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Vastu Tips for Lift | Elevator Vastu | Conveyor Belt

Vastu Tips for Lift | Elevator: Mechanical or automatic lifts/elevators are common in Apartments. Some shopping complexes we may find escalator/conveyor/dumbwaiter, in some factory (read vastu significance in factory), we may observe conveyor belts to lift the raw materials or production stocks.

Why Residents Installing Lift

Now a days arranging an elevator in homes is common. Reasons may be different but residents like to have a lift in their homes.

Health Grounds:

Due to health grounds some residents planning lift in their homes. (Before finalizing the lift the vastu house plans should be verified by a Vastu expert and get his recommendations for the placement of lift).


Residents need to climb upper floors regularly, they need convenience, for this purpose also they are planning lift to their homes.

Old Age:

Always climbing stairs to upper floors is not easy task for some aged people. For them this lift is too convenient.


Some residents installing elevators for the status. In some apartments, we observed personal lift facility to the flats but it's few in number because of heavy cost.

Where Should The Pit Has To Come For Lift

Lift should require a pit (depression / sump / pit / hole / hollow ( in some areas these words are also using for lift pit like a chasm, trough, excavation, rut, abyss, cavity, pothole, gulf, crater, pitch) but the common word is lift pit.

Here this lift pit plays an important role in creating either positive or negative roles.

Pits are the most required aspect for mechanical lifts. These pits should not come at South, West and Southwest quadrants in our homes. (If there is water storage sump at Northeast quadrants, then this small lift pit can be accommodated at Southeast or Northwest corners).

Pits are suitable at Northeast, East and North directions, but we are not leaving pits alone here, we are installing lift to these pits. Due to this installation, lift should not came towards Northeast, if so, the Northeast is treated as truncated. (This point is not applicable for the hydraulic lift, please contact one vastu expert for the advice)

Ideal Locations For The Elevators In The Home (Do's)

1. Southeast place is good for an elevator.

2. Northwest area is also good for keeping lift.

3. On some conditions, North is also acceptable for this lift position.

4. One certain condition, East direction is also acceptable for lift position.

5. If there is no land digging for the lift, then one may happily plan the lift at South direction.

6. West is also suitable for the lift, if there is no land digging for a lift then residents can happily put elevator at West direction.

Lift Wrong Placements (Dont's)

7. Don't Plan mechanical lift exactly at Northeast.

8. Southwest is not the right place for lift.

9. Can Brahmasthan is the right place for planning for a lift. Based on the other allocated structure of that area then only has to decide. Otherwise no.

Technology is daily improving, in each and every subject technology is admirably enhances its new features. Previously elevator means, for the elevator landing purpose we are digging some area. Nowadays, home hydraulic lifts introduced and no need to dig the land for the lifts.

Hydraulic Lift And It's Vastu Advantages

hydraulic lift in homeThis is hydraulic lift. It won't require pit. For viewers understanding purpose, showing one elevator which is running position from ground floor to first floor, in this image, half of the lift is visible. Please observe two arrows pointing out two things. One arrow is showing the floor in which, there is no elevator pit. Another arrow is showing that the elevator is moving to the upper floor. Revolutionary change in this lift mechanism. Excellent usage facilitation to many homes. Those who don't like to have pit for a lift in their homes, then they may try this kind of hydraulic lifts.

Residents may plan lift at their home (Home vastu), but it should be properly planned. Most of the residents are placing lift at wrong directions and suffering from severe problems. (This matter is from subhavaastu.com). They spent crores of rupees for the home construction and decoration, but most of the unlucky people failed to contact one experienced Vastu consultant for all good guidance, maybe it's their FATE.

Bad Experience By Mohan Ji

Mohan Ji (name and place changed) belongs to a business community in Pune and he requires to place a lift in his home to reach upper floor master bedroom, as he is recently got troubled with knee pains. He finds the Northeast is a good place for the lift and installed it and soon after he got many troubles in his family and got one vastu consultant opinion and later he changed the lift position and got settled down with peace.

