We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Which Place Is Best Suitable For Bathroom As Per Vastu?

Vastu For BathroomAccording to Vastu Shastra principles, the preferred location for a toilet is in the Northwest direction. Historically, our elders consistently placed toilets in this part of the home, avoiding other areas due to traditional beliefs and practices. This specific orientation is believed to enhance the overall harmony and functionality of the home.

Is Northeast Toilet is Good as Per Vastu?

In general, having a bathroom in the Northeast corner of a home may not yield favorable results and could disrupt the peaceful atmosphere of the household. This can lead to various issues within the home. However, it's most important to note that not all bathrooms located in the Northeast corner are detrimental to the well-being of the household. It is specifically bathrooms that block the Northeast corner that are known to generate negative effects, browse below for more details.

Is It Good to Have a Toilet That Cuts the Northeast

toilet cut the NortheastThis kind of Northeast toilets are absolutely unsafe and dangerous. It ruins peace in the home, it may cut the opportunities, it may create health disorders, money loss, cause for disputes, defame, not living in reality, education failures, uneasy life, residents are restless, affecting kids and some times pregnancy failures, etc.

Northeast Toilet That Connects With Other Rooms

Northeast toilet as per vastuWe may notice this kind of toilets in many homes. This Northeast toilet is connected with either East rooms or Northern rooms. This NE toilet is unsafe and not highly dangerous but surely not recommended. Get a word from an expert vastu pandit to waive of the negative energies originated from this NE toilet. However, it is important to note that while this toilet may not pose an immediate danger, it is still considered unsafe and not recommended.

As Per Vastu What Are Best Toilet Locations in Our Home?

Typically, toilets are recommended to be located in the Northwest direction of a home. It is advisable to arrange toilets in this area, but if that is not feasible, then the Southeast direction is also a suitable option. These two areas should be utilized first, as long as they are not already occupied by other rooms. If no suitable location is available in the Northwest or Southeast, then the East, North, South, or West directions can be considered. However, it is recommended to seek the advice of an expert before making any final decisions.

Which Areas Should be Avoided for Toilets in Our Home?

bad toilets as per VastuNormally, the Northeast corner toilet and the Southwest direction corner toilets are not giving the good results. In some exceptional cases, these may not harm the residents based on several factors, otherwise, generally, the NE and SW toilets may not deliver foreseen standard results. In this attached image it is mentioned about the NE and SW toilet placements, these are said to be unpleasant bathrooms.

What are the disadvantages of Northeast Toilet?

Normally, three distinct types of Northeast toilets found.

1. The first type pertains to toilets located in the extended Northeast room of a home, which generally do not have a significant negative impact on the residents.

2. The second type refers to Northeast toilets that are not physically separated from other rooms and do not truncate the Northeast portion of the home; these toilets are also considered relatively not dangerous.

3. The third type of Northeast toilet, however, is hazardous. This type of toilet cuts off the Northeast portion of the home, leading to a range of negative consequences such as missed opportunities, health problems, financial losses, conflicts, damage to reputation, and issues related to childbearing.

We used images to illustrate and communicate the information

Is a North-Northeast Extended Bathroom Beneficial?

North-Northeast extended bathroomSome homeowners construct houses with North-Northeast extended bathrooms, either deliberately or due to a lack of awareness. To assess whether this is advantageous, respectable readers might consider reviewing a particular case study. This study examines a home in Rayalaseema in AP.

The family in question has two sons employed in private companies, both of whom struggle with their reputation in society and frequently encounter job losses. The North-Northeast extended bathroom, accessible through a doorway from within the home, has sparked considerable controversy, as it was expected to bring positive results but instead led to negative outcomes.

Over time, neighbors to the east demolished their home to restart old construction. This change seemed to influence the household with the North-Northeast bathroom, as they soon received very positive changes. The sons settled into their careers, leading the family to believe that rituals and poojas brought this good fortune.

The change came when the neighboring house, which had extended 20 feet into the North, Northeast, and East of their property, was demolished. This removal likely alleviated negative influences, leading to better outcomes for the residents. Please note that the toilet in question is connected to the home via a doorway and is not a separate / isolated unit.

2. Madan, a software engineer in Hyderabad, Telangana, had limited options but to rent a flat with a North-Northeast extended bathroom. Despite advice from a Vaasthu expert to rent it immediately, his uncle advised against it due to the bathroom's orientation. Nevertheless, Madan rented the flat and moved in 2009.

Over the next three years, he experienced significant improvements, culminating in the construction of a beautiful home in Madhapur, with the guidance of his colleague's father, who is knowledgeable in Vastu. However, after moving into this new home in 2014, he encountered a series of setbacks, including losing his job, missing an overseas opportunity, financial losses, and health issues. In contrast, his previous flat with the North-Northeast extended bathroom had brought him good fortune. There are many more experiences to share, but not all can be covered here.

Is It Acceptable to Have a Toilet at Extended Northeast?

Northeast extended toiletWhile we maintain the privacy of individuals, we can share an illustrative example. In 1998, a man from Chennai, whom we will call Mr. Rakesh Jain, experienced significant financial success and gained a strong reputation within his community. Notably, the bathroom in his home was positioned in the East-Northeast extension which has an internal doorway, as shown in the accompanying image.

After reviewing several other cases, we found that this typically yields positive results. As Mr. Jain's children grew older and he planned for their upcoming marriages, he expressed a desire to move to a larger home, as the current one had become too small for his expanding family needs. Otherwise, he would not like to move from this home, often saying it is a lucky home for him.

Does a Toilet in the Exact Northeast Harm Residents?

Northeast corner toilet in the houseThis image depicts a toilet extended into the exact northeast corner, a position many Vaastu experts typically advise against. However, there's a common belief that extending any part of a home towards the northeast generally brings happiness. Yet, the appropriateness of this belief when it comes to toilets is debatable, as northeast toilets are generally considered unfavorable. Despite this, concrete evidence has been elusive.

2. After extensive research, we located total three homes, one from 1993 in Bhubaneswar and another from 1995 in Kannur, the last one is located in Panaji, each featuring a northeast extended toilet. During a 1993 trip to Konark, we interacted with a Bhubaneswar resident. We later visited his grandparent's home, which had a exact Northeast extended toilet. This family, respected within their community, reported "no" negative consequences from this setup.

3. Similarly, in 1995, while visiting Kerala, we spoke with a local who mentioned his uncle's northeast extended toilet. We subsequently visited the uncle’s village home. This homeowner, the wealthiest in the village, had children who were both intelligent and academically successful. Our inquiries revealed no adverse effects from the northeast toilet in their home.

4. In the same year, 1995, during a visit to Goa, we unexpectedly met a local hacker. After some discussion, he mentioned that his neighbor had a northeast extension toilet, and they were experiencing severe difficulties. At our insistence, he agreed to take us to the house, where we indeed found a toilet in the exact Northeast, but the family was suffering greatly. We were puzzled because two other homes with similar setups were yielding positive results, so why was this one different? The following day, we returned with the hacker, and upon further investigation, we discovered that the toilet was accessed from the outside, not from within the house, even though it had two doors. We advised them to start using the inside door to access the toilet. Unfortunately, we lost touch with them, as communication was limited back then, and their address was misplaced in our records. To this day, we don't know what happened to them, leaving this as an unsolved mystery.

