does the property is having any bad street focuses?

3. Where the property exactly on the lot?

4. Does that property is having basement or not?

5. Where is the entrance gate?

6. Where is car garage and its shutter/door?

7. Where is the main entrance door?

8. Which direction the lot is?

9. Where is the servants room?

10. Particularly check the master bedroom placement?

11. What about the surroundings?

12. Is the property is near to Cul-De-Sac?

13. Where is the Kitchen?

14. Living room placement?

15. What exactly the surroundings effects on this property?

16. Where is the Children bedroom or study room?

17. Where is the Staircase placement?

18. Roof / Portico slanting positions?

19. Floor is having depression or elevated?

20. Skewed/inclined plot or ordinary plot?

21. The topography of the land (Generally we cannot get topography for every property)?

22. Where the exact lot in a layout what about others property shadow on this property?

23. How many floors for your selected property and what about neighbor house floors?

24. Any obstruction to the Northeast corner?

25. Any mountains or highest elevated properties near to this property?

26. Any bigger windows particularly towards Southwest?

Along with the above points we must check many other things before buying the property. By verifying only one or two things we should not go for buy the property, it may be painful in future.

Who will check all these things, only expert vastu consultant will take care of these things and after verifying all the above points and he will finalize the property. Avoiding the vastu pandits fee is very simple. Its their fate. Fortunate or unfortunate is in their hands only.

First find any expert vastu consultant nearby you or best to search for online vastu consultant services, if you find anybody first approach them and show that property to him through online.

If it is not possible then only you have to go for online vaastu consultation. Once lost money, it is very hard to earn again and particularly once we lost peace of mind, it is not so easy to recover.

Total four directions, East, West, South, North. Four corners like Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest, we may call it like this way also total directions are eight.

One may not get exactly 90 degrees properties, there may be tilt in properties, so check the compass for exact degrees before buying the property. Mainly four directions East, West, North, South.

Four corners Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest. If you found any property like Northeast, Southeast etc, it is must to get vastu consultation, don't decide your self by reading books. Discretion if yours.

You are buying the home in USA, so the properties, their construction, system, style are different than Indian system. This vastu discovered in India and it was generally ought to be used for Indian properties. Without doing researches on the properties in other countries, one should not come on one decision on other country properties.

Coming with USA properties, the system of construction is different compared with Indian constructions. Like USA homes were not built with complete steel, cement, concrete, sand etc. Generally, USA homes built with wood. Partially cement is used only for car garage unexcavated area construction that to used more, if there is basement.

Hello Sir, We are trying to get a new house constructed in Dallas Region Texas (city: Frisco) and the builder has 2 different lots available (one with West and one facing North).

My question is in USA generally the Master Bedroom and the kitchen/breakfast area will comes on the rear side and on to the two corners of the house. For example, the very corner will be the breakfast area, and we have some space on the very corner to make a small pooja room, with the doors closed.

If we get the West facing house, this can be in the Northeast corner (this is kind of breakfast area, but we can have doors added to the puja room. and the stove will be on the same side but a little middle almost to the North, but not totally North West. Another problem is the Master bedroom will be on the SOUTH East corner of the House, but will be a huge room. and have a bay window on the very corner.

There is an option from the builder to exactly flip the house in the opposite side. so, North east corner is Bedroom and South east is kitchen/breakfast area.

And also we can consider the North facing, but in future, kids wanted a swimming pool on the back, So from your readings i see, we are not supposed to have any in-ground pools on the south side of the house.

So can you please suggest us, what would be a good option (or atleast a better option to decide, we didn't sign the contract yet, and we would like to take your decision before doing that. We are looking for Vastu guru opinion on this query. Thanks so much for your time and help - Gaurav.

Some body asking about the United States of America entire states, Short names, Capital cities: Below is the information, which we collected from our clients living in USA.


Short Name
Capial city
Alabama AL Montgomery This Alabama state largest city is Birmingham
Alaska AK Jakeville Largest city is Anchorage
Arizona AZ Phoenix  
Arkansas AR Little Rock  
California CA Sacramento The biggest city is Los Angeles and San Francisco
Colorado CO Denver  
Connecticut CT Hartford The State's biggest city is Bridgeport
Delaware DE Dover This state's biggest city is Wilmington
Florida FL Tallahassee Miami is most popular and biggest city is Jacksonville
Georgia GA Atlanta  
Hawaii HI Honolulu  
Idaho ID Boise  
Illinois IL Springfield Chicago is most popular and this state's biggest city
Indiana IN Indianapolis  
Iowa IA Des Moines  
Kansas KS Topeka State's biggest city is Wichita.
Kentucky KY Frankfort State's biggest city is Louisville
Louisiana LA Baton Rouge This state's biggest city is New Orleans.
Maine ME Augusta Portland is the state's biggest city.
Maryland MD Annapolis  
Massachusetts MA Boston  
Michigan MI Lansing The biggest city is Detroit
Minnesota MN Saint Paul State's biggest city is Minneapolis
Mississippi MS Jackson  
Missouri MO Jefferson City State's biggest city is Kansas
Montana MT Helena Biggest city is Billings
Nebraska NE Lincoln This state's biggest city is Omaha
Nevada NV Carson City Popular and biggest city is Las Vegas
New Hampshire NH Concord Popular and biggest city is Manchester
New Jersey NJ Trenton The largest city is Newark
New Mexico NM Santa Fe  
New York NY Albany Many people knows about New York and its importance
North Carolina NC Raleigh Biggest city is Charlotte
North Dakota ND Bismarck Biggest one is Fargo
Ohio OH Columbus 2 biggest metropolitan areas Cincinnati and Cleveland
Oklahoma OK Oklahoma City  
Oregon OR Salem Biggest city is Portland
Pennsylvania PA Harrisburg Most popular and biggest city is Philadelphia
Rhode Island RI Providence  
South Carolina SC Columbia  
South Dakota SD Pierre Biggest city is Sioux Falls
Tennessee TN Nashville Biggest city is Memphis
Texas TX Austin Largest cities are Houston and Dallas
Utah UT Salt Lake City  
Vermont VT Montpelier Biggest city is Burlington
Virginia VA Richmond The biggest city name is Virginia Beach
Washington WA Olympia Seattle is the state's largest city.
West Virginia WV Charleston This not so popular state or city
Wisconsin WI Madison Biggest city is Milwaukee
Wyoming WY Cheyenne This is also not a popular state or city

