We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Free Vastu Services to the Entire World from SubhaVaastu.com Website:

Since inception, our services have been ABSOLUTELY free to Indian Armed Forces personnel, government buildings, and freedom fighters. Please inform our website with those in need.

Free Vastu Consultancy Services to Our Heroes

Free online Vastu shastra services1. Personnel of the Armed forces (Air Force, Navy, and Army, BSF, ITBP, Coast Guards, etc) right from 1992 we are offering our free Vastu online consultancy services to this personnel. Kindly visit this link Services to Indian Army and proceed for further guidance. We are also planning to publish comments received from various beneficiaries while protecting their identity at all times you may be assured that at no stage we disclose the details of beneficiaries, so that nosy netizens may not be in a position to misuse the data. Thank you, Mr. Ramesh. K for sharing our posts on your Facebook page. He did a nice job by spreading our posts to his friend's circle with pamphlets and invitation letters etc. This service of Mr. Ramesh K, infact is a tribute to our services. We would greatly appreciate and thank you in advance for similar spreading among your fraternity or social circle. FREE SERVICE IS ACTIVE HERE. Please visit to know more about Vastu Shastra within this link.

We are Proud to Serve Our Indian Political Freedom Fighters.

Free Online Vastu Consultation Services2. We wish to pay our homage to the freedom fighters who braved the British Empire by offering our services freely like for Armed Forces. However much we try we cannot repay their sacrifices. They have suffered humiliation, hunger, insults, and a host of other hostilities. We salute their families who silently endured all these indignities. We wish to reiterate that our Vastu assistance is irrespective of any other assistance that they may be receiving from Government. We feel honored when we are able to be of assistance to you. Whatever services we render cannot compensate for the sacrifices that you have put in so that we may be born in a free India. FREE SERVICE IS ACTIVE HERE.

Free Vastu Services to Indian Offices

online free vastu consultancy services3. Many people are already aware that compliance with Vasthu principles either for residences or for offices goes a long way in bestowing a happy disposition to the residents. A happy disposition means a conducive atmosphere for persons to discharge their duties efficiently. In a conducive environment, any decision taken would be most appropriate thus helping the society without much fanfare. In such situations, people hugely praise the administration for addressing public grievances. A situation both the government and people desire. We have been stressing all along for certain people and categories of people and as government armed forces and freedom fighters provide consultancy absolutely free of any cost what so ever. Most people are afraid to avail Vaastu services for fear of fraudulent consultants and exorbitant Our fees is not at all exorbitant. It would be less than 0.1%of the cost of constructing our site. Notwithstanding this, all consultation to GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS ARE ABSOLUTELY FREE. At best you may incur travel and local hospitality which extremely minimal and affordable and accountable too. Where you feel even this is not practicable you can avail free online consultation. Once again we emphasize this aspect so that at least Government officials may avail themselves of these facilities FREE OF COST. FREE SERVICE IS ACTIVE HERE.

Free SMS Services to All Indian Users

Free SMS from SubhaVaastu4. When SMS services were not freely available and also not known to the majority of people in the society we started free SMS facilitation to the users/members of this website as early as 2008. The number of people who utilized this service is beyond our expectations. It runs into lacs. This has given us an excellent opportunity to be of service to the people/society. The users were very happy with such a service as during those periods each SMS costing one or two rupees. Now, most of the mobile operators giving free SMS to their users, by knowing this and people does not require web-based Free SMS, so we just closed this services. Thanks a lot for using our services.

Free Talk Time to Mobile Phones

Devotional Wallpapers5. Regularly we are announcing free Talk Time recharge to the new cellphone registered users. This does not come under free services, but with these small recharges some members may utilize to talk with their loved ones. Shortly we are introducing several new features in this website, Your feedback is most important to us. Share your knowledge, ideas, and thoughts with us. Let us know if you have any more ideas to provide more services to society. Thank you so much for your kind support.

Multiple Free Services to The Respected Residents

Devotional Wallpapers6. Occasionally we are announcing free services to the members and visitors of our website. Its very hard to maintain, but we are still announcing such services. Earlier, we provided almost more than 10 times of such services to the entire society without any conditions. The last free services were given to the entire society "without any condition" is from 1st July to 3rd July 2013 and from 24th January to 27th January 2014 and 14th August to 16th August 2015. This service is absolutely FREE to all.

Spreading Spirituality in Our Society

Devotional Wallpapers7. Rich quality God Wallpapers published on our website to encourage the public to move in a spiritual way. Nowadays movies made us irregular activities, particularly students spoiled their life by observing these movies, movies pass a message to the society like "Forcible Love", "Tension", "Terror", "Irresponsible Nature", "Lust", "Cigarette smoking", "Alcohol Drinking", "Cruelty", irresponsibility, etc. Every citizen has to maintain discipline. Then only they lead a prosperous life. Be responsible, maintain discipline, respect rules, and elders, these qualities change our life in a systematic way. The words which may not be tasty for many, in future they will definitely accept our concept. Selecting the right path provides a comfortable stay in this world. Wasting the times means, wasting the entire life. Visit Spiritual Wallpapers website.

Provided Services to Chennai Residents

free vastu consultation8. Chennai Rains: You are aware of what catastrophe that Chennai has gone through in the recent past. Huge rains in unimaginable proportion caused waterlogging for days together making life hell for the people. Because of waterlogging none could move in their cars or bikes. They were going about in boats for days together. No electricity, no telephone services, and no food either. Transporting even sick to the hospital was a problem because no ambulances could run on the roads. One can only imagine this. Pray none experiences such things in the future. The graphic description is not necessary. We provided satisfactory assistance for four months.

Free Vastu Services to Hud Hud Affected Region

Hud Hud Cyclone9. Cyclone Hud Hud hit Visakhapatnam which is Eastern command of Indian Navy and the damage was devastating. For nearly one week from 8th October 2015, the coastal areas of Visakhapatnam, Vijayanagaram, and Srikakulam districts were battered. The residents of this area had built their properties at great cost over years. Most were washed off in a day. The catastrophe was unimaginable. Even to recognize the damages it took more than a week. There was no food to eat, no electricity, no communication either, most of the areas were frowzy, streets were dirty and untidy. The sloven and musty locations created ill-smelling and causing several diseases. One can imagine the suffering these people underwent for nearly a week without these basic human requirements. (What is the limit of our patience when the phone packs off say for 5 minutes and no power for say for one hour) Now imagine the manifold suffering of these people for almost one week. Looking at the plight of the people and the magnitude of the suffering we decided to render them all support unconditionally for 3 weeks/21 days. Our services were greatly appreciated.

Important Links to Visit

Free Services to Kollam District Residents

online vastu services10. You would recall what calamity the people of Kollam District in Kerala faced in April 2016. What was a gathering of pilgrims on a festive occasion turned into a fire disaster where over a hundred people have lost their lives. Here also thereafter for nearly four months we rendered backing up to the residents of the entire Kollam District. Since our's is a service to humanity we expect that you also can help the needy people by advising them to contact SubhaVaastu when at the time of need. We are privileged to serve needy members of society. For more information please check this Kollam Fire Accident web page.