5. Back then, we lacked access to the internet and mobile phones, making it impossible to record videos of those three properties. Even now, it's regrettable to think about the missed opportunity to document information from those homes.

Most Vasthu practitioners generally do not approve of Northeast toilets. However, our research has revealed that "some" Northeast toilets do not cause any issues for the residents. Readers should exercise caution when planning their homes or when purchasing a property. It is advisable to seek guidance from an expert rather than making decisions based on limited information. We have only provided 1% of the information here, illustrating the vastness of this topic. We urge you to consider that results can "vary" depending on numerous factors and combinations. Making decisions based on only a few points in Vastu is not recommended.

Can a Bathroom Be Located in the North of the House?

North Bathroom and Vastu effectsConstructing an "isolated" bathroom in the North of the house is generally discouraged. Additionally, a bathroom connected to a Northeast room could cause problems for the residents. However, if the bathroom is connected to a Northwest room, it should not negatively impact the residents. Our observations of various homes and apartment flats show that only isolated bathrooms may create issues for the inhabitants, while bathrooms connected to Northwest rooms are harmless. Finally, a bathroom situated between the Northeast and Northwest rooms also may not cause harm.

Please note that the image provided is merely an example and should not be considered a final or authoritative representation of this statement. Additionally, we have only highlighted a few aspects of the home, deliberately obscuring other parts, as our focus is solely on bathroom placements, not the positioning of other rooms.

Is It Permissible to Place a Bathroom in the East of the House?

east Bathroom Vastu effectsBuilding an "isolated" bathroom in the East direction of the house is generally not recommended. Additionally, it's important to mention that East-facing bathrooms connected to Northeast rooms, without an adjoining room in the Southeast, may also lead to issues for the residents. However, if the bathroom adjoins a Southeast room, it should not adversely affect the residents, as shown in this image. Observations from various homes and apartment flats indicate that issues typically arise with isolated bathrooms, whereas those connected to Southeast rooms do not cause any problems for the inhabitants.

Please be advised that the image presented is solely illustrative and should not be regarded as a definitive or authoritative depiction of this statement. Furthermore, only selected features of the home are highlighted, with intentional omission of other areas, as our discussion is exclusively concerned with the placement of bathrooms, rather than the arrangement of other rooms.

Is a Bathroom in the South Acceptable According to Vastu?

Effects of South BathroomYes, constructing a bathroom in the South direction is acceptable. While very few Vastu known people might not recommend placing a bathroom in the South, our observations have not revealed any issues with this setup. This image provided illustrates a bathroom in the South direction, but it does not show other rooms or the doors of those rooms. Our focus is solely on assessing whether bathrooms in the South are advisable, without commenting into other aspects of the home's layout.

Please note that the image shown is just an example and should not be seen as the final or exact representation of this statement. We've only shown some parts of the home and hidden others because we're focusing only on where bathrooms are placed, not where other rooms are.

Is It Good to Plan For a Bathroom in the West Direction?

West direction bathroomYes, building a bathroom in the West direction is permissible. Our findings have shown no problems with such an arrangement. The image depicted here showcases a bathroom in the West, yet it excludes other areas and the doors of those rooms. Our analysis is strictly concerned with evaluating the suitability of West-facing bathrooms, without addressing different elements of the house's design.

Please keep in mind that the image provided is simply an example, not a definitive guide. We've chosen to show only certain parts of the home, keeping our focus on bathroom placements rather than the layout of other rooms.

Is the Southeast Direction Suitable for a Bathroom?

Southeast bathroom VastuBathrooms in the Southeast direction are acceptable. Our experience with numerous homes shows that we have not encountered negative outcomes with bathrooms located in the Southeast. It is crucial to note that dimensions play a significant role in this setup; specifically, the East and West measurements should be smaller than those of the North and South. Adhering strictly to this rule can ensure smooth functioning in such homes.

Is It Beneficial to Have a Bathroom in the Northwest According to Vastu?

Northwest direction bathroomIndeed, the Northwest direction is highly suitable for bathrooms. In the past, with larger homes and smaller populations, our ancestors had the flexibility to position bathrooms as they wished. However, in today's world, we often need to work with the layouts provided by builders in apartments, and the smaller spaces available for independent homes make strict adherence to Vaastu principles challenging. Most people now live in compact dwellings, so we must adapt based on what is available. Overall, bathrooms located in the Northwest are excellent. Please note that measurements are crucial in this context; the North and South dimensions should be smaller than the East and West dimensions.

According to Vastu, is It Permissible to Place a Bathroom in the Brahmasthan?

Bathroom in the BrahmasthanRead this full para. According to Vastu, it is generally advised against placing a bathroom in the Brahmasthan, the central part of the home, as it is considered inauspicious to have Bathroom. The Brahmasthan is viewed as the sacred core of the house, a focal point for cosmic energy. Positioning an "isolated" bathroom here can interrupt the flow of positive energy, possibly resulting in adverse effects on the health and prosperity of the residents. However, if this bathroom located in the Brahmasthan has connections to rooms on the South or West sides, it is believed to mitigate any negative consequences.

Please be aware that we are only displaying the Brahmasthan toilet/bathroom, along with other rooms that are not connected to this central area. This is an isolated room, similar to features found with USA homes, such as half baths or powder rooms. 

Effects of Brahmasthan Toilet

toilet in the BrahmasthanThis toilet is also located in the Brahmasthan and is connected to adjacent walls, which, unlike the isolated Brahmasthan toilets we discussed, does not cause issues for the residents. We have various floor plans featuring this type of Brahmasthan toilet, which we will soon upload. Toilets of this kind are quite common in the USA, with many homes in Texas, for example, incorporating this feature.

Is It Good to Have a Toilet Extended Towards the West-Southwest?

Bathroom Placements in the house as per vastuA toilet extended towards the West of Southwest typically does not benefit residents. This placement can harm finances and health, potentially leading to psychological issues and failures. Residents may struggle to overcome adversaries, with many efforts proving unsuccessful. Such a configuration might also result in missed financial opportunities, lost business prospects, ongoing mental stress, and could negatively influence the eldest child, who may find themselves in bad company, potentially jeopardizing their future.

Please note that the impact of accessing a toilet from within the house differs significantly from accessing it from outside. Accessing the toilet from outside generally results in less negativity, whereas accessing it from inside the home can lead to greater negativity.

Is It Acceptable to Have a Toilet Extended Towards the South-Southwest?

Southwest toilet at bedroomPositioning lavatories in the South-Southwest direction usually disadvantages occupants. Such orientation negatively impacts prosperity and wellness, possibly causing emotional disturbances and setbacks. Inhabitants often face challenges defeating rivals, with numerous attempts ending fruitlessly. This arrangement could contribute to squandered monetary chances, diminished commercial ventures, continual cognitive strain, and adversely affect the oldest offspring, who might associate with detrimental peers, risking their prospects.