If you belongs to Telugu Language, then the below may useful for your kids or you.

Telugu Gunithamulu

Mr. Suresh (Founder of this website) visited below countries:-

1. United Arab Emirates. (Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al-Khaimah)

2. Bahrain

3. South Africa

4. Botswana

5. Sri Lanka

6. Oman

7. Singapore

8. Malaysia

9. Nepal

10. Indonesia

Don't miss to visit Vastu Consultant USA link, which has more information.

+4 #11 Vastu Consultant Houston DallasSiva Kumaran 2016-09-04 12:14
hi, planning to buy a home, we are looking for Vastu Consultant in Houston or Dallas or in Austin, where are you based, in which state in USA, regarding property, our main worry is attic and its consequences and dwarf wall, truncation at SE. let us know asap.
+7 #10 Vastu Remediesbestvasturemedies 2015-05-15 08:30
Vaastu does affect in human life and everyone should follow the vaastu rules properly.vastu remedies
+13 #9 Vastu in USA | United States Of AmericaJoseph 2014-11-01 16:24
hi, how many times have you visited our country! in next time do plan to visit our home, located at fort worth Dallas, would like to have a lunch with you at our home, i love the people who serve to the society without any expectations, no doubt its an great thought. I strongly believe that your parents properly served to society, by observing this, might almighty blessed your parents to have a generous kid like you. god bless you sir.
+12 #8 USA HomesElliott 2014-07-18 14:51
Hello, would you please notify the mechanism associated with operating positive and negative forces when we build basement to our homes, which part of the direction is safe to promote cellar structures, do you frequently visiting United States, in your next visit please visit our home and have a dinner with us. bye
+14 #7 Home construction and buying gated community propertiesDani 2014-07-18 13:55
I’m not that much of a online reader to be honest but your site is really nice, keep it up! I'll go ahead and
bookmark your website to come back down the road. coming to the point, I am looking to buy one home at gated community, which direction home is best to have good health and peace, All the best.
+8 #6 looking vastu homes in united statesEr. Javier 2014-07-16 23:42
I am really impressed along with your writing abilities and also with the structure for your website. I was strongly recommended some of my pals to check this site for their peaceful home requirements. Glad to post this comment at your site dude.
+16 #5 Properties in USAChari 2014-07-16 21:24
I am proud of you Mr. Suresh for posting such a quality, knowledge and informative science with full access causing dissipate ignorance of an layman in this field. We all in USA are now struggling to find out a vastu compliance homes, with your easy to perceive content here in this vastu site, with little efforts we are now selecting atleast a minimum basic principled homes, posing no difficulty. Anyway I understand that vastu consultancy is always appreciated before buying the properties, but your website is a light in the darkness. I am so excited by seeing the supportive images to the narration followed by the website link. Many thanks.
+15 #4 vastu consultantDorthea 2014-07-16 16:59
I am extremely impressed with your website
+16 #3 Vastu in USAJoycelyn 2014-06-21 01:26
in your next visit to USA, you are our guest, please be informed before your confirm dates. along with our friend who runs book stall which has more than 25 people are working requires your services, while in our local enquiries most of your Indians referred you for our vastu requirements, thanks vastu consultant, cheers bye bye
+14 #2 Vastu in USAAhmad 2014-04-02 21:58
I got this web site from my buddy who informed me on the topic of this web site and now this time I
am browsing and reading very informative posts and learn many things here, particularly this site teaches us how to live respectably in the society. I appreciate your thoughts. Nice social cause!
+14 #1 Vastu in USARickey 2014-04-02 18:34
I'm gone to tell my little brother, that he should also go to see this blog on regular basis to get updated with fresh analysis reports. may i know which company runs this site in united states . . .
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".

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Inspirational Quotations

"True strength shines brightest when we remain calm and stand firm on our own, regardless of the circumstances" — Swami Vivekananda

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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