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God Miracles | The Power of Almighty:
Dear Visitors of SubhaVaastu.com, You may witness the miracles of divine powers and the supernatural acts of heavenly elements. Please share your experiences with all our visitors. Many have requested a platform to share their encounters with superpowers. This link was initiated on 4th February 2014, IST (Indian Standard Time).
Miracles Of Mantrayala Guru Raghavendra Swamy
1. I have two daughters (2 year old and 8 year old) and for couple of months me and wife were feeling little disturbed about my little 2 year daughter's health. She is approaching 2 yrs in month of October. By GOD's grace she is very active and playful. She was having cough problem for almost 20-25 days now and we have been to the doctor couple of times but now and then it is going up and down.
2. We are really confused about what to do and then we sent an email to prayer help and Rajaram sir responded to us and since I lived in NJ he asked me to call and speak with him. He told me if I put Mrithika in water and chant Rayaru's Nama for x amount of times and give to my daughter she will be cured. But I told him I did not have Mrithika and he told me he could not provide it either as he was unable to reach me, however, he told me Guru Raghavendra will cure your daughter and asked me to do the same thing he had suggested without the Mrithika and he told me he will pray for my daughter.
3. We gave our daughter the holy water next day as Rajaram Sir had suggested, she immediately became alright and started playing very nicely and has not had this problem since then. My sincere thanks to Rajaram Sir and Guru Raghavendra for helping my little daughter. Om Sri Raghavendraya Namah - Balaji - New Jersey - United States Of America.
4. Please read Mantralaya Raghavendra Swamy Miracles PDF File. As this is PDF file, it may take time to download.
Experiencing Rayar Divine Blessings
1. Hello Sir, I recently discovered your website www.Subhavaastu.com. I have been a devoted follower of Sri Guru Raghavendra since 1978 and have witnessed numerous miracles, one of which I would like to share. In 2002, I was unemployed for an entire year, without a job or income, and faced a loan debt of 5 lakhs. I couldn't even pay the interest or EMI on my housing loan for a year. Typically, banks send reminders and take action against defaulters, but by the grace of the Lord, I received no letters regarding my missed payments.
2. Everything changed in January 2003. I received a call for an interview, which was scheduled for the next day. The evening before, I prayed to Lord Raghavendra, asking for his support and to prove his presence by helping me secure the job. I set a personal deadline to receive the appointment letter by 4 pm on the day of the interview.
3. The interview went exceptionally well, and I couldn't believe how well I answered their questions. Miraculously, I received both verbal and written confirmation via email that I had been successful, with my salary fixed and the appointment letter arriving at 3 pm, an hour before my deadline. Even after 10 years, I am moved to tears whenever I recall this experience. Our Lord never abandons his devotees, proving his support beyond any doubt.
4. Bichale Sri Appanacharya Priya Mantralaya...Sri Raghavendra Theertha Gurubyo Namah - Prasad - Bangalore - Karnataka State - India.
Earn ₹1000 for Each Entry - Exclusive to the First 10 Submissions
Warmest greetings to every distinguished reader captivated by these divine experiences. The miraculous deeds of the Almighty continue to impart incredible experiences to people around the world. Unfortunately, many of these miracles remain untold. If you or your loved ones have encountered any divine wonders, please share them with us. You can write in your language.
1. We are excited to offer ₹1,000 to the first 10 residents who share their genuine experiences with Hindu Gods.
2. Please do not fabricate stories for monetary gain. Kindly be truthful in your submissions.
3. We will send the payment only after thorough scrutiny and confirmation that your experience is genuine and exclusive to SubhaVaastu. Please note that submissions may be accepted or rejected for various reasons. All rights reserved.
4. NRIs are also welcome to participate, we will definitely pay.
5. Submissions received after October 31st, 2024, will not be eligible for payment.
6. The reason we are offering payment is to encourage people to embrace spirituality. Social media addiction has severely impacted people's health and ambitions. By turning to spirituality, individuals can regain focus on their goals and improve their well-being, allowing them to concentrate better on their work and personal growth.
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Esteemed residents are invited to submit their experiences. Please ensure that your contributions are exclusive to SubhaVaastu.