Please be aware that accessing a toilet directly from inside the house has a different impact compared to accessing it from outside. External access tends to bring less negativity, while internal access from within the home can introduce more negative effects.

Does an Exact Southwest Bathroom Lead to Positive Outcomes??

Vastu effects of Southwest bathroomWhen a home has a bathroom extending towards the Southwest, the residents often face numerous challenges in their lives. This setup can lead to significant financial losses. For instance, a person might initially see success and new opportunities in a business, which could encourage them to take a large loan. However, they may later experience substantial losses, which is typical of such a scenario.

Beyond financial difficulties, this arrangement can also cause serious health issues, potentially severe in nature. Generally, it can result in financial instability, health problems, relationship troubles, and a lack of stability in various aspects of life, including career, finances, and personal well-being.

Northeast Toilet VS Ample Northeast Open Space : Which is More Effective?

Northeast Toilet at BathroomThis house is situated in the Southwest quadrant and boasts expansive open areas toward the North, East, and Northeast, with limited space on the South, West, and Southwest sides. Such a layout is highly favorable according to Vastu principles. Currently, the toilet is located in the exact Northeast corner, which is deemed inauspicious.

Additionally, the property includes a large perimeter, heralding abundant prospects and a joyful existence. Properties like this serve as ideal subjects for case studies, presenting a significant challenge alongside multiple advantageous traits. Eliminating the Northeast toilet could lead to profound joy and experience the peaceful family life. However, if removing the toilet is not feasible, the residents must prepare for enduring challenges, although eventual success is likely due to the vast open space in the Northeast.

Is a Toilet in the East Giving Any Bad Results?

East bathroomNormally, the residents believe that a master bedroom in the Southwest is ideal and assume it guarantees a trouble-free living environment. Armed with just this piece of information, many residents quickly purchase homes without further consideration. However, take a look at this image: while the home features a Southwest master bedroom, the walk-in closet and bathroom are situated entirely in the East, with doors entering and exiting to the rest of the home through the East of Southeast. This arrangement is not advisable and not recommended.

Does Positioning a Toilet in the East Have Any Positive Impacts?

Bathroom in the East directionIf a resident chooses a home with a Southwest master bedroom and an East bathroom, this arrangement is more favorable than the previous one mentioned. The Southwest master bedroom with an East of Northeast entryway supports the resident's development and peace. A small adjustment in the home's layout can significantly impact the overall system. Such home designs are commonly found in the USA, offering a harmonious balance of energy flow for the occupants. This setup enhances both prosperity and tranquility in the household.

Does a West-southwest Bathroom Cause Any Negative Effects?

West of Southwest inside bathroomIn this illustration, a restroom is situated in the West of Southwest, and typically, such placements cause difficulties for the occupants. Generally, this Western Southwest area does not provide favorable outcomes. We have frequently observed that nearly all bathrooms in this location, 99.99%, result in disastrous consequences. In rare cases, perhaps one or two might not cause issues due to strong support from the surrounding environment, but usually, bathrooms in this position lead to significant challenges for the occupants.

Does a West-Northwest bathroom have negative effects?

West of Northwest insdie BathroomIn this diagram, a washroom is positioned in the West of Northwest, and such placements can yield either positive or negative effects depending on the bathroom's dimensions. If the North-to-South measurement exceeds 66% of the bedroom North to South measurement size, it may lead to uneasiness or some psychological challenges for the inhabitants. In such cases, residents are advised against entering partnerships or engaging in the stock market. However, if the bathroom's North-to-South measurement is less than 66% of the bedroom size, it might offer opportunities for long-distance travel, bring some pleasures, and increase expenditures.

Northwest Bathroom & Southwest Store Room

Northwest Bathroom & Southwest WICAttention is needed when analyzing this image. Previously, we covered various aspects concerning the NorthWest washroom and the West of Southwest washroom. However, this particular bathroom is situated in the West of Northwest. On the other side, the storage space, be it a closet, walk-in, or wardrobe, is placed in the storage room. This configuration can counterbalance any potential negative effects associated with the washroom. We have observed no adverse events with such an arrangement. If it's impossible to position the bathroom according to Vastu and an expert consultation isn't feasible, this setup is "unlikely" to disrupt the residents' well-being.

Does a Bathroom in the South-southwest Bring Any Adverse Outcomes?

Bathroom towards South of SouthwestIn this depiction, a lavatory is placed in the South of Southwest, and usually, such locations create challenges for those living there. Typically, this Southern-Southwest position does not produce beneficial results. We have often noticed that almost all bathrooms in this spot, 99.99%, lead to severe repercussions. Occasionally, one or two may not present problems, thanks to strong backing from the nearby surroundings, but more often than not, bathrooms in this placement bring substantial difficulties for the residents.

Can a South-southeast Washroom Cause Harm?

South of Southeast inside BathroomIn this illustration, a washroom is situated in the South of Southeast, and its positioning can lead to either favorable or unfavorable effects based on the bathroom's dimensions. If the East-to-West measurement exceeds 66% of the bedroom's East to West measurement area, it could bring about daily life tensions, potential setbacks, issues with authorities, and mental strain for the occupants. In such cases, it is advised that the residents avoid conflicts with family members, colleagues, and friends, as well as steer clear of reckless driving. On the other hand, if the bathroom's East-to-West dimension is under 66% of the bedroom's size, it could offer opportunities for increased recognition, joy, and success.

Southern Southeast bathroom - Southwest Closet

South of Southeast Bathroom & Southwest WICCareful consideration is required when examining this image. In the past, we discussed different methods related to the Southwest washroom, Southeast restroom and the South-Southeast restroom. Nevertheless, this specific lavatory is positioned in the South-Southeast. On the opposite side, in the South-Southwest, the storage area, whether it’s a wardrobe, walk-in closet is located. This layout can mitigate any possible negative impacts linked to the lavatory. We have noted no negative occurrences with this kind of arrangement. It’s important to remember that if aligning the bathroom according to Vastu is not possible and consulting an expert isn’t an option, this setup may likely to follow.

Bathroom Covers the Entire North Direction

toilet occupied the entire North of bedroomIn this case, the bathroom occupies the entire North direction, which is acceptable with no issues identified. The only adjustment needed is the door placement. In this image, the door is situated in the South-Southeast of the bathroom and North-Northeast of the bedroom, which is an acceptable setup. We have observed similar bathrooms covering the entire North direction, but with doors positioned towards the North-Northwest of the bedroom, which may not be ideal. Even a minor adjustment in Vastu can make a significant difference.

Restroom Occupies the Full East Side

toilet occupied the entire East directionIn this instance, the washroom spans the full east side, which is considered permissible with no problems detected. The sole modification required is the positioning of the entrance. In this depiction, the door is located in the East-Northeast of the bedroom, which is an acceptable arrangement. We've seen similar washrooms extending across the entire east side, but with entrances placed in the East-Southeast of the bedroom, which may not be optimal.