Free Services to 3 Daughters Families

vastu services online free11. There is a lot of gender bias in our society when we have a girl child. It is more awful when more than 2 daughters are successively born in a family. Many poor families are unable to seek our advice for want of the ability to pay the fee. Hence we have decided to give help to such families where there are more than two daughters successively. This is our contribution to fighting gender bias in our society. Kindly send us adequate proof of your request for free vastu consultancy services. This door is open up to 2nd October 2016 i.e., Gandhi Jayanthi, (it was extended up to Diwali due to residents requests.) we don't encourage any bias towards caste community religion or region either, for vastu science is applicable irrespective of caste, religion, region, etc. Further, you may communicate this free service information to your friends and relatives. This itself is a service to society by you. We are grateful for your co-operation in this behalf. For more information kindly check Free Vastu Services Page. This link may provides some idea on our services Vastu Reviews.

Free Vastu Services to Road Accident Victims

Road Accidents12. These days sudden deaths particularly in road accidents has become very common causing many mothers, wife's, sisters losing their breadwinner. As is common in our country women are not economically independent. They are either dependent on the father or husband or son. Consequently, they incur a great psychological shock of prosecuting life on the demise of the breadwinner. The shock is unbearable. To mitigate this situation as a first step we have decided to render free Vastu consultancy services for such category of females till the end of this month November 2016. (Somebody requested to avail of these services before 10th of December 2016, as per their request we extended free services up to 12th December 2016). This is irrespective of any other compensation these people might get from Insurance and other sources. We do hope that this would help the women in distress when they lose the breadwinner. The breadwinner may be the husband or son or brother. We pray that visitors to our website would popularize this FACILITY so that people in need are not deprived of free Vastu services.

Free Vastu Services to Hyderabad Residents

Born to Serve SubhaVaastu13. Where ever natural calamities occur we are immediately responding and announcing our free online vastu consultancy services to all affected people in that entire region. No conditions in this regard. On humanitarian grounds, we are undertaking such free services to humanity. We never check their religion, region, nationality, language, and other things what so ever for vastu is applicable to residents irrespective of these denominations. In the month of October 2016, Hyderabad has gone through a horrendous situation, unfortunately, we were away from sight and so could not respond quickly, we are sad that we could not respond at that time. Later we provided Free vastu consultancy services to Hyderabadis from 14th November 2016 to 31st December 2016.

Free Vastu Services to Sri Lanka Residents

who will give free vastu services14. Rebuild Sri Lanka: For decades the natives of Sri Lanka for fighting among themselves. It was virtually an internal Civil war. This activity drained the energy of civilians to such an extent that the country voluntarily seems to have gone backward, the internal strife caused the death of over a lac of residents. This being the case people are now slowly rebuilding their lives and at this point, we would like to remind them that at least now let their residences be nature compliant so that such horrible situations may not come up. For this, we are planning to provide suggestions to help the entire country. We shall be grateful if this service utilized by the residents of Sri Lanka. FREE SERVICES gave up to 31st December 2016, later we extend this period up to 14th of January 2017.

Free Vastu Services to Physically Handicapped People

PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED15. We have been periodically rendering free services to various sections of society. In continuation of this, we are extending this free service to differently abled members of society up to 31st December 2016. We understand that in the absence of all the organs of the body working normally such differently abled persons are disadvantaged to that extent. Even though their other mental faculties are adequately compensated this present infirmity prevents them to exploit their talent fully. This inevitably makes them yet despondent and do need assistance from society. As such we are offering our services free of cost to such members of society till the end of this year i.e., 31st December 2016, we extend services up to 14th January 2017. You will appreciate that it would not be possible to extend these free services in perpetuity. However, we are frequently opening this window as our contribution to society. Many of the times many of our website visitors are bringing the awareness of this facility among their circle of friends which helped them to avail this opportunity. We look forward to similar patronage from all of our visitors in the future also. Even if one member of society is benefited by this offer we feel greatly rewarded and elated.

Free Vastu Services to Divorce Women

Divorce Woman16. In our culture, women are highly venerated. However, generally, it is seen in each and every incident they are the ones at the receiving end. Somehow or other she is the target for all situations particularly when things are not doing well. Rather we make it that the cause of all evils is a woman only. If in this unfortunate situation, if she loses her husband or is divorced her life is hell and she bare the brunt. Where a woman has not respected everybody suffers and where they are respected and venerated every adverse situation can be overcome. Pray, we realize this soon. Helping women who are in distress is a noble cause. we from SubhaVaastu would like to help such women who are in need of help like this. Widowed women and divorcees may contact us for FREE vastu consultation till end of January 2017. With this small service, we do hope some relief is possible for such women who are in need of these services and cannot afford otherwise. Due to some reasons, enabling some more residents to utilize these services we extended services until the 13th of February 2017.

Free Vastu Services to Unemployed People

Unemployed People17. When the population grows employment opportunities diminish. It is inversely proportional to growth in population. We are all aware of this phenomenon. Several of our youth are suffering due to a lack of employment opportunities. In such a situation several highly qualified youth are often compelled to do jobs far below their potential. This is a sad situation. In a scenario like this, the fate of illiterates is pathetic. In a sense, the whole country is suffering. The parents would have made huge sacrifices in bringing up the children so that they may have a better life than themselves. Alas! what a tragedy has fallen on them! In these harsh times, their natural hopes are dashed to the ground. Fortunately, Vastu has a hopeful solution for this situation. Keeping the plight of our youth in view we at SubhaVaastu decided to help mitigate this parody. We have decided to offer FREE assistance to our youth till the end of February 2017. Later we extended up to the 8th of March, 2017.

Free Vastu Services to NRI's

how to get free vastu online services18. We are hearing of disturbing situations in some countries. It appears people of origins of other than some countries, particularly from India are being abused to the point of EXTREME distress. This can be termed as a sort of wave to which these people are subjected to. It may occur sporadically at any time also. While people, local government, and other institutions may be taking proper remedial measures, we SubhaVaastu family offer solutions to tackle such situations. Many of the technocrats went to some countries with a lot of fond feelings and profit from the opportunities available. This world has a lot of opportunities. You will observe most of the time the people that have gone to some countries in search of opportunities are from middle-class families. Life in middle-class families is virtually hand to mouth. With the fond hope that their children may have a better life than themselves, the parents resort to huge sacrifices sometimes even to the point of them denying basic needs to themselves. And all this to help the children have a better start in life. In the present scenario available in some countries as many of these hopes are belied. Barring indigenous some country people every other person particularly Indians were targeted as a usurper. This has led to a sort of fear complex among the non-natives particularly people of Indian origin. Let us assure you these are fringe elements going to any extent. Such fringe elements are seen in every land and culture including India. Sometimes this extremity takes a peak. This is what is being observed in some countries now. Nevertheless, however misplaced this feeling of insecurity is, it is still a cause of worry. Fortunately, Vastu helps you to lead a life without FEELING any fear whatsoever. When one is not conscious of the apparent situation he is bound to act more rationally and appropriately to the event and does not go hyper. Please let me know the household features to help you guide gaining your self-confidence in getting over this peak of misfortune. We from SubhaVaastu decided to help you FREE OF COST till the end of this month i.e., 31st March 2017. So that you will genuinely feel free. We are grateful for your appreciation of our effort. If residents FEEL secured in their homes they would be equally secured in the hostile environment in which they have to unfortunately operate. Thanking you. Team – SubhaVaastu.com