Respectable Residents Comments
1. Dear Sureshji, your decisions are genuinely respectable. The world is currently grappling with severe challenges, and social media is contributing to widespread disruption. People are ignoring their daily tasks and squandering their time on this unproductive social media. Your initiative is exceptional; it serves as an important reminder for society. May God bless you and keep you safe. Wishing you and your family a life filled with happiness - Radhika - Plano - Texas.
2. What society needs most right now are ideas like these. I am ready to join you in contributing my part to help. By protecting society, we ensure that God will protect us in return. Those who harm society will never experience true happiness or a fulfilling life. Everyone who wishes for society's improvement and growth can expect remarkable progress in their own lives. Witnessing the work you are doing fills me with immense joy. Sadananda Murthy - Fresno
3. God has blessed you with a noble mindset, which is why you have such thoughts. I will share this with everyone in my friend circle. Sekhar - Miami.
4. May I narrate my friend's experience? I do not require any payment for sharing his account. Is it acceptable, or must I share only my own experiences? Currently, he lacks internet access, being in a remote village in India, and is unable to send emails. Your endeavor to elevate spirituality in society is admirable. Blessings to you. - Meena Uday - Raleigh - NC.
5. This is the perfect platform to share experiences. Thank you for developing such a wonderful website with this link. I will definitely inform all of my friends to share their comments and experiences. I am also willing to sponsor 5 entries. Bless you forever. - Radha Krishna- Buffalo - New York.
6. Excellent initiative, truly inspiring to share our experiences. We are currently squandering our time on trivial matters. Social media has turned into a menace, continuously spreading negativity and hostility in our minds. With this brilliant idea, we can redirect our path. Fantastic concept, Sureshji. Keep up the great work. Maheedhar Reddy - London.
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Respected residents are invited to share their experiences. Please use polite words and show respect. We will publish your divine encounters.
Overweight Luggage Fee - Rayar Assistance
I am Satheesh Krishnamurthy, a Physics research fellow at Trinity College Dublin. Recently, a remarkable incident occurred that I wish to share. My wife and I were traveling from Chennai to Dublin last week. Our luggage was checked through to London, necessitating that we retrieve and recheck our bags for the London to Dublin leg. We flew British Airways from Chennai to London, which permits 23 kg per person for checked baggage, while the domestic flight from London to Dublin allows only 20 kg.
Our total luggage weight was 49 kg. At the London check-in counter, the agent informed us that our bags were overweight and required us to check in our hand luggage as well, bringing the total to 70 kg, which was 30 kg over the allowance. He requested a fee of 5 pounds per kilogram over the limit and informed other agents about our situation. We stepped away from the counter, and I prayed fervently to Sri Raghavendra Swamy for a divine assistance. After 45 minutes, I approached the counter again and was astonished to find a different agent who accepted our bags without any issues or additional checks. Sri Raghavendra Swamiji has always overseen my education, conduct, and character. We pray with complete devotion, and he invariably responds to our prayers. OM SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAHA THANKS - Satheesh - Dublin.
Rayar's Appearance in a Dream
1. Dear Devotees, I have been contemplating for a while about sharing the remarkable events orchestrated by my Guru Shri Raghavendra Swamy, in my life. I did like to narrate one such experience. Growing up in a Madhva family, Rayaru was a part of my life, and I occasionally visited the matha on Thursdays, albeit not consistently, I must admit. My prayers were often selfish and mechanical. However, as years went by and my troubles persisted, a colleague suggested that I make a Sankalpa and read about Shri Raghavendraswamy for mental strength.
2. It all started when I began reading the story of Shri Rayaru every day (in Kannada). I aimed to complete it quickly, within a week or so, and would sit in the puja room every night to read. One day, while reading about Rayaru accepting Sanyas and his wife's imminent suicide, I was deeply disturbed and emotional. I cried for his wife's loss and questioned how Rayaru could allow it. Despite his kindness and willingness to help, how could he not foresee her immense sense of loss? Although I was grateful for his acceptance of the saffron robes, for his wife’s sake, it was heart-wrenching. I went to bed in tears that night.
