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Vastu - (Bastu) - Techniques Of Indian Ancient Traditional System Of Dwelling and Resulting with Harmony - SubhaVaastu.com
In the modern era this dwelling system has elaborately spread its branches worldwide. Now, most of the residents interested to show their properties only with famous vastu consultants or evaluate their house vastu as per Vastu Shastra. To speak the truth, this traditional dwelling system "Vastu" has emerged to make the life of humankind most fruitful, with the help of five elements, i.e., Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Sky. We are providing some set of guidelines and rules.
Through the civilized man has no mind to peep into its utilitarian aspect, throughout the ages, it came along with the motive to make the human living, a better place of peace and Prosperity.
The previous ancient science "Vastu" has been updated for the present generation. Nothing emerged in this universe, until today or will emerge without or other than these Five Elements those are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Sky. Among them the first three are more essential to make good heaven, if they are disordered it will become hell.
Are You Looking For Good Results From Vastu Then Follow These Simple Techniques:
Show your interesting plot with one of the best experts, he will guide you to the right site or suitable plot for your happy future.
After getting his guidance, then show your house plan and take his recommendations on changes.
Start house construction in his guidance only. Don't deviate to other consultants in the meantime.
Follow only one specialist guidance, don't approach two or three experts. This may spoil the entire thought.
The expert pandit can only able to select the right plot as per Vasthu. Don't go for charlatans for your Vastu requirements.
Some residents wrongly selecting the Plots, Flat, house, Factory, property with having minimum knowledge on "Vastu". Later they suffer from heavy trouble and searching for Vastu experts. In this process, they lost a lot of money, peace, time, and effort.
The observations and corrections made were noted and concluded only after in-depth examination and screening of the situations. We should not give any opportunity to fate to become a fool, be a leader before your friends and relatives, only the expert can able to make your smiles in your life.
If we calculate the expert's fee it will become "below" one percent of entire properties. Then why should we count that BELOW one percent? Be a great personality, life is too short, utilize each and every minute with all right decisions.
Our birth purpose is not to stand as bizarre before our neighbors nor relatives or friends.
Vastu Experience:
One Karthika (Saree seller) from Hyderabad city having full of saree stocks, very valuable stuff. Her husband is running a bar and restaurant. They planned to construct one dream home. They purchased 1/4 of acre of land in Hyderabad city and constructed a beautiful palace.
Before constructing their palace, the husband requested Karthika better to approach one expert consultant to show their land for good recommendations. He instigated her to invite one vastu expert from Delhi or best vastu consultant in Mumbai.
She opposed his thought and searched for many consultants and finally called one pandit who asked only Rs.516/-. Later that pandit visited the property and recommended one yantra for the main door (Which costs about Rs.21,116/-) and one ritual coconut to hang in living room which costs about Rs.3,116/-, one crystal Shree Yantra which costs about Rs.10,116/-, Dosh Nivaran Yantra costs about Rs.9,999/-, Nara Drishti yantra which costs about Rs.5,116/-, the poor lady saw only his fee of Rs.516/- and accepted all of his yantra recommendations.
He gave one plan for their dream house which costs only Rs.999/-. Construction completed and the poor couple joined into their dream project with many new hopes.
Believe it or not to believe within a very shortest period, they are looking for rice and domestic items from her brother for daily life. This couple lost everything. Yes, everything.
She stopped running Saree business and her husband is not attending restaurant regularly and hiding from the creditors. Previously this family was operated money lending business, their position reached to below average after joining into the house.
No yantra worked, they are all commercial yantras which never works, but his fee is only 516 Indian rupees.
Afterward only he revealed the info and stated that without these yantras they never come up in their businesses. if they never buy yantras, they lost everything.
Is he a genuine consultant. Please note that genuine consultants' activities are purely different. They never wrong guide residents, nobody in this world can give a guarantee on their work coming with "vastu". But experts feel shame when their clients failed after doing suggested corrections. Experts never compromise on the work, they always struggle for their client's prosperity.
Here Smt. Karthika seeon only 516 rupees, finally what they lost, calculate their yantras money, their future, sleepless nights, businesses, money, particularly reputation and peace. Think twice before dealing with cheaper prices. Quality never comes with cheap payments. Don't expect 100% results with 0.001% payments.
