We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Amazing Ideas of Vastu for Money: Enhancing Financial Growth at Home

Money VastuVastu for Money: Numerous residents inquire about the potential of financial gain through Indian ancient Vastu Shastra principles, asking questions like "Can Vastu guidance lead to earning money?", "Is it feasible to generate income by making Vastu adjustments?", "Can Vastu assistance contribute to cash flow?", and "Will financial prosperity increase with Vastu corrections?" In the context of evolving times and values, the significance of money has escalated to paramount importance.

Now a human being is judged by his financial status not by seeing his moral values, also, in the changing scenario, man finds it difficult to get on in life without sufficient enough money.

few people who suddenly become rich by a stroke of luck, fortune. By observing people craving for the luck and money, part of business people in the market selling goods stated that "lucky items".

We thought USA residents are very rich, but most of them searching like below at internet:

Money Vastu

Vastu for Money

vastu tips for good career

Vastu tips for money luck

Vastu tips for money plant

Vastu tips for Money Luck

Vastu tips for Money Growth

Vastu tips for money in Tamil

Vastu tips for money in Hindi

Vastu tips for Earning Money

Gaining money with vastu help

Vastu tips for wealth and happiness

Vastu for money how to keep Money

How to earn cash with the help of Vastu

How to become rich with vastu principles

How to earn money with the help of Vastu

How to get wealth with Vastu tips (Wealth Vastu)

Most of the people in the world continuously searching & striving for money (this is natural), many were interested in the importunate cash flow into their homes, assay attempts may be successful or may not be the success.

Money, it is most important for human beings to live comfortably in this world. By having importance to the money folk tries many ways how to earn money in an easy way, for everything we cannot blame people or society because money is the decisive part of our life.

It's the reason regularly many calling us and asking about "Vastu for Money", let us discuss on this subject ...

Is this Vastu really helps to earn more money?

Is there any chance to earn additional money with the help of Vastu?

But for the majority, it is an endless struggle. In sheer helplessness or hopelessness, people search for overcoming their problems relating to money. Quite often people who took become to Vastu seemed to have found astounding results.

Residents require immediate results, then only they feel positive. Small changes or modifications in the home may not bring prosperity to the home. But there is a possibility of earning money sources increases when we follow this ancient science.

When dealing with money matters, we found some ways to improve opportunities in earning more revenue. Just as a testing purpose, if there is a heavy mountain of heavy buildings towards the South direction then money flow will be heavier to the homes.

16 Ways to Boost Positive Energy to Improve Money in Homes

1. The South direction altitude or elevation of the South must be kept properly. Should be planned perfectly.

2. Open (Create) one door at North East of North side of the house ( check this House vastu guidance through this link) may also improve the money flow.

3. The opening of the Northeast-east door also brings money with the name.

4. Having an appropriately measured water storage sump at Northeast is also providing peace with money.

5. Keeping heavy stored items towards South, Southwest also indicates positivity of bringing money.

6. Slanting portico towards North also indicates good earnings.

7. Regarding Street Focus there are some important focuses for the money flow.

8. When there is an Apartment at Southside then money stays more time at homes.

9. West direction apartment helps to have stamina in building good money.

10. Heavy structures towards Southwest direction and large buildings always help to improve money chances.

11. Earning money is easy nowadays at the same time has to face hectic competition too.

12. If there is heavy open space towards North brings more money to the home.

13. Lesser space towards South direction keeps money to stay more time at home.

14. Airflow into the home is too important, please double check frequent airflow is passing/running in your home or not. If there is no airflow observed in the home, they cannot get good oxygen, when good oxygen is not available, automatically brain will become struck, can't able to get new thoughts, good ideas, particularly innovative thoughts may not be generated, health will also become damaged.

Once everything is experienced then can't concentrate on money earnings. Slowly brain will become sticky to only a few things that are too objectionable for a bright career, the bad thoughts may generate, jealousy may starts, it may harm your development.

By knowing this, please arrange necessary windows, the opening of the new good Vastu doors etc to welcome good air into your dream home. Again we are informing you air circulation is too important in our homes. Fresh air should come into the home frequently.

15. Keep Dhanalakshmi entering into the home photo at inside of the house main door top, here is GruhaLakshmi Entering into house link which has all good info with images too.