3. In the early hours of that day, I had a wonderful dream. Rayaru was sitting among a row of Brahmins with plantain leaves in front of them, waiting for food to be served. This appeared to be in the empty site behind our house. He stood out as the rest were in traditional white dhotis and namas. He smiled at me, and my heart skipped a beat seeing him there. Agitatedly, I called out to my young son to serve Rayaru the specially prepared food. The dream ended there, and I woke up feeling happy, although I eventually brushed it off.
4. A few days later, I confided in a dear friend about the dream, as I felt uncomfortable discussing it with everyone. Incidentally, I had often voiced my regret about not visiting Mantralaya since my marriage, my last visit being 14 years ago. My friend suggested that Rayaru had given me darshan at our house as a response to my regret. After this, I developed a tremendous hunger to learn more about his life and read different books about him. Strangely, I couldn’t find any English books on him and even considered translating one from Kannada myself.
5. On January 26, 2006, a few months after my dream, I visited Vedantha BookHouse in Chamrajpet in search of English books on Rayaru. To my delight, I found not one but five volumes on him, written by Amman Sathyanathan. I will stop here for today as what has happened in my life since becoming aware of Shri Raghavendra’s presence would fill many more pages. I have shared this story online to express my awe and gratitude for Rayaru’s kindness, hoping it meets with his approval.
6. Interestingly, the vacant plot behind our house, where I dreamt of Rayaru, is owned by a Madhav Rao and his son, Gururaja Rao. Remarkably, one day, a group of Brahmins, along with their guru, were actually having a meal at that very location, just as I had envisioned in my dream. ! Signing off now, may all who read this and our families be graced by our guru Raghavendra, and may our faith in him grow a hundredfold. Om Shri Raghavendraya Namaha. Krishnaarpanamasthu.
Raghavendra Swamy Mahima
1. Hare Srinivasa, Yellarigu nanna Namaskara, I have many profound experiences to share. By the grace of Sri Rayaru, I successfully cleared my CA Inter and ICWA Final Stage 3 exams. I am residing in India solely due to Rayaru's blessings. On December 11, 2006, I received a job offer from a reputable company in Dubai. Accepting it would have required me to postpone my marriage for two and a half years, as my parents had been insisting for the past ten months. .
2. However, I had also attended an interview with IBM on October 7, 2006, and prayed to Rayaru for the job. Despite progressing through the interview rounds, I had not heard back from IBM by December 28, 2006. That night, at around 10:00 pm, I received a call from my current manager informing me that I had been selected and would receive an offer letter from HR. This miracle happened only because of Rayaru. Earlier that evening, I visited Chennamakere Rayaru Mutt in Bangalore for darshan. Normally, I would perform Pradakshina and leave, but that day, Swasthi started half an hour early, and I stayed for Mangalaharathi, Theertha, and returned home around 8:15 pm.
3. Interestingly, the next day I had my ICWAI Final Strategic Tax Management exam, which I was certain I would fail and have to retake in June. However, by Rayaru's grace, I confidently wrote the exam and scored 52 out of 100, clearing the ICWA Final Stage 3 with a total of 202 out of 400. This would not have been possible without Rayaru. I joined IBM on January 4, 2007, which was a Thursday, and I am now working as a Team Lead in F&A.
4. Within two months of joining IBM, I met a girl in Adoni, and our marriage is now finalized. We will be getting married on July 5th in Adoni, which is also a Thursday. For the past ten years, I have never faced any difficulties regarding food in Bangalore, thanks to Rayaru's grace.
5.. Smarane madidare saku namma kanmunde nilluva gurugalu Rayaru. Avare nanna jeevanada hejje hejje nallo iruvavaru. Avaranu nanu unnuthiruva prathi thuthigu nenisikollabeku. Without Rayaru, imagining life is very difficult for me.
Nambi kettavarillavo ee gurugala nambade keduvurunto - Girish.
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Witnessed Miracle of Lord Shiva
First and foremost, heartfelt gratitude to God. I want to recount an incident that occurred in our family. We have always been devoted worshippers of Lord Parameshwara. For us, Shiva is everything—our life, our breath, and our very essence. It is solely by His grace that we are leading a joyful life today, free from any troubles.
