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Southeast Facing House Vastu Remedies And Southeast Home Vastu Tips
Table Of Content:
Questions and Answers
Notes with images
Vastu for Southeast house remedies
Vastu Tips
How Many Degrees The Southeast Direction Has As Per Compass?
Southeast direction has 135° (One Hundred thirty-five degrees) as per the directional compass.
Is Southeast is Ordinal direction or Cardinal direction?
Southeast is an ordinal direction. SE is a auxiliary direction.
Buying A Southeast Facing House Is A Good Idea
Please note that when the Southeast "facing" home which has a length from Southwest to Northeast and has the door at Southeast of South then it is good. If the SE facing home has Southeast to Northwest lengthy then best to avoid it (also this rule applies to inside rooms too).
When a question arises in our mind that "Can I Buy South East Facing Home" or "Is it good to buy a Southeast facing home according to Vaastu" the exact answer is without proper Vastu experts advice, don't buy SE facing home or Southeast corner house.
Southeast Direction Displayed on Compass?
SE has 135° as per directional compass. In this image, the red arrow shows the Southeast direction. This is also called as Agni moola, Agni gruha, Agneya corner etc.
In Vastu Shastra Southeast direction has an influential role. One should not neglect this direction. There is no forgiveness if the resident did any mistakes with this Southeast (SE) direction.
South east Corner Plot Good Or Bad
This Southeast corner plot has two roads, one is South road and another is East road. Due to the associated slight negative power with this SE corner, any defect in this home pledge with destitute strength.
Human mistakes in selecting the feeble plot or doing mistakes at the time of construction may deliver residents perilous solemn situations.
If residents cautious while buying the plot and construction of the home, then residents live with dazzling and jubilant life.
We cannot assure all Southeast corner homes are bad and good. Most of them were giving negative results and some were giving extraordinary and exceptional results too.
Without "vastu experts" advice, at any cost don't buy Southeast corner plot. An over-sight decision may spoil the entire life. Be cautious please.
How many categories in this Southeast Houses
1. Southeast Corner House.
2. Southeast Facing House.
Southeast Corner House:
In this image there are shown two roads, one is East road and another one is South road. Two roads intersect each other, this is just like a small junction. If these two roads appear for a house or plot, then it is called as Southeast block House or Southeast corner plot or Southeast corner site. There are many types in this Southeast homes, we will discuss one after another.
Southeast Facing House:
This house is exactly facing Southeast. There is a road in front of this house, this road is called Southeast road. This road passes from Northeast to Southwest direction. Or Southwest to Northeast direction. This is called a Southeast facing house. We thought this House vastu link information may be useful for the readers.
The southeast corner is also called an Agni corner or Agneya corner. A site possessing roads in East and South is termed as a Southeastern block. Generally, these blocks are bearing on the female members and children and also on the second issue of the family members.
How To Find A Southeast House (Plot / Flat / Site) With Compass:
When you place a compass at the main entrance door of the house (at this moment your face seeing outside of the house and your back is inside of the house), the compass East direction showing left side and South showing as left side, it means the outside is Southeast and inside home is Northwest.
Generally, if there is any defective in this SE home, then residents may suffer the consequences of hell. (Our humble suggestion:- In a SE plot/home even when the so-called defects is uneventful, do not delay call a competent best vastu consultant and get the same thoroughly examined.
One should never compromise regarding this. To the extent possible we are explaining here the remedial measures. However, this cannot be comprehensive nor exhaustive).
Out of all the other blocks this block is said to be or supposed to be endowed with lesser potential and limited positive nature. Most of vastu consultants never recommend SE facing homes only because of many reasons. We will discuss most of them below.
Generally, more than benevolent effects, adverse effects in SE plot are too numerous to mention. It is true that SE plot is weak (as per Vastu) when compared to other plots. However, if construction is undertaken with due care, all these adverse situations may be overcome.
Residents in this home can understand what is GOD meaning. G-O-D (Generator-Operator-Destroyer). Normally, it becomes happiness ruining element if residents did not possess precise deliberation from experts.
Classification And Identifying Southeast Part In The House:
Many dwellers don't know regarding there is pair position parts in this SE. In this image, two colors like red and green shown at the Southeastern area. ESE starts from 112.5° and ends at 135°. The Eastern Southeast (ESE) shown with red color. The SSE starts from 135° and ends at 157.5°. The Southern Southeast portion (SSE) displayed with green color in this image.
