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Vastu Shastra Street Focus Northwest-north | Uttara Vayavya Soola | Northern Northwest Shoola
In this link we will discuss Northern Northwest Road Thrust and its impacts on residents and remedies.
What is Northern Northwest Street Focus?
When a Street came from Northwest of north and hitting a house is called the northern Northwest Street Focus or that property is called as Northwest-north street focus house.
If road is hitting to one house, then that house is called as Northern-Northwest street focus house, if this same Street is hitting to one factory then it is called as Northwest North road hitting factory, likewise shopping mall, function hall, college Apartment, etc.
If a house has having 90° and if a street hit from Northern Northwest, most of the cases this street may not bestows with good results and further this may hurt with many bad results to the residents.
King may become a beggar in this property, due to some surrounding support and inside good vastu, the happening may take a long time, but in most of the cases financially/mentally it hurts. It's the nature of Uttara Vayuvya veedhi potu.
Can I Buy Northern Northwest Street Focus House?
Without vastu experts advice one should not buy Northern Northwest road thrust home. It is mandatory to get quality vastu consultant advice before buying the house or plot.
Northwest North Street Focus Has Any Remedies
It has remedies, but residents alone should to not practice such corrections without experts recommendations. The best remedy is planting trees next to the home to protect focus from this NNW street. Hoardings are also the best examples of remedy. Further, an expert consultant can guide you with more important other remedies.
Observe the Northwest-north street focus
In Vastu Shastra North indicates prosperity Northern Northeast bestows greater prosperity however Northern Northwest causes ruination. Residents of homes having NW defects will suffer severe financial losses. The longer one stays in such a house the stronger will be the bad effects. If ever there be something good happening in such a place it will be for a very short while only.
All happiness will be a mirage in the end. Nothing happens as one plans. If you live in such a house please do not delay any possible remedial measures.
In cases where such remedial measures are not possible to take some precautions like
1. Not standing surety for others in any situation what so ever
2. Never indulge in any type of debts
3. Do not entangle in any type of situations that may be problematic for you later.
All these are only precautions.
However if there be a major street between the home and the NNW street thrust its effects may be reduced, we should confirm the between street width and measure.
This is also the same street focus to the property, but in between House and street focus, there is a road, so variation in results is likely to appear. North road will provide some extract positive results to the property, hence the Northwest-north road thrust negative power will be little decreased here.
There are parihara methods to increase positive powers to the property. But one should not be done changes without vastu consultant recommendation.
Based on surroundings only Vaastu expert explains remedies to this dristi effect. Here if the property encroaches towards North then bad results will be minimized and positive powers will have more power to enter into the house. The wider the East and West road, the lesser would be the influence of NNW street. If on the other hand NNW street is wide and East West road is not so, the effects of NNW street thrust will be fully visible.
This is said to be Northwest-north street focus, but it kicks with Northwest results too to the property, becareful when deal with Road hits to the properties. Generally, this kind of Northwest/Northwest-north street may bring bad luck to the residents. This street includes results with Northern Northwest and Northwest, this Northwest results may vary based on the degrees of the site and street. Some times tough to explain which results it may be bought to the home either Northwest or Northern North street focus. Anyway, most probably this is said to be bad road hit to the house.
Cunning Street Focus:
As earlier we discussed on street focuses and its formations and effects on properties. Now check this cunning street focus, most of the experts are also does not know about these methods. At least weak up after seen this cunning street focuses, don't buy any properties without Vastu Expert opinion.
Don't construct your dream projects without vaastu consultant advice. Many residents losing their money after reading many articles on Vastu Shastra and books, they thought that they know everything after reading the books and websites and start their dream projects, once their projects (Houses, factory) completes, then they lost their hard earned money and finally they are approaching the experts, what did they earn in between the actions.
Nothing, just losing their money and peace. Due to this cunning road focus, some residents may become pauper, filing IP (Applying Insolvency Petitions), Diwala, debts, court cases, issues from Government offices, troubles from Officials, quarrels in home, unsatisfactory moments, etc.
Some are intelligent, without vasthu pandit they won't do anything, finally, they stand an as lucky person in the market or in society. Be a lucky person in society.
Spend money when things become good in the future. We heard that keeping the Bagua mirror in front of the street may giving relaxing.
So one may follow with Bagua mirror, if you got any good results to let us know, we already doing observing of such techniques.
The relaxation is a short period, that is why we did not offer anybody to go with Bagua mirror. Save the money in Vastu consultancy means, definitely, they will completely losing the money in the future. Don't compromise and spend for it, when you require real vaasthu consultancy services. Vastu books and websites vasthu content is only for your information purposes.
