We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Eastern Northeast Road Thrust | Easteshan Road Hit | Purva Disha Vidhi Shula

Eastern Northeast street focus"When a street originating from the Eastern Northeast direction intersects the Eastern Northeast section of a residence, it is termed as an Eastern Northeast street thrust. Now, let's delve into a comprehensive examination of the merits and demerits associated with this alignment known as Purva Eshan hit."

Important Street Focus Links to Visit


Eastern Northeast Road Thrust Home

Northeast-East road thrustIt's truly extraordinary! In most cases, properties of this kind are rarely found on the market, as they occupy exceptionally advantageous positions. This alignment, where Eastern Northeast and a part of the Northeast, bestows upon the property a fusion of strength from both directions. Now, let's explore the promising outcomes of this East Ishan road hit. Typically, residents can anticipate favorable results from dwelling in such esteemed properties.

Eastern Northeast Street Focus

In the broader context, when a road thrust aligns with a residential property, factory, or any other construction at the Eastern Northeast or Purva Ishan or East Eshan side, it is typically referred to as Eastern Northeast or Poorvaeshan (Purva Ishan) street focus. This configuration holds significance as the second most favorable focus, following closely behind the Northeast street focus, imparting both advantages and considerations that warrant detailed exploration.

Is a Eastern Northeast Street Focus Home beneficial?

Generally, residing in a home influenced by the Eastern Northeast road thrust is considered favorable due to its auspicious alignment according to Vastu principles. This orientation is believed to attract positive energy and promote harmony within the household, fostering a conducive environment for overall well-being and prosperity.

Can I Buy Eastern Northeast Street Focus Home?

Residents have the option to purchase a home with an Eastern Northeast street focus, typically associated with remarkable benefits for occupants. However, it is strongly advised to seek confirmation from an expert for added assurance. Please review the unfortunate encounter shared by a resident, featured towards the end of this article. Making independent decisions without seeking guidance or considering expert advice may result in unforeseen challenges and hardships down the road. It's prudent to weigh all options and seek counsel to mitigate potential pitfalls and ensure a more secure path forward.

What Are the Key Features of the Eastern Northeast Street Focus?

Exploring various aspects such as enhancing leadership skills, fostering happiness, improving educational opportunities, gaining recognition in society, attaining financial stability, and enhancing overall well-being are among the topics covered extensively in the subsequent discussion below.

Is Expert Consultation Necessary Despite the Perceived Benefits of Ene Street Focus?

Seeking Vastu consultancy is imperative for all properties, ensuring a secure foundation for a prosperous future. Residents are urged to peruse the final paragraph in the provided link to understand the repercussions of even minor oversights, which can lead to sleepless nights. While some may seek to economize on consultancy fees, it's vital to recognize that these charges typically represent a minimal fraction, approximately 0.05%, of the home's actual value. Ultimately, the decision rests with the residents' discretion.

What Are The Effects of Eastern Northeast Street Thrust

The impact of ENE street thrust closely mirrors that of Northeast street thrust, promising residents a sense of contentment and well-being. However, to ensure the longevity of these benefits for future generations, it's crucial to take necessary precautions. By adhering to Vastu principles such as constructing a compliant house layout, erecting a proper perimeter wall, and observing other essential guidelines outlined in the domain of Vastu, residents can secure not only their happiness but also their reputation and standing within society.

Below Are Detailed Benefits of Eastern Northeast Road Focus

1. Name and fame, exemplary progress in life.

2. Children benefiting from good education

3. Improvement of Education.

4. Helps to develop name in their educational institutions.

5. Completing every undertaking in a happy situation thus acquiring financial benefits too.

6. Travels to distant lands, and such enterprises becoming hugely beneficial. Foreign travels

7. Increased earnings and building up of assets.

8. Sound health and happiness.

9. Every problem being resolved amicably including apparently intangible ones.

10. Promotions and handsome raise in earnings.

11. Become leaders, climbing up the ladder.

12. All works on hand getting completed in due time.

13. Greatly improved thinking faculty leading to quick decisions (solutions).

14. Great and congenial atmosphere

15. Extraordinary development in their profession.

16. If residing in such residences for a considerably long period even.

17. Inhabitants may develop good personality..

18. Improvement in health is indicated when sick people reside in such houses.

19. Vanquishing of adversaries.

20. Success in litigation.

21. Being consulted as an elder in others disputes.

22. This content is from Subhavaastu.com website.

23. Being able to acquire all that is needed in the house.

24. Mental happiness and over all prosperity.

Eastern Northeast Street Focus to The House.

