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Vastu Tips for Servant Rooms | Quarters | Sheds | Labor | Labour
In many regions the Servant Quarters are also called as Servant Portions, Servant Room, Servant Chamber, Maid Room, Labor quarters, etc. The servant quarters, they are living away from our our main home, most of the apartment flats have servant (read Vastu tips for servant room room this article) inbuilt portions, this is most phenomenon in apartment flat in many countries including India.
What Is the Difference Between Servant Quarters and Servant Room?
"Servant quarter" means, it is isolated from the main home but it is within the boundary wall premises.
"Servant room" means, it is within the home or flat.
Can We Construct the Servant Quarters in the Northeast?
As per Vastu the Northeast should not be heavy loaded or should not build isolated houses or rooms. Servant Quarters should not be constructed in the Northeast direction.
If it is already planned and no way to change it, then the floor level of the servant quarters may not be higher than the main house floor level. For expected results, it is a good idea to demolish the Northeast isolated quarters.
Can We Construct the Servant Quarters in the Southwest?
Servant Quarters should not be constructed in the Southwest locations of the premises. They may usurp the householders, they may dominate the house owners or they may act against the owners. They weaken the owner's sovereignty and supremacy. Owners may suffer from their dominance.
For some constructions, this point may not apply. For example, in 3 story building, the entire ground floor will be parking, etc. Residents' personal office room will be towards the Southwest and the servant quarters can be arranged either in the West or South direction. It is a safe idea to have a word from one Vaastu expert before finalizing the house floor plan. He will assist the right construction rules.
Is It Good to Construct Servant Quarter at Southeast Quadrant?
Yes, constructing the Servant Quarter in the Southeast quadrant, if so, they will be in control and never usurp the main house breadwinners. Please note that the entrance door should be towards Northern Northeast. In this picture (image) it is noted that the servant quarter is constructed towards the Southeast quadrant, generally, this is advisable to construct the servant quarter.
Is It Good to Construct Servant Quarter Exactly at Southeast Corner?
One important point is while constructing the servant quarter at Southeast, it should not touch the East wall. If so, it is said to be Southeast closed that may spread the negative results to the residents. This may create some troubles, particularly 2nd issue of the home may face challenges.
Key Points on Servant Quarters
1. The servant quarter should not touch the East boundary wall.
2. The servant room should not touch the main home.
3. The servant quarter should be in almost in the middle of the main home and the East boundary wall towards South direction. For better results, it should be near to the home and far from the East boundary wall .
4. This quarter can have a North door (preferable), if required then arrange the Eastern Northeast door.
5. Avoid the door for this quarter at West and South directions.
6. Construct the toilet in the Southeast of this quarter (inside - recommended), or Northwest direction (inside - but it is secondary).
7. If open space is available then spacious open area should be provided in the East direction after this servant quarter. So that servants will stay several years.
8. Please, maximum try to bring this servant room as much as possible near to the home only, but it should not touch the home walls.
9. Further, there is a notable point here is the South wall of the main house and the South wall of this servant room should come to a parallel line, at any cost the servant room/quarter should not move towards the North direction, if it is so then the main home may get slight eastern Southeast focus due to non-alignment of the South walls of this both constructions.
Can We Construct the Servant Shed at Northwest Location?
Yes, we can construct the Servant shed at Northwest quadrant. But not exactly at Northwest corner. Here the servant quarters constructed at Northwest corner, the West wall of this servant quarters and the West wall of the main home should be on the same line i.e., alignment should not be disturbed.
Points To Be Remember
1. West walls of both, house and servant quarters should be on the same line. The servant quarter should not move towards the East direction by leaving little open space towards the West, this may leave a chance of creating slight Northern Northwest Street Focus to the home.
2. The open space towards the North for this quarter should be more than the South direction. It means the quarter is near to the main home and a little far from the North boundary wall.
3. At any cost the quarter should not touch the main home, there should be a gap required for this quarter and the main house. If it fails then the home will get Northern Northwest extension issues.
Can We Construct Servant Quarters Exactly in the Northwest Corner?
4. No, we should not construct the servant quarter exactly at Northwest corner. Please note that constructing the quarters at the Northwest quarter is not bad, but it should not construct exactly at the Northwest corner by touching the north boundary wall, which means it is said to be Northwest closed, which may cause many problems. Normally, this may damage the health of the ladies and it may disturb the 3rd issue.
Is It Good to Construct Servant Quarters at Northeast?
No, we should not construct the servant quarters at the Northeast corner or Northeast quadrant. In this image thick red colored mark area shows the Northeast quadrant of the entire plot and it is exactly Northeast for the main home. In this entire Northeast quadrant, red color area residents should not plan to construct. If already construction took place, it is a good idea to verify this with one Vastu expert.