Total how much he lost money in this experiment. If he would got Vasthu consultancy before installing the lift, he would saved huge money and peace. Two times the floor disturbed and overall, he went into depression and health problems, anyway, he recovered after correcting things. Don't plan lift in Northeast location, if residents conditionally need to install in that area then get experts advise.

In residential lifts, the material gauge is not too heavy, but in commercial lifts, the metal gauge is heavier and structure is also a little bit different. They are bigger and providing for 4 to 12 persons also based on the company.

But in residential lifts, they provide only 2 to 4 persons. So before buying the lifts, we have to check how big it is and how facilitation we require, etc, the price range is also different based on the size and quality.

Is Southwest Room Is Suitable For The Lift

Some residents planned to fix the lift at Southwest direction, West or South directions. Lift towards Southwest is not at all suitable, regarding West and South already we discussed above. Why....for placing lift at any corner or any place in the Home, we must provide a pit. Otherwise, the lift cannot be fixed in that place. Pits were not suitable and should not come towards Southwest, South and West directions.

Is Hydraulic Lift Is Suitable At South And West Directions?

For hydraulic elevators, residents can have the lift at South and West directions, for other mechanisms which have elevator shaft with pit then without vastu experts opinion don't plan at South and West directions.

Can We Place Lift At Brahmasthan?

When residents planning lift at Brahmasthan, need to observe many things. If the lift has a total 4 sides glasses then one may plan the lift at Brahmasthan and please note that the lift should not obstruct the passage coming from Southwest master bedroom. If so, please contact one expert vastu consultant in this regard. The experienced vastu pandit will check the location and will guide further. Expert charges would be very cheap when compare with the troubles getting from the lift which is installed in the wrong place.

Suitable Lift Arranging Locations In Our Home Premises

Vastu  Tips For LiftThis is an animated image. It takes at least 5 to 6 seconds time to show its animation. Observe green color (don't forget to visit is colors are important ion vastu) areas, these are the appropriate placements for the elevators. The red color shows that we should not plan elevator in this location. We recommended idea to install lifts at West and South directions based on the property structure and elevating the floor levels for mechanical lifts.

Is It Possible To Place The Lift At West And South Without Lift Pits?

It is possible. When we are planning to install the lift at West/South we should think about digging a pit for lift. Majority vastu experts never accept for the pits at West and South directions. Instead of digging pit, residents may construct one small chamber and climb two steps to reach the lift at South and West directions. With this small technique, pits are not required at South and West directions. Everything should be properly planned, otherwise, modification may not be possible if any mistake took place.

For Hydraulic lift there is no such rule of West and South directions. But don't plan the hydraulic elevator at Southwest.

Can The Main Door Be Faced Exactly Towards Lift. Is It Good Or Bad?

The doors always in an exalted position as per Vastu. This is a primary point, that one should not forget.

An apartment means, there are several flats on each floor. So whatever the advantages or disadvantages will be equally shared to the same line flat users of each floor.

If a West facing flat resident has lift exactly opposite to his main entrance, that will be exactly same to the above floor west facing flats too.

If there are 14 floors in an apartment, then all the West facing flats have exact placement of lift will be opposite to their main entrance. So the benediction or hindrances will be equally shared to all the flat residents.

This same principle is also applicable for East facing flat residents and etc. The main door can be exactly opposite to the lift. No problem.

In this case, we have collected a large data from various residents in apartments, we did not get any complaint from anybody on this lift placements.

Lift Opposite To The Main Entrance Door For Independent Home?

As we discussed earlier about two types of lifts, 1. Hydraulic Lift. 2. Mechanical Lift.

In this Mechanical lift, there are again two types. a. Railing gate, b. Closed metal door. In the railing gate, this is manual, users should close the door, this seems to be a grill iron door. In closed metal door, this could be automatic. It will closed automatically. If this automatic closed metal door is in front of the main door, nothing to worry on this lift in front of the main door.

If the pit mechanical open door lift is in front of the main entrance door, then need to follow simple steps. South & West pits are not good. Consequently, North & East main entrance door residents has to take a right decision about this South & West pits.

