We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Vastu Tips for Kitchen

Vastu Tips for Kitchen, Hearth, Fire, Vantillu : A place of respected ladies personal world, experiments, tastes, happiness to ladies, sometimes sorrow to gents.

Which location is best suitable for the Kitchen

Southeast is the best suitable for the Kitchen and the second-best place for the kitchen is the Northwest portion of the home.

There is no ambiance in the Home more loved and lived in by all the members of the family, the best of the family, the best place to savor the pleasure of being together with all the wonderful tastes, memories and daily habits of the family.

Keep your ladies always smiling, otherwise, they may pour a high pitch of salt or spice into the curries. Ladies/sthree are just like the home minister in this property, it's their own world.

Not in our country, but in most of the Kitchens in other countries there should be one Island in the kitchen. Once we are accustomed to this island we never leave this. It's really very useful in the kitchen. One client approached an vastu consultant in Chicago to buy a home in Illinois state.

After observing the island in the kitchen he stated that remove it immediately. Our client was stunned by hearing this. On 23rd June 2011 that Vastu person has visited his son who is working at Chicago. He started his first Vasthu consultancy and visited clients property on 25th June 2011 year.

Prior to this, my client contacted one Vastu consultant in California, my client got the info that he does not have any sound knowledge on Vaastu and he is doing business in the name of Vastu, selling only items, stated as vastu remedies without demolition.

This is one of the immeasurable tactics of some impostors by saying "vastu remedies without demolition", by hearing this word people attract and approach them. Later what happens, that everybody knows it. Be careful with quacks.

Some expert vastu consultant precisely recognizing the kitchen as the first observation part in their Vaasthu consultancy. The important point is that the Southeast portion brings good health.

30 Significant Vastu Tips for Kitchen

1. The southeast room is the ideal place for the Kitchen of all direction properties.

2. Kitchen should always placed at Southeast direction i.e., Agneya corner of the house. So you may plan a Southeast kitchen in the Southeast room of the residence.

3. The second best place for the kitchen is the Northwest (Vayavya) corner of the house, if Southeast is not possible to plan for the kitchen then the next best place for the kitchen is the Northwest part.

3.Observe this plan where the kitchen has to be placed in the house.

kitchen Vastu tipsKitchen towards Southeast is excellent placement. In this image, directions also showed and kitchen placement also showed, which is towards Southeast.

4. Hob in the kitchen has a central position with a canopy formed by its hood which destroys/crashes odors and fills the ambiance with light at the same time. The electrical appliances/apparatuses are carefully concealed beneath the worktop, the Vastu expert carpenter or home designer can easily handle this matter.

5. In the olden days our elders constructed two or three houses, and some may have many houses, coming to our generation constructing a single home is a challenge, those days our elders have time to verify the construction, but we don't have time to observe the construction or we may not easily find out the labor, its almost a venture for us now to find out good labor in our nearby areas. Built the House with all amenities like the marked personalities of those modern and innovative kitchens brings into the home the soothing atmosphere of colorful (colorful) and lively activity. There are as many as four four color which gladden the eye and communicate a note of joyful serenity of the ambiance which they furnish, creating together a happy system.

6. Feel king at your house, you are Maharaja of your house, a kitchen layout should be customized to the specific requirements and needs of the users. Hence, it is important to ascertain the individual preferences overall lifestyle and eating habits of the residents, built the kitchen with your own style and requirements. You may go with your own style of living in your dream house.

7. The kitchen should be in the Southeast portion of the house. The door of the kitchen should be in the North, East or North-east direction opening clockwise. The women/lady should face the East direction while cooking it may bring good health to family members. If the lady faces West while cooking it may lead to small health problems while cooking with the face towards South direction may lead to little financial problems in the family. Overall the basic point is that the kitchen has to be constructed towards Southeast, this would be the basic point, other small things share only small problems.

dining table at KitchenYou may place the dining table at this place shown in this image. Observe the water sink at kitchen, Gas stove, marble platform. The door is coming towards Northeast North direction. This is almost a good setting/position Kitchen. If you have a good measurement of the length and breadth then you may plan accordingly, nowadays find out good measurement home is not a small deal, first related with huge money and later place of our interest. If all is OK then you may plan a bigger kitchen say about North to South is smaller and East to West is bigger like that, in this case, there should be the Northeast-north door is highly recommended. If the kitchen is having North to South as bigger measurement and East to West is small then it may suits if there is a Northwest-west door also.

This image is the layout of the kitchen in the home.You can place the dining table as shown above.

8. You may place all food articles at West direction side of the kitchen.

9. The flooring level of the kitchen is equal to the remaining House flooring, it may be below the Southwest direction floor level, but at any cost, it should not be lower than the Northeast room floor level.