Observe the image twice, then you may understand the logic here. There is no house in front of the Northwest of this main house, then that vacant place will be an addition to the road and it became Northwest-north street focus and adverse results may be the address of dream project. Its none of your mistake but bad results showered.
Here we are discussing only on Northwest part, we are not describing the West and East parts, please note this point. This same logic works with Southeast-east street focus properties.
Some body wrote this question. Hi. We bought a home recently. It is North Facing home. According to your website, it has north-northwest, Veedhi Sula, as the road hits our home on the Northern Northwest region.
But it is a one-way street where the traffic is not hitting our home and the street is a round-about or curvy-sack road. Will this be considered a Veedhi Sula as it is a round-about and the traffic in any direction is not hitting the home as it is one-way.
The answer is simple: If the traffic is two days then focus will be the normal strength, if the traffic is one way towards Home then the focus values increases and if the traffic is towards Street and not to the home then the focus values will be little lesser.
The malignant effects of Northern-Northwest street thrust may be
1. Financial losses
2. Getting involved in petty situations and getting bruised
3. Loss in business, speculations, etc
4. Mental agony, looking for things beyond one’s means, living in an imaginative world
5. Problems are due to girl children in the home.
6. Trying to take to solitude and acetic life.
7. Lunacy, somebody may experience with hysteria, mental disorder, etc.
8. Getting involved in huge debts, and getting worried to repay the same and indulging in further loans to repay the earlier ones, thus increasing debts.
9. The matter is from www.subhavaastu.com website.
10. Insecure life, afraid that the lenders may come at any time.
11. Mentally high stress, it will generate things which may finally cause stress to the residents.
12. Some more instances like enmity with friends or with relations. In addition to this if there is any Southeast problems in the home then the success ratio will be lesser when at the time of Panchayats or arguments.
13. Feeling confident at night and afraid in the day time, taking frequently stimulants and feeling an imaginary satisfaction thereof. (a peculiar feature of residents of such houses is they treat all visitors with due courtesies).
14. Bad habits and may leads to a bad name and may become vagabond finally. These wanderers do not have interest on anything and will become waste fellows finally, finally became making the residents prone to vices and having interest on round the places.
15. Showing interest in others works and sitting calm on their self pending works. Will get very good ideas on other problems and will not be getting any ideas on their self issues. Very speedy thoughts on waste things. Generally, these people may not be well organized.
16. Creating ill health to female members.
17. Litigation, Court cases, Divorce issues, and unnecessary arguments or murmuring within oneself
18. Heavy expenditure, attracted by cheap techniques of companies or persons and losing money.
19. Purchasing useless things, buying unwanted items.
20. Unbelievable shorten profits and assuming of such profits and finally dumping heavy capital and incurring losses.
21. Unbelievable shorten profits and assuming of such profits after observation and finally dumping heavy capital and incurring losses.
22. Wrong steps in life.
23. Co-operation from females may not be strong. They may always get stressed here. Most of the times they were mentally disturbed. Some times doing heavy poojas and some times they concluded that God is not there.
24. Suicidal tendency or always attempting for suicide, if there is any Southeast problem in the home they did not get anybody help though having many relations or friends. If there is Southwest problems then suicide attempts may be successful. Or residents may have continued suicidal tendencies. Or the situation may make them choose suicide as the substitute for their problems. Always suicidal tendency improves here.
25. Generally, these focus home residents are good in nature, some times getting pious respects from society, finally lost name and fame or their name will be disappeared or may be turned with mentally distressed after experiencing with high negative roles in the life, by seeing all the tragedies may be lost albino.
26. Life may be spoiled by friends or relations or even family members. The close relation may also be turned into an enemy.
27. Frequently changing the job.
28. Mental worries may be common for the residents of this home.
29. Infertility issues, or only female births or may become celibate.
30. If this home has any of other defects then the bad results of such direction will also be added to this street focus and finally, residents have got terrifying in their livelihood.
For example, if this NNW (Northern Northwest) street focus home has more open space towards the South then it affects more heavily on finances and ill-health. Mental tensions are very commonly shown with family members. Applying for Insolvency. Defeat in financial challenges, business downfall which cannot be recovered, bankruptcy, kids may not concentrate on education, etc may happen.
31. If this home has an additional bad effect of huge open space towards West then the misery may happen with many things with males of the property, defeats are most common in their livelihood. Has to obey the terms of the enemies. Increasing the power of enemies (Please understand here enemies means it may be financial, health, real enemies, etc). Bad name, fame loss, education spoils, irritating situations either with family members or outside.