Here Is Smt. Karthika Plot And Pandit Recommendations
There is a street focus to this plot from southern-southeast, the Vastu Pandit thought that this street focus is good as it is hitting to the plot on Southeast-south corner, but this street has started from almost Southwest corner. If one street is hitting from southwest part to any property, then the resident's position will be gradually downwards, they have to bare all pains with or without known mistakes.
Some people thought that a street is hitting the property only at Southwest is called Southwest street thrust, but this opinion is wrong, read more elaborated articles on Street Focus here. Now that pandit recommendations for this House Plan are as under :
Observe the pandit recommendations to this plot. The sump is the exactly Northeast corner of the house, (sump is not recommended to the entire compound premises). The gate is exactly towards Northeast of this house location. He thought that it becomes like Northeast-north street focus to the house. Is this right? finally, Crorepathis turned to Bikshadipathis. Why this happens, who caused for this mistake or fault. Who is responsible for this great mistake. By seeing 516 rupees anybody may face sleepless nights.
Why residents have taken the decision to shown their property to one half knowledge pandit, it may be a reason that they were live in an erratic constructed property before starting this new venture. Otherwise how it is possible. The entire project costs about 4.5 crores. Shall we call it as a negligence or mistake or fate?
Wrong Suggestions Recommended By That Bum:
While calculating the sump, gate we should consider the entire premises/compound. Not the home placement.
Here the pandit thought, the sump is towards the Northeast corner to the house only. But is it totally wrong method, sump should always at the Northeast corner of the entire premises, not the Northeast corner of our living area. He thought sump towards home Northeast is also considered. Due to this wrong placement, residents experienced disastrous situations.
The pandit planned the main gate towards the northeast-north direction of the home, but here, the main gate went to northwest-north which makes the residents more financially weak.
All his recommendations are worthless and against to the nature principles.
Corrections To That Property:
The sump has been moved towards the Northeast quadrant of the entire plot. The present sump has been closed and covered with soil.
The main entrance has been shifted from Northern Northwest to Northern Northeast.of the entire plot. The NNW gate also closed with the wall.
Regarding street focus, constructed one commercial big shop and the main entrance of the shop is towards the South. After this shop construction, the street focus does not fall on this main home.
Money is important for living, but health is more than that. (This matter comes from www.subhavaastu.com) Vaasthu addresses every sphere of your general well being starting from health, to relationships and most importantly finance.
Any person experiencing obstacles in financial situations should confirm if their home is constructed according to the principles to ensure an unhindered financial flow. This subject primarily focuses on the directions East, West, North and South and sub-directions like northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. Each of these directions is governed by any one of Five Elements, that is fire, water, air, earth and space which form the basis of ancient traditional science.
For every property, we should check all directions, land elevations, surroundings, construction style, the strength of the construction, property age, load bearing, placement of doors, windows, lofts etc.
While in selecting properties we have to evaluate the things with the principles. Directions, conducive to financial prosperity are the North and Northeast directions.
The North direction is ruled by the lord of Wealth, Kuber and the North-east direction is governed by the element water, which is regarded as an indication of a person’s financial status according to Vastu.
Other directions should also be checked to ensure that they are in proper order to avoid any negative influence related to finances and which needs to grow in businesses. Since north is the direction of Lord, Kuber, a blockage in this direction, would imply obstacles in the flow of wealth and prosperity into the house is blocked such direction.
Everybody wants to develop financially, if it is so this subject definitely helps them. North or Northeast is especially good for ensuring financial gains.
Where to stand and check the property:
How to check a property to know about vastu compliance. First, stand outside of the property and check the entire property. Later enter into the inside and observe the construction, structure style, age, construction standard, system, attraction, appearance, maintenance and finally feeling.
Go inside, enter into all rooms only with the permission of the residents. Observe everything in the house, go to each and every corner. One may use a compass throughout the home if they feel some inconvenience to find the directions. Need to check these below points when checking the home.
1. Doors,
2. Windows.
3. Walls
4. Flooring levels.
5. Mezzanine.
6. Water sump.
7. Septic Tank.
8. Compound walls.
9. Boundary area permissible limits and any structures.
10. Outside premises of the home.
11. Guest House.
12. Swimming Pool.
13. Cellars.
14. First floor.
15. Second floor.
16. Dais.
17. Trees and their positions.
18. Lawns.
19. Measurements in between all walls.
20. Sitting positions.
21. Sleeping Positions.
Further, we have to inquire about their business or office or factory etc. This is the only sample information, practically if we followed with one specialist, then what exactly he is observing the property, what exactly he found the difference in that property. Many new things will come out if following an expert.