Southeastern Corner Is Also Known In Different Languages
In Telugu = ఆగ్నేయం | Gujarati = દક્ષિણપૂર્વ |
In Kannada = ಆಗ್ನೇಯ | In Hindi = दक्षिण-पूर्व |
Kerala Malayalam = തെക്ക് കിഴക്ക് | Maharashtra Marathi = दक्षिणपूर्व |
Punjabi = ਦੱਖਣ ਪੂਰਬ | Sindhi = ڏکڻ ۾ |
In Tamil = தென்கிழக்கு | Urdu = جنوب مشرقی |
Bengali (Bangla) = দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব | German = Süd-Ost |
French = sud-est | Latvian = dienvidaustrumos |
Arabic = الجنوب الشرقي | Filipino = timog-silangan |
Malay/Indonesian = tenggara | Italian = sud-est |
Japanese = 南東 | Mandarin Chinese = 東南 |
Russian = юго-восток | Sinhala= ගිනිකොනදිග |
Norwegian= sørøst | Odia/Oriya= ନୈଋତ |
Bodo = Update Soon | Dogri = दक्षिण-पूर्व |
Kashmiri= Update Soon | Konkani= आग्नेयेक आसा |
Maithili = दक्षिण पूर्व | Meetei = Meiram Maikei |
Nepali = दक्षिणपूर्व | Sanskrit = दक्षिणपूर्वम् |
Afrikaans = suidooste |
Benefits, Merits, Benevolent effects, Do's, Advantages of Southeast Direction:
1. If in a Southeast (SE) plot, towards Northeast (NE) there be a well/boring / water bodies or ditches and the like, if they build their house leaving adequate open area towards North, the life would just be good.
2. If there be an SSE street thrust and during construction, there be adequate open space towards east, the residents even enjoy financial prosperity as well as name and fame. The daughters of such houses would be married in time (if there is adequate open space towards the north).
3. If in SE block, SE is constricted, the male folk will be dominating and shine well in society. They would enjoy the last word in any situation.
4. For best results in a SE plot, the following points may be noted.
(a) Open space in east and north are essential.
(b) Well, bore well, underground water tank, etc. should best be towards NE.
(c) Towards South, Southwest, build solid rock platforms.
(d) Plant huge and strong trees starting from Eastern Southeast, South, Southwest, West and up to Northwest portions. This may bless the residents with many beneficiary things.
(e) Excess open space towards the west is best avoided. Even beyond one's compound wall playground and open areas and the west and more leaving of eastern open space by the west neighbor are not recommended.
(f) If the north side neighbor wishes to sell his plot, it is best to try plot. This bodes well to the residents.
(g) If West, SW & South are elevated when compared to east, N & NE, such constructions would be very positive.
(h) If SE corner is rounded, this would constrict the SE corner. This is beneficial.
(i) SE plot houses should necessarily have their kitchen in Se portion of the house. This bodes well.
5. Separate a built of SE portion from the main block. This may be disposed of or even used by oneself in which case it may not have any excess what so ever from the main plot. This wards off a lot of adverse situations of SE plot.
6. If there be any advertisement boards or hoardings on the ESE side, this also greatly reduces the adverse influences of the SE block.
7. It is also possible to plant thick bushy trees towards SE which effectively give the same results like reducing adverse results.
Adverse Results, Demerits, Disadvantages, Don'ts, Weakness, Defects:
1. The malevolent effects in SE plot are multifarious. This is naturally a very weak plot (as per Vastu).
2. Smallest defects in SE plot/house would result in court cases, indebtedness, etc.
3. The children may not stay at home the possibility of running away is common.
4. Because of the wrong company, all the income would be spent on useless enterprises and even earn a bad name in the society or in the community.
5. Children of such plots may not be adequately educated such children may not study in the schools or colleges and hence face humiliation, insults and the like.
6. Children may indulge in fights and disputes with other children and receive a bad name.
7. Acquiring or cultivating bad habits.
8. Children indulging in wrong acts way beyond these ages and responsibility and getting a bad name is possible.
9. Lustful feelings towards opposite gender even from an early age.
10. Even small things will be magnified and treated accordingly, thus inviting uncalled for fights and disputes, even spilling blood, etc.
11. It is an addition to SE defects, there be SW defects too, the situation such as murder, instigating to destruction, indulging in illegal activities, etc. are possible and there may even lead to death.12. Accidents, fire hazards are possible.
13. Daughters after marriage may even be forced to come back to parental homes consequent to one reason or other, causing thus huge financial problems.
14. Movements in SE side results in cheating and getting caught on account of this.
15. Getting cheated would even become a habit and then getting insulted will be the result.
16. Fights and disputes.
17. Court cases, and to in the process inviting excessive expenditure.
18. Indulgence in foul language.
19. Having illegitimate relations and getting caught in the bargain and losing one's status in society.
20. Losing things which otherwise one ’s own.
21. Thinking passionately (obviously of wrong this) and suffering the consequences.
22. Attempts at suicides.
23. Having male issues, but most of the cases they may leaning forward for bad habits like acceded for drinking or smoking, impropriety, misdemeanor, indiscretion.
