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Northeast Street Focus Vastu Details | Ishan Veedhi Soola | NE Road Thrust
Northeast Street focus | Ishan Road Thrust: Now we are discussing about the Northeast Street focus. We had also observed that whenever a new thing is thus revealed several people jump up and corroborate the same.
About 4 decades ago, the term "Vastu Shastra" might have been unfamiliar to many. Today, a significant number of residents are aware of this Vastu science, with many having purchased a bundle of Vastu books and learned the principles of Vastu.
This Vaastu is a validated science, which explains its enduring presence in the market. This includes street focuses among various aspects of Neighborhood Vastu that have been previously highlighted.
A generous street thrust may turn a pauper to an aristocrat and a malevolent vice versa. These street thrusts are visible and sometimes invisible too. Some are even called stealthy.
Coming with street focus subject only the best vastu expert can find it out, other ordinary Vastu pandit cannot find their nature and outcome.
One may believe it or not, but we never accept phone consultation or email consultation for all street focus homes or properties. It's only because of we are always looking for our patron's protection and well-being.
For your understanding purpose herewith we are publishing the short codes
NE : Northeast
NNE : Northern Northeast
ENE : Eastern Northeast
SE : Southeast
ESE : Eastern Southeast
SSE : Southern Southeast
How is the Northeast Street Focus Influencing the Home?
This dynamic illustration showcases the energizing impact of Northeast focus on a property, be it a home, factory, or shopping complex. This visual is presented solely for your enlightenment. In the depiction, a road impacts a property, followed by stars twinkling within the premises. This signifies that the Northeast street focus is bestowing commendable positive influences on the property, indicating that it is an excellent choice for purchase or rental.
Are All Homes with Northeast Street Focus Beneficial?
Not all homes with a Northeast street focus are automatically beneficial. While the Northeast direction is generally considered auspicious in Vastu, the overall impact on a home also depends on other architectural and environmental factors. The internal layout, surrounding structures, and additional Vastu elements of the home must also be harmoniously aligned to fully benefit from the positive influences of a Northeast street focus. Therefore, it's important to assess each property individually and consult with an expert to ensure that all aspects contribute positively to the dwelling's energy.
On What Factors NE Focus Is Giving Results, Based On What Situations It Is Working?
Formation wise of NE focus, the Vastu results may also differ in size of amount of outcomes. Results will be diverge based on these points are the considerable depending factors, they are:
1. "Street Formation" either from exact direction or mixed with other direction.
2. "Degrees of the house plot?", is the plot is 90° or 70° or 120°.
3. "Width of the property",
4. "Focus of the street on the home",
5. "Depth of the street" which is focusing on the home.
6. "Obstructions in between street thrust and property",
7. "Trees in between both focus and house",
8. "Is this property is an apartment flat or independent home",
9. "Comparison of floor levels of both road and house",
10. Is this the skewed plot or a regular house,
11. "Is there others homes are there at the backyard of this street focus home or the backyard is totally vacant",
12. "Is this road focus is exactly Northeast or it bent down towards North",
Numerous factors must be evaluated when analyzing the effects or reactions of street focus. The intricacies of road focus observations and their interpretations cannot be succinctly conveyed; they demand personal examination and direct observation of the property. In most instances, this Northeast focus tends to yield spectacular results.
What Are All Visible Street Thrusts:
Below are all visible street thrusts. In this case remedial measures where ever are to implemented are indeed possible, these street thrusts are, because road thrusts are visible.