North & East pits are good, but the automatical closed-door lifts may not be suggested to these areas, if it is inevitable, then get a proper idea from experts.

Residents Experiences with Different Lift Locations In Their Apartments

Subbarao from Visakhapatnam had lift which is exactly Southwest for his flat. Indeed he got promotions and his kids developed like anything in his flat.

Vijay from Guntur sold his flat, his flat is East facing and lift is exactly opposite to his main entrance door which is perfectly Northeast to his home. We observed 3 floors apartment in which all these East facing flats are coming for sale or residents are suffering from problems, all these 3 flats have exact Northeast lift. By naked eyes, the lift is not at all creating any problem to these residents. The problem is this flat has East and South walks. Southeast corner flat. This point is also considered.

Ram Mohan (from Hyderabad) has South facing flat, lift is towards South, before joining this flat, he got fear to buy it. Later with some vastu consultant advice, he bought the flat with many doubts. But he got good profits in his business in this flat, later he bought one big plot and constructed his home there. He never faced any challenges in this South facing flat.

Sudhakar from Bangalore bought a West facing flat, lift is exactly opposite to the flat entrance. After 4 years in this flat he upgraded to another villa. He never faced any problems in this property though lift is exactly opposite to his flat entrance door.

Narendra from Bangalore is very good when he had lift exactly opposite to the door, which came towards West direction. His flat is West facing flat.

Basically, there is a lot of observation required when buying the flats. It's the reason many expert vastu consultants stated that personal visit is the only best option. Online vastu consultancy is not a substitute for the personal visit.

Regarding other vastu mistakes in home, we can certainly do corrections. But coming with lift, we may not do corrections. Care should be taken before installing the lift. Once lift installation process is completed, don't search for remedies or solutions, some times there may not be any solutions for human mistakes. Prior caution is the only way we have to just follow.

External Southwest Location Is Suitable For The Lift?

Yes, lift which is at Southwest external side is acceptable. The lift which is at inside Southwest is not acceptable. Outside Southwest is acceptable.

External Northeast Area Is Permissable For The Lift?

No, not at all accepted. If it is inevitable, then get proper guidance from experts after showing your house plan.

Office Is At Ground Floor And Home At First Floor, Which Is The Best Lift Location

Southeast is the best location for the external lift, either it may be hydraulic or mechanical lift. If Southeast is not possible then plan Northwest corridor location for installing lift.

External Northwest Lift Placement

lift location at NorthwestObserve this lift at Northwest located with portico covered entire North and touching the East portico to balance the Northeast extension like. This portico will balance the Northwest extension with lift. This is good practice.

Please note that Portico (Read portico importance in vastu) is most significant matter to built when the left came towards Northwest of the home or office. We showed the portico in all the images below where the lift came at Northwest or Southeast.

External Southeast Lift Placement

Southeast lift location as per vastuThis is lift southeast location area, the remaining East and North is also covered with portico to balance this Southeast area extension with lift.

External Northeast Lift Placement

"NortheastIn this image, the lift located at Northeast external location. Generally, this won't give good results. If this NE external lift is inevitable, please get a proper guidance from experts.

Internal Northeast Lift Placement

"InternalThis lift came at Northeast inside. We discussed earlier that, the Northeast lift is not good idea. Don't plan the lift at Northeast corner of the house or office.

Hydraulic Lift And Mechanical Lift, Which One Is Mostly Recommended For My Home?

The benefit of hydraulic lift is no need to have pit. This is an excellent advantage of this new innovation.

Hydraulic lift does not require head room.

The disadvantage of mechanical life is, it requires pit to install the lift. In some places in our home or office, pits should not be placed, sometimes they are against to vastu principles.

Mechanical lift requires headroom, which is really annoying the residents. Some residents bothered with this headroom. This is odd-looking in our home design.

Majority residents now, installing only hydraulic lifts only, thanks to the inventors.

Is There Any Specific Direction For The Lift Door?

No problem. Arranging lift location as per Vastu is suggested. Lift door is not a serious matter to be concentrate.