24. Ladies dominance at home, some homes we observed faux pas,
25. The effort at acquiring influence of evil in the society, indulgence in sorely and the like.
26. Passionately going after acquiring wealth (and not sincerely working hard in this direction).
27. Insults, humiliations, and indebtedness.
28. Second marriage or extramarital relations.
29. Incurable ailments, the ruination of health.
30. Excessive smoking, indulgence in alcoholic beverages and non-vegetarian food.
31. If there be defects in SW untimely death.
32. No compatibility among the family and thus constant fights and beckoning.
33. Great non-compatibility or non-cooperation among couples. In a SE house, the wife suffers hugely at the hands of the husband. He may even physically abuse his wife and hence the wife would feel ill above her husband. At times these fights to come out into open. Thus they lose their respect in society.
34. Because of non-compatibility of the couple children getting, affected Husband insulting the wife parents and the like is common.
35. If there be movement in Se for long, doing wrong things and indulging in illegitimate activities and the like, etc.
36. Getting caught in a situation beyond redemption and consequences fallouts. This may even result in ones close follows also thus losing their faith.
Some SE Defects And Scarcely Credible Which May Not Be Usually Identified In Society:
South Road Passing Towards East Direction
In this image the south road passing towards East and the East road stopped at South road, this is also SE corner home. Generally, hardly we can get good results from this home. If residents seeing any good results, those will be temporary or maybe finally given adverse results. For example, if residents run a chit company, it will reach beyond their expectations and suddenly they fall into huge losses and situations make up them to run away from the premises. But some homes never give bad results, though they has same feature, why?
1. We found one shop which had transformer at Southeast which is completely protecting the home from the light eastern Southeast street focus.
Case Study: We visited one Kirana shop, which has an exact South road passing towards East and East road stopped at South road. They started business in the year 1991, our visit to this shop is in the year 1992, from then we are continuously observing this shop until 2015, we confirmed on our visit day that this shop won't give any bad results. Almost 24 years passed, still, their shop runs very smooth and they are well settled. Mr. Srinivas Setty Shop has a very huge transformer, that is totally protecting from this eastern Southeast street focus.
Case Study: Same road feature, one Mr. Kumar, joined this home in the year 1985 and they were very happy until 1995. Afterward, their position is too worse and Mr. Kumar got AIDS attack. Why, this time gap appeared to this family. What reasons they saved earlier and why HIV attacked after 1995. Here is the facts. One by name, Ravi kept a huge and tall wooden bunk exactly at Southeast corner without touching their home. Ravi doing ironing cloths in that bunk. In the year 1994 ending, Ravi left the place with his bunk. Later things went worst in Kumar's family. The entire family suffered and in the year 1998 Mr. Kumar disappeared, still, no one find out where is he.
Case Study: One Mr. Madhavanarayana Shastry doing Archaka profession, from decades they are well settled in this same feature vastu home. Having reputation in the city and maintaining cash balances and bought several plots and houses. This home has a very huge tree which is perfectly protecting the home from that Southeast-east focus (slight), one day, his son cut the tree to construct one shed to keep his car. Unfortunately, he did not construct the shed and keep on pending in bringing the car and postponing to construct the car shed. Just 3 years passed, his son vigorously start drinking and ran away from the home with all jewelry and cash. Came back after he spent everything and later he dies with heavy drinking. With these incidences, Mr. Kesavanarayana Sarma felt very sad and died thereafter.
We have many case studies for every subject in our website. Due to time frame and other reasons, we are unable to publish all incidences. We will try our level best to publish all incidences one after another.
2. The street is having full of trees, so home never get any bad effects from Southeast of east road.
3. The car shed protected the residents. It is really helpful when it has a high roof.
4. After the road, another Southeast home extended towards Southwest of South then, this is a natural remedy and perfect protection.
East Road Passing Towards South Direction
In this image, the East road running towards South and it continued passing through South direction, on the other hand the South road ended up to the east road only. Usually, this kind of homes may not giving adverse results to the residents.
South and East Roads Intersecting At Corner
This house has East road and South road, here the south road is not running towards East and the East road also not passing towards South direction, both roads are interconnected at a corner. This is also called as Southeast corner house. It's not that much bad house which the South road is running towards East direction.
Southeast Curved Road
The round curving of both East and South roads at Southeast corner, the plot/house also has a curve at South direction, succinct truncate develops at Southeast corner due to this half moon curve road. This is also not evil when compared with the south road flying through east direction.
