We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

75 Thoughtful Key Ideas To Boost Up Factory Vastu

Is It Really Important To Follow Vastu Tips For A Factory?

House secures just a single family, factory rescue many families. a horde of laborers working in a factory. When it runs smoothly, everything will become joyful and happy. Following factory vastu boost up bright opportunities ever. Applying Vastu ideas always helps to save the investment, efforts, life, and hopes too. Hence it is good to follow factory Vastu.

If We Never Follow Vastu Principles, Can't We Get Good Results In Our Factory?

There is no such condition to follow Vastu principles for any property. This science of Vastu extensively increases the positive energies when applying its principles to the respective properties. If won't apply Vastu principles to the factories, based on the neighborhood support and inside Vastu, it may give profits or losses.

Fortunately, some properties are naturally equipped with Vastu principles it is indeed without knowing to the owners even. It is their Fate. It is the reason, some factories without Vastu also running great, for example, Britania, Apple company, etc.

What Are Different Names of Factories?

factory vastu In many areas factory is also called as Mill, Plant, Kharkana, Industry, small-scale Industry, Manufacturing Shed, Workshop etc. Irrespective of the size of the factory, manufacturing plant, or any manufacturing entity applying Vastu shastra principles in the construction of the same is hugely helpful in avoiding problems with administration, financial stringency, labor problems, etc.

To reduce future headaches, it is advisable to construct the factory with vastu principles, if the property built with Vaastu rules then it protect maximum extent of entrepreneurs finances.

Table of Content

  • Basic Requirements of Selecting a Factory Site
  • What are causes of Factory losses
  • Question and Answers of Every Part of Factory
  • Examples with Images
  • Different Kind of Factories


Elementary Requirements of Selecting a Factory Site

There are some basic and elementary requirements for compliance with Vastu principles that are to be followed while selecting a site for constructing a factory.

1. Please note that the Site Selection should be carefully designate, this is the topmost priority step. A small mistake in this action may drive to multiple miseries. Again repeating, please read carefully, it is the highest attention point that entrepreneurs should carefully pick the site. Without second thought get proper guidance from Vastu expert.

2. Is there a river or water body nearby? If so first we have to observe in which direction the water body is located. If it is in areas other than the Eastern, Northern, and Northeast directions of the proposed industry avoid such sites.

However if on these sites there are already constructions of other establishments adjacent to your proposed premises towards South, Southwest (Read content on SW homes from this Southwest facing house vastu page) and West directions even though there are water bodies as negating factors this principle can be overlooked. However, a competent Vastu scholar alone can decide this.

3. Is the area plain or undulating or having an even slope. If the land is plain it is passable. If the land is sloping and the high points of slope or towards West, Southwest, and South the land is exceptionally acceptable. If on the other hand, the high point of the land is towards East, Northeast, and North the land is not acceptable.

4. If towards the south, southwest, and west of your chosen site there are high raise constructions your site is a good bargain.

5. If towards North, East (East facing house vastu) and Northeast constructions if any are few and sparse and such constructions are low in height, there are large stretches of open space water bodies, etc this site bodes well.

6. If on the other hand, the constructions on the South, Southwest, and West side of your site are low in height, there are large stretches of vacant land, etc and there is a low possibility of this open space getting populated in the near future this site is not recommended.

7. Often no single feature alone influences the site. The influencing factors are complex and far too many. Each should be seen in totality which a specialist Vastu consultant alone can comprehend.

8. If the land is undulating, if the undulation can be leveled then this land is acceptable otherwise not.

9. The soil strength should be compatible with the factory requirements. Here we are exposing you to Vastu requirements and not the engineering aspects.

10. Though these points appeared to be elementary they are elementary only to a competent Vastu scholar and not to all and every layman. Please don’t neglect these aspects it is best to engage a Vastu scholar to hold your hand right from the beginning till the factory comes to fruition.

What Are the Main Reasons Causing Losses to the Factory?

There are several reasons causing losses in a factory. We are discussing some of them here.

1. Southwest entrance to the factory may also cause losses to the factory.

2. Northern Northwest entrance may also cause factory losses.

3. Constructing a factory in the Northwest of a plot that has a boundary wall, then there is a huge chance of getting losses.

4. Factory constructed at Northeast may lead to losses.

5. Water bodies, septic tanks, land depressions, pits, excavation, pothole, etc towards South, West or Southwest directions also causing losses.

6. Entrance from the southeast may also a reason to cause heavy disturbances and losses.

7. Northeast truncation may also a reason for forfeiture & closure of the industry.

8. Some bad street focuses also cause for confiscation.

9. Mountains, hillocks, mounds, land elevations, etc, towards North, East, or Northeast directions may also cause losses.

10. Blocking the Northeast direction may cause of the experience of losses.

11. Heavy constructions towards North or East or Northeast turning the industry into losses.

12. The factory main office construction exactly at Northwest by touching the North boundary wall may also sometimes create nuisance in financial positions and litigations and may lead to losses.

13. Heavy open space in the South direction may also cause losses.

14. Huge open space towards the West direction may also reason for the losses to a factory.

Some residents ask what are the reasons for the loss in the factory as per Vastu. We provided few reasons above, later we will publish different reasons for factory losses.

Notes On Vastu Factory Office:

Factory Vastu and Office in Factories: Offices such as Chairman chambers, CMD chambers, Managing Directors/Partners and other important functionaries, placement of incoming raw material stores, finished goods stores, dispatching room, security personal rooms apart from the main manufacturing plant, canteen, the pantry of senior officers, etc are to be placed appropriately for effective results.