This science is a powerful instrument which guides us to have a peaceful leading life when it was implemented in our construction premises. This is an Indian traditional science of construction system. This science is useful for all human beings irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nation, male or female, children or elders, students, employees, businessmen, factory owners or any constructive premises.
The classical literature on this ancient science is vast and scattered. If we carefully followed in each and every aspect of the construction portion and all of our structures, bring not only just prosperity into the household but also getting eternal peace, joy, love, happiness, bliss.
This is directed at harmonizing external space with the internal space within man. This aims to restore the balance between the home that is the microcosm and the cosmos that is the macrocosm, bringing health, happiness, and wealth.
Generally, Vaastu applied buildings have harmonious energies. They promote stability, prosperity, happiness, and mental peace to the residents, it can also be called an ancient mystic science for designing and building. Vastu helps us to make our lives better and also secure us from things going wrong in the future.
We are regularly updating this website with many tips for wealth and happiness. Vastu is directional science that combines all the Nature five Elements and balances them with our structures and nature, man and material.
It creates an agreeable atmosphere to live or work, by taking advantage of the benefits bestowed by the Panchabhoothas of nature. The Panchabuthas means the five basic and essential elements of nature (Natural Powers) Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Jal (Water), Bhoomi (Earth) and Akash (Space).
Almost and everything on earth is built from these elements, Phanchabuthas. Vastu is also based on various natural energies, which are available freely in the atmosphere like (Energies from Nature) :
Solar Energy from Sun
Earth Energy (Bhumi Shakthi)
Electric Energy
Thermal Energy
Light Energy
Lunar Energy from Moon
Sky Energy
Magnetic Energy
Wind Energy
Cosmic Energy
If we utilize such energies blesses us with great pleasures, peace, money, and prosperity, happiness, satisfaction in our life.
The olden traditional principles say that the positions of the rooms in property has to be placed like this, but nowadays nobody is interested in these past principles, anyway, we have to reveal those principles:
The positions occupied by the gods in Purusha Mandala, some guidelines are given for zoning of site and distribution or position of rooms in the House. Some of these are:
Northeast - Prayer room (Has to enter each member of the home)
East - Bathroom (Generally for Children)
Southeast - Kitchen (For ladies of the family)
South - Bedroom (Elder of the family)
Southwest - Armory (More weights, used or not used items kept place)
West - Dining Room (Sitting and eating place)
Northwest - Cowshed (Cows and other animals)
North - Treasury (Money safe or Cash box)
Vastu and Relationships :
Relation, sometimes it is good and sometimes it is very hard to hear this word also. In olden days our elders have more relatives, whether they are closure blood relations or long distance relations, nowadays we can't dare to maintain relations because of speed lifestyle. It is our fate.
The relationship is one of the most important aspects of a person's life. When people have fulfilling relationships in their life, they are mentally balanced, (content is from www.subhavaastu.com) have more focus and concentration on their lifestyle, perform better at their workplace and lead happier lives. Good relationships are a source of guidance and comfort during troubled times.
This science works a good role in maintaining the relationship. Our Indian ancient science of architecture which lays down rules for better relationships, through proper construction of homes and offices or other constructions, but extends to the construction of cities, countries and even the planet.
The word “Vastu” means “dwelling” and “Shastra” means "rules", hence vastu shastra is a set of rules that tell us how to construct our dwelling places in order to positively harness energies from the five elements of nature. The purpose of this subject is to enable man to live in harmony with the environment and with a beautiful family and the structure of their dream.
A home is not a just a house to live. It is an extension of our mental space and reflection of our personality. Just as our aesthetic taste influences its design, decor and maintenance, similarly it too influences our moods, thoughts, bio-energy, behavior, personal and social life, recognition, professional success, in fact, each part of our life is deeply intertwined with our home.
The science of Vastu helps convert the cosmic energies into material benefits for the residents of the Vaastu based home.
It helps us to live in harmony with nature. It converts living spaces in a particular order that sets an equation between cosmic energies and the people living in the building to ensure physical, spiritual and material well being.
It creates a rhythm and balance in the building to ensure a qualitatively better life for the residents. (This matter from www.subhavaastu.com) Vastu can be adapted to any constructions or places of their own to be constructed.