16. Always we should check the ways how Maa Lakshmi has to enter into the home, we should not wear torn clothing, keeping the withered flowers, dust formation, unorganized furniture/items may prevent Goddess mother Lakshmi entering the house.

There are many other Vastu tips are available, out of them these above few tips of Vastu may double the chances of bringing a considerable amount of change in one's financial position. Doing practicals at the homes by reading some notes and content from websites or vastu books is not at all advisable. This is not a frame of luck.

It may hurt one's future if there is any mistake was happens. We are recollected one instance in Hyderabad, once we visited one property in Hyderabad at Nacharam, there we are conducting vastu consultancy program, meanwhile, some people came and asked about the working capabilities of Vastu.

Leads to argument and finally, they insisted us to check one home vastu as he is the richest person, while we are moving to that house, we found it is a very worst house by seeing from a very far distance. They all laughed on us, because that resident is the richest person.

Once we reached that home, there we all found that one board was hanged at the entrance of that home gate, that is bank notice, "House seized and came for the auction", all of them stunned by seeing that board. 4 months back they visited that home and discussed with the owner for.

Suddenly after seeing that notice board, no one has voice. Our policy is not to publish anybody name directly here. Otherwise we have to publish the entire scene of that day with the evidence like photos and complete name and information of that home to all of our website visitors.

We should not be spoiled the reputation of anybody in the society, already they suffered from debts and other loans, again we should not be a headache for them by publishing their story. The main cause for that home is, the entire South direction totally open place approximately one kilometer.

As Per Vastu Facilitation to Turning Around House Is Most Important

Vastu for MoneyThis animated image shows, a person rounding the home, further we also observed there is a gap in between the house and compound wall. Generally, this is an auspicious method of constructing the home in compound premises. With this provided gap entire house gets ventilation, particularly airflow from all four directions.

Not only experts recommendations but many engineers and scientists insisted residents to have more airflow from all directions then the bacteria or virus never stays at home, fresh air has to enter into the home, which generally brings good health to the residents.

It's clear that if there is no airflow in a home then commonly we may found residents may suffer from health disorders and mental strain. Pure air and clam atmosphere always protect humans from health disorders.

Not only in the name of Vastu, but the residents may also plan for the good ventilation to the homes, this is the best idea. One should not forget about fresh airflow to the home and natural lighting. Here rounding the home means, we are treating the home as "Gruhaalayam", (Gruha + Aalayam = Gruhaalayam) this only one word is enough, how we should respect our home. Our living property is nothing but a temple of stay.

As usual always the home should be built very near to the Southwest direction of the plot, construct the compound wall to the entire site, this is a common rule. In some countries, there is no compound wall, at that moment, no need to worry.

Importance of Southwest Money Chest

how to get money with Vastu tipsIn this image the inner part of the house is highlighted, particularly only the bedroom, not the entire home. Please check the above image and this image twice then you may understand about we are discussing only a bedroom not a house. Bed/Cot was placed near to the South wall, one safe (almira) which may has money or ornaments was shown to side of this bed towards Southwest.

Door to the safe open in North direction, so when the door is opening means the resident faces towards the South direction and the safe / almirah faces towards the North direction. Keeping the safe Almira towards the Southwest area is also a good idea to stay money long time with residents.

Unfortunately, nowadays most of the residents are not keeping money at homes, they like to keep at banks only due to security reasons and it enables to do online business transactions and further residents got small bank interest on their savings.

The safe should not touch the South or West walls, there should be some gap has to be maintained, say about at least 2 inches if the room is wider then you may maintain 1 feet even, after this safe again has to provide some gap and thereafter cot has to be placed. Observe the gap position in this image and below image too.

If the bedroom (Southwest bedroom) is wider then arrange at least 1/2 feet gap in between the South wall and Almira. Further, observe the safe backline and bed back line, both are on the same line only. This is the right position.

Money and Vastu ShastraIn this image the safe is placed towards same Southwest (Nairuthi corner) direction but facing towards East direction and further opening towards East. Resting to observe the gap between cash chest and the West wall and bed too. Providing as much as open space in this location is a good idea, but due to congested homes we may not arrange everything. Further, requesting visitors to check where to keep the bed and where to keep the head while sleeping were also shown in this image.