1. Northeast street focus (NE)
2. East Northeast street focus (ENE)
3. East street focus.
4. East southeast street focus (ESE)
5. Southeast street focus (SE)
6. South southeast street focus (SSE)
7. South street focus
8. South southwest street focus (SSW)
9. Southwest street focus (SW)
10. West southwest street focus(WSW)
11. West street focus.
12. West northwest street focus (WNW)
13. Northwest street focus (NW)
14. North northwest street focus (NNW)
15. North street focus.
16. North northeast street focus (NNE)
Some Benevolent Road Thrusts
1. Northeast street focus (NE)
2. East Northeast street focus (ENE)
3. East street focus (E)
4. South southeast street focus (SSE)
5. Southeast street focus (SE)
6. West street focus
7. West northwest street focus (WNW)
8. North street focus (N)
9. North northeast street focus (NNE)
Malevolent Street Focuses
1. South southeast street focus (SSE)
2. Southeast street focus (SE)
3. South southwest street focus (SSW)
4. Southwest street focus (SW)
5. West southwest street focus(WSW)
6. North northwest street focus (NNW)
7. North northeast street focus (NNE)
Caution: With a little carelessness even South ( browse to know significant factors of South direction in Vastu from this link ) and west street thrusts which otherwise could be benevolent may turn malevolent, only a competent vastu scholar can identify it.
What Are All Advantages Of Northeast Street Focus
Northeast street focus presents with countless benefits to the residents. Most auspicious vaasthu results of this Northeast street focus is
Male posterity consistently on the go.
Quite possible of quality life existence with continued serenity.
Total satisfactory life with full of enjoyment.
Polish Intelligence. (Residents lives more than 25 years in this home, their kids will become genius in their fields. More stay, more good results.)
Improving knowledge.
Enhancing human skills.
Pleasant tours and trips to several long-distance locations.
Leadership qualities.
Success rate is increasing year after year.
Jackpots in terms of gaining wisdom or even money too.
Fun with friends & relatives.
Foreign trips.
Easy & happy life.
Works go smooth.
Good education.
Qualified people for many sectors.
Developing fame and name in the society.
Noble life.
Enormous funds.
Bank deposits, heavy flow of good means of sources in funding.
Good character.
Royal life after staying many years in the same home.
Good behavior.
Total family members on pleasant trips.
Good alliance to the daughters.
Right job for the sons.
Far distance jobs available and extracting good name and money from them.
Authority on all aspects.
All amenities in the house.
Successful hand in everywhere.
The head of the family controls all the members of the family and nearby his partners or relatives or friends etc.
All of the aforementioned benefits likely result from the focus falling correctly on the house from the right direction or area. Additionally, the internal Vasthu of the house must also be favorable; otherwise, we cannot definitively conclude as discussed above.
Can We Buy Northeast Street Focus Home?
These homes are occasionally put up for sale when owners need to relocate for job transfers, start new business ventures, or travel abroad; these are the typical reasons for selling these properties, with no others. Should you encounter any reasons for sale other than these, it could indicate significant disturbances related to the Northeast street focus as per Vastu. If you come across a property for sale with this Ishan street focus, seize the opportunity to purchase it even before having your lunch. However, remember to consult with experts before making any advance payments to the seller.
Let us first explore the concept of NE. When a street thrust affects a house, plot, factory, or any other structure, it is crucial to investigate the origin of these thrusting streets. If the source of the thrust comes from a benevolent direction, it is considered favorable. This influence can be likened to how water is transported through pipelines, carrying either positive or negative impacts.
Let Us Examine How Northeast ( Ne) Thrust Is:
Here the Northeast street thrust is distinctly visible. If a street strikes a corner of East and North directions such a situation is called Northeast street thrust. As told earlier let us first examine as to what northeast is all about. We should recognize the worth of NE to appreciate the same adequately. If north is extended it would mean that our journey to prosperity is started. Northeast denotes prosperity and progress.
This may be in anything such as progeny, economical, name and fame, education or happiness quotient, pleasures of life, health, business, political gains, external journeys, vehicles, increase in prosperity or any such other things. The seeds for such developments are sown by the NE.
We are writing as exhaustively on the subject as it is really helpful to the readers. It is said Lord Shiva himself is the lord of Northeast.
Hence it is best to pay special attention towards this. The whole Vastu is partial towards this. Figuratively speaking this corner takes care of all other seven sides (and corners) of the house.
Of the three pantheon of Hindu Gods Shiva is easily appeased.