Free Vastu Services to Our Students

free vastu services to Students19. Most of the people in the world have but one aim in life. They expect their children to live a better life than theirs. To this extent, they sacrifice even the minimum requirements in their lives. Yet we see in the present days there are greater chances for children to go astray. Parents are thus tortured. Their agony is beyond any expression. We have seen several families struggling in this way. Because of the degeneration of society, children have got a tendency to go astray. You cannot blame them individually. Now society improves when the individual improves. You cannot have a positive society with negative constituents. While the efforts of parents are sincere and perhaps even well directed the results are quite often contradictory. Let me assure you that these situations occur because of noncompliance with the Vastu principles in their premises. Vaasthu in fact helps enhance positive forces and at the same time contain the inherent negative forces to the maximum possible extent. At times even small changes would yield unimaginable results. We at SubhaVaastu wish prosperity and happiness to you and your children. Kindly give us an opportunity to serve you in this regard at no cost to you. For the next two weeks upto 05th of May, 2017 we propose to render support in this regard. Thus you will contribute to a better society. A better society serves the Nation better, thus discharging national duty. Kindly appreciate service to society is service to God himself. This statement needs no further explanation. We are in the habit of rendering free services for various sections of the society periodically, kindly make use of this. Thanking you for looking to the prosperity of your children in the right direction.

Our Hand to Pickup the Startups in India

free vastu services to startup companies20. In India, today there is a large population and apparently not many opportunities for livelihood. Infact this is true and applicable to most of the developing economies. The country is large and the population is larger. The population of the United States which is more than twice that of our country is less than half of our population infact a third of our population or even less. In spite of the low population, they have created huge demand and supply gap and thus employment opportunities are far greater there. Come to our own environment it is a fact that the greater population means more opportunities for earning a livelihood. However constraints in the resources due to factors beyond our control have compelled us to go slow in fulfilling the needs of a huge population, thus unemployment has taken an agreed proportion. The present-day youth realizing this are finding of offering to meet the demand by alternate means. In this process, new enterprises are coming up to fulfill the needs and aspirations of the expanding population. These new entrepreneurs are full of intellect energy and dynamism perhaps their enthusiasm is far greater than the resources available to them, which they have taken as an opportunity and not disappointment. This is a welcome sign and extremely desirable considering our state of affairs. While their intellectual acumen will help them to a large extent the pitfalls in the process are far too many for them to handle perhaps these pitfalls are also unknown. There are inherently unseen forces that are contradicting the efforts of these young technocrats. We would call these contradicting forces to a large extent because of non-compliance with nature principles. Even though everybody knows that the combination of hydrogen and oxygen produces water and the technology for the same is well known how is it, that many of the new enterprises are not succeeding? The verve and enthusiasm of the youth is no doubt very high. But still, they are not hitting the mark appropriately. The reason may be not complying with the principles when this new enterprise is coming into being. Most of the youth are not aware of this consultation. Keeping this in view and looking for the prosperity of the youth and thus the country we at SubhaVaastu have decided to render assistance to such of these youth who are venturing into apparently known fields, but full of uncertainties. You may avail of our support for a period of 15 days from 23rd May 2017 to 8th June 2017. We are grateful if visitors to our Vastu Website to give appropriate publicity to this heart of ours. So that the future entrepreneurs are profited by the support, finally, youth will become prosperous and thus India too. Its what our ambition.

Complete Free Services to Agricultural Farmers

free vastu services to farmers21. We had been rendering free vastu services to various sections of society, to whom we felt compelled to reach as a gesture of our commitment to society. In continuation of this, we wish to serve the farming community as a whole. We do understand that the farming community may not be computer savvy, but in the ever-widening society of ours where knowledge is expanding in every conceivable area, we are sure the farming community is not very far off from this campaign. Somehow it appears that the farming community has not received the due attention it deserves and we have sidestepped in this regard. We had been only pampering in lofty ideas and have not gone to the ground realities, we are happy in praising them a lot, but apparently, they do not fit in our modern scheme of thought for emancipation. This is the tragedy in real terms. The farming community should be addressed genuinely. Merely sloganeering virtues is not adequate. Vasthu is not confined only to premises where structures/buildings etc are erected. It is relevant for all areas used by human beings not necessarily with habitation alone. The orientation of the plot or farmland vis a vis the regular 8 directions can greatly influence the crops and hence the prosperity of the farmer. We don’t mean to sell off portions of land not in conformity with this subject's principles. On the other hand, by skillfully parceling the crop area into distinct entities, it is possible to reduce the malevolence of the plot shape. It is usual for the farmland to be parceled as a matter of convenience. It is also relevant to see the flow of water for irrigation so that the right energy input is also available along with other inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides water, etc. Keeping all these in view we propose to render free services to farmers for a period of about 7 weeks, i.e., from 9th June to 31st July 2017. The farming community is the backbone of any Nation. When India became independent we were gifted with frequent famines in some parts of the other of the country every year. We were importing food grains. The country took the right decisions in alleviating the miseries of the farming community to a significant extent, so that farm production would increase. Infact it did happen. The farmer today is better off than what he was when the country became independent. Yet, a lot more still needs to be done. Whereas a doctor desires his son to be a doctor, a Politician wishes his children to be a politician, a farmer DOES NOT WANT HIS CHILDREN TO DEPEND ON FARMING, this is a tragic situation, it is for this reason, we are giving a large window of opportunity so that they may avail the services freely. We are sure that this section of society would amply be compensated. If the visitor is not a farmer do take the trouble of giving this information to those who may be in need of this service. This will be your tribute in improving the lot of farming community which has been neglected so long by all of us.

Moral Support to Depressed People

vastu services online free22. You would have noticed that at times people are suffering from problems that perhaps are explainable or even imaginary. Problems such as chronic deceases, unnecessary court litigation's, sudden financial onslaughts, children becoming suddenly rebellious, serious domestic discards between husband and wife or father and son or other members of the family, among daughters-in-law or the children, etc are some of the situations what we are talking about. All sections of society whether poor, middle class, rich, literate, or illiterate are victims of such situations sometimes or other. Infact this can be treated as an infectious disease that has got no anti-dote solution. Sometimes people are unable to express what is coming between them and normal life. Situations may be perhaps related to money, but most of the time money cannot solve the problems. In the unlikely event if any of you are victims of such a situation we are sure that we can help you. This service we are extending only for Indian properties. This service will be available free of cost for a period of 3 days from 9th to 11th of this month i.e., August 9th to August 11th, 2017. When you send the email kindly indicate under the heading of the subject as “Great Indians”. If your request is not as per this format it may not be considered and may even be ignored or deleted. We would like to emphasize here that our service is free only for the above period of 3 days. All solutions create a congenial atmosphere for you to live and face the problems of living with courage and satisfaction. It does not mean that your problem is solved by itself. By following our guidance you would be easily able to overcome the troubling situation in a manly way. We hope and expect on achieving the harmony of life you would be grateful enough in sending us a word of appreciation..

Support to Improve Peace In The Home

total free vastu services23. We are seeing at several places sudden eruption or outburst even among closely knit families. In addition, constant friction based on imaginative behavior of spouse, father, mother, siblings, cousins, etc haunt us and we ourself take a contrary position in every situation leading to permanent discord. After some time we become hateful to each other without any cause or purpose. These are situations which we may not like to discuss with other people and seek their advice. In such cases, we think we are fated. This patently is wrong. Many people don’t know the power of vastu and how it influences the residents. Not knowing this is no fault. But not attempting to know borders on foolishness. We confirm authoritatively that these situations are in most cases results of vastu infirmity. This can be analyzed and pointed out only by a competent scholar. We are prepared to offer free of cost services only online in this regard for 10 days from 3rd of September, 2017 upto 14th of September 2017. During this period kindly seek our advice and profit by it. Its costs you nothing.