Gradual Extension of Southeast Corner
One may experience the ghastliness of the Southeast homes if the structure and system is like this. South road passing to East direction and east road finished to South road. Having door at eastern Southeast, mainly the plot is Southeast extended. This house results may be fatal devastating.
Of all the directions Southeast direction needs special mentioning. Defects of Southeast definitely would not kill the persons, but there will be so much tension and strife and struggle in the lives of the people, they would prefer death than living.
If there is an entrance towards eastern southeast coupled with other disadvantages like ditches, water bodies or low levels in the southern direction the miseries of the residents would be compound to the point of total destruction.
Southeast Block Home - Is This Good Or Bad - How
Observe this Narendra House, this house eastern-northeast has Raghu House and Southeast has one empty plot. East road come to an end at South road and the South road continued towards East road, with this style and due to the empty plot at Southeast location of Narendra house, this house may damage many things in the life of Narendra residence. Initially and originally, if they are doing good, in future they has to face many challenges in the future.
If the western side is lower and defective southeast direction the residents would prefer death than living, till death they would suffer ignomity.
The situations will be so bad that residents may prefer to run away and abundant the premises, often they become victims of cheating.
With having defects in southeast coupled with Northwest extension the miseries of the residents will be so huge that they prefer death for every incidence. Not a day they will be happy, this is real hell, they keep on solving one internal problem other having no serious consequences except delivering miseries to the residents.
On the other hand defects in southeast direction or exact Southeast street focus coupled with higher levels on Southwest or west direction would embolden the residents to go even against law to the extent of committing criminal actions.
In most of the cases we observed that SE defects may turn results like education failure or approaching for fake certificates or copied in the exams and caught to the authorities etc.
If SE defects coupled with other defects in the home, then it may turn to horrible thoughts in young age, doing all wrong activities, etc.
In continuatino with SE blemish then there may be fighings between son and mother or son and father is also observed. No peace of mind in the home. Vociferous may be common in the home.
Some Good Quality Southeast Homes:
It is our mistake to think that all south-east homes are not good, for example see this Southeast corner house, this yields good results to the residents. If you have little leisure time, then please observe the above image and this image, then you can understand what the incongruity in both pictures. Here Surendra house has empty land at Northeast corner and Southeast there is one Madhu house and furthermore East road passing through South and the South road ended at East road. This facilitates good results to Surendra house residents.
Southeast Corner Home Having Northeast Extension:
Don't get distrust that all south-east homes are not good. One may observe this home, this is also Southeast block home, this bestows good results to the residents. This plot has Northeast extension and the East road passing through and South road ended at East road. It augurs well to the residents.
Vertical SE Facing House
This is Southeast "facing" house. These type of homes are very common in Karol Bagh New Delhi in India and in USA, UK and Australia. Dwellers should be careful before buying this kind of vertical home or lengthy home. If this kind of homes are in Cul-de-sac then residents may experience hell in those homes. If this kind of home is in line on a street, then it is not that much harm as it is in cul-de-sac. In the future if they wish to extend the home like horizontal as shown below then they may experience peace in the home.
Please note that we are expressing our views based on house structure, if the inside rooms or house plans are differentiated with this lengthy structure then results may fluctuate. If the inside rooms are not as per inclination rules, then this house may not be such evil.
We found some homes, apartment flat owners bought positive items available in the market to ward off the bad evil effects of such houses, but they did not come out from the nightmare. Those items may work short time for one week or a few days based on the psychological instant power. If the residents plan everything quite perfectly then there is no entrance for bad things into their life.
Before doing the extensions it is highly recommended to have a word from one vastu expert, he will guide you further, without experts opinion don't do any internal or external changes to this Southeast facing homes.
Horizontal Southeast Facing Home
The construction design is not exactly similar to the above house design. This is a horizontal house or wide house. Everything looks to be same to same, but the difference in the results may vary. Many homes may provide good results in this style be an adjunct of with inside room measurements if the rooms are not pertaining to skewed principles then this house is also not felicitous.
A small mistake may fall life into many difficulties. Some residents asking about "is south east facing house good as per vastu", for them, this kind of homes may generally render good results, so we cannot exactly express that all Southeast facing homes are bad.
Few residents like to extend this kind of SE homes for the sake of convenience purposes, for them our sincere suggestion is, without experts opinion residents should not go for any modifications/extensions etc to this home. Don't make the horizontal home into vertical home. If so, several new complications may araise.
Virtual Northeast Truncation
In this image the Northeast to Southwest has 30 feet, just by observing this image we can easily understand that the Northwest to Southeast will have double the measurement than the NE to SW measure of 30 feet. Please verify the below image and read its content.