The balancing for the Panchaboothas or five elements of nature done by the proper placement of furniture, water bodies, electrical and electronic gadgets, locating doors etc, with the aid of Vaastu, helps in the flow of cosmic energies in a regulated manner. (article is from www.subhavaastu.com)
This leads to the happiness of the people. The science of vastu re-defines your life and gives you health, happiness and prosperity, finally harmony in life.
By applying the ancient science of vastu to our lives, we can create a healthy environment with harmonious living and working conditions. Vaastu is a timeless and universal system, relevant to all people at all times.
The principles of this science is applicable to any sized place or space and can be used on any scale, even for town planning also. When we establish a home, be it a palatial residence or a one room, we are creating an individual universe, a place where we can feel safe and relaxed.
Ancient sages of India laid down several principles for constructing buildings taking advantage of nature, the Panchabhoothas. Gravitational and magnetic effects and rotational influences of sun, moon, earth and other planets on the life in the earth with a view to bringing balance and harmony between man, nature and his buildings and thereby ensuring peace, prosperity, and happiness. These principles, called vastu, were evolved over thousands of years out of experience and foresight of ancient sages of India and are very valuable for the well being of mankind.
According to Shastras, if we worship, revere and respect the lords of these directions, they will shower on us their blessings and benefits.
Nature is always great. It protects us if we protect nature. Panchabhutas or Panchaboothas or Five Elements are almost treated as Heavenly Elements in Hindu mythology.
Whether it is true or not we are getting so many benefits from nature or Panchaboothas. Vedic science Vastu is based and working on these Panchaboothas or five elements.
This image is only for your understanding purpose. Here you may observe the Panchaboothas. According to the Yogashastra, the universe is composed of two substances. One is: Akash and another one is: Prana. Everything which has a form or is the results of a combination evolves out of the Akash.
It is the Akash that becomes the air, liquids, solids, the human body, animals, plants, etc. Everything we can touch, all the forms we see, everything that exists can be sourced to the Akash. It is so subtle that we cannot perceive it, for it is only visible once it has taken form.
The power by which it is transformed into the universe is Prana. Everything we call energy or force evolves out of prana.
In all forms of life, from the highest to the lowest, the prana is present as a living force. All the forces are based on prana, this is the physical action, movement, magnetism, gravity, the nerve currents and the force of thought.
The existence of cosmic energy in a human body is the amalgamation of these five elements with the five pranas.
What is Prana: In Taitariya Upanishad it is said that the whole existence is based on Prana, is part of the prana and it ends in prana.
Prana belongs to one of the five elements of maha panchaboothas or panch maha boothas, i.e., Vayu, it exists in the human body in five more types..Prana, Apana, Vyan, Udan and Saman.
These five are correlated with five basic elements., Akash (Universe), Vayu (Air), Tej (Agni), Udak (Water) and Prithvi (Earch).
The home, the vastu which serves as a shield for the human body, is taken care of by this on the same basic logic that applies to panch-pranas and the five basic elements, basic rules and regulations in Shiv swarodaya shastra to preserve and enlighten the Godliness in the human body are applicable.
The science of yoga maintains a correlation between existence, reality, and truth by the effective flow of panch-prana
Framed rules were beneficially applied, attempt to maintain balance with cosmic reality, to illuminate intelligence and to attain peace by following perfect directions, perfect magnetic flux and perfect correlation of the basic five elements.
Five elements have an unaccountable value. It is the main source and all are based on this principle.
The nature is balanced from it and we are converting the nature principles to our residences or other properties, then the cosmic power or energy will positively flow. So many scholars are still researching on this subject and its influence on Human beings.
Mystic secret is a super science that systematically attempts to provide guidelines for constructing houses those are environment friendly, the dwellings which are free of destructive radiation and the structures with internal atmosphere in harmony with cosmic forces and conducive to friction less flow of prana through sukshma nadis (minute nerves) and chakras (Prana chakras). This image is states that the same cosmic energy flows onto the houses, positive power to one house and negative power to another house.
This image is only for your understanding purpose. Cosmic energies are all around the universe, constructions are according to the principles then cosmic power bless the property, if construction is against the principles, then it may be punished.
Residents calculate the neighborhood effects before buying a home plot or construction work started. If the neighbourhood is according to the principles then residents will be blessed and their work will go smooth without any obstacles.
After joining also they smell positiveness in their properties. It may be due to the cosmic energy.
Dikchakra - Dikpalak :
Observe the below dikchakra in directional jurisdiction. Some body in some areas or some territories are following some methods for pointing the directions. The below are some of them.