Free Services to Sports Personal

vastu free consultation to Sports People24. We are having a large pool of sports personnel at the levels of college, university, and higher. Most of them drop off for one reason or the other. While academics can be an excuse even keen sports personnel who want to pursue sports as a career are victims of this situation. One of the prime causes of this sad situation could be Vastu. We are keen to encourage such sports personnel to excel in their career and establish their name in the relevant fields. For this, we will be ready to render assistance which would help them in overcoming this malady. We are opening this window for free for a period of one month from 12th December 2017 to 11th January 2018. We are aware that name and fame don’t come overnight. Who knows with timely help, we see your name prominently in the top brackets of India and bring laurels and glory to the tri-color Flag. To help us serve you in this cause, please visit our website with all particulars.

Free Services to All Non Resident Indians

vastu services to NRI25. We are observing many NRI’s all over the world are doing an excellent job and are financially successful, in fact, it’s a matter to be proud of. However, there are very many people who have become victims of the evils of society and in spite of their sincere and industrious effort have suffered hugely. Even one person of that nature brings sadness to our eyes. After observing several people like this are suffering we have come to the conclusion that perhaps defects of their commercial premises is the prime cause and they need help in this regard. Cheer up, we have decided to give literally support to such persons. Buckle up for a sum of 0.99 US Dollars (that is less than 1 USD). You can get completely free advice for all those queries coming on 14th January 2018. There is enough time for you to gather your wits and contact us on 14th January 2018. Please visit our website and on this day whoever comes to us with authentic data will be suitably rewarded for a hefty sum of 0.99 USD only. Once again the price you pay is less than a US Dollar. This sum we are charging only to ensure that you are a little serious about the subject and we have confidence that right queries would come. This is our effort in promoting your endeavors. Whoever from India goes out when he prospers the country is proud of him. When he becomes a victim of treachery and deceit the country is weeping for its son. We as Indians would like to see you prosperous so that we are happy and proud. Our endeavor is motivated only by this selfish desire. Use this promo code “Happy Sankranthi” in the Subject line. We may not consider any of your emails if the correct Promo code is not entered at the Subject line on 14th of January 2018 Indian time. Kindly be advised that this facility is restricted to commercial premises alone .

Free Services to Kerala Floods Affecting Residents

total free online vastu services26. Today, we are facing a monumental situation of disaster unprecedented in Indian history. Virtually, the whole state has become a victim of the wrath of nature. This is not the time to question how it happened. This is the time rather rebuild so that such devastation may not happen in the future. We all are aware Vastu recommends the construction of a building whether for humans or for business for that with the idea of bestowing long-lasting happiness to the users of the premises. We urge the people of Kerala, now in tatters to think on these lines and build new dwellings properly in tune with nature. We from SubhaVaastu on our part are prepared to give free online Vastu services for a period of 6 months beginning from today, i.e., 19th, August 2018, so that people may benefit. The actual reader of this message may not need these services, he will do a great service to society if he forwards this message to such people who maybe need of or who may be in a position to forward this to our needy brothers and sisters. Thank you in advance for this service.

Free Services to Afghanistan Residents

need free online vastu services27. Rebuild Afghanistan: One of the richest countries in terms of mineral resources having a great ancient history is now in a miserable state. This situation is man-made. That being the case a genuine vastu service would be of considerable help. The greed and lust of some people made constructions unscientific causing environmental disaster to the residents. What we mean is not the engineering of construction but the science and art of it in the background. We firmly believe and it is slowly being recognized in the society in the world over that vastu compliance goes a long way in generating a harmonious atmosphere for residents. In the rebuilding of this Nation and bring about the original glory we have decided to provide free online consultancy services for construction activities either for residents or for office buildings in Afghanistan. Entire free services from 1st September 2021 and ends by 31 October 2021.

Free Services to Acid Attack Victims

Acid Attack girls28. We are all aware of the evils of eve-teasing and stalking and the fairer gender is physically attacked with acid. The victim is traumatized and the acid burns lead to long hospitalization and specialist treatment. At times the damage may even lead to death. The consequences are too severe to mention. The permanent scars on the person's skin or body would even shatter the courage of the victim and rather difficult to cope in life. Instead, the person leading a normal life, the victim is constantly reminded of her horrid experience always. You are aware that we at SubhaVaastu are aware of its social responsibility and constantly try to reach people who are less privileged at a given time. In pursuit of this policy, we are extending our services free of cost to such unfortunate victims of our society for a period of 6 months from 2nd March 2018 to 31st August 2018. Kindly do send this message to your circle of acquaintances so that maximum advantage reaches the needy.

Free Services to Elderly People in Our Society

vastu services to elder people29. We are often seeing now that more and more nuclear families are the norms and not traditional joint families. This is partly due to the present living conditions and not due to any individual family problems what so ever. In such a scenario, the elder people are at disadvantage and may not be compatible to live with their offsprings even when circumstances compel the junior members of the family to live with the aged and elders. In such a situation there is constant turmoil and a lack of peace to all the family members. We are of the opinion that vastu has a role to play in such situations. As responsible members of the community, we have decided as a polity to periodically often free services to a selected group who are affected by one melody or other. Accordingly, in situations where residents are unhappy, in particular, the elders suffering the family discords constantly, we have decided to render free vastu advice for a period of two months from 1st July 2018 to 31st of August 2018. Kindly bring this to the awareness of your sons and relations who may be in need of such help. This would be your contribution to a harmonious society.

Free Services to Group of Village Residents

free online vastu consultancy services30. Vastu science is aimed at bestowing harmonious life to the residents. We from SubhaVaastu also look for giving to our valued customer's various services, often free of cost at several times. We have now come up with enlarging this scope of such free services in a wider way and serve society better. There are very many people though keenly wish to avail vastu services are unable to do so, only due to financial limitations. In case if you have in your town/village a group of people who desire such vastu services we offer an attractive solution. All of you as a group can call us. Our services for the whole group will be absolutely free. However, the group should be willing to bare our transport and staying charges for the few days we will be spending with you people. We are ready to come to any part of our country to render such free services. There is a famous saying like this if one person improves, his family prosperous. If one family prosperous, the street would benefit. And when a street is prospered the town’s fortunes would reach the sky. You can imagine what service this group of people from a town/village would be rendering to themselves and others. We are here to wait upto 31st of January 2019. Later opportunity expires.

Free Services to Families Affected By The Drinkers

total free online vastu services31. We are seeing families becoming victims of excessive drinking habits of the males/head of the family. Basically, starting with social habits, drinking has taken proportions beyond the social mandate. This is because of the weakness of the mind. People become slaves to such habits very often. Mental weaknesses can be corrected by complying with Vastu principles. Forces of Vastu, modify the mental tendencies. This is an abstract force, which cannot be measured or identified. However, results prove the existence and power of Vastu in every situation. We have seen cases where families are ruining but people are unwilling to consult a competent Vastu scholar. Instances are there, where the household spends way beyond the financial means of themselves on such destructive habits. A fraction of the cost spent on this ill-habit by consulting a Vastu scholar in most cases could be adequate to cure the ailments. This is a proven fact. Where families are ruining because they are unwilling to part with about 20 thousand rupees even when they spend over 50000 rupees in this apparent element, perpetually. This proves that people are somehow trying to live with misery rather than fight the same and be successful. In our view, this is the main cause and not the drinking habit per se. At SubhaVaastu, we have been frequently rendering free services to meet several sets of situations, such as floods, fire hazards, or other tragedies. Our services are greatly appreciated until now. In line with the pursuit of noble service to the society, we are prepared to render free service in this case also for a period of 2 months from "1st of December to 31 st of January, 2020". During this period, you may contact us for availing of free services. However, kindly note, that the site visit is essential rather than online services, this is just for your kind information.