More open space was provided towards the East and North directions. One thing we should not forget is in terms of Vastu. Without neighborhood support, it's tough to get a secured life. The entire information here belongs to the inside of the home and compound premises, please note this point.

For more information on Neighborhood vastu this link may helps. If already kept safe in a master bedroom, please keep some amount in the same. This may attract again money. Money attracts money, this may be the nature rule. So keep some amount in the safe, always.

South To North Floor Depression Develop Money Opportunities

Vastu for CashCheck animation in this image, a light from South direction to North direction animated. If the south direction floor is elevated and the North direction floor is depressed then that plot is an auspicious and prosperous plot. It is better if the plot has a natural depression from South elevated and North depression. And better to buy this type of plots, the nature of that plot resulting to heavy money flow, good health, developing business, lucky hand, golden moments, etc may be experience.

After buying this plot better to approach one experienced vastu consultant for a best vaastu houseplan.

Don’t look for the consultant fees, if one item is original and genuine its cost is also high, after buying this genuine item you will enjoy it, if the item is duplicate the cost is also less, you will always feel troubles with these duplicate items.

Quacks are in the market, don’t approach them, as they are cheap at visiting time, and they drag money by saying all false things and collects money from you by saying duplicate poojas, etc. Be cautious.

West To East Floor Depression Improve Money Chances

How to get money with vastu help One house plot depression is at east (you may read more on east facing, from this article) side, it means West direction place is elevated and East place is depressed, it means gradually the site or plot is down from west side to east side. Elevation at West side is so good and this plot is auspicious and good for living. The residents living in this plot enjoy excellent results. They can do wonders and face any challenges in their life.

These people will not be pointed for any mistake, which means residents never done any mistakes and they cannot be pointed by others. Health becomes good and wealth is also good.

If you found this type of plots, better to buy these type of plots for future pleasure life. Vastu is good at the house, wealth is also good at the house. One important hint is that the selected site should be conformity with the compass directions. It means the four directions shown by the compass should match the four directions of the site.

If this is possible or if it is so we can construct a perfect house in this type of plot or site. I wish you all the best. Few residents asks Vastu for getting rich or is Vastu helps to make rich, if everything is planned accordingly then there is a high chance to become rich with hand-picked tips.

Our main vision is people has to enjoy wealth. Every Indian should become rich, frequently we are updating this link with many vastu tips for money growth, in Hindi also we are planning to publish, very soon visitors may observe Hindi Vastu in our website.

Constantly we are providing Vastu remedies to develop opportunities to improve money. Most of the visitors and residents are looking for Vastu tips for money luck, Vastu for getting rich. Hope you still remember that in our olden days some of our neighbors started to say about Money Plant, for that also we wish to develop in our website.

Nowadays most of the people idea wishes to get easy money, looking for easy money, their vision may be 100% wrong if they change their thought and earn money with hard work from then they will experience the satisfaction and peace. Satisfaction is the most important for everybody.

Regarding Money and Health:

Every person has a mix of good and bad habits. Bad habits are not merely smoking and drinking only. Maybe several others. However several people do not consider them to be bad habits at all.

Astrologically or otherwise these are indeed bad habits leading to Ill Health and loss of property. Let us now see some of these so-called bad habits. Toilets and bathrooms should always be kept clean.

Not keeping so will lead to poor health. It is said in astrology that such situations invite debilitating aspects of planet Moon leading to loss of health and wealth too. Footwear should be kept always near the entrance door separately or negative forces may enter the house freely. Everyone must ensure the cleanliness of their feet.

Or else lifelong suffering is possible. Never waste food. Discarding edible food on the plate is throwing wealth away. Never talk loudly. This neutralizes all good work done. Keep the kitchen neat and tidy. Never sleep late on a regular basis. It is not good for health, mind gets disturbed, one may become a victim of mental disorders.

Never talk ill about others and in particular elders, for this will react on you negatively. Never spit everywhere, there are intrinsic meanings in every act and talk. For better living, one should practice diligence at all times.

There are many Vastu tips for money growth. Residents can plan to earn money with the help of Vastu shastra tips, but they should follow systematic way of corrections for their properties when looking for money.

Some Vastu tips really help for money growth and cash flow into the home. Some business people made huge capital at the time of starting of their firms but did not pay attention for Vastu when they get lost of their money and funds, then they wish to search for consultants for money.