Northeast-east street focusWe can clearly obseve a road it hitting a home from Eastern Northeast to the Eastern Northeast area of the home. Please note that this ENE focus may be similar to the focus of Northeast, but it has variant and vibrant outcomes as it includes the Northeast of East direction. Normally, the Vastu effects are superb.

Eastern Northeast Road Thurst Mixed with East Road & Going to South Direction

Purva Ishan Disha road focusNortheast east Veedhi Shula and it mixed with East road of the House. Guidelines for this home is best to leave additional open space in the North direction to yield more positivity.

Northeast-east Road Thurst Focusing On Home and Turning Towards South Direction

Eastern Northeast Road ThrustPlease ensure that the East road should not join the South road if there is "any adjacent South road" to the house. In that case, the house is called a Southeast corner house and having Purva Ishan Shula. Normally, this home resident has to face heavy expenditures but will get a name in society. For everything, they need to spend more money.

Northeast-east Road Thurst Focusing On Home and Moving Towards North Direction

Purva eshan disha veedhi sulaThis house has Northeast east street focus, but this strike turn to the North road. Generally, this is auspicious road strike to the home.

Eastern Northeast Street Passing Towards West Direction

Eastern Northeast road kutthuNorth road to the property and Kutthu from purva ishan. along with ENE , the road is on the North side of the house. In such cases while constructing best to leave open space towards East direction.

Extraordinary Northeast-east Road Thrust

T shaped roadsThis house is greatly beneficial as there are as besides ENE there are roads towards North and East too. Please note that there should be houses covered to this house towards South and West directions, and the site should be 90 degrees as per Compass. If there is any skyscrapers towards Northeast corner, then think twice before buying this property.

Superior Quality North east East Street Focus

తూర్పు ఈశాన్య వీధిపోటుThis is said to be excellent property. If residents found to have such property, then residents may buy it. This is having North and East road, the East road is running towards North and North road is running towards East and moreover, it has ENE (Eastern Northeast) street knock. Generally, these blocks do not come for sale, if it came into the market for sale then the meaning is the residents would like to migrate to other places, etc. If the inside vastu is perfect then its nothing but a mini heaven.

Wide Eastern Northeast Road Thrust

తూర్పు ఈశాన్య వీధిపోటు గృహముCompare both below street focuses. Observe the wide street and narrow street images, both may be shadowed ENE knock on House, but "A" property is better results oriented than the "B" house, why it is like so?. Because this "A" house is having a bigger road towards the North, additional benefits will be added to "A" house.

Norrow Eastern Northeast Veedhi Sula

తూర్పు ఈశాన్య వీధిచూపు ఇల్లుRegarding "B" house it has only narrow North road, it does not have such huge additional benefits when compared with "A" House. In the Vastu subject, observation has a great significance. Many visitors enquiring about their searched properties is having "street knock", but they failed to say the exact description and facts of the property (matter came from subhavaastu.com website) and finally, they would blame the vastu consultants, that is why phone consultation is not at all recommended.

Tiny Eastern Northeast Road Thrust Giving Good Results?

Northeast-east thrustAn experienced Vaastu consultant would easily detect seemingly apparent street thrust which are supposed to be ENE and which infact are not. In this regard, we had already noted that apart from this part, where the street thrust occurs, it is also important to note as to where from the street itself has started. Some of the streets may have curious bends also. There is ENE street thrust. This street is rather small. This is generally good.

Acting As Northeast East Street Thrust

Thoorpu esanya veedhi choopuThis house does not strictly come under ENE banner. The thrusting streets as emanated from East and hence will bestow only East street thrust benefit results, if there are no houses towards South side of this road knock and houses towards North side then it may bestows with Southeast forces to the house which may effect some bad to the residents.

