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Residential Vastu - Residence Vastu
Basic Vastu for Residence: Some consultants express their views that the square plots (Plots Vastu) for residence construction (home Vastu) is extremely beneficial they said only because the concentration of energy is higher in square plots, hence residents who live in square plots will have fortune, good health and happiness when compare with rectangle plots. Rectangular residences are also giving high quality results.
In this section we will discuss about Residence Vastu tips and remedies.
Some vastu experts saying that "select only the square plots, don't select the rectangular sites for Residence construction". Let us discuss on this point to find out which one is good in Vastu for Residence.
Who will be right here and to whom we have to follow. How residents manage this science and how to prepare their Floor Vastu House Plans. We have to observe one thing that Vastu for residence is recommended always, but we should learn some important information on our experiences and literature.
The crucial and extremely important point to be noted here is and keep it in mind that Surroundings is too much recognized and should be evaluated before finalizing on square or rectangular plots if the Neighborhood is not supported then both rectangular and square plots may fail. Vastu specialist may not make residents happy though they followed key principles to their properties, if Surroundings are supporting to the residences then things go smooth and specialists' advice also fruitful.
The observation of the neighborhood can be handled by only an expert. Ordinary practitioners may not find out the surroundings sensation, particularly on the said property.
Vastu specialists can evaluate the surrounding environmentally effective situations within a span of time. They point out that the interaction and integration of such negative or positive power support to the interesting plot accurately. That is why they are said to be experts.
This page article explains basic information to maintain harmony in resident's life. Without having knowledge of Vastu shastra some people, unfortunately, introduced and attracted residents who are seeking urgent results without doing corrections to their properties and selling "Items for Residence" or "Products for Residence" or "Plants" or "Pyramids" or "Tree" or "Yantras" to balance the negativity. Most of them may not work properly. Only the expert vastu consultant who can manage easily the current situation and can able to manage things.
In this image some round rotation lines are rotating in a square-shaped Residence, its for your understanding purpose only, these lines are good vibrations at our living location. Honestly speaking we cannot see such round circles at any property, but we can feel the vibration, if the vibration is good then opportunities for improvement is multiplied. To experience some sensation or aesthesis for some good vibrations when we enter into Residence.
In some other residences we cannot stay there for at least a few minutes also, it's only because of that the vibrations and negative magnetic fields, whereas in these square plots mostly we may observe the positive good vibrations, don't be mistaken about the rectangular plots, in this rectangular Residence also we may observe the same but maybe little high or less as per location external support to the plot.
Select the best residence or Plot by having proper guidance from expert advice, it's an idea of a secured future for the residents and their next generations.
There are many techniques and Vaastu tips to have a pleasant life, we published adequate information in many pages in this Vasthu website. Before buying any property, get a word from experts to escape from troubles in future.
Some residents thought rectangular plots are not good. They search only for the square plots. One should learn a hint that rectangular plots are also best plots.
Few experts say that somewhat slightest and a little bit less fortunate than the square plots, but this is not the right idea when surroundings support to a property whether it is rectangular or square, both are the same in terms of results.
There are so many plots that are non-dimensional or inclined, which may lead to sorrows and given pain, unrest, losses, bad impacts, fame loss, etc, by knowing future generations troubles, our elders constantly advise us to get a word from one expert before taking any decision.
What is the problem, nowadays many residents developing a tendency that by reading some Vastu Books and knowing little bit knowledge through the Internet and doing corrections to their properties? They never approach master in this field and furthermore, some residents intention is to avoid payment consultants and doing practicals with properties, finally who will lose, residents got suffer without knowing proper knowledge on the ancient science and damaging their properties, those who do practicals with half knowledge will lose their hardship, efforts, money, time.
Don’t do practicals with your properties. Be cautious while in modifications and buying plots, flats, mansion, factories (learn how to improve factories Vastu through this post), shopping complexes, malls. Without proper guidance from renowned vastu pandit, one has to face many consequences in the future.
Doing 100% exact corrections may not be possible due to various technical and surroundings issues and it is not at all possible to make in all Residences. Some successful people do their Residence as per proper Vastu guidelines. They had patience and approached a renowned specialist and afterward only they start doing corrections. They never check Vastu pandit fee, they need only the best results.
Just think once about the price value of the property and how much amount spent on Vastu consultancy, even it may not be 0.5% when compared with the cost of the property, then why should bother about pandit charges. Think twice before doing alterations and purchasing properties with limited knowledge.
Coming to the international scenario nowadays many USA Residences are being verified by an adept. This is good phenomenon, residents in the USA never do practicals with half knowledge, first, they will approach only the best specialist and then only decide to buy or search for other properties.
This is the right place to know about one history of one Sri. A. Kondhandaraman from Chennai, he belongs to one rich royal family, before his new building construction, he got clear advice from his brother-in-law to have clear guidance on Vastu for Residence from an Vastu Expert, Kondhandaraman knows something about this subject and he wants to do some practicals with his new construction, actually, he don't like to pay anything for this services.