Important Questions on Factory Vastu

In this section we are discussing important questions on factory Vastu, let us know if you have any more questions, we are happy to publish your question along with our answer.

1. What Is a Quality Profitable Entrance Gate for East Facing Factory?

quality main entrance gates to factoryAns: For East facing factory the quality main entrance gate will be convenient at Northeast of East direction. Normally, this gate placement entrust peaceful atmosphere in the factory. The exact East direction gate is also acceptable. Check here the complete guidelines of doors Vastu

2. What Is A Bad Entrance Gate for East Facing Factory?

east factory bad entrance gateAns: Eastern Southeast main entrance gate for the east facing factory is not at all advisable, this may constantly stir up tensions to the management and their day to day transactions. Normally, the management may face several issues like, labor protests, non cooperation of staff, losses, fire accidents, disputes, legal issues, partnership troubles, uneasy with many things, gas leakage, etc.

3. Can We Arrange Exact Center Gates to Our Factory?

factory middle entrance gateThere is no harm to install the exact center gates to a factory. On account that a property lies on 90° then main gates or doors can be installed exactly on center of the direction, like exact middle portion of East, North, West and South etc. If the plot is inclined then arrange doors with the help of an expert. FYI, herewith showing the exact East gate to a factory. Please note that the factory office should be in an exalted placement. Otherwise, management has to face challenges.

4. What Are All Highly Recommended Main Entrance Gates to a Factory?

quality main entrance gates to factoryAns: Invariably gate will be on the road facing only. At no time gate shall be in the Southwest, Northern Northwest, Eastern Southeast. Generally, the suitable position for the main gate of a factory will be towards Northeast, middle of East, middle of North, Southern Southeast, Middle of South, Western Northwest or middle of West direction. For further information check step by step of main entrance gates as per Vastu

We tried our best to provide several questions and answers, we encourage you to send your questions through our contact us page. We are happy to answer to all of your questions.

As Per Vastu Where Should Chairman Chamber Located in a Facotry

The best place to sit for the owner in a factory is Southwest. The southwest room is the actual correct placement for the Owner o r Chairman to sit in a factory. For every factory, this may not possible to arrange a Southwest room for the owner. Based on the availability of the sitting locations and entrepreneur owner may sit at West direction or even at the South direction also.

Which Is the Best Place for a Director to Sit in a Factory

Management ideas may have a crucial role in developing a factory, hence they should sit in proper placement in a factory. After the owner or chairman of the factory, the next management level like a partner, managing director, and other directors who played an important role in a factory should occupy the Southwest quadrant of factory premises. If the Southwest is not available then they may sit at South direction or West direction.

Where Should We Keep the Heavy Machinery in a Factory?

Heavy machinery should always keep at the Southwest direction. This will improve the factory performance and fewer repairs.

Where to Place the Administration Offices in a Factory?

The best place to keep the administrative premises for any factory should be towards the Southwest direction or West direction or South direction. However, in very many cases this is not feasible. In such concern, mark the office premises on the road facing side in that factory complex.

For example: For one East facing factory, the main factory building constructed at the Southwest direction, and there is no place at the Southwest or South or even at West direction, in this concern where should be the main administration building has to planned, Southeast is the second best for the administration office. Please note that this Southeast administration office should not touch the East wall. A Northeast constructed office is not recommended.

Which Is Best Location for a Reception Counter in Our Factory?

The best place for the reception office or reception counter is Northeast-east or Northern Northeast or Northeast. However, this is not always possible. In such cases, reception and a meeting hall may be constructed near the entrance of a factory and the receptionist should occupy with some furniture for the guests. Western Northwest or Southern Southeast is also suitable for the reception counter.

What Are Good Locations for Stores in a Factory as Per Vastu?

Principly in any factory, there are 3 types of stores. 1. Incoming raw material stores. 2. Outgoing finished goods. 3. Working process transit stores. Principal incoming raw material stores, these should preferably towards Northwest and Southeast directions. At no time, should these stores be on the Southwest side thinking Southwest must be heavily loaded? (in case heavy raw material stores in the southwest direction, the moment of this material may not take place and factories objective will not be met with) same with the finished goods. For this reason, Northwest and Southeast which are comparatively unstable of the ideal store premises.

Transit stores, these stores are put in a factory at the end of the first operation and beginning of the next operation. So that moment of material is smooth. Don’t think up a Vastu compliance at this point.

What Are the Best Places for Over Head Water Tank in a Factory?

Southwest, West, and South directions are suitable for the overhead water tanks. Ensure that the slope valve is perfect in every sense and does not allow water overflow.

What Are Good Places for Water Storage Sumps in Our Factory?

Best and suitable places for underground water sumps are Northeast direction, North and East. At no time should be water tank extend towards other directions, particularly towards South, West and Southwest direction. Underground storage water tanks should always be towards the Northeast quadrants.

Where Should the Main Power Switch for the Factory?

The advisable location for the main power point place is Southeast direction, or the next best place is Northwest. If both direction locations are not possible then choose other directions like South or West.

What are Suitable Locations For Toilets in Our Factory?

Northwest direction is the super suitable placement for the toilets. If Northwest is not possible then arrange them in the Southeast direction. At any cost, toilets in the factory should not be constructed in the Northeast direction. Never have them in the Southwest and Northeast areas. There will be extensive use of water and consequently wetness in the toilets may give adverse results when they are constructed at Southwest. Northeast is not suitable for the construction of toilets, hence, management should be aware of the above rules and arrange the toilets at Northwest or Southeast.

What Are Advisable Main Gates for North Facing Factory?

For a North facing factory, the suitable main entrance gates are Northern Northeast direction or North direction.