10. The best preferable place for the sink is towards Northeast corner corner of the Southeast kitchen.

11. Make sure that leave some atleast 6 inches space towards North wall for this kitchen platform, its best if you provide more than one feet at this North wall. Here we are saying about the platform of the kitchen.

12. The platform may touch the East wall.

13. Kitchen stove should be kept in the platform, not in the shelf which is erected towards East wall, what happens if you keep the stove at East wall erected space, it may be like Southeast-east extension, so better plan to keep stove at kitchen platform only.

14. The platform may have a border, its not a mistake, but its little trouble to clean the platform with washing cloth, with this high border at edges you may use to clean the platform with water also. In only very few houses we observe the edge border at platform.

15. The platform has to come this way, not to touch the North wall it starts from Northeast (without touching North wall) and full East up to Southeast and turn to South also and may cover even West direction also, this is all if you require, otherwise you may plan only towards East direction.

16. You may plan ( visit for exact vastu house plans page) shelves under this platform, at any cost it should not have solid closure with rocks, cement bricks, or mud bricks, etc.

17. If you planning to keep rice as a store for 6 months or one year then you may plan to keep rice at Southwest of this kitchen or West or even South also.

18. The women folk should be facing the East while doing their cooking. This is good for health.

19. There should be abundant use of green in the Kitchen. For example green granite for flooring or green pictures. This helps improve the appetite of the family members and also promotes peace and harmony in the house, this point is not compulsory to follow. Instead of green, you may go with your color of choice.

20. If possible, the cooking gas and the washing sink should not be kept very close to each other. The logic being fire and water are not comfortable close to each other, if you have such kind, then no need to worry, its not a worth point to worry at all.

21. The cooking stove should not be visible to the naked eyes from the outside. Hence always shield the kitchen from the outsiders. Our elders said that our cooked food should not be visible to outsiders. But your guest may happily see it. Our elders say that Disti or dristi, it means bad eyes i.e., jealous. Not only in terms of the kitchen in all terms the jealous people is dangerous one which they should be kept very long from us. They may do anything behind us. In front of us they may smile but inner they may plan for many other bad thoughts, be careful on such characters.

22. There should be no leaking taps in the kitchen. This may affect on the money flow, and actually water should not be wasted at any place in the Home including kitchen room.

23. Shelves for the storage for grains at South, West, and Southwest directions are preferred areas. Somebody may have storage cupboards towards East also, its not a big mistake.

24. In Vastu Shastra its strictly prohibited that do not construct toilets and pooja-room next to each another. Even some vastu expert is also said that kitchen walls should not touch the toilet walls, its true, but nowadays we don't have good enough place to construct our homes, many are living in apartment flats for them, implementing all rules its highly problematic to follow. So follow the basic Vasthu principles.

25. The kitchen should not be directly in front of the main door, try max for this tip, if not maintain one curtain always hanging to the kitchen door. You understand why we again telling this point here, already we discussed jealousy, so this point is almost same above.

26. The kitchen should not be planned at the Northeast corner of the house, if the kitchen is at the Northeast direction, it would curtail peace and mutual love in the family, and heavy expenditure occurs, might quarrels at home, including potency, etc. Northeast kitchen Home some times may bring unlucky to the females. Some of the homes may get a bad name. Some times males may be dummy in this home. Female domination may also appear in these homes.

27. Vaasthu for kitchen takes into consideration on various things, which were properly placed, pave way for safety in the kitchen. Some of the essential determinants considered are: proper location of the kitchen, direction and placement of doors and windows, placement of cooking gas, gas cylinder, sink, refrigerator and other electronic gadgets etc, if everything is according to Vasthu, the residents live happily and enjoy the peace at home.

28. Better no shelf should be placed above the cooking platform or above the gas stove.

29. The refrigerator can be placed on the Northwest corner in the kitchen or Southwest corner, maximum try to not to keep towards North or Northeast corner.

30. While constructing the kitchen, make adequate provision for cross ventilation for good health, and a fresh breeze. While cooking items smoke will automatically go away and we will safe by this cross ventilation.

How To Get Cross Ventilation And Good Air Into Kitchen

Cross ventilation is an opportunity to have good air into the home. If there is only one door or window you may not get good airflow into the house. If there is two windows or two doors, then you may expect good air, if you have 3 doors or three windows then cross air will move to your part of the room. Even four doors or four windows also get more than sufficient airflow. But we should not put 4 doors in Southeast corner room. Kitchen is a burning things portion, so plan for good airflow and high ventilation at this room. This is good idea. (Require science professors advice regarding cross-ventilation here )

31. Kitchen (or dining room) is the best place to have your daily meal; but never face South while having your meal it creates stomach disorders, indigestion and other related problems, please note that if your property is not fit as per Vaasthu then only you may expect all these indigestion troubles, otherwise you may not feel such drastic health problems if you have food facing towards South direction, you may observe the symptom only. Always sit facing towards East or North while taking food, offer South facing seats to the guests. We are not looking for your guest harm here, guest means he/she may stay at your property for while not so many days, that is why we suggest this place. Don't take it as a wrong meaning here.