Virtual Northwest to Southeast Extension
In this image the Northwest to Southeast has 60 feet. This means, the Northwest to Southeast is heavy measurements than the Northeast to Southwest measurements. This may be another cause of getting troubles in Southeast facing homes. Northeast should not be truncated. In this property the virtual Northeast missed. When buying such kind of properties residents should be careful and it is highly recommended to have one expert opinion before buying it.
Kumar From USA Experience With Southeast Home
Read this below content, how people benefiting from Southeast facing homes and how suffering from a wrong selection of Southeast houses, a small mistake makes residents fall into total troubles. Now read one of our website visitor email:-
1. Dear Sir, I have given a brief description of the problems at my place. Its an East facing property with the following, SE - Main door facing East, SW - Master Bedroom, NW - Store/Dining, NE - Bedroom, SE also has a balcony and an underwater sump. Can you please let me know your services to help us with the SE Vasthu dosha? We have done many remedies like painting it red, Vaastu Kalasha, keeping a lamp-lit, Om/Trishul/Swastika on the door, followed feng shui, Carnelian stones hung on the door, wind chimes, etc, but it's of very little use - Kumar - USA.
Ans: The main problem in this house is the Southeast extension and door at Southeast-east, a large portion of Northeast is truncated. Will send you the corrections diagram to your email very soon.
Devendranath From USA Experience With Southeast House
2. Dear Subhavaastu, one of my friend who is settled in Oregan in USA country wants to buy Southeast facing house, in USA vastu is works as per Indian rules or there is any other system to follow - Devendranath - USA.
Ans: Most of the Indian Vaasthu rules apply to USA properties. When he decided to buy the Southeast facing home in USA then he has to first check how much the measurement of the entire plot and house structure, here the measurement of the house matters., i.e., the plinth area. Afterward it has to be decided further to buy or leave it. In general, buying Southeast facing Home is not recommended, but all Southeast homes are not bad.
Nandan From UK Experience With Southeast Home
3. Respected Sureshji, we came across your beautiful website subhavaastu.com and concede how this vastu science controls. We are residing in Bristol, UK. When we move from London to Manchester, we thought of not to take the same direction home, because in London we live in North facing home, we disturbed in that home, nightmare faced many tortures. In Manchester, we blindly bought the southeast home and endured all favors, blessings in this Southeast facing home. Having extraordinary pleasures and great benefits from this home, we decided not to move further to any other place. But for our work again we moved to Bristol in the year 2015. This is East facing home. Everything progressively deteriorated, felt all uneasy, life is very unpleasant, always facing troubles, tension, quarrels etc. This is our history. After reading your articles, I understood many things. Before buying the home, we should check the surroundings support, measurements, slanting structures, main entrance door placement etc. Today is Sunday for us, the entire day, we kept for vastu analyzation of all of our previous homes and this home. Later we understand that Southeast facing home has the benefits which you covered in this page like skewed principles and measurement techniques. Thank you so much for informing such secrets without expecting any monetary benefits from viewers. Anyway, finally, we understood that proper vastu consultation is required before buying the home. Unfortunately, we did not get experts here in UK. Would like to meet you when you are in UK. best regards Nandan
Ans: We also informed in our website that, most of the residents terrorized after hearing Southeast facing direction house. All homes are not giving such a bad or cruel punishments. If vastu of the house is good, then everything will become good. Our idea is please back to the same Southeast direction home. For your surprise, we given many recommendations to buy for SE homes in USA and even in UK too. We never get any complaints from the residents.
Shashank From Australia Experience With Southeast Home
4. Hi Suresh, I am Shashank, one of my friend Mr. Madhav from Perth given your contact. We heard that you are visiting Perth, Australia in the month of April, let us know when are you visiting Australia and how to contact you further, it's almost four and half hours air travel time from Perth to Brisbane, two hours time gap, our's is AEST and Perth is AWST. Please inform your charges for visiting our home in Brisbane. Coming with our current home it's Southeast facing. Previously, we lived in West facing home and moved to this nearby community where most of Indians reside. We bought this Southeast facing home in the year 2014, everything went well up to 2016 December. After installing a swimming pool at the backyard, then things move worst. Before creating this pool, we are very happy and all did wonderful, only after this pool creation at backyard our position starts downfall. Do we need to close this pool or is there any remedial techniques to solve.
Ans: We should not plan the Swimming pool at the backyard when the home is SE facing. Will check this property if we visit Australia.
Questions And Answers On Southeast Direction:
This section had many questions on Southeast homes. We provided answers to many questions. If you have any qustions please do send, we will send answers.
1. Having water wells, water lakes, ponds, rivers, stream at Southeast direction is good?
Ans: No, water wells at Southeast is not recommended.