Where Should Be The Lift Main Switch?

No importance for the lift main electrical switch. Based on the convenient place, residents can arrange the elevator electrical main switch.

Is There Any Specific Place To Fix The Camera Within Lift?

Where there is a possibility and availability place within the lift there camera may be arranged. Generally, CC camera will be arranged opposite to the lift door. It will enable to record who is coming into the lift. It will cover the entire lift. So no unnatural elements can do unsocial activities in the elevator. Monitor should be fixed in a safe place.

Is It Compulsory To Arrange The Lift Exactly Attached To The Staircase?

There is no mandatory rule to arrange the lift next to the staircase. (Study staircase placement as per vastu), lift can be arranged as per the convenience only. No condition to attach the elevator with staircase.

Different Kind Of Elevators

1. Passenger Elevators. and 2. Non-Passenger Elevators.

For passenger elevators, there are some more lifts like

Mechanical Elevators

MachineLess Elevators (machine Roomless Elevators)

Geared and Gearless Traction Elevators with Machine Room

Capsule Elevators

Bullet shaped lift

Home Hydraulic Lifts

Sidewalk Elevators.

Residential Elevators.

Hoist Elevator.

Steam Elevator.

Hoist elevator, steam elevators are not in use.

Non-passenger elevators (For business purpose) are like:

Freight Elevators.

Stage Lift.

Boat Lift.

Vehicle Elevators.



Scissor Lift.

Material Handling Belts. (Originally these are not called as lifts, but in some case, these are also called lifts in some factories.)

Which Location is Best Suitable for the Dumbwaiter at My Home?

Otherthan exact Northeast corner (Northeast pinpoint) and pinpoint of Southwest, the residents can arrange the dumbwaiter as per their requirement. 99.99% of residential homes never have dumbwaiters at their homes. We can found these dumbwaiters only at busy restaurants.

Let us know if you have any questions, we will provide answers with images. Hope you enjoyed the content here.

Hello Sir, My residential building is located in an East facing plot. It has two duplex houses. I need to install a lift to reach my duplex house which is on the 2nd floor. The only place where I can install a Lift is in the Northeast corner. I have identified a Vaccum lift that does not need any pit or headroom. It is also light in weight, unlike other mechanical or hydraulic lifts. I am aware NE corner is a prohibited place for Lifts, but I have no other choice. This Lift in the NE corner will start in the portico and travel vertically upwards through my 2nd floor balcony. What would be your opinion Sir? Thanks in advance. Prabhakar - Bangalore.

Dear Sir, please suggest if a mechanical lift for a house can be made with 4 feet pit inside plinth filling. The plinth is 5 feet above natural ground. The lift location is 10 feet away from the south wall but not in the central 8 ft x 8 ft area, the residential small elevator pit can be - Prashant Vapi.

Dear sir, for my independent house having a North facing, I placed the lift in the Southeast corner and the lift door opening is kept on the North direction. Lift is kept by attaching to house East side wall and I have extended the balcony from lift to Northeast corner and similarly, we placed stairs near Northwest corner and keeping entrance towards East direction and balcony extended up to the Northeast corner. Is this construction OK as per Vastu or not - Mythri - Madhapur, Hyderabad