Which direction is suitable for finished goods or storage of ready stocks

The finished goods always best fit at Northwest direction. Finished good stores, same as raw material stores.

What Is the Best Direction for Terrace Water Storage Tank?

Always try to arrange the terrace water storage tanks should be at Southwest, West or South directions only. They should not fit at Northeast corners. Avoid keeping them at North and East directions too. For more information check this Complete guidelines of Overhead Water Tanks page.

What Are Recommended Directions for Conference Halls in Our Factory?

Conducting regular meetings in a factory is most significant for the smooth running of the factory and moving stocks into society. Every moment, meetings should be conducted to organize things. In some factories, the conference hall has a significant role. In such case, arranging the conference hall at North direction or East direction if there is heavy open space at North and East subsequently. South or West directions also fit for these conference halls. But should not plan the conference halls in the Southeast direction.

What Are Ideal Locations for Sales Department?

Stocks which are moving out is different and sales department is different. Commodities for sales may be fit at Northwest but not the sales department. Please note that the sales department has an important role in any factory. Hence, it should be planned properly. If there is a heavy open space towards North direction or East direction then the sales department can be arranged either at North or East directions. Other directions like West or South are also perfectly suitable for the sales, but make sure that the Northeast should not be blocked. Head of the sales department should sit facing either East or North.

We Have a Very Good Research Team in Our Factory, Which Direction Perfectly Suitable for R&D

For any factory the R & D has a most valuable position, this is the precious section for any production and sales. Apple spent millions of dollars for this research and development section, hence, its position is always at the top. When factory management invests sufficient funds for this R & D, then soon they will reach their targets. The research and development section should not be fit in the Northwest quadrant or Southeast quadrant. Please note that this R&D department should not be planned at Southeast. This placement may not bring them wise thoughts or innovative ideas, they may always suffer from tension or pressures only.

What Are recommended Locations for Office Staff In A Factory

Office staff for a factory means, they are the backbone. So their seating locations should be properly organized as per Vastu. Once the chairman chamber is arranged in the Southwest quadrant, the remaining office staff can be arranged next to the Chairman chamber. This is an appropriate place. We visited one printing press factory in Telangana which has a great reputation and most important companies order their books only to this printing press. Check their office.

office in a factory as per VastuThis is one publication office / printing press in Hyderabad. Giving description shown with numbers in the image. 1. Is Chairman chamber. 2. Guests' seating hall. 3. Office staff. 4. This is passage accessing to the staff, factory which is at East direction. 5. Proofreaders, pooja mandir. 6. Awards. 7. Entrance room for the guests and Lord Vinayaka statue. 8. Restroom particularly for the Chairman.

This publication office got numerous awards and they are totally busy and generally, they won't accept any urgent orders. Wipro, Infosys, Maruthi, Reliance, Godrej, TCS are their clients. Their office maintenance is extremely superb.

As we discussed earlier that the office staff placement should be arranged as per Vastu, they should not sit in the places where the tension was created, but in this above publication office, most of the office staff occupied in the Southeast quadrant in this office. Then how this firm bagged reputation and why the office staff works so satisfactorily in this firm. Because their section has Northern Northeast entrance and they have access towards Northeast and acquiring focus from Northeast.

Small arrangements keep them happy. They never check how much is the Vastu consultants payments, they never care about it. They are only struggling with how to reach their targets and how to reach FIRST POSITION in the market. Its the spirit and motivation.

What Are Friendly Locations for Waiting Room for Guests?

Otherthan Southwest or Southeast, a waiting room can be arranged at any other location in the factory. Northeast quadrant is also highly recommended for the guests waiting place, please note that guests waiting place may be very next to the reception counter.

Is AC Plant Can Be Arranged at Southeast Corner

Yes, the AC plant (Air Conditioner Plant) is suitable at Southeast corner or even it may place at South direction or West direction based on the conditions.

Can We Arrange Oil and Diesel Storage at Northeast?

The Northeast should not be heavily loaded. It is not a good idea to have the oil and diesel storage at Northeast corners. The oil and storage can be kept at any place other than the Northeast direction. If the oil is less weight say about 25 liters and the factory is very big then oil cans may be kept in the North or East directions.

Where Should I Build Labour Quarters in My Factory as Per Vastu

In this question we should first check the factory measurements. If the factory is bigger, then labor quarters can be constructed in the Northwest quadrant or Southeast quadrant. Avoid constructing the labor quarters at the Northeast quadrant. Based on several factors & supportive features labor quarters can be built in South or West directions. On some special & specific conditions, labor quarters can be planned at Southwest.

Where Should We Keep the Power Generators in Our Factory?

Power generators and heat equipment are normally fit at Southeast quadrants. If Southeast is not feasible, then plan to install at Northwest. Don't install the power generators at Northeast corners.

Is There Any Specific Locations for the Boilers and Furnaces?

The furnaces are best suitable at Southeast corners or Southeast quadrants. Boilers are also suitable at Southeast corners. Any heat equipments or heat producers are suitable in the Southeast. The next best is Northwest.

Which Direction Is Suitable for Water Treatment Plants

The best areas for this operations are Northeast or North directions. Water bodies in these two areas are beneficial for prosperity and production of wealth.

Which Area Is Best Fit for the Medical Aid Room?

Southeast is recommended area for the medical aid room. The ruler of the Southeast area is Sukra, he was a great physician who could breathe lives even into the dead. If Southeast is not available then management can arrange any other room, except Southwest or Northeast.

Can We Keep the Display Advertising Boards at Northeast Corner?