Northeast East Bathroom Arrangement

East of Northeast toiletIn this depiction, the lavatory is placed in the Northeast of East, leaving a corridor towards the Southeast of East. This arrangement might be disadvantageous to the occupants, possibly resulting in disputes, flawed choices, and rising costs. They could also face errors in life judgments, unexpected complications, unease, and various other difficulties. However, if the house benefits from favorable neighboring elements, the impact might be less severe. Lacking adequate support from the surroundings, these issues could intensify, leading to considerable strain.

Northeast North Bathroom Location

North of Northeast toiletIn this image, the bathroom is located in the Northeast of North, with a passage left towards the Northwest of North. This setup might not be beneficial for the residents and could lead to various problems, such as psychological issues, difficulties with childbirth, poor decisions, legal troubles, high expenses, business losses, partnership conflicts, discomfort, and other challenges. If the house has supportive neighboring features, the impact of these issues might be less severe. However, without strong support from the surroundings, these problems could worsen, leading to even more difficulties.

Southeast of East Bathroom: Prime Placement for Best Outcomes

East of Southeast toiletIn this illustration, the bathroom is situated in the Southeast of East, with a passage left towards the Northeast of East. This configuration brings numerous positive outcomes to the residents, including enhanced fortune, increased happiness, and growing fame. It facilitates the resolution of issues, boosts societal reputation, and contributes to strong familial bonds and joyful experiences. Additionally, it may lead to smooth childbirth, increased savings, pleasurable travels, and overall contentment.

Northwest of North Bathroom: Optimal Positioning for Superior Results

North of Northwest toiletIn this image, the bathroom is positioned in the Northwest of North, with a passage leading toward the Northeast of North. This arrangement yields a variety of favorable outcomes for the residents, including improved financial fortune, business growth, debt resolution, increased bank balances, and heightened happiness. Additionally, it fosters strong family relationships, joyful experiences, increased savings, enjoyable travel opportunities, and overall well-being.

Ideal Locations for Bathroom Fixtures

Due to the high volume of inquiries, we are pleased to provide the following information, complete with images. Usually, the placement of bathroom fixtures according to Vastu might not seem crucial, considering we only use these spaces for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. In such cases, there's no need to stress over the exact positioning of fixtures. However, we are sharing the guidelines below to accommodate our readers' requests. While we generally do not examine closely into detailed analysis on this matter, as it is not a critical aspect, we understand its importance to our audience.

Organizing Bathroom Fixtures for an ENE Entry

Bathroom inside Settings for Northeast of East EntryEntry to this lavatory is through the East, precisely from the Eastern Northeast area. Traditionally, it's suggested to position substantial components in the Southwest, recognizing its favorable qualities. Currently, the bathtub is set in the Southwest zone. The Western-style lavatory is situated in the Southeast, the gas heating unit is affixed in the Northwest corner, and the basin is directed towards the West, ensuring functional and strategic placement.

This arrangement of bathroom fixtures aligns well with Vastu principles. Additionally, the bathroom features a crucial exhaust fan, which can be installed in a flexible location for convenience.

Arranging Bathroom Fixtures for a South-Southeast Entry

South of Southeast Entry bathroom fixturesAccess to this restroom comes via the South, notably from the Southern Southeast direction. It is recommended to situate bulkier elements in the Southwest due to its advantageous properties. Presently, the bathtub occupies the Southwest area. The Western-style commode is positioned in the Northwest, the gas water heater is mounted in the Southeast corner, and the sink faces East.

This configuration of bathroom fixtures conforms to Vastu recommendations. The bathroom also incorporates a vital exhaust fan, which can be installed in a flexible manner for ease of use.

Setting of WNW Entry Bathroom Usage Items

Bathroom inside Settings for West-Northwest EntryThe entrance to this bathroom is from the West, specifically the Western Northwest. Generally, it is advisable to place heavier items in the Southwest, as this is deemed beneficial. In the current configuration, the bathtub is located in the Southwest. The Western-style toilet is placed in the Southeast, the gas water heater is installed in the Northwest corner, and the washbasin is oriented towards the East.

This setup of bathroom fixtures is in good alignment with Vastu guidelines. The bathroom also includes an essential exhaust fan, which can be positioned flexibly for convenience.

Optimal Placements of Bathroom Fixtures

Vastu for BathroomThis bathroom has an entry from the Northeast of the North side. Typically, heavier objects are best positioned in the Southwest, which is considered favorable. In the depicted layout, the bathtub is situated in the Southwest. The Western-style toilet is located in the Northwest, the gas water heater is installed in the Southeast corner, and the wash basin is positioned towards the East.

This arrangement of bathroom fixtures aligns well with Vastu principles. Additionally, the inclusion of an exhaust fan in the bathroom is crucial, and its placement can be adjusted for practicality.

Is It Necessary to Install an Exhaust Fan in the Toilet?

Vastu for exhaust Fan in the ToiletYes, it is important to install an exhaust fan in the toilet. An exhaust fan helps to remove odors and moisture, which can prevent mold growth and maintain good air quality. Especially in bathrooms without windows, an exhaust fan is crucial for ventilating the space and ensuring it remains dry and fresh.

Where is the Best Location to Install an Exhaust Fan in the Bathroom?

Exhaust Fan best locations in the ToiletSteer clear of installing exhaust fans in the areas marked with red and indicated by arrows. Specifically, avoid placing them in the West of Southwest, South of Southwest, North of Northwest, and East of Southeast, as these directions are unsuitable for exhaust fans. You are free to install the exhaust fan in any other location according to your convenience, with no restrictions. Although the placement of exhaust fans might seem like a trivial matter, a thorough discussion on this topic can offer significant benefits and insights for residents.

Which Drain Hole Location is Considered Unfavorable in a Bathroom?

Drain Hole Location in BathroomPlease note that the drain hole is a minor aspect in Vastu for bathrooms. However, we are currently discussing the positioning of wastewater drain holes, and the Southwest is considered the most unfavorable location. It's also important to take into account plumbing standards and practicality. Arranging the wastewater drain hole strictly according to Vastu may not always be feasible. Nevertheless, it's advisable to avoid placing the bathroom drain hole in the Southwest.

What Are Best & Worst Locations for Bathroom Drain Holes?

bathroom waste water hole placementsAs previously mentioned regarding the position of bathroom wastewater holes, and in response to inquiries from residents, we are providing an answer along with an image. In this image, areas marked with a red patch covering the West and South indicate unsuitable locations for bathroom drain holes. Conversely, areas with a green patch covering the North and East directions suggest these are favorable locations for placing bathroom drain holes. Please note that adhering to these principles is not strictly necessary.

Can We Have a Toilet in the Master Bedroom?

toilet in the master bedroomYes, residents can install a toilet in the master bedroom. These days, almost everyone wants a toilet in their master bedroom, and you will see that most master bedrooms have one. People often need quick access to a bathroom and can't walk too far inside their home to get to one.

Even though some Vastu advice might suggest otherwise, many people choose convenience and really want a toilet in their master bedroom. It's important to listen to what residents want and set up the toilet according to Vastu guidelines. This way, we respect both their needs and traditional practices.

What is the Ideal Placement for a Jacuzzi in the Bathroom?