32. In some places, we found even South or West kitchens are not giving wrong results, but we are observing the Southwest kitchens most of the times looking the House from the owner. After observing this judgment, we never suggest any resident to have a kitchen at their Southwest. We are talking about closed kitchens only, not about open kitchens.

33. Cooking Gas/Range should be in the Southeast part of the kitchen.

34. Exhaust fan may be installed on the Eastern wall in the Southeast corner. If its not feasible then you may plan it towards South wall also. The fan should not go above half of the South wall towards Southwest, so it should be in South or Southeast-south.

35. Drinking water may be placed in the Northeast, a water filter will be installed in the Northeast, if required, or it may be placed at Northwest corner.

36. Better to get suggestions from a vastu expert while constructing the house. The theoretical matter cannot render satisfied vastu experiment in our house. By reading books of vastu we know only the important things that may be the essential factors, but generally, folks cannot find serious things (vastu defects). Many residents are doing a great mistake that following some vastu principles after reading vastu books or vastu websites, its totally wrong method, this may lead to losing peace. Its always advisable only getting right suggestions from a best vastu specialist pandit.

37. Keep the mixer grinder at Southwest platform or South or West is also good to keep.

38. Electricity stove or induction stove maybe keep in almost Southeast if it used for many times. Otherwise, you may place other than the Northeast, East and North directions.

39. Water purifier (RO system) may be placed near to the East and maybe near to the Northeast parts.

We suggested some vastu tips based on some certain thoughts and views if your kitchen is having a very large measurement you may change some items as discussed above. For example drinking water etc.

Vastu tips for kitchenPlease wait for 3 seconds for animation effect. The stove and sink is changing their places. Keepting stove towards Southeast is good idea and the sink to be placed at Northeast corner of that same kitchen platform. Having doubts, the residents can send their questions through this Contact SubhaVaastu page.

Some residents enquiring about one question, Constructing the bathroom on top of the Kitchen, is it acceptable check out answer in this link.

Vastu for drinking water in Kitchen?

If the kitchen located at Southeast, then suitable drinking water placement is best to keep at Northeast.

Is Kitchen suitable at Northwest direction also?

In some houses like South facing then there may not be possible to keep kitchen towards Southeast portion, at this point inhabitants may plan kitchen towards Northwest direction which is the second best placement in the home. We have done some houses to get Kitchen towards Southeast for the South facing houses, it depends on measurements of the property. If there is good measurements of plinth area say about 15 meters (From East to West towards South direction) then one may plan kitchen came towards Southeast for the South facing homes.

Which Is The Best Location To Keep The Exhaust Fan In The Kitchen

If one home has the Kitchen at Southeast corner and suppose it does not have any windows provision, then it is mandatory to fix an exhaust fan, otherwise health will be definitely spoiled with smoke and gases. In such case when there is no provision for windows, then arrange one exhaust fan towards Southeast of South wall or center of the Southeast kitchen room.

If in case there is no provision for keeping exhausted fan to the South wall of Southeast kitchen room then East wall is the only option to keep. As much as possible kept this exhaust fan at Northeast-east, if there is any objection to keep at Northeast-east part of the Southeast kitchen room, then East is the only available placement to keep the fan. Don't keep the Exhaust Fan / Ventilator at Southeast of the East. Try to buy only the best fans in the market like Jerk free, oscillation and smooth running high-performance motor for better air delivery and superior low voltage ventilator exhaust fans.

Some homes may not have such provisions except Southeast of the East then try to arrange the exhaust fan which has flaps. This shutter will automatically close when the fan is not in use.