Display boards etc can be kept anywhere except Northeast or North or East areas. For the provision of display boards, causes raise in the construction level. Any high-level constructions in these 3 areas inhibit prosperity and growth. If keeping the display boards at North or East and it is inevitable then keep smaller boards instead of bigger display boards.

Can We Keep the Safe at Southwest?

Southwest can be a good area for storing money and having the cash chest etc. Another place for this operation may be organized only based on the constructions at the premises.

Where Is the Suitable Location for the Cash Counter?

Generally, the Southwest direction is highly recommended to keep the cash, but cash counter is different and storing he cash is different, the best place for the cash counter will be North. The north is a sign of growth or prosperity. Based on the construction and availability cash counter can be placed accordingly.

What Are Perfect Areas for Sales Counters?

Otherthan the Southeast direction, the East, North, and Northwest are suitable for installing sales counters. They promote bright activity. Western Northwest is also supporting good sales. One Milk products factory near to Tirupathi has Western Northwest sales counters, they are highly busy sales counters. Delivery counters are the best place in the Northwest area. Another suitable place will be North and West. Based on other factors we may arrange some other locations for the delivery counters. Please note that they should not be arranged at Eastern Southeast.

Where Should We Keep the Flower Bowl in Our Factory Office?

Can keep the flower bowl in the office at any desired location. Normally, these flower bowls should be near to the entrance of the office, this is an appreciated location.

What Are Favorable Fountain Locations?

Northeast and north and east are favorable locations for the water fountain, it promotes prosperity and status. We are requesting you, please go through with this link, fountain placements as per vastu page. It has detailed information on fountains.

What Are All Recommended Locations for Waste Materials, Scraps?

Northwest location is the ideal location to keep the waste materials or scrap. Because in business premises any material kept in Northwest direction is immediately disposed of. If this is kept mistakenly in the South and Southwest areas the stink will remain within the premises.

Some Ideas to Improve Factory Vastu

All the above are the features which one can take care of within one’s own premises. It should not belittle that every site and placement of the factory vis-a-vis the neighborhood is equally important if not more.

The best time to consult a vastu specialist is even before finalizing the site for the construction of the manufacturing plant.

While buying the plot for constructing the factory, concurrence in terms of Vasthu is not wise thought. Experts' opinion always saves many lives.

A small shop perhaps employs one or two people, whereas a big factory would employ far more people depending upon the size. As such the prosperity of the workers whether one or many are dependent on the successful running of the plant in the competitive environment in which we live.

Understanding Vaasthu principles and applying the same in various environments is helpful in running the enterprise

profitably. Profit does not mean merely more production. It means increasing the productivity of the total enterprise.

Some of the ratios in this regard are output against capital employed, output per direct worker employed, the ratio of direct and indirect workforce, etc define productivity adequately.

Details such as compound wall, ( don't miss to visit compound wall Vastu tips), guest rooms, guard room etc should be carefully analyzed and properly constructed in the factory as per Vastu principles.

One of the often neglected details in the factories is the placement of doors for the movement of men and material.

It is important to know that movement of men and material produces tremendous energy – good if the doors are in exalted position and bad if they are in debilitating positions.

A competent Vastu Specialist would study the directions such as East, West (explore in-depth analysis and research content on West facing house vastu), North (North facing house vastu) and South as also Northeast, Southeast (get complete details on Southeast facing houses Vastu effects), Southwest and Northwest (Northwest facing house vastu) and central point (Brahmasthan) and guide you so that pitfalls could be avoided even in the beginning itself.

A running factory has to face problems with labor, local administration such as a municipality, inspector of factories, pollution control board and labor inspector, etc.

Further taxation problems with sales tax, excise tax, income tax and the like are also to be attended to. One cannot escape this eventuality.

In addition constant problems with suppliers and buyers are part of a routine. A factory constructed on sound Vastu principles blesses you with a positive platform to face these things cheerfully and successfully. This would automatically release you from avoidable worries and thus you have time to think of growth and expansion and of new ventures.

The manufacturing enterprises either big or small are far too numerous. If a significant portion of them if not, all of them adhere to the Vastu principles in their endeavor they will be free from an avoidable and extravagant expenditure of time and money. Thus there will be less worry about running the plant. Now thus they can think successfully about the future, development, and growth.

Nowadays many people are aware of the utility of the Vastu. Sadly there are as many unsound Vastu people posing as Vastu scholars and Vastu pundits, giving charms, Taviz, hanging coconuts, placement of laughing Buddha and the like, and many gullible people have become victims of such imposters and ruin themselves.

It is not adequate that one should merely admire and accept Vastu principles. It is equally necessary to consult a renowned Vastu scholar for fruitful and satisfactory results.

These substitutes are no answer to bad Vastu because Vastu is real and the substitutes are only palliatives that don’t solve the main problem and on the other hand they will successfully ruin the enterprise. Let not your effort in expanding the enterprise to be a victim to unknown pranksters.

Selecting Specialist Vastu Consultant To Save Investment On A Factory

A half knowledge vastu person is usually suave, well mannered in presentation, and will easily attract a gullible individual and often quote an attractive fee as a bait. It's also true that a knowledgeable Vastu expert may talk less and think more and insist upon seeing the premises by himself and evaluate the true potential of the same, normally, his charges will be expensive.

Don’t avoid this step for this is an essential ingredient even for you to evaluate the worth of the person and make you decide whether you can go with him or abandon him. In general, an expert Vastu consultant would be costlier. It may be worth paying more and getting the right advice similar to consulting an expert doctor as against a fresher.