Jacuzzi placement as per vastuThe ideal placement for a Jacuzzi in a bathroom is the Southwest corner, as this aligns with Vastu principles, fostering relaxation and enhancing both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the area. If installing the Jacuzzi in the Southwest is not feasible, consider the West direction as an alternative.

If the West is also impractical, the South direction is the next best option. Should these three preferred locations be unsuitable, the Northwest can be considered. If construction constraints make all these options unviable, the Southeast corner becomes the final alternative, ensuring the Jacuzzi is positioned in a manner that still respects spatial limitations and design intentions.

Where is the Optimal Location for Installing a Geyser?

Luxurious Indian bathroom with a light rose theme and modern wall-mounted geyserThe optimal location for installing a geyser in the bathroom is the Southeast corner, as this position is typically most favorable. If the Southeast does not offer enough space, consider positioning the geyser in the Northwest instead. Should neither the Southeast nor the Northwest be viable options due to space constraints, the next best alternative is the South direction.

If installation in the South is also impractical, the final alternative would be to mount the geyser on a wall facing West. This hierarchy of placement ensures that you can find a suitable location within the constraints of your bathroom’s layout.

How Does an Elevated Bathroom Floor Affect the Overall Vastu of a House?

bathroom elevated floorMany residents are questioning the optimal height for bathroom floors compared to other floors in the house. They are concerned about whether the bathroom floor should be higher or lower than the floors in other rooms. If the bathroom floor is raised by less than 6 inches, it generally does not create any problems for residents. However, if the elevation exceeds 7/8 inches, it's important to consider the bathroom's location and how this height difference might affect those using it.

It's essential to understand that residents usually spend a mere 10 to 15 minutes in the bathroom. If the bathroom floor is elevated by about a foot, it might present a temporary inconvenience during this short duration. However, this issue doesn't warrant significant worry. If there's a standalone bathroom in the Northeast with a floor raised to one foot, it could likely to create some problems to the residents.

1. Bathrooms in the South can have their floors elevated by 6 inches to 1 foot without any issues.

2. Bathrooms towards West can be elevated by 6 inches and more than 1 foot without issues.

3. The floor of bathrooms in the North should be either 6 inches or less, as this is a safe measure.

4. For bathrooms towards East, keeping the floor elevation to 6 inches or less is advisable for safety.

5. The floor of Northwest toilets can be 6 inches or slightly more, but should not exceed one foot.

6. Southeast toilets should also keep their floor elevation between 6 inches and just under one foot to avoid issues.

7. The toilet in the Northeast should ideally have an elevation of 2 inches for safety, but it can be raised up to 4 inches if necessary. Elevating it to more than 6 inches or one foot, however, could potentially lead to issues for the residents.

How Does an Depressed Bathroom Floor Affect the Overall Vastu of a Home?

Down floor of a bathroomA number of residents have raised concerns regarding the discrepancy in floor levels between their bathroom and other remaining room floors in the house. The main query pertains to whether the bathroom floor should be elevated or lowered in relation to the surrounding floors. In cases where the depression in the bathroom floor is less than 6 inches, it is unlikely to pose any significant problems for the occupants. However, if the depression exceeds 7 inches, various factors such as the bathroom's location and its impact on users must be carefully evaluated

1. South Bathrooms: Prioritize elevating the floor level. If elevation is not possible and depression is necessary, limit the depression to 2 inches, with a maximum of 4 inches.

2. West Bathrooms: Aim to elevate the floor level. If this is not feasible and you must depress the floor, ensure it is only 2 inches, up to a maximum of 4 inches.

3. North Bathrooms: For properties aligned exactly at 0° or 360°, keep floor depressions between 6 inches and one foot.

4. East Bathrooms: Maintain floor depressions at 6 inches, extending up to one foot, particularly if the property is precisely at 90°.

5. Northwest Toilets: Try to elevate the floor whenever possible. If elevation is unfeasible and depression is required, set the depression at 2 inches, not exceeding 4/6 inches.

6. Southeast Toilets: Ideally, elevate the floor. If you need to depress the floor, do so by 2 inches and no more than 4/6 inches.

7. Northeast Toilets: Avoid installing toilets in the Northeast whenever possible. If unavoidable, the floor should be depressed from six inches to 1 feet.

Effects of External Bathroom Placement

Many houses, especially in rural areas, have their bathrooms built outside. Even today, a lot of people in villages prefer to construct their toilets outside. Although some villagers build their bathrooms inside for safety during the night, most still choose to have them outside. The information below is for those who are planning to build their toilets outside.

Effects of External Northeast Bathroom Placement

outside bathroom vastuIn some houses, toilets are built outside, and it's crucial to construct them appropriately as per Vastu. If they are not positioned rightly, it could cause a lot of problems. For example, a toilet located towards the Northeast can lead to several issues for the residents and is generally not recommended. Often, the only way to fix such a situation is to dismantle the toilet and rebuild it in a more suitable location.

Northeast Corner Toilet: A Troublesome Spot

Northeast corner ToiletPlease examine the above image alongside this image; both toilets are positioned nearly identically, albeit with minor differences in placement. In this image, note that the toilet is situated precisely in the Northeast corner, touching both the North and East boundary walls. This is an improper location. It is advisable to remove it at your earliest convenience. Typically, the only feasible correction for such a toilet is demolition.

What is a Powder Room, Why It is Most Popular in USA?

A "powder room" is a small bathroom typically found on the first floor of a home in the United States. It usually contains a toilet and a sink but lacks a bathtub or shower. The term "powder room" dates back to the early 18th century when it referred to a small interior room where people would go to reapply their face powder. Over time, the term evolved to describe a small, public restroom where women, in particular, could touch up their makeup.

In modern usage, especially in the U.S., the term "powder room" is used to denote a guest bathroom that is conveniently accessible to the living areas of the home. It’s especially useful in houses that entertain guests frequently, providing a private and convenient facility without requiring access to the more personal spaces of the home, like bedrooms. This separation helps to maintain privacy both for the homeowners and the guests.

What is Half Bath, & Why is It a Common Feature in USA Homes?

A "half bath" in the United States refers to a small bathroom that includes only a toilet and a sink, without any bathtub or shower. This setup is also sometimes called a powder room. Half baths are commonly used in the USA because they provide convenience for guests and residents without requiring access to the more private areas of a home, like full bathrooms which are typically located near bedrooms. They are especially useful in larger homes or for households that entertain guests frequently, allowing visitors to use the restroom without compromising the privacy of the home's primary living spaces. Additionally, half baths can increase a home's value by adding another listed bathroom without the space and cost required for a full bathroom installation.

Do You Have Any Questions About Bathroom Vastu?

Do you have questions about bathroom Vastu? We are here to provide thorough answers, supported by images. Asking questions not only helps you but can also be beneficial to the wider community. If you would like your inquiry to remain anonymous, just let us know, and we will ensure your name and city are not published on our website.