Free Services to Social Media Haters

We Hate Social Media32. These days we see that communication and knowledge sharing have taken a phenomenal turn. In the name of the internet, digitalization, and Twitter people have lost a lot of their time and leisure, and pleasure to keep abreast of the latest. Unknowingly technology has grown to such an extent that mankind has become its slave, instead of its master. Your dog has become your master. And some have realized this and use technology discretely and thus regained their original masterhood. As a tribute for their triumphs over apparent sensations, we are giving free Vastu services for a week from 15th August to 22nd August 2022. Do take advantage of this benefit without any charges. Please use this word in the subject line “I hate Social Media”, without this subject line, we never entertain any free services, please keep it in mind.

Free Services to All UK Residents

Rishi Sunak33. We are all aware that we Indians were enslaved for about 600 years by foreign invaders and another 200 years by British. Everybody ridiculed India and Indians as unfit human beings. We don’t need to mention what venom was mouthed by Winston Churchil, silently Indian recovered themselves unnoticed. Suddenly situations come up in the famous Winston Churchil’s land to such an extent that they are looking towards an ex-Indian to save them from misery hardship and uncontrollable situations and "Shree Rishi Sunak" has been elected as a Prime Minister of United Kingdom. Their forefather migrated from India. Surely, "Shree Rishi Sunak" will fulfill his duty properly. "That is India". A name for "TRUST". On this grand occasion, for the next 12 days we are giving free consultation to every citizen of the United Kingdom, “this is the way” we Indians celebrate our happiness. Please use this promo code in the subject line "Indians are Most Talented People". We never entertain free offer without this promo code. This free offer closes on 6th November 2022.

Free Vastu Services to All NRI's

Free services to all nri34. You are aware that we had been giving free consultations for various categories of the society and this has been quite successful as many people availed of these services. Continuing the traditions we want to do a similar service to the society in particular those Indians who are living abroad. They are there in pursuits of their livelihood and this is a welcome sign. However, all of us must understand that our lives are controlled not only by our fate, but by our circumstances, in particular our residences where we spend most of our time. In spite of vastu being available, many people are ignorant and build their premises to suit some conveniences which they imagine. Often, such constructions are not as per vastu principles and the residents of such premises suffer untold miseries. Many of Indians living abroad are victims of such situations. Seeing this we proposed to offer free services to such Indians living abroad on and around the MahaShivarathri day which is holy for all of us. This auspicious day occurs on the 18th of this month, taking the time differences between various parts of the globe and India, we propose to offer free services from 17th up to 19th of February 2023. To avail such offer mandatorily mention "Om Namah Sivaya" in the subject line. Otherwise, your entry won't consider. We will complete all entries within 20 days time. Please note that one person, one property only.

Free Vastu Services on Sree Rama Prana Pratistha Day - Jan 22, 2024

Jai Sri Ram35. The 22nd of January, 2024, marks a momentous occasion, not just for Bharat but for the entire world, as we celebrate 'Sree Rama Prana Pratistha' in Ayodhya. This day heralds the arrival of the much-anticipated Shubha Thithi, a time of great significance and joy. We are on a journey of transformation, leaving behind the shadows of a challenging past and moving towards a brighter future. We don't have to wait much longer for this auspicious moment, just a few more days, and in this brief period, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this remarkable journey. A special note of thanks to our "Prime Minister of Bharath" for their invaluable support during this time. On this auspicious occasion, we extend our sincerest wishes for prosperity and happiness to your family. To commemorate this day, we are offering complimentary Vastu consultation on the 22nd of January, from 00:01 to 23:59. This unique opportunity for a free online consultation is available under one condition: please include the slogan "Jai Sri Ram" in the subject line of your request. Without this inclusion, we regret that the consultation will not be complimentary. We look forward to assisting you on this special day.

Om Namah Shivaya - MahaShivaRaathri Complimentary Services

Free Vastu Services on Sivarathri36. MahaShivaRaathri, revered as one of the most significant Hindu festivals, notably follows the Sankranti celebrations. Unlike most Hindu festivals which are celebrated during daylight, MahaShivaratri is distinctively observed through the night. This festival commemorates the divine manifestation of Lord Shiva in his lingam form, offering devotees a sacred glimpse at the stroke of midnight. It symbolizes the overcoming of darkness and ignorance in life, marking a period of enlightenment, fasting, meditation on Shiva, and the chanting of mantras. Devotees engage in night-long prayers, reflecting on ethics and virtues, embodying the spiritual essence and profound devotion towards Lord Shiva, seeking his blessings for liberation and prosperity. On this blessed occasion, we are thrilled to extend complimentary services to the patrons of SubhaVaastu. This special offer commences at 00:01 a.m. IST on 8th March 2024 and concludes at 23:59 p.m. IST on 9th March 2024, providing you with nearly two days of free services. Kindly ensure to include "Om Namah Shivaya" in the subject line of your request; absence of this phrase will unfortunately exclude you from this gracious offer. Additionally, we will only be conducting these complimentary services from 18th to the 22nd of March 2024. Embrace this opportunity to receive our guidance, free of charge, during these auspicious dates.

Granting "Lifetime" Complimentary Vastu Services to EaseMyTrip: A Gesture of Gratitude and Support

EastMyTrip37. In light of recent tensions between the Maldives and India, the decision by "EaseMyTrip" (India's Leading Travel Booking Company) to suspend all bookings to the Maldives country is a commendable demonstration of their deep-seated patriotism and affection for our motherland, Bharat. This gesture has profoundly moved us, showcasing the company's solidarity and unwavering support during challenging times. In recognition of "EaseMyTrip" management's noble stance, we are eager to extend a token of our gratitude by "Offering Lifelong Complimentary Services" to your esteemed company. However, it is imperative for us to ascertain whether your decision is a steadfast commitment or a temporary measure. Your firm resolve in this matter is truly admirable, and it inspires us to contribute to your cause. As a gesture of our appreciation and aligned with our patriotic spirit, we are delighted to provide our vastu consultancy services to you, LIFETIME FREE, as a way to support your endeavors. There will be no financial obligation on your part for these services, as we consider it our privilege to assist you during these times. Our heartfelt thanks go out to "EaseMyTrip" for your inspirational act of patriotism. We extend our best wishes for your future endeavors and look forward to serving you. Dhanyavaadh, "EaseMyTrip," for exemplifying true national loyalty.