Just as a mother is indulgent towards her children so is said lord Shiva and northeast is one aspect of His. As such it is nearly impossible to completely evaluate northeast fully. In vastu, it is indeed truly said – even if all the directions are defective not to sleight northeast of the house.
Development and progress starts from the northeast, it attracts the benevolent grace of Goddess of prosperity – Lakshmi. If such a part of the house is defective it would mean that we have discarded the very progress and prosperity of home and every thing that is accompanied with it.
How to Identify the Northeast Direction
The intersection of the North and East directions at a property site is known as the Northeast corner. This NE is situated between the North and East directions. The Northeast direction is also termed the Auxiliary Direction or Ordinal Direction. Please visit Northeast houses and their effects as per Vastu to learn more about this topic.
Half Curved Northeast Street Focus
Here even though the NE street is not straight and has bends etc it bestows its full effects on the house. The final destination is towards the Northeast corner of the site and started from the Northeast corner of the house plot. So it bestows the Northeast featured results to the residents. Please note that, this bent has some limitations to express the outcome quality.
"Y" shape Northeast Road Thrust
There is “Y” shape street thrust. This is extremely beneficial to the residents as if with one stroke several events are concluded successfully. There are 3 components in this NE street thrust. These are, 1. ENE (East Northeast). 2. NNE (North Northeast), 3. Only NE ( Exactly Northeast)
Two Portions Mixed in Northeast Street Focus
In the Northeast both NNE and ENE are co joined or else it will be either ENE or NNE only. In this image NE street thrust to the house appears. One half of the street thrust is crisscrossed and other half is plain brown color. The crisscrossed portion is NNE and the plain portion is ENE. Both act as excellent to the house. the results on the residents are exceptionally good. In this image every thing was written, the crisscrossed portion is Northeast-north and plain portion is Northeast-east.
Reverse Y Shaped (Catapult) Northeast Street Focus - Is This Good Or Bad
This is yet another type of NE street thrust, reverse Y shaped, this is also seen just like catapult. However, this house would not enjoy its benefits. See the arrow mark on the Southeast and Northwest side of the house causing ESE and NNW street thrust. Far ahead of the home (not adjoining) the house spare formed as traffic island makes the street thrust as ESE and NNW and not NE street thrust, with the results that the house would suffer negative effects of ESE and NNW street thrust.
Some may think that this is the Northeast street focus. Be cautious when selecting the plot/house with street focuses, this catapult street focus is not good.
Perfect Northeast Street Focus House
This property features a precise Northeast street focus. In this particular scenario, the house benefits not only from the Northeast street thrust but also from roads on both the northern and eastern sides, which are immensely advantageous. The residents are indeed fortunate. Should you discover such a home for sale, consider purchasing it, but ensure to do so under the expert guidance of specialists.
Please note that there should be houses towards South and West parts, no water ponds should be towards Southwest, South and West parts of this house.
Northeast Road Thrust Impacting the Home's Southeast
This street originates from the Northeast corner of the property, yet it intersects the Southeast corner of the house. Exercise prudence when considering the purchase of such properties. It is advisable to consult with an expert to thoroughly evaluate the implications of this alignment before making any decisions. Engaging professional guidance can provide clarity and ensure that your investment is well-informed.
Northeast Road Hit Impact on the House's Northwest Section
This seems to be a Northeast street thrust affecting the house's Northwest section. Such properties necessitate a comprehensive personal evaluation of an expert. Many aspects require meticulous examination in these scenarios. If the thrust aligns exactly as described, it is crucial to perform a detailed double-check before advancing. Considering the complex challenges posed by this alignment, it may be wise to rethink purchasing this house. Consulting with a professional is advisable to navigate potential difficulties and facilitate informed decision-making. If expert advice is unavailable, postponing the purchase is also a viable option.