Is This Road Thrust Considered To Be Northeast East Street Focus

Northeast of East street focusThis ENE street thrust is infact starting from SE of the house, through striking at ENE, as a matter of fact, this is not a benevolent ENE. In the neighborhood, Vastu street thrusts are an important factor. Though ancient literature also mentions various street thrusts, traditional vasthu scholars do not pay due attention to the street thrusts.

It is interesting to note that the town planning for New Delhi, i.e., Rashtrapati Bhavan, Parliament House, North Block, South Block, and the residential complexes were designed on sound Vastu principles), no doubt we should prosper and so also the society.

Nowadays a fashion trend is going on, many residents are now reading two or three Vastu books and browsing some websites and they are adventuring by buying the properties and doing their own style of Vastu alteration corrections to the properties.

This is the most dangerous practice. Though inhabitants know this, they are trying to do taking decisions on their own. This is called "Fate", no one change others "destiny".

Is Every Northeast East Street Focuses Are Giving Good Results?

We are humans but all the faces are not equal, many identifications for many people, all are not same, likewise "houses" too. Some readers thought that if one ENE road thrust house rendering quality results, they feel that all the other ENE SF homes also giving same results, though the plan of the houses may be equal and no change but Surroundings might change in each and every part and house too.

Please be cautious when residents are going to buy the house or trying to do corrections for their current living home, then the good decision is please approach one best expert Vastu consultant and show the house afterward only decide for further consideration.

If ENE Road Focus Homes Are Good, Then How They Come For Sale

Generally, Northeast east homes never come for sale. Sometimes, These houses are also ready to sale, the reason may be owners of that house may go too far away on transfers or doing new business in other country or state or go to foreign countries for settlement or stay with their children, these are the reasons for selling of that house, there are no other reasons.

If the homeowner finds any other reason than the above, there might be a very strong disturbance in the home as per Vastu.

If residents find any house of like this type of Eastern Northeast street touch is for sales, don’t leave them, any way we are insisting the inhabitants better to approach one expert vastu consultant and show that house and then decide to buy or not, generally Eastern Northeast road touch homes never come for sale.

If any ENE home came for sale, that means, they are migrating to other places or buying a new big home or old age, etc. Otherwise, there should be a monster reason behind the sales, experts can easily identify and save the residents.

Observe Research Points On ENE

thoorpu esanya vidhi potuThree houses having ENE street focus are shown, all the houses are of the same type as also the street focus. House no:1 .. has ENE street focus where the thrusting street is sharp in length. The second house has ENE street thrust which a longer street and the third house similar thrust which much longer street. The strength of street thrust is directly proportional to the length of the road causing such thrust.

Let us study now these three houses, study the asterisk and arrow marks the asterisk is quantifying the strength of the street thrust, the first arrow has one, the second two, and the third three asterisks. One star and arrow carry huge power, two stars, and arrows still longer, and three stars and three arrows still larger strength.

For home -1 the ENE street focus brings immense prosperity and we presume for the third house, the prosperity quotient would be tripled. However, this is possible only when the third house is comparatively much larger than the first house.

Only then the huge power could be observed by the house and bestow its benefits in like proportion. Only for folks' conceptual understanding, this is shown pictorially.

Same ENE Road Thrust Touching Different Measured Homes

purva esanya disa potuStudy the houses one and two, first one is small in size, the second house is much bigger. However, the street focus for both houses is similar. In this case, the second house is able to observe the power of the street thrust better than the first. This does not, however, mean that the first house gets lesser strength.

Narrow ENE Road Thrust Touching The Small & Big Homes

East of Northeast street thrustSee the two houses in figure three having a road hit, house number one is small, house number two is very large, however, the ENE street focus is same for either house. In this case house number, one is able to absorb fully the effects of road touch. In the case of house number two, even after absorbing the effect fully it is insufficient.

In such situations, the residents of house number -1 would be benefited much earlier, whereas in the case of house number two may be delayed. It may also not be a totally correct state that the benefits of the street focus bestow similar results to all houses.