Useful Vastu Questions

-1 #21 @regarding kitchenNishant 2017-11-19 04:22
Sir, While enter in house I face east. Nd beside hall kitchen is in left side. Kitchen platform is west side. Hence stove placed accordingly in south-west Nd sink is in Northwest corner. Nd I m on rent so nothing can be changed. Store room is in north-east corner Nd fridge is in south-west corner. So does any changes or remedies require? If yes then what can I do? Coz due to it's not my house Nd kitchen already design in such a way that nothing to be done to place it right. It's bungalow Nd hall window Nd kitchen door is in front of each other.
+2 #20 Northwest kitchen with southeast bedroomRajashree Ramani 2017-08-05 07:26
Dear sir, If the house entrance is northwest facing western side, and immediately next to it is the kitchen on the northern side entrance facing south, and the bedroom on the southeast, is it vastu compliant?
+14 #19 Cooking facing South & remediesSanjiv 2017-05-28 15:16
Sir, my kitchen is in southeast part and my stove is on the south platform, so while cooking my wife faces towards South. Please tell me the impact if we face South and cook and what are the remedies we can make.
+5 #18 Placing stoveJyothi Arun 2017-03-06 17:19
Sir, my kitchen is in southeast part and my stove is to the south platform means while cooking I face towards south please tell me the impact if we face sour and cook and also if we face North and cook
-10 #17 KitchenShweta 2017-02-13 18:21
Hello sir, My apartment is in 7th floor of building. It is east facing and the kitchen is west facing means when I cook I face to west. Plz, tell me the correct positioning of sink, gas stove, electric appliance and refrigerated.
0 #16 KitchenShweta 2017-02-13 18:15
Namaste Sir, My house is east facing and kitchen is in the west means when I prepare food I have to face to the west.. what is the correct positioning for sink, gas stove, electric appliances and refrigerated.
+2 #15 kitchen.ketki raval 2017-01-01 17:01
Respected sir, I am in rental apartment, my kitchen is east north. where should I keep my garbage tin,?
Keiki Raval.
+1 #14 Biogas plantShahul 2016-12-20 04:44
Namaste Sir, where can I place biogas plant in house
+4 #13 kitchen position regchandra 2016-10-25 07:03
Hello Sir, I have a south-facing independent house with main door facing south and I have east door also. I have bedrooms in SE, NW & SW. MY hall is SE and kitchen is in between the house(Slightly towards NE) with a window from East and West sides. is it ok as per Vastu SW NW KIT SE NE
-1 #12 Kitchen Vastu TipsRajendran A 2016-09-27 14:42
Respected sir, my house is facing south, constructed kitchen in the room which is northeast in which I kept gas stove in southeast part of the room. Whether it is correct or not. Send your suggestions now.
-1 #11 MrRavindra 2016-09-27 12:30
Dear Sir, We are planning to move into a rented flat shortly, details of which are listed below. I need your advice on whether any corrections/rem edies are required.Main Door: South West corner of the flat kitchen: North West corner of the flat Toilet: north middle Master Bedroom: North East Corner2nd Bedroom: East Living room: South and South East. Please suggest if this is OK to go ahead or should we avoid this flat.
Thank you
+2 #10 vastu suggestionparameshwara 2015-12-01 06:56
Sir, I am newly purchased flat in apartment-flat kitchen position southeast for the flat, kitchen both the sides balcony are there east and south side. In kitchen constraint place I am planning to add one balcony to kitchen kindly suggest to me which side balcony can add to kitchen.
+4 #9 Kitchen PositionNilotpal Dutta 2015-10-27 16:17
Dear sir / Madam
I am constructing house my kitchen position NW. Window position North. ventilation at North.west side toilet East side staircase and south side Bedrooms. We have planned position of Gas stove Northside, Sink west side & refrigerator south side. Micro oven Eastside. Dishwasher west side, RO water North East.size of kitchen 13ftX11ft.kindl y advice.
+4 #8 Mrs.kavitha uday 2015-08-07 07:33
Namaste Sir, Is there any impact on the Vastu, if the kitchen measurement is lesser than any other rooms in the house. Kitchen is smaller than bathroom also.
if it impacts what could be the remedy for the same. as no option for any alteration.
+2 #7 kitchenmrs iyer 2015-07-14 18:52
Sir, My kitchen is in the northwest corner of the house.adjacent to it is small passage that is in the north and northeast is the toilet. Entry into the kitchen is west facing that is from the east. If I erect a wall towards east to keep the gas, I will be facing the toilet door. Towards the west of the kitchen, there is a big window. Is it possible to keep the gas platform in the west direction that is I will be facing towards the west while cooking? Sir pls.pls. help.
Thank you
Mrs. Iyer
+2 #6 Kichen locationupendra solanki 2015-04-23 08:29
Hi sir, My Kitchen North West Corner But Cooking Direction Face Side way.
0 #5 North located kitchenSangeet N 2015-04-14 10:04
Dear sir, My kitchen is located exactly North. Means my house is south facing while entering there is living room then straight kitchen. Left and right of kitchen u have got bedrooms... So I need the plan for my kitchen which is square-shaped with the kitchen entrance from Southwest
+3 #4 Vastu for KitchenAlisha 2015-04-10 05:19
Sir, Thanks for sharing this nice article. The above ideas definitely gonna help folks in designing their kitchen. I have also read one more article on how Vastu can help us in designing a kitchen to obtain a peaceful and prosperous life. You can also refer to it
0 #3 vastuashwin kumar 2015-03-31 17:28
Hello sir, can u plz help me my house is cross and till now I spend 30lakh rupees but still they is problems at home can u plz send any suggestion
+10 #2 @regarding kitchenSrividya 2014-09-03 05:16
What to do if kitchen is in the southwest side.we are in apartment.any alteration that can be made
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Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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