Three Years of Complimentary Services for Startups in Lakshadweep

3 years free services38. Our esteemed Prime Minister recently made a significant visit to Lakshadweep, engaging in a comprehensive tour of the area to promote Lakshadweep beaches. This visit sparked a wave of comments from several ministers of the Maldives, particularly targeting Indian enterprises and properties. Following these remarks, a number of corporations have announced ambitious plans to establish luxury accommodations in Lakshadweep, including the prestigious Taj Group of Hotels, among others. In a gesture of unwavering support for these initiatives, we are delighted to extend a special offer of three years of obligation-free and completely complimentary online Vastu consultancy services. This unique offer is available until the 31st of December, 2027. Our primary aim is to bolster the growth of Indian businesses, while simultaneously celebrating and promoting the rich tapestry of Indian culture and traditions. It's our chance to showcase India's strengths and potential on a global stage. We extend an open invitation to entrepreneurs and business owners, whether you're interested in launching a new venture, a restaurant, or a hotel, to take advantage of our free online Vastu services. Together, let's work towards making India a beacon of progress and innovation. No conditions applies in this announced period.

One Month of Free Vastu Services for Netherlands Residents

free Vastu services to residents39. In light of the moral support by Dutch political leaders to India, we are delighted to provide one month of complimentary online consultations to residents of the Netherlands, as well as to other nationals acquiring properties within Netherlands country. This promotion is available from 17th June, 2024, through 16th July, 2024. To access these free services, kindly insert "Long Live Netherlands" in the subject line of your correspondence and incorporate courteous salutations in the text of your communication. Residents who do not meet the requirements will not receive free services, and we will not respond to their emails. Thank you so much Netherlands and residents of Netherlands.

Complimentary Online Services to All NRI's

free services to all NRI's40. Many individuals believe that Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) lead cheerful lives abroad, yet they are often unaware of the challenges these expatriates face. Many NRIs experience ongoing stress due to employment pressures, lifestyle adjustments, and concerns regarding their children's education and many more. It is important to recognize that NRIs are highly responsible individuals who significantly contribute to India's development by remitting earnings back home, thereby bolstering the Indian economy. In recognition of their contributions, we are pleased to offer all NRIs complimentary online services for a full 24-hour period, beginning at 00:01 a.m. IST on July 10th, 2024, and concluding at 23:59 p.m. IST on July 11th, 2024. To avail of this offer, please include the PromoCode "Mera Bharat Mahan" in the subject line. Requests without this PromoCode will not be processed.

Floods and Rains in Andhra and Telangana – United in Support

floods in Andhra and Telangana41. The people of Andhra Pradesh and parts of Telangana are facing devastating rains and floods, leaving many homeless and displaced. Countless families have been forced to abandon their homes, searching for basic necessities like food and shelter. The situation is dire and heart-wrenching, and the affected individuals are in desperate need of genuine support. In this critical time, they need compassion, assistance, and a helping hand to rebuild their lives. We are deeply saddened by these tragic events and are committed to providing unconditional support as a humanitarian effort. Now is the moment to stand together, offer help, and extend a hand of generosity. In light of this, we are offering TWO MONTHS of free online Vastu consultation services, with no conditions attached, to anyone from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana whose properties are located within these regions, starting from 5th September 2024 to 5th November 2024. This is our way of showing solidarity and offering relief. Please use this code in the subject line "Together, We Stand Strong" to access these services. Without this code, the free service will not be applicable.

Free Vastu Consultancy for "Hurricane IAN" Affected States

Free Vastu services to hurricane IAN42. Hurricane Ian has severely impacted numerous homes in Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina, disrupting lives across these three states. Recognizing the urgent need for support, we are stepping up to offer free Vastu consultancy services to residents within these states. This special offer will be available from midnight EST on October 31st, 2024, until midnight EST on November 6th, 2024. During this period, anyone with property in these states can access our services at no cost by using the promocode "We Are With You." Please note, this promocode is required, along with a proper greeting, for eligibility. Please ensure the PromoCode is entered in the subject line, along with a proper greeting in the running matter, to qualify for eligibility.

A Token of Gratitude to Narayana Nethralaya

Free Services to Narayana Nethralaya43. At SubhaVaastu, we deeply appreciate organizations that selflessly (with nominal payment) dedicate themselves to serving society. Narayana Nethralaya Of Bangalore city, a beacon of excellence in eye care, has been providing exceptional medical services with responsibility, commitment, and compassion. Their relentless dedication to patient well-being has touched countless lives, and we are truly inspired by their efforts. After hearing firsthand experiences from patients and personally witnessing their remarkable service, we feel honored to express our gratitude in a meaningful way. As a humble token of appreciation, we are offering one month of complete online Vastu consultancy services, absolutely free to every staff member of Narayana Nethralaya, including the management. This initiative is our way of acknowledging their selfless service while promoting responsible healthcare practices in society. Vastu Shastra, an ancient architectural science, plays a crucial role in creating harmony and positive energy in living and working spaces. Through our expertise, we wish to support the well-being of those who dedicate their lives to healing others. If you are a part of Narayana Nethralaya and would like to avail of this free online Vastu consultation, feel free to reach out to us. This small gesture is our way of saying thank you for your unwavering dedication to humanity. This free service will be available from March 20, 2025, to April 20, 2025. With immense respect - SubhaVaastu Team.

Unlock Free Services: Arriving Soon!

44. A new round of complimentary services is coming your way! Stay connected through this link to take advantage. . . . . . . . . .

We wish you all good luck. God Bless You All.



Discover how our services integrate with various international Vastu practices, and explore our performance through the voices of our website visitors and clients. Their honest opinions and reviews can be found at this link: Vastu Reviews. See the generosity reflected in their genuine feedback about our services. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has shared their valuable insights about our services and website. A profound thank you to all our dear clients and visitors.

Request from SubhaVaastu.com

Today we have got the Vedas and epics like Ramayana and Maha Bharatha by which we are able to shape our thinking. This literature has come down from ancient ages to the modern generation for which many generations have sacrificed their lives. When we realize that Vedas were conceived when there were no scripts for any language and these have come down from people to people via their recitation and hearing and not by writing we are astonished at their sacrifice. This subject also is a part of such literature which has come down from time immemorial. This treasure was revealed for the emancipation and happiness of succeeding generations of humanity. The motive was solely universal happiness and nothing else.

When society progressed the kings and emperors gave shelter to such scholars and sages and helped them maintain their living in the society so that the society would further be benefited down the ages. Today the government is of the people and there are no more kings and emperors and their individual fancies.

Unfortunately the service to society by encouraging by propagating these sciences is not one of the priorities of Government. There is a need for this knowledge to survive and serve humanity without government help. In this regard, we look for generous people like you to come forward and help in carrying this heritage being made available to succeeding generations. Some day in the future we hope that the governments at those times would feel the need to promote and encourage this culture which was one of the prime duties of earlier Kings, Rulers, Emperors, and Governments.

In this regard SubhaVaastu.com is rendering free services to various sections of the society by denying advertisement revenues that would have otherwise supported the maintenance of the website to some extent. We are incurring an expenditure of over Rs.50,000/- every month from our own pocket. In addition to this, there are domain and hosting expenses and maintenance of hosting of about an amount of Rs.1,35,000/-. The sole objective of this effort is to maintain this subject alive for the succeeding generations. What Kings and Emperors were doing earlier at state expense we are doing at our own expenditure, so that it is not consigned to history and forgotten about. We are sure there are many generous persons visiting our website who would be prepared to undertake to defray a portion of the expenses.