2. Can we plant Trees at Southeast direction?
Ans: Yes. Residents can plant trees at Southeast direction
3. Apartments or Buildings in the Southeast direction perform any harm?
Ans: No and Yes. Based on many other neighborhood effects these may give both good or bad results. Most of the cases, these structures may not be giving proficient results.
4. Hillocks or mountains at Southeast direction are good?
Ans: Please read Question number 3. Our answer is NO.
5. Planning to purchase one "Southeast facing" site, opposite side there are many open empty places, is this good?
Ans: No, not good to buy at this moment. Better to wait for some period or get proper vastu guidance before buying this SE plot.
6. We saw huge water tank opposite to our plot, (big storage tank on 8 pillars), is it good?
Ans: Gap in between pillars under this water tank then it is not at all a problem, if it is all covered with walls in this pillars, then it is not auspicious.
7. Can we construct car shed or car garage, can we keep vehicles for parking,?
Ans: No problem.
8. Having electricity transformers or electricity power polls are good?
Ans: Accepted.
9. Having water storage sump at Southeast corner is good or bad?
Ans: Not good.
10. Can we plan for basement at Southeast direction?
Ans: Not recommended.
11. Can we plan septic tank at Southeast direction?
Ans: OK, but it should not touch the South wall. Read guidelines from septic tank vastu
12. Having an entrance gate or entry door or window is harm to us?
Ans: Window is not at all a problem. Southeast-south door is accepted. Remaining Southeast and eastern Southeast doors are not good.
13. Can we have a home office at this direction?
Ans: OK. One should be careful, because this direction should not be extended, better to get fair guidance from experts.
14. Can we keep pooja room at Southeast?
Ans: Given very good information on puja placements in this vastu pooja room link.
15. Can we have a garden?
Ans: Sure, but it should not be bigger one. Average size garden is not a problem.
16. Having sewage line at Southeast direction makes any harm to us?
Ans: No problem.
17. Can we construct stocks room or storeroom at this location is good?
Ans: For commercial usage, there are many guidelines, but for home purpose, not a problem.
18. Southeast toilet is good?
Ans: Good, but the toilet sould not touch the East wall if this home has boundary wall.
19. Can we construct porticos?
Ans: Accepted for some style of structures. Portico at SSE is OK, but not good for ESE and SE.
20. Master bedroom at South east is good?
Ans: Don't plan master bedroom at Southeast, this is not at all good placement. Master bedroom at Southeast makes sleepless nights.
21. Having water fountain at Southeast creates any damages?
Ans: Not a big deal. But the floor level of this fountain area should not be below than the Northeast corner floor level.
22. Can we plan elevator/lift?
Ans: Yes. Read lift vastu link for more ideas.
23. Having an external or internal steps/staircase is acceptable?
Ans: Accepted.
24. Using treadmill at Southeast location is acceptable?
Ans: Yes.
25. Keeping rocks in this direction is good?
Ans: Not heavy rocks, then acceptable.
26. Is balcony at south east direction generates any difficulty?
Ans: Balcony for SSE is acceptable, for both ESE and SE not acceptable.
27. Pergola or cabana is acceptable?
Ans: Based on usage, then only it has to be decided. For less usage, then residents can have them.
28. Can we have kitchen at South east direction?
Ans: 100% perfect placement for the kitchen in Southeast. Southeast is the best location for Kitchen.
29. Our Southeast floor level is elevated / road height, is this good feature?
Ans: Southeast floor level should not be elevated than the southwest floor level. But it can be elevated than the Northeast floor level. Road height, regarding 6 inches is not a problem, but more than that some issues has to be faced.
30. Lower levels, depression or lower roads, is this attribute is tolerable?
Ans: No, not good
31. Keepting furniture, sofa sets is bad or good?
Ans: Can use furniture. But check how much time the owner is using this area. Using more time is not recommended.
32. Is labor quarters or servant maid room is good?
Ans: Good
33. Southeast street focus is good, can we buy SE street focus home?
Ans: There are total three street focuses found in this direction. Eastern Southeast Street Focus this is not good. Southeast Street Focus this is very dangerous. Southern Southeast Street focus this is acceptable. Residents should get proper vastu advice from experts if a home has street focus. Don't compromise.
34. Can we keep the computer table?
Ans: Yes.
35. Planning Lanai is good idea?
Ans: Southern Southeast is OK. But for Southeast and Eastern southeast is not acceptable.
36. Is Breezeway is acceptable?
Ans: Southeast breezeway is 100% wrong. Eastern Southeast breezeway is dangerous. Southern Southeast breezeway is acceptable.