During the Dussehra holidays, my sisters and their children visited us. The total number of people in the house was around 22, including 14 children. The house was alive with noise and chaos as the children played exuberantly.
The following day, my wife and I went to the bank to retrieve some gold items from the locker. When we returned, the house was filled with the clamor of children. Just as we walked in, a 2-year-old boy fell off the bed in the bed room. We all rushed inside upon hearing the noise, leaving the bag we brought from the bank on the table in the family room. The bag contained gold jewelry and the "bank locker key."
In the confusion, we forgot about the bag and went inside. The children, now in the family room, resumed their playful antics, throwing everything they could find. Amidst the chaos, the bag from the bank was tossed around, scattering the gold jewelry and the "bank locker key" throughout the house. We managed to collect all the items except the "bank locker key."
We spent the entire day searching for the "bank locker key," but it was nowhere to be found. As you all know, the "bank locker key" holds great importance. We searched until 1 AM, but it was in vain. Exhausted, some of us fell asleep wherever we could.
The next morning, we resumed our search for the "bank locker key," but it remained elusive. My wife, overwhelmed with fear, began to cry. I decided to go to the bank, but it was a holiday. I planned to go the next morning to inform the manager and seek advice. Throughout this ordeal, I continuously prayed to Lord Parameshwara, asking for help in finding the "bank locker key."
By 5 PM, we were all sitting and drinking coffee, having almost given up hope. Just then, the doorbell rang. My old friend Gangadhar arrived with a small bag, having just returned from Kashi. He came to give us Prasadam. We welcomed him and explained our situation. He reassured us that everything is in the hands of Lord Shiva and told us not to worry. We offered him coffee, and he left an hour later.
As we were taking out the prasadam from his bag, a small boy quickly grabbed it, causing a Rudraksha to fall. The Rudraksha rolled into a very small space under the stairs. My wife went to get a mobile phone for a torchlight. We were disheartened by the situation, but we knew the Rudraksha from Kashi was sacred and couldn’t leave it there. We shone the torchlight into the space, and believe it or not, the first thing we saw was the "bank locker key."
Om Namah Shivaya.
Sivadasan - Kozhikode. Kerala.
Miracle of Subramanya Swamy
1. It was mid-May. The heat was extreme, and people were suffering from the intense heat. Especially in the Rayalaseema region, it's common to see people fainting from the heat in mid-May, and they also struggle with the hot winds. During such a time, my children insisted on visiting their grandmother's village, so I decided to spend four days in my mother-in-law's village, traveling from Bangalore to Kalyandurg. After two days, we planned to visit the Gunti Subrahmanya Swamy Temple, our family deity. However, due to some unfavorable circumstances, we couldn't go.
2. On Tuesday, as the children were persistent, we, along with the children from the neighboring houses, about 12 of us in total, set out early in the morning to the Gunti Subrahmanya Swamy Temple. By the time we reached, it was 11:15 AM. The heat was unbearable. After the pooja rituals of the deity concluded at 11:50, we descended the hill to the parking area. By then, we were all on the verge of fainting from the heat. The children, eager to play, but they couldn't bear the heat.
3. The temple authorities offered to arrange lunch and invited all the children to eat together happily, so we sat under the trees for lunch. By then, it was 12:05 PM. Believe it or not, by 12:10, dark clouds appeared out of nowhere and covered the entire area. It started raining with a super cool breeze, and the area resounded with the children's shouts of joy. Despite our warnings, the children got soaked in the rain. After lunch, the children played until 5 PM. With the cool breeze lifting our spirits, the children continued to play joyfully. After their games, around 5:30 PM, we prayed sincerely to Subrahmanya Swamy and prepared for our return journey.
4. The surprising thing was that it only rained in the area where we were. Next to this temple location is a small village called Kotanka, where not a single drop of rain fell. After we left the Gunti Subrahmanya Swamy Temple, we didn't see a drop of water anywhere. This incident happened in 2016. No matter how many years pass, not only myself but also the children will never forget the miracles of Subramanya Swamy and will always remember. It always feels like the grace of the Almighty is immense - Babu - Bangalore.