100 Vastu Shastra Questions

+9 #13 Elevator vastuNikhil 2019-05-10 16:36
Hi sir, I have some doubt, in our building, there are two lift one is in the south going from basement to upper ground floor and the other lift is in the northwest which is from stilt floor to the third floor. The is no connection between the two lifts. Could you please let me know the lift which is in the south will give some negative effect to the upper floors or not. Please let me know. Your website is really giving excellent information. Thank you so much sir.
+8 #12 Lift in building VastuMonika 2018-01-13 13:13
Respected sir, your website is providing wonderful information on Vastu. My house is east facing. Want to install lift. In South direction wall it is possible only. Can I install lift in this South wall?
+9 #11 Remedy for wrong lift positionJitesh Nanwani 2017-04-17 11:38
Respected Surehji, lift of my apartment is placed in south passing nearly to Brahmasthan or in Brahmastan of plot which is to the southwest of my flat & southeast of my neighbors flat, is it ok, as per elevator Vastu.
+13 #10 Lift vastu positionVenkatesh 2017-04-07 05:43
Dear Sir, excellent website, congratulations . Mine is East facing site. The Ground floor is parking. My main entrance starts from first floor. Can I place my lift from ground floor in South southern portion.
+9 #9 Vastu doubts for erection lift without touching the main buildingJayarao 2016-12-22 15:58
Respected sir, what a nice presentation. I appreciate your generosity and expertization. Our plot 50'x54' feet= 300 sq yards which is west facing. We already constructed Ground + 3 floors keeping 7 feet vacant site on North side throw out for small garden. We would like to construct Lift on north-west direction keeping 5 feet from Western boundary without touching our main building by keeping gap of 3 inches in between main building and lift. so that lift cannot be extension of main building. Is it OK as per Vastu.
+9 #8 Lift vastu in BrahmasthanSasi 2016-09-23 15:10
Sir, Is it correct to position a lift in Brahmasthan. My heartful gratitude for this website builders.
+9 #7 Lift VastuDeepak 2016-09-14 17:18
Respected sir, great website on vastu and lift. I am happy to visit here, I wish to share this website to all of my friends. This is my question. I will be shifting to an apartment with east entrance and lift to the apartment is to east to north. Is it ok to have lift in that placement?
+12 #6 Front door facing elevatorJai Kabra 2016-08-10 10:40
Namaste sir, I respect your work at this website. Long live subhavaastu.com website. a lift is being constructed in the northeast direction of my house earlier there was temple place so how to correct that place. please give me the solution for that as soon as possible.
+3 #5 Flat Facing North And Lift Opposite To Front DoorSerena Dsouza 2016-07-29 13:38
Salutes to this website performance. Sir, one of my friend informed to visit your website for all vastu queries. I never expected such a huge content oriented and without any advertisements to get some revenue to run this website. You are great. My Flat is north facing. I live on the 2nd floor. There is a lift right opposite my front door. The lift door faces my front door. From the time I moved to this flat, I have incurred a lot of expenses. Can I remain in this same flat or should I move out?
+14 #4 Is Lift Is So Important In VastuMani 2015-03-28 19:01
Dear sir, my cousin requested me to visit your website for lift vastu tips. Actually, many of my doubts were cleared after browsing this website. I shocked by seeing this website articles. I never been obstructed at anywhere to grasp the needy matter. Great achievement and great feeling which I cannot express the pleasantness. Good, keep it up. Thank you so much for your assistance to all of us. After step into this website, I understand how important is this vastu in following everything in our home.
+10 #3 Elevator directly opposite the front doorMani 2015-03-28 11:20
Pranams Sureshji, we live in a 7th floor flat and the elevator door is directly opposite our flat front door. Flat and the main building are both south facing. Is it good to live in the present flat or should we shift to another flat? Thanks
+10 #2 Vastu for lift in our homeAditi 2014-12-14 14:53
I have bought 1 room opposite my fathers flat and combining it to make it one BHK. But lift is coming in between two flats. Please suggest, how to manage this problem. Thank you for your website sir. I never stopped to send this website information to all of my circles. Will do it very soon.
+7 #1 Lift As Per VastuNaveen Khandelwal 2014-03-07 01:13
You beautifully decorated this website by producing well-organized content with images. My house is west facing, plot size 50 x 70 please suggest position for external lift. Thanks in advance.
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Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.

After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:

>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"

>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."

>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"

Vastu Tip of the Day

No matter the situation or circumstances, it’s always best to avoid using harsh words or foul language. Speaking negatively, writing bad reviews, or posting unfavorable comments can invite unwanted energies that may disturb the positivity around a human. This can lead to unnecessary / unwanted struggles and challenges. Instead, practice to remain calm and choose kind, uplifting words. By doing so, you create a peaceful environment and attract positivity, ensuring that good things flow into your life, permanently. For More Daily Vastu Tips, here is the link : Daily Vastu Tips

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