37. We found truncation/cut at SE is OK?
Ans: It's OK.
38. Can we extend Southeast in our home?
Ans: Exact SE extension is very dangerous.
39. Is Southeast facing home is good for rent?
Ans: If vastu of that house is good, then one can enter into the rental agreement. Before entering into rental agreement, one should read the content in this page, carefully.
40. Can we close the Southeast with any construction?
Ans: Don't do that. If is required compulsory, then the structure should not touch the East boundary wall.
41. Can we have platforms to sit at SE?
Ans: SSE is acceptable, but the platform floor level should not be elevated than the floor level which is inside home.
42. Exact "Southeast" gate is good?
Ans: Very BAD.
43. Can we construct the house right away at Southeast?
Ans: NO, this leads to multiple ailments.
44. Southeast swimming pool is good?
Ans: No.
45 Can we construct cattle shed at Southeast?
Ans: Sure, but the wall of the cattle shed should not touch the East boundary wall.
46. What color generally used for Southeast?
Ans: Silver White.
47. Who can use this direction in our home?
Ans: Unmarried Second son.
48. What are best usages of Southeast direction?
Ans: Kitchen, second son bedroom, guest bedroom, cowshed, toilets, lift or elevator, staircase, living room (if the home is South facing), garage or car parking.
49. Some experts opinioned that all Southeast homes are bad, is it?
Ans: No, not at all, only some SE houses are bad, some are good, need to evaluate everything firmly before buying the SE property.
50. Where should we plan the kitchen?
Ans: Generally, Southeast is the best option for the kitchen. The second option is the Northwest.
50. Who is the God for Southeast direction?
Ans: Agni Dev.
50. What is the Means of travel (vehicle or mount of Agnidev) of Southeast direction?
Ans: Rabbit.
51. Where should we plan bed, cot and master bedroom?
Ans: Master bedroom should be only at Southwest. Head has to be kept at South direction while sleeping and legs will come to North direction. For inclined properties. Find the Southwest or Southwest of West and design the bedroom there. For exact Southeast facing homes, arranging the bed, cot is not easy task.
52. Having conservatory at Southeast is acceptable?
Ans: Conservatory is best suitable for East direction for SE corner homes. Make sure that the floor level may be lower than the Southwest and West directions in the home. Glasshouse at east direction brings more pleasantness and positive vibrations and particularly residents will get vitamin D. Daily morning spending some time at conservatory is beneficial.
53. Is Southeast Facing Good For Work?
Ans: While working at your office, and facing exactly towards Southeast i.e., 135°, then generally, it may create some tensions. If there is no more open space in front, then they may not suffer as what we taught here. So the open space is also considered in getting results.
Planetary God Of Southeast:
Southeast is related to Venus/Sukra.
Planetary God: Sukra
Direction: South East
Ruling Day: Friday
Color: Silver White
Metal: Platinum, Silver
Gemstone: Diamond
Vehicle or Mount: Rabbit
Grain: Mochai
Flower: White Lotus
Food: Rice mixed with Mochai
Mula Mantra: Aum Shuk Shukraye Namah
Dhyan Mantra: Himkunda Mrinalabham Daetyanam Paramam Gurum, Sarva Shastra Pravaktaram Bhargavam Pranmamyaham.
Planet Shukra And Importance
Venus is an indicator of spouse, marriage, love, luxury, comfort, Prosperity, Beauty, all conveyances, happiness, dance music art, passion, acting, and sex. Shukra endows people with the ability to control their sense organs (Indriyas) and enables to acquire a good name and fame. On the other way of disasters of Venus may begin eye diseases, venereal ailments, pimples, indigestion, impotence, loss of appetite and rashes on the skin.
Who Is The Presiding Deity Of Southeast
Agni is the presiding deity of Southeast direction. Agni is highly pure. It also purifies whatever is put inside or whatever Agni comes across. It also has the energy for the destruction of all things. The Agni Bhagawan is the Lord of Southeast direction and he is the most powerful. He gets Anger very easily and gives good or bad results within a short span of time.
Residents of the Southeastern part of the villages or towns tend to be backward economically and physically than the inhabitants of other blocks or houses and generally suffer from Ill health and sufferings in kind of financially and socially.
Is This Southern Southeast Door Good:
Not withstanding the fact that the Southeastern block belongs to an inferior grade of sites, it has the potential to offer the best advantages of other blocks, provided it is rectified and the house is erected, as per the tenets of Vastu.
When the Southeastern block consists of many houses, the eastern part of the site will become exiguous. We never condemn that the eastern Northeast door is bad. If there is no ENE door, then one may have to fix one Northeast-east door.