Notes on Toilet Vastu

1. Vastu for Bathrooms | Toilets | Loo | Sophisticated Washroom / Rest Rooms / Wash Rooms has come a long way from the tiny, dingy little cubicles that our ancestors rushed in and out of as fast as they could. Spending any thought or money (learn more about Vastu ideas for getting money) on doing up these rooms was considered a sheer waste until very recently. The bathroom (bathroom Vastu tips) of today is different in quality and style-ranging from practical to luxurious.

2. In some areas, the bathroom is equipped with a toilet, washbasin, bathtub, bidet, toilette, and shower. In some areas, the bathroom may not contain toilet facilities.

3. In certain traditional families, there may be a preference to avoid having toilets within the main structure of their homes. Consequently, they might position the toilets outside the house's plinth area, yet still within the boundaries of the property compound. This approach is actually quite practical. If we have spacious homes, we can plan according to our wishes and preferences. Nowadays, there isn't much space available to build large homes. We must choose positions based on what's available. In today's world, it's often impractical to consider placing toilets outside the main house structure.

4. But due to the spacious place problem now we may not dream for such format constructions, particularly in cities it may not be possible for every resident.

5. Every individual's idea of luxury differs as do the features they would like to include in their bathrooms. The possibilities are endless: His and Hers wash-basins, bidets, Jacuzzi with underwater lighting and adjustable slide jets with an option of water heated air or both, sauna, steam bath, whirlpool, or a reading nook with bookshelves and two comfy chairs! Then there are bathrooms located in a secluded corner of the house beside a glass wall that brings the outdoors within. This link has some tips vastu tips for compound wall.

6. Whereas earlier the sink, WC and bathing area were placed just where they fitted at conveniently, often resulting in the users having to traipse the length of the room to wash their hands, today a lot of thought is given to the placement of each fixture in the bathroom.

7. Dressing walls in the bathroom is easier, as much material can be used. A simple look requires just a coat of paint or ceramic tiles. However, water (read complete details of water sumps as per Vastu), as well as soap suds, are bound to splash on the walls in the bathing area and if the material is not well-selected, it will leave ugly stains with the passage of the time. Lighting in the bathrooms gives the whole space a well-lit look. Fluorescent tube lights are accepted as a rule, but a couple of bulbs fitted near the mirror would produce a clearer image.

8. The minimum fixtures in any bathroom are WC or western commode, washbasin and shower/tap. But the tempting variety available today both in design and color offers different combinations. Bathrooms are been given much more attention, particularly in size The budget allocated for the decoration of bathrooms has also increased substantially.

9. New and popular flooring options available today are more in terms of color than any change in material used. Italian marble and ceramic tiles still hold the market, but the changes seen are in the colors and the ways of laying them. Basic earth shades are being mixed and contrasted with bolder shades to draw attention to the floor. Walls can also sport the new look of plain, patterned, embossed or marbled ceramic tiles which are offset by printed borders.

10. A variety of WC's (Western Commode) are now available in different shapes, and flushing styles, and the capacity of the flush-which ranges from 5 to 7.5 liters. Wall-mounted WCs Re available in two options: standard and concealed flushing apparatus.

11. Wash basins, with pedestals or fitted into a counter, come in a host of shapes- be it the standard one or the triangular shape that fits perfectly into a corner of the bathroom and avoids wastage of space.

12. Bathroom fixtures available in the market today have sleeker designs and come in a variety of powder-coated colors of deep blue and vibrant red versus chrome, black, and ivory which were popular years ago. The designer taps may vary from a single tap to options like three-tap hole basin mixers with pop-up systems and swivel spout mixers.

13. Acrylic bathtubs are now available in many shapes- from standard rectangular to the more unusual triangular, D-shape, and rounded variety. Ready-made acrylic bath trays, another new entrant, come in the standard size of 3'X 3' or 4'x 2.3' in a square or rectangular shape.

14. Luxury options like Jacuzzi (in some areas the Jacuzzi may also say like spa, whirlpool - your opinion requested to correct this words ) are popular with those who can afford the steep rise, while shower cabinets find very few takers in the market today. Jacuzzi made of acrylic and reinforced with fiberglass is available in designs. Saunas are popular because they help the excess fat in the body to melt away.

15. Bathroom accessories are color coordinated with the rest of the like the soap trays, bathroom shelves, towel rails, toilet paper holders, hooks, and toothbrush holders. Walk-in wardrobes adjacent to the bathroom are also a common feature.

16. A lot of stress is also laid on the exhaust and fresh air fans. Soap dispensers may be in all directions but very very near to bath areas and another one may be near towards washbasin. Hand dryers may be very near to the door which was planned at a benevolent position.

17. The color schemes popular today are contrasts between a basic earthy shade like a fawn, beige or black, with a bolder color like a deep maroon or forest green. If bathroom space permits, Jacuzzi and bathtubs find their way in.

18. Current lifestyles often demand that bathrooms offer extra facilities beyond the purely functional. Not only these some are mandatory in bathrooms like a reading table, or a table very near to the WC, many residents read newspapers in toilets and keep them on the table. Many homes in USA have a Walking closet / WIC next to the bathroom.

19. Due to the demand of residents, the architects are now modifying many things for the toilets. Some residents are requesting for storage items in the toilet, make-up table-cum-dresser, attire placements, washing machine or even a little nook used as a dressing space. This link Bedroom Vastu Tips has some more ideas on bathrooms.

20. Vastu is very prevalent here, and bathrooms are carefully planned as pvastu- From where the WC is placed to the wall on which the mirror is hung (Know more about right placements of mirrors as per Vastu). As many experiences said that the bigger and better planned the bathroom, the more prosperous residents will be.

21. The east direction portion of the house is best for constructing a bathroom. The morning rays of the Sun are believed to be extremely beneficial for health, hence proper windows (of course with due provision for privacy) should be provided in the bathroom.

22. The slope of the bathroom floor should be towards North direction and east so water drains to the north-east side of the bathroom. Washing area can also be used at bathrooms (toilets/Loo/Washroom/Restroom), in some areas toilet is being called as latrines.

Ideal Placement of Bathroom/Toilet

Vastu Tips for Bathroom/Toilet:

1. Adjacent to the bathrooms and near the kitchen a small washing room for washing utensils is very convenient.

2. Bathrooms adjacent to the South-east corner in the east direction is very useful.

3. The morning sun rays coming from the East side falls on our body after the bath, which is very useful.

4. The wash basin and shower should be in the North-east, North or the East directions.

5. Heater, switchboard, all other electrical appliances should be in the South-east direction.

6. If a change room is to be built in the bathroom, it should be in the West or the south direction.

7. Tub baths in the bathrooms should be either in the East, the west or the north-east.

8. The slope of the flooring in the bathrooms should be in the east or the North direction.

9. The mirrors & the doors of the bathroom should be in the east or the north, but not in the south direction.

10. There should be windows or ventilators in the east or the north. The bath should be taken in the east or the north side.

11. Clothes to be washed should be kept in the north-west corner, please note that immediately remove the used clothes from bathroom if it is connected to your master bedroom. Wash those clothes regularly. Don't keep dirty clothes or used clothes in our home. Our home is just like a Temple (Gruhalaya), respect it, this will respect your efforts and bless you well.