Guru Raghavendra Prarthana Mahima
1. This is my inaugural post on this site, recounting just one of the many miracles I have experienced since I began worshipping Swamy. My mother, a devout follower, has been worshipping for a long time and visits the nearby mutt in Bangalore at least three times a week. Since I moved to the UK a year ago, I have not been able to visit any mutt, and this site has become a great solace for people like me who are far from India.
2. My wife, Bhavana, an engineer, struggled to find a technical job. Although she had a few non-technical positions, they were not her passion. This situation led us to consider applying for Canadian work permits. During this period, I stumbled upon this site and showed it to her, especially the miracles page. I told her I had a strong feeling that a miracle was about to happen for us, and we would be sharing our story here. She was skeptical, remarking that it would take a miracle for her to get a job.
3. The first thing she noticed on the webpage were miracle posts by someone named mirroring our names. Despite visiting the page numerous times, I had never noticed this coincidence. We were astonished to see our names together. Her skepticism turned into faith, and her belief in Swamy grew significantly.
4. I applied for my Canadian work permit in London on Thursday, 27th July 2006. The officer mentioned I might need a medical check-up, which she would notify me about by post. I was disheartened because the process typically takes 2-6 weeks, and even longer if a medical test is required. I hoped to receive a waiver letter from the consulate instead. On Saturday, just 48 hours after applying, I received a courier that looked like our passports. I was on the verge of tears, thinking it was either a visa grant or a rejection due to incomplete documentation.
5. I assumed it was a rejection letter because an interview is usually necessary for Indian nationals, and it can't happen within two weeks. However, to our amazement, it was a miracle waiting for us the visa was granted in a record-breaking 48 hours, something unheard of even for UK nationals with all required documents. Even my attorney, who specializes in arranging work permits, was surprised.
6. We are now thrilled about moving to Canada and hope to visit India next month for Rayara Darshana. I am confident that many more miracles are lined up in our lives, as is the case for any devotee with strong faith in Swamy. Enendu Bannisali Rayara Pawadawa
GuruRaya's Blessing: A Miraculous 9x Salary Increase
1. Namaskara, I would like to share a miraculous experience. Please forgive any spelling errors. I have been a devotee of Raghavendra Swamy since my school days, and I hold great reverence for him. When I was in the 2nd standard, I started visiting the Raghavendra mutt every Thursday. I would begin every task by chanting "OM SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAHA."
2. During my school years, I was an average student, barely passing my subjects. In my final semester of graduation, despite studying hard, I did not perform well in one of the papers. I prayed fervently to Swamy, and to my astonishment, I passed all my subjects in my final year. By Swamy's grace, I was able to pursue a Master's degree in Computer Science.
3. After my Master's, I secured a position at a reputable MNC in Chennai. The company later transferred me to Maharashtra, but I was still on a contract basis. During my time in Maharashtra State, I visited Mantralaya and prayed for a permanent job. Due to personal reasons, I couldn't stay in Maharashtra, and after my contract ended, I returned to Chennai.
4. I then got a job in a small company with a salary five times lower than my previous one. After four months, I joined another company in Chennai with the same salary. Six months later, I received an excellent international offer from a top MNC, and now my salary is nine times higher than what I earned before. I am incredibly happy and grateful.
5. Trust in Raghavendra Swamy, and he will make the impossible possible. OM SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAHA. Dhanyavaadh - Venkat.
Miracle of Shri Jayateerthara Moola Brindaavana
1. In 2014, six of my friends and myself set off from Mantralayam to the village of Malkhed near Gulbarga. Malkhed is home to the Brindavana of Sri Jayatheertha, a place whose significance can only be truly appreciated by visiting it. It is a truly remarkable location. We began our journey from Mantralayam at 7 AM. After leaving Mantralayam, one of our companions received news that his co-brothers mother had passed away, so he had to turn back, leaving the remaining five of us to continue the journey.