Some experts stated that must to have Doors and gates towards Southern Southeast, even though there may be beside the doors and gates towards East direction. The doors and gates in Southern Southeast should be used frequently for all movements.
Hence one must be very cautious while undertaking construction in a southeastern block, in order to reap the good extract results. Observe this image for better understanding.
Please note that this image is only for your understanding purpose, it doesn't mean that East of Northeast doors are bad. Please remind the same while viewing this image.
When residents experience some bad results in Southeast block then generally, they try to get some recommendations to get rid of their problems. Most of them came to vastu consultants and looking for solutions and remedies.
Some vastu experts suggesting residents to have Southern Southeast door, we tried in some places but did not get expected results. Further, in our enquiries, we did not get sufficient satisfied replies when residents changed their doors from northeast-east to southeast-south. Please note that don't close the Eastern Northeast door, if in case, opened a new gate at southern Southeast.
Can We Buy Southeast Homes Without Vastu Consultancy:
We are very clear to say that when residents looking to buy either southeast facing homes or southeast block homes, without proper vastu consultancy don't buy. This is our sincere suggestion to all of the residents. If some parsimonious residents need to save consultancy charges if so they should follow this small procedure. Check the cost of the property, then ready to pay only 0.5% cost for the consultancy, if all is well going then you can save a 99.5% cost. Otherwise reverse is possible. Like saving 0.5% consultancy cost and losing 99.5% house cost. Wishing you all the best
Subramanyam Investigation on Southeast Homes.
Respected Sir, there is a misconception of buying all Southeast facing homes are very bad. After reading your articles, I found several Southeast homes in which the residents are certainly doing well in those homes. Your services to society is truly great. Your statements provided in this link were indeed extraordinary research points. I exclusively enjoying this content posted in this link with precise accurate images. While in my research I found some Southeast facing homes and Southeast blocks. As per your recital description with regard to advantages and disadvantages on SE, I found them exactly where the inhabitants are suffering with. You are so great and your researches, postings, images are totally tallied with my investigation. I clearly came to the decision that, SE facing homes more than 75% of homes are perfectly safe to the residents. Only 25% which does not have skewed principles are made the inhabitants panic. Further, I sharply assume why many residents never showed their homes with honest and genuine vastu experts before buying the homes. Most of them misers and finally losing homes even to save a small consultancy fee. Badluck is next to their back. They know they are not doing right, but their destiny never accepts to get proper guidance from experts. Very pity. Subramanyam - Bangalore city.
Hi sir, this topic on vastu gives me more knowledge for how to buy plots. Thanks for your help - Shaik Mahammad - Vijayawada.
Is This Home Is East Facing Or Southeast Facing Home In Quthbullapur
Just remembered one incidence in Hyderabad, one Ram a software professional asks us to visit one house at Quthbullapur in Hyderabad, he required to buy one East facing property that house compound wall towards Northwest is touching the property of the other, the cost of the house is 1.5 crore rupees. He requested for the visit to sought interpretation on this compound wall touching towards Northwest. When we visited, first we observed the area, generally, 1.5 crore rupees house in Quthbullapur means we thought we heard the wrong location, but the area is correct, we crossed many internal roads to reach that house.
After reaching the home first we checked the compass, we found the directions of that house shows 130° inclination, for the double confirmation we seen inside and outside for the changes, but its exactly showing 130°. It's a skewed southeast house. Before reaching the house he confirmed that house as East facing only, he astounds about the directions. His father confused and dumbfounded.
No words come out from their mouth. The fact is that we are second in providing Vastu consultancy for that property. They already had one Vastu consultancy and did not satisfy, fortunate thing is that the 1st Vastu pandit did not find the directions with a compass, he took data from Ram only.
What is surprising is the Vastu consultant whom they approached simply accepted the version of the buyer without verifying, this is hugely unprofessional. It is not everybody cup of tea to say that the plot is east, Southeast or Southwest or any other direction.
A Vastu consultant who does not even verify the directions cannot be relied upon. This is the tragedy of so-called Vastu consultant and ignorant masses.
One cause for this is the people's emphasis on getting cheap Vastu advice if not free even.
I am about to buy a plot, east facing, 3 - 5 degrees towards south-east. Can I buy it - Srinivas Panda - Bengaluru.
3 to 5 degrees is not a problem. You can buy it. Please get advice from one expert before buying it.
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents
Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
Delayed Marriages
Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".
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Inspirational Quotations
"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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I have a plot having 37 ft wide and 27 ft depth with south and east face road. Pls send a plan as per vastu
I am looking for new property in resale to be bought.
I have seen the flat which is Southeast Door Opening.
Please suggest to proceed.
What is the effect for this house? How to nullify the bad effects (if any )