Northeast Street Hit Focusing Entire Home
Here one road is hitting the entire house, we showed it with two parts of the road where exactly the road is hitting points of the house. This may also be called Northeast street focus, but we should be very cautious before buying these plots. Generally, many sites may have different kinds of Shula, some times, some may have freak focuses. Buyers should always search for an expert and show the property and then only has to decide.
Many residents are planned to buy properties and asking through phone call like one road is hitting the property, now if they see all the above information, further they never raise any more questions.
Northeast Street Hit Touching The Home North of Northeast, Is This Good
This is also Northeast road thrust, but touching the house North of Northeast. Is this good or bad?. This focus brings luck in terms of money to the residents. This is good street focus.
Northeast Road Thrust Touching The Center North House, Is This Good Or Bad
This road from NE is touching the exact North of the house. Many thought that this is good or bad. Most probably this could give good results, based on house construction. The house should be constructed below 50% of the East to West dimension. Best not to come out more than 50% of the measurement, then this road thrust bestows with good results. Anyway, without experts, personal visit, don't take any decision. If this kind of house located in USA, UK or Australia then please get proper guidance from online consultancy.
Northeast Road Thrust Touching House Northwest Portion
Still many people and including many Vastu consultants has opinioned that this would be the Northeast street thrust, though it was traveled from Northeast, but touching the Northwest of the house, it may never provide good results to the property. Please be cautious.
NE Road Hitting The House Northwest Portion Passing Through North Road
Please observe this image and above image, twice. The change appears here is only North road, this is a "little bit" good "than" the above street thrust house. There are many other sites, impressions, roads, systems, we may not publish everything here, but we tried our level best to inform at least some basic information including some important content with images. We hope this would help to find the "B E S T" house for a happy living.
Curved NE Thrust Touching House Northeast Portion
The curved focus to an property, is it called as Northeast street focus or Northern northeast street focus? Some times dilemma creates by observing the roads touching properties on paper or photos, even in videos also. The correct method is personal on site observation is safe, this could only help to decide about the nature of the street. In this case we should observe the street length, how far it is going towards Northeast or North, is it turned to Northeast inclined or is there any diagonal bent is there in between of the road etc information is required, after observing many other things we have to finalize future of this house. As of now, this is good street focus.
Arch Type NE Road Thrust Touching Northeast Home
Many residents always hurry, they require to know whether the land / house / villa / site / factory is good or bad by knowing it has some street focus, first we should learn one thing that all focuses may not be commensurate. Anyway, this focus shown in this image is not bad. It gives good results based on the length of the focus.
Northeast Shula Touching The House East Area
Many have their own opinion that this would be the exact Northeast street focus. This is a Northeast street focus, but it is touching the East part of the house, so we should be very careful in this analyzation. If the structure is below 50% of the site say about from North to South measurements. If it crossed 50% then it gives the adverse results. Experts opinion is highly recommended with this road thrust. Don't take the decision alone. It may hurt in the future.
Northeast Sula Touching House Northwest Portion
Please note that all NE street focuses are giving same results. Some time NE focus is also acting as a demon and produces absolute counteractive returns. Can we treat this as a Northeast street thrust, just forget about this site/house plot. We may not guarantee if this would provide culmination for good results. There might be lesser chances in cater to good results. But in some conditions, it may contribute good results for a shorter period, not a long time frame.
Northeast Street Focus Joining With North Road
This is north facing house is impacted by a Northeast road, which additionally intersects with a North road directly adjoining the home. This conjunction significantly enhances the property's value. Typically, homes with this configuration deliver superior outcomes, provided there are no adverse influences from the surrounding neighborhood. Such strategic alignment often leads to amplified benefits, making these properties highly desirable for their potent positive effects.
NE Road Thrust Connecting With East Road
This east facing home is impacted by a Northeastern road hit, which also converges with a East road abutting the residence. This unique intersection substantially augments the asset's appeal. Generally, dwellings with this architectural nexus yield premium results, assuming the neighboring vicinity harbors no detrimental factors. This configuration frequently catalyzes enhanced benefits, rendering these properties exceptionally sought after due to their pronounced positive impacts.