In your conversation if the Vastu consultant derides other Vastu scholars, you should be cautious for no scholar of standing would criticize others in this profession in their absence. (you would have observed when you change a doctor when the patient is not getting relief the new doctor would never repeatedly criticize the earlier doctor’s treatment, this is professional ethics)

It is often difficult at the first instance to confirm whether the person you call is an expert or not. A genuine Vastu consultant would explain to you all the principles of the Vastu to the extent possible across the phone call conversation and leave the choice to you to call him again.

Invariably an unsound Vastu person, when contacted, would ensure that he will put you in his grip by calling back and giving various types of assurances and certificates, etc.

Generally, a talk of reasonable length should convince you of the worth of the consultant. A genuine consultant would not like to spread charm and win you over. He may be brief and to the point. The evaluation of the consultant and the consequences are solely yours. Hence try to contact a Vastu specialist having good references and reviews on his services.

When an enterprise is established it ensures direct employment to some people and indirect employment to many others.

Thus its contribution to the social quotient is vastly different for it not only fulfills your dream but also makes others dream for a better life. As such the right decision at the correct time on your part goes a long way in fulfilling these social obligations. This being so we strongly urge that you invest a little more time in consulting a proper vastu pandit.

This investment is well worth.

We have seen several people ruining themselves in pursuit of saving expenditure that would be incurred by way of fee and convenience charges to a specialist.

Know about one Subramanyam (Name changed) in Bangalore city who picked up elementary Vastu knowledge by reading Vastu books and going through content through the internet and felt that he is proficient to administer Vastu principles to his enterprise.

Believe or not, an investment of over two crores of Indian currency in a rented property has become a wasteful expenditure in the year 2004, what about the current value of that 2 crores now. All due to self-medication. What otherwise was a useful and prosperous enterprise got ruined merely because of petty mind.

If only he has spent a few thousand rupees and sought proper advice from an expert, he would have given rational solutions and the enterprise would not have been ruined and he would have escaped consequent mental tortures. This is not an isolated case.

Generally there is confusion regarding the genuineness of the fee payable to a Vastu consultant. Here lies the rub and gullible entrepreneur is deceived.

In our view the fee should be in the range of 0.5% to 0.75% of the civil cost of the industry (This excludes obviously the industrial machinery cost).

In addition, the Vastu specialist is entitled to his travel and accommodation expenses. One should endeavor that the Vastu pandit should remain a friend of you for Life.

This is possible when you treat him courteously, even though you are paying a fee for his services. Don’t we treat a doctor whom we pay for his or our visit as a friend?

There Are Eight Directions

Let's discuss each direction below

1. East

2. West

3. North

4. South

5. Northeast

6. Southeast

7. Southwest

8. Northwest.

Every site would have a principal road from which entrance and exit to the main site are considerable. For example, when towards the East of the plot there is the main road towards the East direction then such a plot is called East facing plot.

If the main road is towards the West of your site, such a plot is called the West plot.

If at the point of crossroads the plot is there and if the principle directions East, West, North, and South are exactly parallel to the 4 sides of the plot then the corner plots in such situations are Northeast plot, Southeast plot, Southwest plot, and Northwest plot.

To the extent possible try to acquire the Northeast Plots. Next, the best is Southwest. Avoid Southeast and Northwest facing plots. If inevitable hire a Vastu specialist and seek his guidance.

The ratio of the length and breadth of the plots in variably should not exceed 1: 1.5. If this ratio is not possible to be adhered to, a Vastu expert can help you to buy correctly or make it proper. Please note that we came across many factories that crossed this principle of 1:1.5 ratio, they are running good, because of good Vastu.

If your interested factory has Eastern Southeast Street Focus, then without vastu expert personal visit don't buy.

Excessive Open Areas in Factory is Good or Bad

Vastu for factory in HindiNever have excessive open area within your perimeters, this is ruinous. Often people believe having large open space towards the Northeast is good. Here we would quote a proverb – too much good is indeed bad. The shape of the site is best to be square or rectangular. Curved sites, trapezium, semi-circular sites, etc are not acceptable. However, if such sites alone are available, a vastu expert can handle such situations with proper alternate recommendations.

If there are some situations where there are no possibilities to modify such sites to your requirement, at that moment better to avoid such plots. For more information on vastu for sites click this link. This is a regular plot. Where the principal directions are parallel to the four sides of the plot. These are generally preferred plots for ease of vastu compliance.

Asymmetrical Or Uneven Factory Plot

factory vastu in TeluguThis is to be observed that the North-South line is at 45 degrees to the side of the plot. In many cases, it may vary from "0" to "90" degrees. Where such variations are beyond "15" degrees it is considered as a skewed plot and needs different treatment from vastu point of view. In some cases depending upon the dimensions of the plot the treatment to be treated as a Skewed one will start even when the North-South line is deflected as low as "12" degrees, in some cases, it may even be "17" degrees.

Northeast Facing Factory

vastu for factory in TamilOften the road will not be parallel to principal directions of East, West, North and South (South facing house vastu) in which case the plots on either sides of such roads are called skewed plots. Just as we call East Road, West Road, North Road, and South Road in case of skewed plots the roads are called Northeast Road, Southeast Road, Southwest road, and Northwest road. In this sketch given the road is called Northeast (Northeast facing house vastu) road and plot accordingly is Northeast plot. Similarly when the road is on the other sides the nomenclature of the plot changes.

Which Plots Are Good to Buy for Factory

Vastu for factoryGenerally for factories avoid plots on Southeast, Northwest roads and Southwest road plots. However based on the actual site conditions a vastu expert can make suitable amendments to make the plot vastu compliant. Some typical examples: Observe this plot. Having West road, this plot instantly is acceptable for the factory.