Streets are never uniform (in size and length and surroundings), they may have peculiar bends and may have several combination effects. Only a competent Vastu scholar may be able to detect these and comment on them.

Vastu is like a huge ocean and it cannot be quantified. Its depth is unpredictable. Sad in our society, there are people who precisely do the same and deceive the general public.

However, there are people who seem to feel its birth right to get cheated and some do get cheated due to their thinking and that they should not be extravagant (?) In their payments to competent vastu consultant and thus waste large sums of their hard-earned money and time. However, they're all a few how do possess the right temperament and consult accomplished vastu consultant and profit thereby.

Delayed ENE Focus Results

East Northeast Street ViewWhen we studied the following figures we may wonder if ever there are such combinations of the street thrust. In the figure, though there is a benevolent ENE street focus on house number 2, it does not bode well. Consequently, the beneficial effects would be delayed.

Obstruction at ENE Focus Outcome

கிழக்கு வடகிழக்கு தெரு காட்சிObserve this image and above image house once again. There is a difference in both images. In this image a house constructed towards South direction of the Street. It will make results, delayed.

ENE Right Bent Street Focus On Home

ಪೂರ್ವ ಈಶಾನ್ಯ ರಸ್ತೆ ನೋಟSome other road thrusts has different results on the properties, observe the variation in results. This image focus is also called as Eastern Northeast street focus, but this has slight curve towards South direction at some distance from the home. We should observe where it was taken bent from the house, what is the distance of this curve from the home, how many degrees showing in the compass and other facts should be check. Keep it in mind and observe the below image.

ENE Left Bent Road Focus On House

ईस्ट नॉर्थईस्ट स्ट्रीट व्यूThis focus also called as Eastern Northeast, but it takes slight left bent towards North direction. Here also we should take note of the distance where the bent was took place from the house. Please observe this image and the above image, the results may be little vary based on the distance from the house.

Weak ENE Street Focus With Road Enchoaching Homes

ईस्ट नॉर्थईस्ट स्ट्रीट स्ट्राइकDue to the constructions took place at the road, the focus would become weak. Normally, encroached homes will act as speed breakers to the focus power. Every focus should not be considered to be preeminent. There are many factors that residents should be careful about. It should not be assumed that every thrust produces carbon copy results.

No two streets are identical, they are hugely dissimilar, such being the case, the street thrusts are also dissimilar. There are 8 directions for a house and 8 types of street thrusts are but natural, yielding 64 types of street thrusts, we have seen how there may be several street thrusts in one direction alone, each bestowing its own effects on the house.

Only a thorough study at sight alone would reveal the facts. These types of streets or road encroaching houses may be visible in many villages, in towns and cities the number may be lesser but in old cities and towns, we may find about these types of roads and encroachments.

Now we have seen how certain constructions themselves are transformed as street focus, same could be construed for plots too. This is just explained in one’s understanding. This does not mean that every construction can be construed to be transforming as a street thrust.

Some people comprehend as street thrust immediately. Some even could comprehend its consequences and some others their benevolent or malevolent effects rather acutely as also remedial measures for the same. However, we are trying to explain all these phenomena, not for scholars but for ordinary earthly people keen to know and hence often side step to explain more comprehensively.

When a person who has no knowledge of the subject reads this book he will be happy to know as it satisfies his logical mind. Others who already are familiar with the subject would appreciate it as their knowledge gets the acknowledgment and know a bit more.

Further people well worst in the subject, even while just glancing through the pages, would appreciate the efforts put in by the other and may even try to talk to him to compliment him for the job done well. As for our self we are trying to be as comprehensive as possible, so that even ordinary folk, not familiar with the subject may grasp it well.

Having seen the order of transformation one can visualize what a street thrust is all above, its important to know, as to which part (direction) of the house is facing the street thrust as also from where such thrust has originated.

Simply put, the effect of street thrust is similar to the effect of having an entrance door at that point for going and coming into the house (we know a door in west and south is beneficial and a door at ESE, SSW, SW, WSW, NW, NNW are indeed harmful) it must be well understood that evaluating a street thrust and its effects either malevolent or benevolent will have to be done carefully after establishing the fact of street thrust, comprehensively by physical evaluation alone, we will see this aspect later in this book.