We are including all the literature on the website at appropriate places so that even laymen can easily browse through the literature easily. It is a fact that acquiring all the literature is far too expensive than browsing through the website. Keeping this in view as a service to humanity we have developed the website at a huge cost in initial preparation and subsequent maintenance of the same. Our effort is not to keep the literature static. We periodically update the same so that visitors to the site get the latest information. Till now as a service, we incurred huge expenditure in this effort of updating the website periodically.

In pursuit of this objective a team of two people would be sitting together periodically for two weeks to update the literature and bring it forward to the present day. Such endeavors we have undertaken earlier at our own cost. Now we are looking for somebody to host us. We need reasonable accommodation and boarding facilities having internet connections to further continuing this activity. This program can be organized at your place at a convenient time and location. We acknowledge with thanks your service in furthering the literature to succeeding generations. As this will be a serious work to be done in a quiet place undisturbed by surroundings we would prefer maybe a village, resort or a farmhouse and such similar facilities. No amount of thanks would be adequate to acknowledge these services.

शुभवास्तु परिवार का विज्ञपन:

हम सब समस्ते है की समाज सेवा बहुत माननीय है. फिर भी भहुत लोगोंको इस सेवा की सौभाग्य नहीं मिल पता. क्योंके चंद हालातों के कारण सभी लोग यह काम नहीं कर पाते. शुभवास्तु परिवार १९९२ से इस सेवा में व्यस्त है. यह शुभावास्तु संस्था पहलेसे ही देश की सेवा कर रहीहै ( वास्तु सेवा हमारे सैनिकोंको निशुल्क सेवा के जरिये पौंछ रहीहै.). इतनाही नहीं भारत के स्वतन्त्र समारोह में भगलियेसो परिवारोंकी भी यह सेवा निशुल्क उपलब्ध है. इसके आलावा देश में जहा कहाँ आपात कालीन स्थिति आतीहै जैसा अति वृष्टि अग्नि प्रमाद इतयादि प्रकृति विपरीत के सन्दर्भ में जनता पीड़ित होती है उस समय वह लोगों को भी हमारी उचित सेवा पौंछ रहीहै. हमारी उचित सेवा यहीतक ही नहीं, हम जब लोग विषम स्थिति से पीड़ित होते है (जैसा रास्ता प्रमाद में ) शुभवास्तु परिवार उचित सेवा केलिए तैयार रहती है. जब अचानक मृतयु होने पर या अन्य कारणों से महिलाएं विधवा होते है सुभावस्तु परिवार उन लोगोंके सेवा में भी हमेशा तैयार रहती है. निरुद्योग युवाओंको भी हम उचित सेवा पाहूनचाय है. इतना ही नहीं विदेशियों मेभी जैसा (श्री लंका और अफगानिस्थान ) कठिन स्थिथीयोमें हमारी उचित सेवा पहुंची है. सरकारी इमारतों कोभी हमारी सेवा ये उचित है. आप सब लोग जानते है की हमारे समाज में बेटीया होने पर परिवार का दृष्टी कोण कैसा बदलती है. यह सोच कर हम जहाँ तीन बेटिया हो उस परिवार को हमारी तरफ से उचित सेवा उपलब्ध किये है. जब SMS का ख़र्च भहुत महँगी थी हम उचित सेवा लगभग ८ साल की. विकलांगो कोभी हमारे सेवा ये पाहूनचाय. आज की दिन में जिस हालात से भारतयीय जनता अमेरिका में गुजर रहीहै उसे देख के वह लोगों कोभी हमारी निशुल्कघ सेवा पहुँचाया. इस तकनीकी दिनोंमें अक्सर युवाजनता एक किसम से संस्कृति से बिगड़ रहेहै. मोबाइल और कंप्यूटर में स्क्रीन सेवर में जो चित्र रखते है यह काफी भयानक है, इस स्थिति में लोग बिगड़ जानेकी अवकास बहुत है, इस से बचने केलिए हम अध्यातमिक वॉलपेपर (जैसा भगवन कृष्णा, रामा, हनुमान, शिवजी, इतयादि ) निशुल्क देरहेहै. ऐसा हमारे समाज सेवा अपार है. ये वेबसाइट स्थापित २००३ में हुई है. यह तरह की सेवाये शुभवास्तु परिवार हमेशा करना चाहिती है. शुभवास्तु का अभिलाषा है की समाज सेवा और उत्तम कर सके. अबतक इस माहयग्न के खर्चे हम ही भरे है. मनो या नामानो अब तक इस कार्य में लग भाग हमें ८५ लाक ख़र्च होगएहुंगे. आप जानतेहै की शुभवास्तु वेबसाइट बिना किसी किसम का इस्तेहार (advertisement ) से भादित है. हम यह निर्णय लिए है ताके हमारे सोच विचार किसीकीसम का दबाव में न आए. हमारे सोच में आप भी इस योगदान में भाग ले सकते है. हम चाहते है की इस महायग्न में आप भी भाग ले. अगर आप हमें १५ दिन का सतकार (hospitality) दे सके हम आप को बहुत आभारी होंगे. हम दो जाने बैट कर शुभावास्तु वेबसाइट को विस्तार करना चाहते है. ऐसी जगह हिन्दुस्थान में कहीभी होसकती है. हमें सिर्फ कमरा और खाने पिने की व्यवस्ता चाहिए. हमारे ख़र्च में हम वहतक पहुँच कर वेबसाइट का काम करेंगे. यह काम केलिए अनुकूल वातावरण जो प्रशांत हो और छोटा भी हो तो सही रहेगा. यह निवेदन को आप स्वीकार करने केलिए हम आप के बहुत आभारी है.

சுபவாஸ்து'வின் வேண்டுகோள்:

இந்திய கலாச்சாரம் மிகவும் புராதனமானது. இன்று நாம் வேதங்கள் மற்றும் ராமாயணம்,மகா பாரத இதிகாசங்கள் மூலம் நாம் நமது சிந்தனையை வடிவமைக்க முடியும். இந்த இலக்கியம் பல தலைமுறைகளாக பண்டைய வயது முதல் நவீன தலைமுறை தங்கள் உயிரை தியாகம் செய்துள்ளார்கள். வேதங்கள் எனப்படுபவை நாம் எந்த மொழிக்கும் ஸ்கிரிப்டை இல்லை என்று உணரும் போது, வாஸ்து சாஸ்திரம் கூட நேரம் நிலவிற்கு எட்டாத பழங்காலத்தில் இருந்து கீழே வந்து விட்டது, இது போன்ற இலக்கியம் ஒரு பகுதியாக உள்ளது. இந்த புதையல் விடுதலை மற்றும் மனித குலத்தின் அடுத்தடுத்த தலைமுறைகள் தெரியவந்தது. நோக்கம் முற்றிலும் உலகளாவிய மகிழ்ச்சி அன்றி வேறு எதுவும் இல்லை. சமூகம் முன்னேறும் போது அரசர்கள் மற்றும் பேரரசர்கள், அறிஞர்கள் மற்றும் முனிவர்கள்போன்றவர்க்கு புகலிடம் கொடுத்து, சமுதாயத்தின் மேலும் அவர்கள் சமுதாயத்தில் தங்கள் வாழ்க்கை பராமரிக்க உதவியது. பயனடைந்தனர். துரதிருஷ்டவசமாக இந்த அறிவியல் பரப்புவதிலஉம் மூலம் ஊக்குவிப்பதன் மூலம் சமூகத்திற்கு சேவை செய்ய அரசாங்கம் முன்னுரிமை வழங்குவது அல்ல. உயிர் மற்றும் மனித சேவை அரசு உதவி இல்லாமல் உள்ளது. இது சம்பந்தமாக நாங்கள் உங்களுக்கு முன் வந்து தங்களிடம் அளிக்கப்பட்டது இந்த பாரம்பரியத்தை சுமந்து உதவ தாராள மனம் உள்ள மக்கள் தேவைப்படுகிறார்கள். எதிர்காலத்தில் இந்த கலாச்சாரம் ஊக்குவிக்க வேண்டிய அவசியம் எனக்கு உள்ளது என்று நம்புகிறேன். இது சம்பந்தமாக SubhaVaastu.com ஓரளவிற்கு வலைத்தளத்தில் சமூகத்தின் பல்வேறு தரப்பினரிடையே ஆதரவு கொடுத்தள்ளது. ஒவ்வொரு மாதமும் எங்களது சொந்த பாக்கெட் செலவு ரூ .50,000 இந்த கூடுதலாக டொமைன் மற்றும் ஹோஸ்டிங் செலவுகள் மற்றும் Rs.1,35,000 / ஒரு அளவு பற்றி ஹோஸ்டிங் பராமரிப்பு உள்ளன -. இந்த முயற்சியின் ஒரே நோக்கம் வருங்கால தலைமுறைகளை உயிரோடு வாஸ்து சாஸ்திரம் பராமரிக்க பட வேண்டும் என்பதாகும். நாங்கள் எங்கள் சொந்த செலவில் செய்து கொண்டிருக்கிறோம்.