After construction he stayed in that construction for 2 years, later he saw many bad things with regards to health and money lost, finally, he knows that he committed a great mistake, later he shown floor plan to one expert.
After discussions with an honest Vastu master, he invited and showed his property. Can anyone imagine how much he lost, it's nearly 20 crores? The actual fact is, he consulted one Vastu expert in Delhi who is serving in Vaasthu from 1995 , after knowing his fee of Rs.1,75,000/- excluding flight charges. Got up angry on consultant by hearing his fees and charges, he estimated the total cost of this consultancy is near to Rs.2,00,000/- INR.
We can do practicals with one thousand or two thousand rupees, no problem but we should not do practicals with our life, if so another Kodhandaraman will come into the picture.
Readers of SubhaVaastu are intelligent and don’t do practicals with life, best to obtain consultancy from an expert in this field before buying the Residence or Industry. Don't see their payments, check only their talent and experience, reliability, responsibility, and commitment.
Which Place is the Best to Start Construction
Please observe this image, here we may found one compound wall and a building in one compound wall premises. Now we are discussing the placement of the property in the compound wall. The concept of the placement of constructing the structure in a compound wall is most important. Here the shack built at North direction of the entire compound premises, due to this construction at North direction there is more open space towards South direction was appears.
This may happen on some occasion that we will discuss here. Generally, many people start a small construction, initially in the acquired site, before taking up the major dwelling work. Once they are satisfied with the financial resources then they venture for a well-planned Residence.
But it is amazing to note that one has to follow certain rules and regulations even for constructing a small and temporary shack or shed. Here construction occurred at North (study complete information about North Direction in Vastu) side, so there is a huge wide South (Study total advantages of South direction in Vastu) area is vacant, due to this the head of the family has to face financial constraints.
One should be careful in going for such construction. The same principle applies to commercial complexes. Several healthy concerns may get loss if they planned to construct like this anti Vastu structure methodology. Due to this erratic construction, after some years they may sell this property with huge losses or with some of the other problems.
The Residence was constructed towards the East direction of the plot due to this there is a huge open space or vacant space was seen towards West direction. Eastern constructed Residence is not a good feature. This may result in having a very spacious western area which effects badly on the residents. In addition, if there may be any wrong placement of doors my leads to very painful events. In no case, such construction should take place. Experts advise is almost advisable before constructing the properties. Otherwise, residents may face many pains in this kind of constructed properties. Most of the residents who has more open space towards the West may suffer finally. Some may immediately fall sick some may fall sick in a longer time, any way the maximum percentage of such residents may fall down gradually.
Here the building has constructed at a Western area of the compound wall. This is an auspicious construction methodology. Lots of space is at East (read detailed benefits of East direction as per Vastu) side, and west holds the construction. This is a positive feature as per Vastu. In these type of plots, the road may come in any direction, but it is better to construct the structure at the west side only, so east will be more vacant. Finally, it blesses with the victory to the residents. The newborn will also have good luck in these houses. But the placement of the door is too important to have good and expected results in this property.
The door has to be placed towards Eastern Northeast. Then the residents will enjoy the real fruits of life. To get the safest and extremely good results to observe the surroundings or neighborhood structures and placements of this property.
If construction will be according to the surroundings, then the power of NATURE will bless the residents who occupied this property.
South occupied/constructed property in this compound premises. It's Good. Southside construction is ideal in all aspects, most suitable in maximum aspects, Money frequently flows to this Residence, there are many things which we should observe here, for example:- placement of Door of a property. Northern Northeast door is extremely good luck with this type of structures. Alert, there should not be any sumps, rivers, digs, wells at outer South or West direction (know West direction importance in Vastu) this page assist to know more about West.
Then results will vary. Regarding the neighborhood, we will discuss more on the surroundings link in our website. You may also plan for South facing main entrance door, but should check the property with one guru and it is always preferable.
This science is an ocean, somebody says that they know the entire subject, it nothing but flaunts, one day they felt on the earth from sky, will be insulted by their known people. By knowing the logic behind this science one should research and then only has to take the decisions.
Benefits to Read Vastu Questions & Answers
- How Vastu helps my children education?
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- What is Vastu, how can we understand this?
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- Does Vastu should be considered for rent houses also?
- Who is the best vastu consultant in Hyderabad, Telangana?
- Where shall I obtain vastu questions and answers in this website?
- We completed all corrections, when can we expect Vastu results?
- How to show our house to the best vastu consultant in Ahmedabad?
Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents
Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
Delayed Marriages
Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".
Vastu Questions
A comprehensive range of Vastu queries have been addressed here.100 Vastu Questions & Answers
Free Vastu Services
Who are eligible for Free Vastu Services, check this page.
Inspirational Quotations
"As long as you think only about yourself, God will not think about you. But the moment you start thinking about the welfare of society, God will start thinking about you." - SubhaVaastu
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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