2. We got lost the right route a few times and finally reached Malkhed at 2:30 PM. To be honest, the journey was quite challenging. We faced many difficulties but ultimately reached the temple. The temple priests greeted us warmly and told us they would prepare a meal for us. It was already 2:30 PM, and we felt bad about them starting to cook at that hour. Despite our protests, they began cooking.
3. We decided to visit the Brindavana, so we went down about 20 steps to reach it. One of our companions stayed back, talking with others, so only the four of us went down. The temple priest came and unlocked the door. Inside the Brindavana, there was no one except the four of us. The priest unlocked the iron grill door, and we went in to have darshan. After our darshan, we leaned against the wall outside the Brindavana to rest. There wasn’t a single person around besides us four.
4. Suddenly, we heard very clear words coming from the Brindavana: "Pāpa Mantralayam ninda bandru ivru" ("These people have come from Mantralayam"). The four of us heard these words distinctly. We immediately stood up and searched the area, but we couldn’t find anyone else. It was clear to us that the words came from the Brindavana. We approached the Brindavana and thanked Swamiji for speaking to us. We then came out of the Brindavana and went back up the steps to inform the priests of what had happened. They told us that we were very fortunate, as it’s known that Sri Jayatheertha Swamy occasionally speaks from the Brindavana, but not everyone gets to experience it.
5. Our companion Gopi, who had stayed back, was devastated and cried, feeling that he missed out on such a rare opportunity. The priests consoled him, explaining that such blessings are granted to those who are destined for them. The words spoken to us by Sri Jayatheertha Swamiji, who entered Jeeva Samadhi 700 years ago, will never be forgotten in our lives. It was truly a miraculous experience - Sudarshan.
Baba Manifestation and Reinforcing of Faith:
This is a surprising coincidence of the prasad offering to Baba. We had gone to visit Baba temple from Toronto, Canada to New York on the cordial invitation of Ardent Devotee and world famous cancer Surgeon Dr. Noori Dattatreya, who established Baba temple in New York of his hard earned self funds, I had offered Peda to Shirdi Saibaba in Long Islands, New York when I Had been with my family on the occasion of my eldest daughter birthday, Seen the offerings on the lips of Him at Toronto Home.
Secondly, we offered Baba Moti Boondi Ladoo on Krishna Janmashtami on August 26th, 2005 at my place in Toronto, Canada also Baba Partake our offering. And Blessed with Udi on it.....Baba had manifested Udi when Veena Didi had come to bless my new home In Toronto, Canada on the lap, hands, and foot of His idol which was Surprisingly presented to my daughter on the eve of our new home from Shirdi by her friend Is it a Blessing of Baba manifestation of Udi to Veena Didi at her place in New Delhi, India or a mystery miracle of Baba once again on the Baba Idol at her place.
During Sai Amrit Vani prayers... When Veena Didi personally visited to Bless the couple on Feb.15,2009, in Hyderabad, Baba has blessed with Udi on the Photo Frame of Him on the Mandap when placed By Veena Didi.....prior ceremony began....witnessed by Visitors of the wedding. My eldest daughter has returned to Toronto, Canada after marriage to pursue her career & spouse joined in Toronto, Canada The Immigration papers were delivered to him on Gurupoornima day without any queries. True Faith and Prayers of Divine Veena Didi never Fails. May Baba always Protect and continue to shower his Blessings on SAI Devotees. Ravinder Thota - Canada.
Share Your Experience - We Are Ready to Publish
Have you experienced a divine miracle? If so, then share it with us. We will publish your name and city (You can hide your name and city too), and your experience will remain here permanently. Your experience underscores the power of prayer and the importance of embracing a spiritual path. In a world filled with uncertainty and unrest, embarking on a spiritual journey can inspire others to do the same, fostering a peaceful and harmonious society.
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- Is vastu helps to film stars?
- What are all vastu shastra effects?
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- How to evaluate the properties in USA as per vastu?
- Why tenant is living better than owner in same house?
- We have many court cases, is vastu assists to get relief?
Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents
Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
Delayed Marriages
Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".
Vastu Questions
A comprehensive range of Vastu queries have been addressed here.100 Vastu Questions & Answers
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Inspirational Quotations
"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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