If the vastu of the property is not good, then some business people can't regularly be paying wages to the staff, once salaries are not properly paid to the workers automatically the name and fame will collapse. Vastu for earning money is not a challenge, but inhabitants have to show their property with one of the best experts, don't compromise.

We provided some tips for money growth. This link is regularly updated with the latest information. Visitors are requested to regularly visiting this link for more information.

Keeping money plants in the home is also a good idea to have changed in money matters in the home. We found residences who has money plant in their homes has money in their hands. Once it was proved with some homes, its not the wrong idea to follow such a technique.

It's not a costly venture to have one Money Plant in the home. Best to arrange this Money Plant at anywhere in the home except an exact Northeast corner, exact Southeast corner, and exact Northwest corner. If a money plant is grown in a water bottle or water container then residents can keep it at Southeast and Northwest corners too. Please try to make clean the money plant regularly. Regularly remove the faded leaves from Money Plant.

With Money You Can Buy Blood, But Not Life

With Money You Can Buy A Bed, But Not Sleep

With Money You Can Buy A Clock, But Not Time

With Money You Can Buy A House, But Not A Home

With Money You Can Buy A Position, But Not Respect

With Money You Can Buy A Book, But Not Knowledge

With Money You Can Buy Sensual Desires, But Not Love

With Money You Can See A Doctor, But Not Good Health

With Money You Can Buy More Items, But Not Satisfaction

Can We Give Our Used Old Purse Or Wallet To Someone Else To Use - Aarti - Rohtak

Simple thing is that, if you are most comfortable with a money purse by having good enough money in that purse always, then don't let it to give to others. It's not a good idea. You can always keep it with you or it will be carried to your kids too.

How To Make Enough Money with the help of Vastu?

If South is elevated and super strong with heavy buildings or mountains or hillocks, then it assists to make enough money to the residents.

All In One Place For Vastu Questions

+7 #12 Vastu Tips for Earning MoneyAbhishek raut 2018-03-05 07:57
The way you understand us was excellent ! For Earning money
+11 #11 MoneyChristophee 2017-09-16 10:05
Dear Suresh, you have given very good tips for Vastu remedies for financial problems.
+5 #10 Vastu for moneySurjit kaur 2017-04-01 09:48
Very ģood and correct points to attract money money is not everything but necessary for life
+5 #9 Vastu remedies for MoneySekhar 2016-10-27 08:35
Respected sirs, facing lots of financial constraints, how to overcome from this situations. Somebody told me about Vastu remedies for money, I know we have to show our property only with vastu expert who has vast knowledge on vastu. is water bodies at south also working on money in the home. looking for your urgent reply in this regard.
+8 #8 Money problemsManish Desai 2015-12-01 05:29
My DOB is 11 / 09 / 1969
time 1 : 30 night
Main entrance of home is south
Sw corner is cutting
And toilet is in East and se
Please give me proper suggestion
For vastu remedies
+1 #7 vastu for money how to keep moneysukhjinder singh 2015-09-18 05:47
Sureshji, vastu for money how to keep money in our home. Please help us to grow money in our home.
+13 #6 Vastu for Money | Cash | How to Get Money | SubhavaastuShirley 2014-11-02 02:02
I do not know whether it's just me or if everyone else experiencing issues with money which we earn, where exactly we have to keep for long stay. your website expresses a right way of direction to keep the money in some places, but it may not possible in our country to do some corrections recommended by you. already it was built home, i cant do any alterations right now, but i was so happy by seeing your site content and now i can decide the best placement of cash box. buddy, love you more for all of your services dear
+6 #5 West SideSanntosh 2014-10-09 00:19
Dear Sir I reside in South Australia. Presently I sleep in Southwest Bedroom but my bed is towards the westside cause in southside there is a glass wall and sliding door, by keeping head towards West in SW bedroom is it good or not. Kind regards, Sanntosh
+14 #4 Intelligence in money savings through a traditional Indian scienceBrigida 2014-07-30 20:40
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+11 #3 Vastu for Money | How to Get MoneyDomingo 2014-06-20 03:43
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+12 #1 Vastu for Money | How to Get Money | Vastu CashHildegarde 2014-03-05 15:55
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

Read Complete Vastu Testimonials on our Vastu Consultant


Delayed Marriages

Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".

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Inspirational Quotations

"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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