Invisible Stree Thrust To The Factory

vastu for manufacturing plantThis is also the West direction plot as above, however, observe that on the Northeast side there are constructions and the Northwest side of the plot is completely open. This plot has two defects, the Northeast is populated and the Northwest open area coupled with the constructions on the Northeast side would cause a street thrust on the North-Northwest side of this plot, particularly where the West road is, as shown above, such external features are observed by a vastu specialist only.

Advantage of Invisible Positive Focus to Factory

factories vastuIf the construction is at a different position than shown in this sketch the narration would be totally different. The same constructions are Northwest side of this plot and the Northeast is fully open. This gives the advantage of an apparent North Northeast positive power on the plot. Such minute details go a long way in seeing the suitability or otherwise of the plot, such keen observations are mandatory.

Northern Northwest Extended Plot Factory

Vastu for factoryThis is a plot manufacturing optical fiber components. Observe the plot carefully. This has got Northwest extension and Northeast truncated. From day one the factory was doomed to fail. And it failed. Had the owners consulted a Vastu expert, he would have still made this factory a profitable venture. Look at the following plan.

Correction For Northern Northwest Portion in the Factory

Factory vastu correctionsThe hatched portion of the property is separated from the main portion. While doing so care is taken that the angle at the Northeast corner is 90 degrees or preferably less than 90 degrees, say 85 degrees. By so doing you get Northeast visibly extended which favors the prosperity of the premises, such delicate points are observed only by a specialist. This is one of the many points that one has to observe. Each plot is unique in its configuration and it is not comparable with any other seemingly similar situations.

It is next to impossible to describe every feature exhaustively. It is for this reason that you consult a Vastu Specialist. He observes what you fail to see.

Excessive Open Space at West Direction is Good for a Factory?

factory vastu remediesObserve the following where a very good construction executed at the wrong placement in the premises has virtually ruined the enterprise. This is a mineral water bottles manufacturing unit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Observe the construction carefully, the West side of the plant is extensively open as compared with East direction causing huge losses and loss of name and fame to the company.

(For obvious reasons we are unable to disclose the identity of the factory). There will be many such failures in the construction of a Factory when an expert is absent while deciding critical parameters at the initial stages.

Industries may be either inside a town/city or outside a town/city, when inside a town/city the Neighborhood existing constructions should be factored while constructing once own factory. It is also essential that you should envisage the possible future constructions in the neighborhood.

Failure to do so will be costly in course of time. For example, if there is dilapidated construction in the South or West or Southwest side of your premises and there is no possibility in the foreseeable future that there will be a proper construction here then your factory will be in shambles even from the beginning.

Such details have to be carefully examined right at the beginning itself.

If it is outside the city limits one has to foresee similar or other factories coming up around your premises and plan your factory keeping that into account.

Where ever you are constructing a factory there should not be significant open places in the Southern, Western, and Southwestern of your premises. If this is inevitable and if you cannot seek the advice of a Vastu specialist, avoid that site.

The position of the main entrance gate to the factory is the next important feature. Usually, the main gate is determined by the road facing the factory. If the main gate has to come in Southwest side better to abandon this plot and seek elsewhere.

Vastu is an occult science like astrology and numerology, however, this is based on empirical observations and scientifically analyzed. It is best to observe these principles right from the beginning itself as corrections of established construction are fraught with huge expenditure.

It is futile to question the utility of the Vastu science. Either you observe it fully or don’t observe, the choice is yours. It is not that by observing Vastu science comprehensively you need not exert for obtaining success in your enterprise. Vastu helps to provide a positive platform from where we have an opportunity to fulfill our vision.

It releases you from anxieties that are in society and always or impinging on you. (It is like gaining confidence in one's own abilities often though your abilities are unquestioned they are put to test every time and each time to prove your point. This is an avoidable nuisance. Principles of Vastu, when followed the advice, in this regard)

It is impossible to list out each and every industry that merits the Vastu application. We can say that every industry irrespective of the products merits Vastu service because the industry is meant to produce goods and services to society and this should be a profitable venture.

Vastu always helps whether you are a handicraft or small-scale industry or a multi-billion empire. Both of them will have to survive while serving society.

Vastu just does that. Nevertheless, a broad concept of various industries is listed for you to identify the type of Vastu service that you may be in need of.

Vastu For Mining Industry:

These days several entrepreneurs are entering into mining fields. As can be clear we have no choice with regard to the place of activity.

The activity maybe towards the Dast side or a river or a lake in which case huge water bodies would be towards the west of the mine on which we have no control.

As such while taking to mining activity maximum importance should be given from vastu point of view, to the administrative premises of the mines.

Further, the residential premises of the owners would become very critical than otherwise.
If these two are taken care of one is carefree with regard to mining activities.

Often knowing a bit of vastu, people are worried if mining activity has to be taken at a place which is generally considered as vastu non-compliant. Vastu for the mining industry would have to be treated differently as no vastu pandit has any control on the environment of the mining activity.

What all can be done and infact should be done is to take adequate care with regard to the administrative premises and residences of the key executives

Vastu for Partnership Firm

We have seen of late many firms such as consultancy, trading, business, manufacturing, cine field, chit funds, etc are run by not by one individual. Often people enter into a partnership. Such partnerships have to be carefully nurtured to prevent possible conflicts between the partners. In all these cases, it is best to avoid premises of northwest and Southeast direction plots for their operations.

For these directions offer every possibility of generating a conflict.