The external geographical features of the house – street thrust levels extensions or otherwise high raise mounts constructions, lakes, water bodies, drains and low line areas, etc – all these come under the generic name of neighborhood vastu. One’s own compound wall and construction within alone are household vastu. This neighborhood also affects the vastu of one’s house.

Depending upon one’s own construction the effects can be moderate (whether good or otherwise) or rather severe. It is for this reason, mature vastu scholars urge for the proper vastu consultation before undertaking any purchase of plot or construction at the site.

If a house Is vastu compliant the residents will enjoy benevolent effects even though slowly in the beginning. It is but natural to conclude as the period of the residents increases prosperity also becomes enhanced. One should, rather not live in a non-vastu compliant house for a longer period. Even if the earlier period is indeed good one may have to face tough times ahead.

There are instances where the effects of such street thrusts could be enormously increased or minimized. For instance, if a house faces a malevolent street thrust the consequences are indeed disastrous.

However, in the given situation had there been are perimeter wall in conformity with vastu science (described more comprehensively in subhavaastu a modern book written after exhaustive research), the malevolent effects could be greatly reduced.

In so far as street thrusts and its effects are concerned, an expert vastu consultant alone would be able to discern and reveal the same. Otherwise with incomplete knowledge results would be disastrous. For your kind information, we would like to show one house which given disastrous results to the results.

A small mistake spoils entire system in Vastu, by reading vastu books and vastu websites information through Internet, one resident taken a decision that Eastern Northeast street focus property is good and was bought the property, after only 2 years they lost most of their valuables and defame in the society and particularly they pointed out by their friends and relatives without their mistake. Observe the below image.

Best Example Of Adverse Results Of ENE Focus

पूर्व ईशान्य स्ट्रीट स्ट्राइकThis is also Northeast-east road thrust, please observe the arrow mark area, there is the main door which is accessible inside to outside, due to this small change the street act as a Southeast-east street thrust and defames the resident. So in Vastu everything has to be observed very carefully and then only has to take the decision to buy properties, ordinary people can't have such stuff to decide and particularly quacks have wrongly guided the residents.

If the door was perfectly placed then this street touch will bless with name and fame and with many more beneficial aspects. Generally, the resident feels that all Northeast thrust homes are good, its the case, a small mistake which may take the decision may cause many failures.

The unfortunate procedure is many inhabitants nowadays taking wrong decisions by reading vastu books or vastu websites and coming to their own findings, this could damage their status or financial strength and defame in society.

General Positive Results Through Eastern Northeast Street Hit

Good results of Easteshan street focus are leadership qualities, name, and fame in the society, total satisfactory life, enjoyment, pleasant trips, busy with currency calculations, the success rate is increasing year after year, jackpots, fun with friends and relatives, foreign trips, good life, works go smooth, good education, noble life, enormous funds, bank deposits, nice character, royal look, good behavior, total family on pleasant trips.

Good alliance to the daughters, right job for the sons, far distance jobs available and extracting good name and money from there, funds overflow than expecting, an authority on all aspects, all amenities in the house, successful hand in everywhere.

the head of the family controls all the members of the family and nearby his partners or relatives or friends, he is respected anywhere his word will be the final word in the family, many people obey him and goodwill, he is the authority on every event in the family, head commands and controls the members of the family, he will have a successful hand everywhere, but this focus is not responsible on health aspects etc, but family members enjoy good health.

My grandfather was imprisoned during the freedom struggle and was incarcerated for two long years, during which time my family underwent innumerable hardships. My father was a small child then.

By every standard our family was prosperous and my Grand Mother used to tell me about the hardship they faced when my Grand Father was imprisoned. Often they slept hungrily.

I used to cry hearing the hardships from my grandmother. During imprisonment, my father was treated like a pariah, a privilege bestowed on jailed freedom fighters. Often I used to wonder how I would repay his debt.