Is Buying a North Plot With Northeast Street Focus a Good Move?
The general wisdom in Vastu suggests that acquiring additional land to the North or East is beneficial, with many consultants advocating for extensions in these directions. However, this strategy can sometimes backfire. Consider the scenario where an individual purchases a "Newly Bought Plot" next to his "House" with a Northeast street focus, specifically extending to the North. While typically advantageous, in this case, it proves counterproductive.
Post-acquisition, the entire property, including the home, may inherit a negative influence. The previously beneficial Northeast street focus could yield adverse effects. It's crucial to exercise caution and conduct thorough assessments before final decisions are made to avoid potential complications for the occupants.
Is It Beneficial for NE Road Thrust Owners to Purchase an Additional East Plot?
Residents have acquired the East plot, and while expanding eastward is generally seen as a wise decision, it could backfire if the existing house is influenced by a Northeast road thrust. Not all remedies are suitable for every ailment. Information from books and the internet does not guarantee future safety for residents. To prevent potential negative outcomes and protect their investments, it's advisable for residents to seek expert advice before proceeding. This proactive approach can help ensure that their decisions do not lead to regrettable consequences.
Is Building a Round Structure in the Southwest Beneficial for a NE Road Hit House?
Constructing a round structure in the Southwest can act as a robust support for the main house, especially if it experiences a Northeast street thrust. This feature could be a crucial asset for properties with such a directional influence. While generally beneficial for all homes, in this context, it serves as an exceptionally effective enhancer, bolstering the positive attributes of the residence. Specifically, it strengthens and elevates the quality and security of the home, providing substantial support and enhancement to the inhabitants.
Is a Northeast Water Sump Good for a NE Focus Home?
When dealing with a Northeast road thrust, we advise against installing water wells in the Northeast, despite the Northeast is generally being favorable for water storage sumps. Due to the specific NE street thrust impacting the home, such placements "may" lead to adverse effects on the residents. If a water sump is essential, a sealed borewell is the recommended alternative, minimizing potential negative outcomes.
Benefits of Northeast Street Thrust
Only fortunate people will be blessed to have such Northeast street focus homes. If such a property is available for sale, it is wise to purchase it immediately, even if it comes at a higher price, as these properties rarely come onto the market. Residents, including tenants, typically enjoy favorable circumstances in these homes. It is a misconception to believe that tenants will not experience the consequences of Vastu, the ancient Indian science of architecture and energy.
Both owners and tenants will either benefit from or be adversely affected by the Vastu of the house. Houses with a northeast street thrust, in particular, can deliver results that are astonishingly positive. The northeast direction is traditionally associated with progress and prosperity in various areas such as offspring, finances, reputation, education, overall well-being, health, business, political success, international travel, and the expansion of family assets. There are further benefits which are common with these kind of NE focus homes.
Higher education
Travels to distant lands and prospering there.
Foreign Country Visits, Journey to Overseas, Travels, Holiday Trips, Enjoyment.
Mental happiness.
Becoming God-fearing, agnostic.
Increased earnings.
Name and fame in society
Intelligence, knowledge, competence and good disposition of heart.
Exalted status
Employees working under doing the work with devotion
In all endeavors contemplated – successful completion and happiness thereof.
Fair earnings and not knowing or be a victim of earnings of unfair means
Fair mindedness
Proper relation with nobility in the society
Good eating habits
Generally pleasant disposition in life.
Have Any Questions?
Respected residents may send questions on this article. Expect our reply within "5 minutes" to "24 hours" depending on proper greeting.
A northeast street focus in Vastu is highly auspicious, believed to bring exceptional progress and prosperity. It enhances various life aspects. When residents discover such homes for sale, they should promptly seek expert consultation before purchasing these homes or plots. It is advisable not to miss out on acquiring such properties.
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents
Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
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Inspirational Quotations
"True strength shines brightest when we remain calm and stand firm on our own, regardless of the circumstances" — Swami Vivekananda
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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