12. The color of walls and tiles of the bathrooms should be white, light blue, sky blue or any other pleasing light color. As far as possible dark red or black color should be avoided. As of today, there are a lot of multiple color tiles are available in market, use one super template and apply to your toilets or bathrooms, lookwise it will be superb.

13. A toilet in the bathroom is not advisable. However, if it is, it should be in the west or the northwest.

14. Toilet should never be in the east or the northeast corner.

15. If you want to construct the Bathroom or Toilet in Bedroom, the right places are Southeast or Northwest. Please note that extension is not good towards Southeast or Northwest.

Is It Good to Keep Mirrors in the Toilets?

The impact of Vastu principles can differ depending on the duration of time spent in a particular room. Typically, an individual spends at least 10 to 20 minutes in the bathroom. Therefore, while the following points may be informative, they need not be taken too seriously. We have provided this information for general knowledge and educational purposes.

Avoid Reflection of Toilet: The mirror should not reflect the toilet seat, as it is considered inauspicious and can cause slight disharmony and tension in personal relationships.

Cleanliness and Hygiene: The mirror should be kept clean and hygienic at all times. A dirty or foggy mirror can create a negative impact on the energy flow of the bathroom.

Placement: The mirror should be placed on the North or East wall of the bathroom. This placement helps to bring positive energy and enhances the natural light in the bathroom.

Cover the Mirror: It is recommended to cover the mirror with a cloth or curtain when it is in the Southwest . This helps to reduce the reflection of negative energy and promotes positive energy flow.

Shape and Size: Round or oval-shaped mirrors are considered auspicious as they represent completeness and wholeness. Large mirrors are also recommended as they create a sense of spaciousness and enhance the flow of energy.

By following these guidelines, one can ensure that the placement of the mirror in the bathroom is in harmony with Vastu principles and promotes positivity and well-being.

As Per Vastu, Is It Ok to Construct Bathroom on Top of the Kitchen?

Many residents asking about this question, Kitchen is for cooking purposes, the toilet is for discharging purposes, is it acceptable to plan a bathroom/toilet on top of the kitchen. Look at the answer with logic. This ancient science formed thousands of years back, it was not invented 10 years or 50 years back, as per our literature it was said to be invented prior 5000 years back.

Clearly, it does not have any such authenticated records. In those days the constructions are not such standards and do not have any system to protect water not to leak from the floors. Our elders suffer a lot with rains as the water was dropped from the upper floors. Regarding this suffering, many villagers know about this point.

They do not have such technology on those days. After having such experiences ancient respectable Rushis clearly informed us not to construct the toilets or bathrooms on top of the kitchen.

Let us argue on this point.

If a toilet was constructed on top of the kitchen, the used water or toilet water was dropped into the kitchen utensils or some other cookery items, how ugly it was, we cannot dare to imagine of such thoughts, our body may get shake with horripilation after hearing of such words even.

Now the system of construction was changed, everything is almost secured not to leak the water, etc. If there is no leakage then there is no objection to have them. If doubt arises about the leakage then we should not plan a toilet to be constructed on top of the kitchen. Total high caution should be taken when planning the bathroom on top of the kitchen. We have seen some incidents where there is a leakage in the kitchen at apartment flats. Horrible, they are unable to do any correction for that, who are ready to hear their cries, somebody may enjoy. They cannot get justification.

When residents approach the toilet floor level owner they may not accept the expenditure incurred for the costs. The sufferer has to do the work, how can he bare the expenditure, these are all the bad experiences of the inhabitants. Its nothing but bad luck. It may not be applicable when residents deal with independent homes, they have to plan perfectly then nothing problem will arise.

Our conclusion for this point is better to search for another place for the toilet, if there is no other option then the resident has to take complete investigation and inquiry, and thereafter only they may plan for the toilet on top of the kitchen.

We thought this link is helpful to understand how the sites are. Visit this site vastu link to know more about all site names and shapes of sites.

Is It Safe if We Reside in a House Consisting Lavatories in the Southwest Direction?

Dear Sir, my house has lavatory in the Southwest area, we are facing several financial and health issues. Not only that, anyway, whatever we do finally we were getting insulting in the society. Our elder son associating with bad people, he also starts doing things which are absolutely loss of reputation. Things are totally against to us, what is the best remedy for this Southwest toilet? - Naragaj - Hosur - Tamilnadu.

>>> Namaste, normally the Southwest toilet may spread the negative energies. If you have an additional toilet in your home and if possible you can make this Southwest toilet as a storeroom. Please note that before doing any correction, it is strictly advisable to verify that property with one expert, he will guide you the rest.

Sudarshan Experience with Northeast Toilet

Let's explore the home of a man named Sudarshan from Koramangala - Bengaluru (name and location changed for privacy reasons), who had a Northeast toilet that caused him trouble. Sudarshan was unable to make any physical or structural changes to the toilet, so he decided to experiment with some alternative ideas. Here is a look into his experience.

Sudarshan was thrilled about his recent purchase of a new house and eagerly anticipated moving in. After move in, however, he quickly noticed that the Northeast corner toilet was causing him discomfort. He often felt drained his energies and struggled to concentrate on his work.

Alarmed by his situation, Sudarshan sought Vastu advice. As per Vastu principles, the Northeast corner of a home is considered a sacred space that promotes prosperity, health, and positive energy. The presence of a toilet in this corner can disrupt the flow of energy, resulting in negative effects.

Further recommendations are that Sudarshan move the toilet to a different location if possible. Otherwise, the toilet required modifications to be more Vastu-compliant. Sudarshan followed advices and made the following changes as suggested.

Installed a big window in the Northeast corner of the toilet to allow natural light and fresh air to circulate.

Painted the walls with light colors and placed indoor plants to create a positive atmosphere and improve calming.

Mounted a mirror on the East wall to reflect natural light and create a spacious feel towards East direction.

Ensured the toilet seat faced either North or South as per Vastu guidelines. This was not yet done, because of apartment association permissions and lower floor owner objection.

After implementing these changes, Sudarshan observed a significant improvement in his energy levels and overall well-being. He felt more focused and productive, and his personal and professional life began to flourish.

Sudarshan's experience illustrates that by adhering to Vastu principles, even a Northeast toilet can be designed to promote positive energy and enhance well-being. Kindly note that these changes should be done when there is no way to go for physical correction like removing the toilet from Northeast etc.

Aman A Resident of Australia Experience

Sir, I have a Northeast house with roads on east and north both the sides. Unfortunately, on this side, we have toilets and bathroom and water storage tank. We are facing many problems in our house and family members as well. We are under lakhs of debt from the bank and facing rejections in every field of work. Please advise and help us to get rid of all these obstacles in our life - Aman - Australia.