32. If this property has any defect in terms of Southeast like focus, SE extension, etc, then daily life will be played by problems, day to day life is miserable to run, fighting is common in the home, if there is any good luck appears in the home, finally, that becomes negative results.
Unnecessary arguments, losing emotions, no financial discipline, lack of emotional control, like the nightlife, fear of morning, interested in alone life, trying for wrong sensual connections with others in the society, collapse in business, entire system breakdown, financial deterioration, differences in family members implosion, inadequacy, rupture in love and affection in family members etc may appears.
33. If there is floor depression towards West in the home then members cannot explain the agony which they suffer with, they cannot explain their misery and irritation activities in their life to their close friends too. The bad signals will be just like convulsion that may not be possible to recover positively.
34. The master bedroom plays a vital role in humans life, the residents in this home has to choose only the right master bedroom to sleep. If the master bedroom is in the wrong place, then their life will become like a wound in terms of finances and other activities too, bad habits will also become part of their life. These people may get more confidence in nights and too weaken in the mornings. Has to face creditors pressures, has to face issues with relations or friends too.
35. Sleepless nights or getting a wake up by very early hours like 3 a.m or 3:30 a.m and cannot get sleep then, thinking and thinking on many issues, thereafter, the entire day will be drowsy because getting early wake-up.
36. Residents will trust the cheaters easily and will have doubt on honest people.
There are many other points to be discussed here, but due to publication constraint and some other reasons, we don't want to express more details here.
Important Points, That Need To Be Considered When Relating The Results With Surrounding Effects
1. If this home has more open space towards North direction incluiding Northeast, then this bad street focus effect will be minimized with its bad evil thoughts. Residents will get relief from monetary troubles, but partial troubles will continue.
If this home has more open space, then kids will be more educated and parents also settled well, but they may get troubles with marriage issues of their kids. These effects will also be manageable when house shown with one expert vastu consultant, a personal visit is required, not online. Please note that when coming with street focuses, residents don't select online consultations. Please choose only a personal visit with one of the most genuine vastu expert. He can understand what are the exact facts of that street focus.
If this home has South elevated or hillocks at South direction, then residents may not suffer with financial troubles, but they may slightly suffer with mental tortures. Other people will take loans from these residents and avoid paying them, etc.
If East direction is lower than the West direction, then family members settlement will be appreciated, but had some mental tortures, they won't disappear. Kids will get good studies and settled in places and able to send money to the parents.
If there is trees in between the house and NNW street focus, then residents will get maximum relief from it.
If home has heavy open space at North, East and Northeast direction, very small open area at West, Southwest and South directions, then financially sound, but losing much amount in the name of loans, heavy expenditures, one or two mental disturbances maybe possible.
Please note that the period of living / staying in the home is too important when discussing with the results of this NNW street focus. This vastu results page may help how this period/TIME system runs.
Once again informing to all of the respected visitors here, if one has this street focus thrust, then he should not do the trading, speculation businesses. At any cost, he should not enter into partnership firms or businesses. He can easily bring loans from outside, creditors are ready to give loans to him.
But finally, he cannot repay to them and he has to sell his all valuables in the houses like Gold, Silver, even furniture also. So be careful on street thrusts. If you found any such street thrusts, don't refer the books and websites for information, so first search for one best vastu expert and show that property and then only decide further. Please remind the same., this is for your security reasons we are telling again and again. Don't enter into trap.
Some Residents Shared Their Troubles from Northwest of North Street Focus
Hi sir, First of all, I would like to you say thanks A Lot for your gift of www.subhavaastu.com. website for the society without expecting any money, without any advertisements or likes on the website. Really it is a great site and I am sure there will be no any other site like this site which has complete vaastu information. When going to my personal experience, I am living in the Hyderabad in my own house from the past 20 years which have Street Focus Northwest North | Uttar Vayavya. We have shown many Vaasthu specialists and did many changes but still not found any solutions. They have told different problems which we are facing. When I checked into the site and read about street focus really I was very much surprised without seeing me and my house there were problems mentioned in the site about the effects of street focus that were really exactly related to my life. Whatever you have written was exactly correct. There are around 12 points of problems noted about the street focus are really matching with my life - Balaraj - Hyderabad - Telangana - India.
Another Instance of NNW Road Shula
Dear Suresh, presently this property is vacant form the last 3 years. Before that two older couple (white people their names are Nick and Edmond) use to live in there they both are special teachers just like me worked in middle school.