Southeast Entrance Develops Disputes in the Factory Partnership

Vastu For partnersOne example can be stated here, if the premises has exact southeast entrance or east-southeast entrance then conflicts are bound to come which may even become unmanageable. Eastern Southeast always makes entire partners unrest. It may create uncountable disputes. Please note that time of stay is important in this regard.

If Vastu of the factory is good then there might not disputes in between partners. To acquire quality Vastu results then it is recommended all partners should live in a good quality Vastu homes. Then there is a possibility of experience peace and profits.

Is Northern Northwest Door is Good For Partnership?

Vastu for PartnersSimilarly, if the operations are in a place where entrance is exact Northwest or Northern Northwest, apart from the above instability in the business enterprise itself is indicated. This would lead to avoidable conflicts. Not only conflicts, but there is a possibility of the financial drain, creating new expenditures and making new loans and further, it creates a ton of mental tortures.

What has been explained here is one aspect which inhibits the growth of the enterprise. There are many other features which have to be examined in each case so that the premises are Vastu compliant thus aiding a profitable venture.

In every case, stop self-medication. Consult a competent vastu pandit. Seek expert advice.

As vastu is supposed to be an occult science people underrate the importance of the same. But a genuine scholar is a great asset from the beginning.

Treating him appropriately as a professional (such as a specialist doctor) is an essential requirement in obtaining proper results from him.

When you have invited say a kidney specialist his fees obviously is far more than a generalist. But it is essential in the specific case. The same is the case with a Vastu consultant. Treating Vastu consultancy as compliance with tradition is unfortunate. When treated as a professional by honoring him as such, you are preventing a possible disaster or misadventure.

Kindly do not belittle this advice.

Where Should We Install Wind Ventilators in Our Factory Roof?

Air ventilators for factorySeveral factory owners are inquiring about the placement of turbo ventilators within their facilities. The primary purpose of these turbo ventilators is to dissipate heat from the factory buildings. It is crucial to install air ventilators facing the Northeast, East, and North directions. If wind ventilators are already positioned in the South or West directions, it is advisable to also place them in the East and North directions. Installing these air ventilators on the factory's terrace has been found to cause no harm..

Is Southwest Turbo Ventilator Claims Any Damages to the Factory?

In our observation, we did not find such damages created by these wind ventilators. In general, having air from Northeast or East or North is stated to be auspicious. Normally these turbo ventilators are acts as an exhaust fan only. If we find any such instances, we will update the same here. Help society by sharing your experiences to us. You will get passive blessings.

We Visited Below Countries For Vastu Consultancy Services:

1. United Arab Emirates. (Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al-Khaimah).

2. Bahrain.

3. South Africa

4. Botswana

5. Sri Lanka

6. Oman

7. Singapore

8. Malaysia

9. Nepal

10. Indonesia

We thought below factories' information below may be helpful to the entrepreneurs who wish to start.

Different Kind of Factories

  • Agricultural Products
  • Air ventilators
  • Air Conditioners
  • Alcohol
  • Animal Feeds
  • Animal husbandry machines
  • Animals other than aquatic animals
  • Apparel
  • Aquatic Fisheries Products
  • automobiles or trailers
  • bamboos, rattans, straws, reeds, or water hyacinths
  • SubhaVaastu.com
  • Binding
  • Boilers or boiling container
  • Books
  • Biscuits
  • Bus and Car
  • Cable cars
  • Cameras
  • Carpets
  • Caustic Soda
  • CDs (Compact Disk),
  • Cellphone Manufacturing Units
  • Cement
  • Cement, Lime, or Plaster
  • Ceramics
  • Chemical
  • Chemical products, chemical substances, or chemical materials
  • Clay mining, petroleum drilling or oil refinement
  • Coffee, Cocoa, Chocolate or Sweets
  • SubhaVaastu.com
  • Cold or refrigerated storage
  • Combing, Cleaning, polishing, Bleaching, Dyeing
  • Computer Accessories
  • Computers, Laptops, Tablet Pc
  • Copiers
  • Cork products
  • Cranes
  • Data Cards
  • Distilleries or liquor blending houses
  • Dry cleaning machines
  • Electric motors
  • Electric Switches
  • Electrical Generators, Transformers
  • Electronic storage Data
  • Elevators
  • Embossing or paint-coating of animal hides
  • Fabric weaving, Lace or Apparel with Yarn or Fiber, or Bleaching and Dyeing
  • Fermenting, Roasting, Pulverizing or Grinding
  • Fertilizers or Pesticides
  • Fireproof
  • Fishnets, Sieves
  • Food from Flour
  • Food seasoning or food ingredients
  • Foot wear and Leather
  • Furnaces
  • Furnishings or furniture for buildings from
  • Furniture making
  • Gems and Jewelery
  • Glass and Mirror making
  • Glass, fiberglass, or glassware
  • Glass, rubber, or metals
  • Ground Nut Mill
  • Hair Oil and cosmetics
  • Hosiery and Under garments
  • Household Appliances
  • Ice making, ice cutting, ice grinding, ice sawing, ice crushing and dry Ice
  • Iron and steel basic industries
  • Iron, Steel
  • Ironing machines
  • Keyboards
  • kilns
  • Laboratory Products and Glass ware
  • Lace or apparel woven with yarn or fiber
  • Leather
  • Lifts and Elevators and escalators
  • Lights, Fans, Florescent lamps, Bulb
  • Liquor from fruits or other types of winev
  • Making garments or carpets by means of weaving, intertwining, embroidering, or interlacing
  • Malts or Beers
  • manufacturing, assembling, modifying
  • Mattresses, Pillows
  • Medicines and Pharmaceuticals
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Mosquito Repellents
  • Motor Bikes
  • motorcycles, tricycles or bicycles
  • Mouse
  • Non-alcoholic drinks or soft drinks
  • Non-ferrous metal basic industries
  • Non-metallic products
  • Non-woven or knitted products
  • Oil from plants or animals or animal fats
  • Oil Mill
  • Oven
  • Packages from all kinds of paper or from fiberboard
  • Paints
  • Paints, Varnishes, Shellacs, Lacquers, or Patching or Caulking products
  • Paper
  • Pen Drive
  • Petroleum Refinery
  • Petroleum, Coal, or Lignite products
  • Photocopying
  • Pipe production
  • Plant seeds or plant bulbs
  • Plastic Furniture
  • Plastic Industry
  • Plastic products
  • Porcelains, Earthenware,
  • Precious Metal Ornament Manufacturing plant.
  • Printing, Document File Making, Binding, making a cover or decorating printed
  • Pulp or paper
  • Pulps or cardboard
  • Refinery
  • Refrigerators
  • related to aircrafts or hovercraft
  • Retreading, or remolding inner or outer tyres to vehicles driven by machines
  • Rice Mill
  • Rock, Gravel, Sand, or Soil for construction
  • Ropes, meshes
  • Rubber
  • Salt
  • Sewers, mechanical transmitters
  • Ships
  • Shoes or leather repairing
  • Shoes or parts of shoes
  • Soap, Cosmetics, or Body aids
  • Sound and Music System producers
  • Speakers
  • specified electrical appliance or equipment
  • Sprinklers
  • Stainless steel Utensils
  • Stationery, Pen, pencil, ball pens, rubber/eraser, mender/sharpener
  • Stove that are not electrical-activated
  • Streetcars
  • SubhaVaastu.com
  • Sugar cane, Beech, Sweetening Industries
  • Synthetic resin, elastomer, plastic, or synthetic fiber
  • Tea or Tobacco Preservation
  • Tele Vision, Consumer Electronics
  • Textile products
  • Cotton Factory
  • Textiles, yarn, or fiber
  • Tiles and Bricks, tiles, Terracotta
  • Tobacco, compressed tobacco, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco or snuff
  • Trains
  • Trucks, Tractors, Industrial trailers, Stacker
  • Turbines
  • Typewriters
  • Utensils
  • Vegetables, plant and fruits
  • Washing machines
  • Waste treatment plant
  • Weighing machines
  • Wood
  • Xerox Machinery