இந்த குறிக்கோளை நோக்கத்தில் இரண்டு பேர் கொண்ட ஒரு குழுவை எதிர்பார்த்து அதை கொண்டு இரண்டு வாரங்களுக்கு அவ்வப்போது புதுப்பிக்க எதிர்பார்க்கின்றோம். இத்தகைய முயற்சிகள் நாங்கள் எங்கள் சொந்த செலவில் முன்பு மேற்கொண்டுள்ளோம். இதை நாம் நடத்த யாரையும் உதவும் நோக்கம் உள்ளவரை தேடுகின்றோம். மேலும் நாம் இணைய இணைப்புகளை கொண்ட ஒரு தங்கும் இட வசதிகள் செய்து தரப்படும். இந்த திட்டத்திக்கு ஒரு வசதியான நேரம் மற்றும் இடம் உங்கள் இடத்திலேயே ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்படும். இது ஒரு ஒரு கடுமையான மற்றும் பொறுப்பான வேலை என்பதால் தொந்தரவுகள் இல்லாத அமைதியான சூழலில், ஒரு கிராமத்திலோ, அல்லது ஒரு ரிசார்ட், அல்லது பண்ணை வீட்டில் இத்தகைய வசதிகள் செய்து தரப்படும். உங்கள் உதவிக்கு எமது உளமார்ந்த நன்றி.

Awesome Benefits Through Vastu Questions & Answers

0 #9 From the Land of the Divine: Exceptional Services with a Sacred TouchLasonya 2024-10-31 06:20
Mr. Suresh, born amidst the sacred lands of India, a realm esteemed for its divine sanctity and spiritual profundity, exemplifies the venerable spirit of his motherland. His dedication to proffering the finest Vastu services gratis is a testament to the celestial orientation bestowed upon him by his birthright. The offerings he presents are truly wondrous and peerless, shining as a beacon of selflessness in the modern age. Having perused all that he contributes, it is evident that his deeds are unparalleled, none other delivers such devoted services to the commonweal without any expectation of recompense. This exceptional devotion renders Suresh a rare jewel in the firmament of service. I salute him and India, whence such noble and altruistic endeavors do flourish. God bless you Mr. Suresh and India forever.
+7 #8 Your suggestion requiredKulbhushan 2023-04-08 13:20
Firstly hats off to your wonderful contribution to the society in terms of indian ancient VASTU knowledge. Recently, I have got an ancestral property which is SW facing 200 sqyd. I have read all your contents from the articles you have written. I have tried my best to incorporate all in my proposed house plan. One thing that I won't able to understand how would I execute the difference in floor levels and house's internal slopes as in general practice, dead slope is being provided in all areas except toilet, porch, balcony. It is really hard to manage because of several constraints like door movement, furniture placing etc. Kindly give me suggestion and write some article regarding actual civil execution while construction.

Thanks & regards
+12 #7 Surprising free vastu online servicesRAJEEV GHATORAY 2022-12-20 11:30
Suresh Ji namaste sir, I am surprised on visiting this page. Appreciate your services. Excellent, bravo, kudos, superb. Short of words. God Bless you sir.
+50 #6 God bless you Suresh sirSharmila 2018-08-19 08:48
Respected Suresh sir, you are doing unbelievable free services to the society. Unimaginable to believe of these kind services. You are pure soul, god always be with you, my prayers to God, bless you for long life with good health, money, name, and fame. Thank you sir.
+190 #5 Vastu assistance in order to serve those in distressNathan Williams 2017-03-09 13:54
Dear Mr. Suresh, if you could help me, I would be most appreciative. I have served those with no homes, those living on the streets, the dying, as much as I could throughout my life, but I run into so many blocks. People taking advantage of me, until I am living on the streets myself. But I wish to continue. I have an earthquake proof building panel, that would benefit many people worldwide.....a s well, I build small houses, tiny mobile houses for the homeless. But I have so much difficulty, can you tell me if I should remain in the US?? or leave? I have sat with AMMA, and have a connection to the Dalai Lama, so my guru karma is good, somewhat, but also troublesome. If you can help me, I can serve others....thank you for your Work. I am considering buying a southwest road house, very cheaply, so I may be able to sleep safely. But perhaps, this is not a good idea as well?? Thank you, Nathan Williams
+310 #4 Noble CauseCharu 2016-12-06 17:10
Respected sir, I am a regular visitor of your site for the past 1 year. The free services for a cause announced here are very noble. I am seeing that Subhavaastu as a plan giving free Vastu advice for different social strata at different times such as people put to torture due to calamities, widows and the like. Not excluding the people in uniform serving the country. You are serving a stately cause, Mr. Suresh, keep it up. Periodically, do continue such services, so that residents who cannot otherwise afford can avail of free Vastu services.
+342 #3 Best vastu services from IndiaSubash Sahu 2016-11-17 14:19
Respected sureshji pranams, from past 3 months i am regularly visiting your website and noted your kind services to all of us. no words to say your generous extreme support without any conditions. we come across many sycophants who claimed to be so called experts, now i reached a person like you one of the best in society. god bless you and good wishes sirji.
+78 #2 ఉచిత వాస్తు సేవలుRam 2014-09-20 09:46
సమాజానికి ఇటువంటి నిస్వార్థ సేవలు కూడా చేస్తారా. అద్భుతం. మీకు సర్వదా విజయములు కలగాలి. భగవంతుడు మిమ్మల్ని సదా మంచిగా చూడాలని, ఎప్పుడు కాపాడుతుండాలని మనస్ఫూర్తిగా వేడుకుంటున్నాను .
+65 #1 Excellent Free Vastu ServicesShan 2014-06-25 17:29
Salutes to your tremendous attitude and ample thought on our society. God bless you Suresh Ji
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Inspirational Quotations

"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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