They both are married after getting into that home. Both of them are fat (obesity) but they are very honest and perfect in their job. Most of the people who worked with them lost their jobs but I think they retired before that.
I think they went to the places where they come from. Before that the lady who lived (2002-2008) in this home was IRIS Monalo (Philippians) she also worked with me in 2007 and she is a school nurse. I don't know what her husband use to do but she told me that he brings the people to work in dairy (there is a big dairy here) and farms. She has been working there before 2007 (I joined my job here in 2007) and I think she left the job in 2009 and went to Indiana and presently she is in Arizona working as a school nurse.
Mrs. IRIS Monalo sold/transferred this property to her older sister MS. RAMIREZ GRACE (lives in California) in 2008 form there her sister rented this home for the couple I mentioned above.
In fact, the man Edmond first lived in the apartment where I am right now. After that he got married to the lady Nick and moved into that home they happily lived in that home for 5 years form 2008-2013.
The present owner Ramirez Grace lives in California. However, her brother lives here in Montezuma at 600, North Dooly Street, Montezuma GA. His name is Adger and he works on a farm. He has four children and one of his sons used this home for some time (between 2014-2017) after he got married. But now he lives independently and works somewhere here. I don't know the reason.
In fact, this home is built in 1800. Most of the homes here are built-in 1800. People here have serious sentiment which is they did not buy or rent a home which has number 13 and most of them like south facing.
I have no information who owned this home before 1993 and what happened to them. There is a possibility that the real owner might be dead or gone somewhere. Most of the homeowners here are old people but their children live in cities like New York, California, Washington D.C, Texas, Florida, etc.
Most of the children sell their homes after their parents die. Some of them use is a vacation home. This house is renovated in 1993. Presently this home has no central AC, no proper wiring, needs floor work and outside wall work as well as some roof work.
Apart from that the rooms are very large. The hallway also is very large. Everything in this home is large. There is one broken window, and one broken mirror was placed in front of the entrance.
Main thing is, no one rented this home from 2015 because the lady (owner) lives in California never lefts the phone and she demanding more rent and people are scared about the current bill because it has no central AC and even though you get central AC is going to give them huge power bill due the large rooms.
My situation in the present apartment financially worse. I am living in this apartment from last 10 years form 2008. It has a Northwest street focus. After coming to this apartment I had one accident in 2009 but nothing happened.
Blessed with son in 2010, I completed my Eds in instructional technology form Kennesaw State University, did some research work as well.
Presently I became an important part of the society. Professionally I am respected very much. However, my financial condition getting worse and worse. Due to my education, I have so much credit now apart from that I became sick between 2014-2017 but, recently my health getting improved. I am not able to pass the test from last one and a half year, if I pass the test I can get a salary increase and will be able to clear my credit. Thank you for your quick responses - Erendan Bikmoi.
As we told earlier that the Northern-Northwest street focus is considered to be bad, we got so many inputs on their stay periods in such homes. herewith publishing one of their painful stay in such homes
Another Instance of NNW Street Focus Resident
నా పేరు శేఖర్ మాది రాజమండ్రి, ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ రాష్ట్రం, మా ఇంటికి వుత్తర వాయువ్య వీధి పోటు వుంది. నాలో నేనే ఎప్పుడు ఏదో మాట్లాడుకుంటున్నాను. మా ఇల్లు అమ్మేద్ధామని అనుకుంటున్నాము. ఇల్లు త్వరగా అమ్ముడవ్వడానికి ఏదైనా దైవ పరంగా కానీ వాస్తు పరంగా కానీ ఏమైనా వుంటే చెప్పండి. వేరే ఇంటికి అద్దెకి వెళ్లి అమ్ముడమంటే చుటటుప్రక్కల వాళ్ళు రేట్ రానివ్వరు. దయచేసి నాకు సహాయం చేయగలరు. ఒక్కొక్క సారి ఆత్మహత్య ఆలోచనలు వస్తున్నాయి.
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents
Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
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Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".
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Inspirational Quotations
"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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I am about to purchase a plot which is having two street focus (veedhi potu) from north side on north east and north west.
northest-north focus
nortwest-north focus.
Is it ok to buy with any remedies or better to leave. Please let me know the consequences in both cases.
Iam planning to buy a house with roads in north & east. but there is a road focus to house at north east. Road is coming fom north east & passing towards west & the north road is passing towards east also. I have checked with compass rosd is touching at north north east. These is house in south but west is open plot. There is a south west extension but house built in square. I saw ur website & impressed. Pl cnfrm if it is good to take the house.