Let us know if you have any idea on factory names other than the above factories.

High Priority Questions On Vastu

+23 #5 Labour problem in factoryBalbir Singh 2017-04-29 08:39
Dear Suresh Ji, I appreciate your work here to save our entire entrepreneurs' wing. Nowadays we are facing unbelievable challenges in terms of labor, cutthroat competition, horrible work load, staggering financial constraints, Government rules. Running a factory in smooth and pleasant way is next to impossible. But you are doing a great help for all of us to save our efforts to live with our family members, incredible support. God bless you Sureshji. I am in the advertising industry every time when there is workload the labor create problem for me please suggest what can I do so that they work smoothly.
+33 #4 South Facing Factory VastuIqbal Lamba 2017-03-31 10:36
Respected sir, congratulations on your spectacular, sublime miraculous website. I found your sweat here to save our souls. Seeing your difficulty in preparing this website my mouth never closes. Just observing your great endeavors to save society. Humbly request you to join with all of our family members when you are in my place. My factory is south facing and entrance gate is southwest and in last 8 years I lost everything that I have to run this factory of printing press and to I am no more as factory gutted in fire what should I do now as I want to start again is Vastu can help me I try some people they demand a lot of money please advise me. Your help is exceedingly appreciated.
+91 #3 vastu for factory layoutKrishna Reddy 2016-11-06 04:57
Dear Sir, firstly I would like to appreciate your honest services to society. I observed many links in this website, it has extreme Vastu knowledge content and its a free ocean to learn many things, I was never been obstructed anywhere in this website while browsing, stunned by seeing the website without any advertisements, bow to your generosity, I am also having one website which contains very lesser pages and content, I know the pains in maintaining the website and keeping it online forever without revenue. coming to the point, i planned to start second factory which the industrial plot layout has water body towards south direction, and land elevation at northeast, before buying some of the local people warns me should not buy that factory, later I browse internet to know about industrial plot layout positions and sheds and landed to your site, after reading the content in your site I learnt that factory is not safe to buy, just 3 days back I investigated thoroughly about owners life with that factory, they incurred huge financial losses. content in this website warns me and it saved my life and my family. God bless subhavaastu website.
+103 #2 Vastu for west facing factoryKristopher 2014-03-31 09:00
Hi there! I simply would like to give you a huge thumbs up for your great info you have got right here on this post. I am returning to your web site for more soon. Regularly I am expressing my gratitude with all of my friends regarding your honest services without barriers like register, login etc. Need your suggestions for Vastu tips for my west facing factory. Please share your phone number.
+112 #1 Vastu tips needed for Office in factoryPaige 2014-02-17 23:55
Mr. Suresh, Namaste, I am Paige, love your writings, your sincerity extraordinary and staggering work. I followed your vastu tips for factory in somewhere, that we found not to solve our structural changes to be easy to demolish, just changed the door and got relief and your remedies are extremely helpful. Request all of factory owners, kindly don’t waste your valuable time with unproven remedies that provide false hope. I strongly recommend this website for valuable content and easy vastu reckoner. Good luck dear.
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Delayed Marriages

Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".

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A comprehensive range of Vastu queries have been addressed here.100 Vastu Questions & Answers

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Inspirational Quotations

"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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