This ancient art and science containing principles and practices of constructing buildings which ensures a harmonious balance between man and nature and thereby bring all round happiness, health, wealth and prosperity.
Ancient sages of India laid down several principles for constructing buildings taking advantage of the nature, the pancha bhootas namely Earth, Moon, Air, Fire and Water.
Gravitational and magnetic effects and rotational influences of Sun, Moon, Earth and other planets on the life in Earth with a view to bring balance and harmony between man, nature and his buildings and thereby ensuring peace, prosperity and happiness.
Ancients illustrated the activities of cosmic forces with diagrams and symbols.
The square represents a land. It illustrates the four cardinal point namely East, West , North, South and their conjunctions namely north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west. Orientation and space direction are two vital aspects. The square is the ideal shape for a home, as the energy field present in the square structure is the most balanced and beneficial. However, it is recognized that very few structures fit this ideal prototype, yet the square diagram is still used to overlay any shaped structure to map how space directions are affecting the building.
Here the directions and conjunctions are being placed into some parts in the square.
These powers (directions) have their own territory and jurisdiction.
So the entire part of our premises is too important and should be constructed according to the principles.
If so the five elements are blessed the construction and residents enjoyed their life in these constructions.
Many examples could be cited to show, if followed in constructing one’s house, office or business place, one could be happy and prosperous.
A question arises, can any one achieve everything in life by living in a house built according to the principles, the answer is partially, Yes.
One may achieve health and happiness, their children grow up in life and education, succeed in getting a good promotion if residents are in service. Getting good money if he is in business, attain power and position if he is in politics. Finally, one will be satisfied with his construction of vastu principles.
In this image dikchakra, the directions and conjunctions are being shown with lines and marks. Now we learn about the parts of which shared to directions and conjunctions. The below image will show approximate of that situation. We shown with some colours for better understand. In this image the directions and conjunctions are being placed into some parts in the circle. These powers ( directions ) have their own territory and jurisdiction.
In this Dikpalak chakra image the places of lords are being shown with their names and their territory and jurisdiction. Several scholars have expressed their own ideas on this charts. Out of that, some important are being populated and placed here. If we take the northeast corner, lord shiva occupied that corner, Lord Shiva also named as Eswar, somebody says that it later turns to Esa, Eshan, Ishan like that. So for each and every word has it's one history, facts will come out if we do some researches.
Below chart is Lords, attribute and embodiment.
God | Direction | Attribute | Embodiment | Placements |
Brahma | Center part | Creator | Balance & Creativity | Central Room, Living Room, Hall, Sit out etc. |
Indra | East | Renewal & Rebirth | Fertility Wealth and Children | Children Bedroom, Dining Room, Bathroom without toilet etc |
Agni | Southeast | Potent internal energy | health | Kitchen, Fireplace, electric equipment, staircase etc |
Yama | South | Law and Justice | Life and Death | Bedroom, Bathroom with elevated flooring, Storage, staircase |
Nirruthi | Southwest | Nocturnal Deity | Fame Income Longevity | Bedroom, Officer Cabin, Storage, Heavy vehicle parking. |
Varuna | West | God of rain | Fate | Bedroom, Living room, son's bedroom, staircase, dining room |
Vayu | Northwest | Lord of Wind | Social Life & Business, Moving readied stocks | Dining room, guest room, kitchen, bathroom, girls bedroom |
Kubera | North | Lord of Precious Stones and Money | Wealth Career | Study, Library, Dressing Room, Placement of Money |
Shiv | North-east | Immortal Elixir | Knowledge | Pooja room, Meditation room, Passage doors, living room, family room etc. |
200 Vastu Shastra Questions
- What is the importance of eight directions?
- Can we buy the home if it has Southeast-east street focus?
- According to Horoscope which facing house is good to buy?
- How many states in India, what is the specialty of each state?
- What is Palmistry, may I know more information on Palmistry?
- What happens if I place my head towards North direction side?
- We are looking to go abroad, is this science helps to move foreign?
Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents
Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
Delayed Marriages
Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".
Vastu Questions
A comprehensive range of Vastu queries have been addressed here.100 Vastu Questions & Answers
Free Vastu Services
Who are eligible for Free Vastu Services, check this page.
Inspirational Quotations
"True strength shines brightest when we remain calm and stand firm on our own, regardless of the circumstances" — Swami Vivekananda
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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