Alas, the time has changed now. Earning has become rather a crude passion. Does this not lead society to extreme degradation? History tells us to mend our ways. What image we bequeath to the future generations, we leave it to readers.

It is in this strain I again appeal to the leaders. It is not adequate that our homes alone be Vastu compliant. This should be extended to public utility buildings as well.

In any case there is no harm in adhering to Vaasthu. There may even be extraordinary benefits to the society, I do realize my anguish expressed here, rather out of place, has no relevance to the subject matter.

I am prepared to furnish Vastu advice free to government constructions. It only needs a will for the leaders to profit from this science.

Benevolent Street Focuses:

1. Northeast Street focus, read the do's and don'ts of Northeast street focus properties.

2. Eastern Northeast Street Focus, is Eastern Northeast road thrust home is good to buy, generally, this focus property brings luck to the residents.

3. East Street Focus like to know whether the East road thrust home is giving good results or not, read the good guidance from this link.

4. Southern Southeast Street focus, what are the benefits of this SSE road hit home. Read several examples.

5. South Street Focus, a big dilemma of this focus homes. Buyers should be careful when buying this kind of homes. Don't take decision alone, it may turn to miseries in future.

6. West Street Focus, doubtful results. Experts advice is most significant in this regard.

7. Western NorthWest Street Focus, basically, this focus homes giving quality results, if the house inside vastu supports, otherwise, its power weaken.

8. North Street Focus, this thrust property should also need vastu scholar thorough observation and advise, be wise and be happy.

9. Northern Northeast Street Focus, normally, this road hit homes are giving auspicious results. Read the content and observe the stunning images.

Malevolent Street Focuses

10. Eastern Southeast Street Focus, is this home is good or bad, 25 exceptional images make you wonder.

11. Southeast Street Focus, fate is important for any resident, the lucky people reach the experts, the unfortunate people decide themself, these words can come into our mind when experiencing this kind of properties. Be safe, won't compromise on experts opinion.

12. Southern Southwest Street focus, without knowledge sometimes this focus attracted the home. This is a human mistake. It all happened if they did the experiment with their home and life. Be cautious with malevolent focuses.

13. Southwest Street Focus, the business tycoon may also suffer from finances when they live in this home. A healthy person may fall sick if they lived in this home, who knows, anything can happen with this. Care should be taken.

14. Western Southwest Street Focus, without hesitation approach the specialist and relax. Don't complete the consideration with tiny knowledge.

15. Northwest Street Focus, future should be happy, it should not be painful. Precautions is must while buying NW focus homes.

16. Northern Northwest Street Focus, there are two types of NNW focuses, what are they, what is their results. Learn through this link.

Thoughtful Vastu Shastra Questions

+17 #3 Eastern Northeast street focus house vastuRaj 2016-10-26 03:29
Respected sir, what a fascinating website you have. I admired your knowledge and presentation. Superb sir and I value your help with the present and profound certainties of the Vastu and with the most helpful methods which are inaccessible in the general public. We need your help with evaluating my home for any extent of good enhancements and tips. We are searching just for best master prompts on our property which has ENE focus. Much obliged to you.
+14 #2 Vastu Street Focus Eastern NortheastGenevieve 2014-04-02 14:53
Dear Mr. Suresh, subhavaastu.com is a fanciful in design, construction, appearance and looking, extraordinarily ludicrous text, hope it protects people. Your words shield from danger to humanity from negative forces in the universe. Remember me when you are looking for assistance in Poland. You are most welcome to our land.
+11 #1 Looking for advice on ENE focus plotBalaji 2014-02-07 17:48
Namaste Sir, I have visited your website countless times and each moment I spent here proved informative for me. The best thing about your website is that there are no annoying ads and we can browse seamlessly. I really appreciate the work you are doing for the noble cause of the public and am truly inspired. Very few people today have this beautiful vision. God bless you and Good luck. I am planning to buy a plot of size 70ft x 50ft which is a corner plot with south having 40ft wide road and east having 30ft wide road and at northeast corner from east face there is one perpendicular road of 30ft wide hitting. What are the comments on whether I can buy this plot or not.
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Inspirational Quotations

"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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