My servant room in the northeast corner of the plot and its two walls are part of the compound wall. The servant becomes dominant. Is there any remedy to do without demolishing the servant room? It has an attached toilet and the door of the room opens to the South - Shyam - Ahmedabad.
What Are the Ideal Locations for Servant Rooms in Our Home?
We have discussed about servant quarters, now we are discussing about servant rooms inside home or flat.
1. Many flats in Dubai built with servant rooms. In such cases the servant room should not exactly in the Northeast, it may spoil the peace of the family members.
2. The serant room can be fit at Southeast of the home or flat.
3. Northwest direction is also suitable for the servant room.
4. Don't plan the servant room at Southwest direction.
5. Based on several circumstances we have to decide the remaining all other directions like East, North, West or South.
Is It Good to Arrange the Northeast Room as a Maid Room?
Nowadays many flats has servant room or maid room. For your understanding purpose, we are publishing one example location of the maid room in a flat or house. The Northeast block is shown in red color and the Southeast block is shown in green color. When a flat has two available rooms in the East direction, best to allot the Southeast room for the maid room. Merge the Northeast room with the main flat.
Property should give peace and prosperity to the residents. The residents should be happy in that home. Recommended idea is having Vastu specialist guidance before buying/constructing would become highlight.
If you are considering building a new house, the location of your servant room is of utmost importance. If you place the servant room in an incorrect direction, you could face problems with your servants, and it might even lead to tension in the family. Our Indian Vastu shastra science explains the layout of all directions in a house, and the placement of your servant room can affect your lifestyle and make it difficult to maintain a harmonious relationship.
The Northeast is an inauspicious area for building servant rooms. The house's Southeast corners are auspicious for building maid room. However, the southwest quadrant is not a good place to build your maid's room.
One of the major disadvantages of constructing the servant quarter in the Northeast is that it takes away from the focus of the main house. The occupants of the main house may be less happy and suffer because the maid room is blocked NE. Besides, the main house may suffer from an unbalanced Northwest or Southeast focus.
Is Northwest Maid Room Is Good in Our Flat?
In this image the maid room located at Northwest direction, this is also auspicious placement for the maid room. Please note that the door connected to the maid room has a vital role. If there is a possibility then avoid connecting the maid room from the main home, arrange one Northern Northeast door to the maid room. They will stay more time and they never usurp the supremacy and sovereignty of the owner of the house.
The Southwest location is considered bad for building servant quarters. However, some constructions do not apply this rule. It is best to consult a Vasthu known person for a house floor plan and construction rules to ensure construct the servant quarters in a beneficial location.
The Southeast direction is also a beneficial direction for a servant quarter as it promotes name and happiness to the owners. If the servant quarter is located in the wrong direction, it can lead to various problems. This is because it hinders the relationship between the master and the servant. Moreover, the servant will be prone to various frauds and misdeeds if the door is located in wrong place.
The northwast direction is also an auspicious direction for a maid room as it enhances their positive thinking. He/she should also be able to easily find his/her way around the house. The northwest direction is also the best location for a servant's quarter, as it is more favorable for working and resting.
According to Vastu, the best place for a servant's quarters is on the Northwest direction of the house
Ensure that the floor level of the servant's quarters if it is constructed at Southeast does not exceed the same as the main house. It should be lower than the main home floor level. Vaasthu principles help in avoiding petty problems such as squabble with the servant.
A proper placement of the servant quarters as per Vaastu can make them a positive force in the house, promoting harmony and cooperation between the owner and the servant. However, a servant quarter placed in the Southwest or Northeast is considered a bad place to have quarters. In such a position, the servant is likely to dominate the master and commit various frauds. For more clarity get a word from one expert.
If you are planning to place the maid's room in the home, make sure that the servants have access to the place of the Kitchen & utility area. The location of the maid's room must be adjacent to the place of the kitchen, hence the maid's room can be possibly planned in the Southeast quadrant.
Servant room above the master bedroom is not advisable. Further, the Southwest and Northeast are not recommended locations for a servant room, because these directions are considered bad as they can lead to theft or dominance of the servant.
If constructing a new home, then the placement of the servant room is one of the most important factors to consider. If the servant room is positioned incorrectly, the relationship between master and servant can get strained and conflicts are likely to arise or they leave home. Furthermore, if it is positioned in the wrong direction, the servant may end up committing various frauds. Thus, the placement of the servant room needs to be done with extreme care.
The right location for a servant room will help to prevent conflicts between the master and the servant, and it will help to create a harmonious relationship between the two. If you're unsure of where to put a servant's room, seek the advice of a Vastu consultant.
Sir, can I make servant room in basement with attach toilet - Vikas - Pune.
Yes, you can construct servant room in the basement.
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Inspirational Quotations
"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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