Dear Suresh Ji, the evolution of bathroom designs from tiny, basic cubicles to luxurious spaces with a range of features has led to an increased focus on Vastu for bathrooms. While some traditional families may choose to locate toilets outside the home, this is not always feasible, especially in urban areas. Bathrooms today can include a range of features, including his and hers washbasins, Jacuzzis, saunas, and steam baths. Placement of each fixture is carefully considered, and materials that are resistant to water and soap suds are preferred. Lighting is also important, with fluorescent tube lights being a popular option. The minimum fixtures for any bathroom are a western commode, washbasin, and shower/tap, but there are many options available in terms of design, color, and combination. Flooring and wall tiles come in a variety of shades and styles. Bathroom fixtures have sleeker designs and are available in a range of colors, while accessories such as soap trays, towel rails, and toothbrush holders are color coordinated. Jacuzzis and bathtubs are popular if there is enough space, and hand dryers and exhaust fans are essential. Overall, bathrooms today are not just functional spaces, but also offer additional facilities to suit modern lifestyles. Looking forward to hear from you about arrangement of every item in the bathroom as per Vastu, please cover every point in this article to factilitate us to find a way to set every item as per principles. Thank you so much. - Narendra - Sacramento.

Northeast Toilet Experience by Ramesh From Bangalore

Problems with Northeast ToiletDear Suresh Sir, Myself Ramesha as discussed over the phone today morning, am hereby sharing my experience of staying in a rented house WEST facing for 2 years. (Year 2003 to 2005) This house was a small house having 15 feet x 40 feet; 15 feet towards west facing and depth of 40 feet This house had 2 houses in ground floor, 2 in first floor and 1 single room in 2nd floor. 2 houses in first floor had common toilet The toilet was constructed in the NORTH-EAST in the corridor space abutting to NORTH and EAST Picture provided below me and my wife stayed in first floor house for about 2 years and during full duration of our stay in this house Multiple deals for site/house/property purchase went in vain we had 2 litigations on property we tried to deal and even today its running court after 20 years. I was hospitalized 3 times for various health issues My wife had about 3 miscarriages/abortions, I was looking for job change that also did not happen One fine day after about 2 years, due to the small exchange of words between my wife and land lady we vacated the house in a hurry within 7 days. During that time the person who came to re-paint the house asked how did you manage to live in this house with toilet in North-East? Then I co-related all my experience and realized it was all due to bad Vastu. Later started studying and understood some basics of Vaastu and impacts of Bad Vaastu. After moving out from that house within 6 months I changed jobs, bought a small car and within 1 year I was able to buy a house

Exploring Common Bathroom Queries Unrelated to Vastu

We trust that the following questions will aid in understanding the placement and systematic arrangement of various fixtures. While these questions may not pertain directly to Vastu, they address common elements used in our bathrooms, for which we have suggested optimal placements.

1. What Are the Different Types of Toilets Available for Modern Bathrooms?

Modern bathrooms can feature several types of toilets, including one-piece, which are sleek and easy to clean; two-piece, which are traditional and cost-effective; wall-mounted, which save space and enhance floor cleaning; and smart toilets, which offer features like bidet washing, seat warming, and automatic flushing.

2. Which Style of Bathroom Sink Best Complements a Minimalist Design Aesthetic?

For a minimalist bathroom design, undermount sinks are ideal as they are installed beneath the counter, creating clean lines and easy cleanup. Vessel sinks, which sit on top of the counter, can also add a modern touch, making the sink a focal point of the bathroom.

3. What Are the Benefits of Installing Touchless Faucets in Residential Bathrooms?

Touchless faucets are beneficial in residential bathrooms for promoting hygiene as they minimize contact with germs. Additionally, they help conserve water by automatically shutting off when not in use, and they can add a modern, high-tech feel to the bathroom.

4. Can You Recommend a Shower System That Includes Both Fixed and Handheld Options?

A shower system that includes both fixed and handheld options offers versatility and convenience. The fixed showerhead provides a steady, hands-free stream, ideal for daily showers, while a handheld showerhead makes it easier to rinse off, clean the shower, and bathe children or pets.

5. What Factors Should Be Considered When Choosing a Bathtub for a Small Bathroom Space?

When choosing a bathtub for a small bathroom, consider a corner bathtub to save space, or a freestanding tub which can act as a decorative focal point without requiring a large footprint. Alternatively, a shallow but long soaking tub can provide comfort without overwhelming the space.

6. What Materials Are Recommended for a Durable and Stylish Shower Enclosure?

Tempered glass is recommended for shower enclosures because it is strong, safe, and stylish. It can be clear for a spacious feel or frosted/etched for added privacy. Frames can be minimal or frameless to maintain a modern look.

7. Are There Specific Advantages to Using Illuminated Mirrors in Bathrooms?

Illuminated mirrors in bathrooms provide additional lighting that helps with grooming tasks like shaving or applying makeup. They can also make a small bathroom feel larger and more open by reflecting light around the room.

8. What Types of Lighting Fixtures Are Recommended for Creating a Relaxing Bathroom Ambiance?

For creating a relaxing bathroom ambiance, incorporate layered lighting with LED recessed lights for overall brightness, wall sconces or pendants at the sides of the mirror to reduce shadows, and dimmable controls to adjust the mood.

9. How Do You Determine the Appropriate Size of a Ventilation Fan for a Bathroom?

To determine the appropriate size of a ventilation fan for a bathroom, calculate the cubic feet per minute (CFM) needed by multiplying the bathroom square footage by 1.1 for standard ceilings, and by 1.5 for higher ceilings. This ensures adequate air exchange to prevent mold and mildew.

10. What Are the Advantages of Installing Heated Towel Bars in Cold Climates?

Heated towel bars are especially advantageous in cold climates as they not only warm towels for comfort but also help to quickly dry them after use, reducing moisture and the potential for mildew in the bathroom.

11. How Can One Maximize Storage Space in a Bathroom With Limited Square Footage?

To maximize storage in a small bathroom, consider vertical solutions such as tall, narrow cabinets and wall-mounted shelves. Using the space over the toilet with built-in cabinets or open shelving can also provide additional storage without taking up floor space.

12. What Styles of Toilet Paper Holders Are Available That Combine Functionality With Modern Design?

Toilet paper holders are available in various styles including freestanding models that can be moved as needed, wall-mounted holders that save space, and recessed holders that blend seamlessly into the wall, offering a clean, modern look.

13. Where is the Optimal Placement for Robe Hooks in a Bathroom for Accessibility?

The optimal placement for robe hooks is at a reachable height near the shower or bath area for convenience, or behind the bathroom door to utilize otherwise wasted space while keeping robes and towels handy for use after bathing.

14. What Materials Are Best for Bathroom Mats That Offer Both Safety and Comfort?

Bathroom mats made of microfiber or chenille provide softness and absorbency, reducing the risk of slips on wet floors. Rubber-backed mats are advisable for additional safety to prevent the mat from sliding.

15. How Can Coordinating Bath Accessories Enhance the Overall Decor of a Bathroom?

Coordinating bath accessories like soap dispensers, toothbrush holders, and decorative jars can enhance the overall decor of a bathroom by adding a unified style. Selecting accessories that match the bathroom’s color scheme and style can tie the room together visually.

Have Any Questions?

Contact SubhaVaastuRespected residents may send questions on this article. Expect our reply within "5 minutes" to "24 hours" depending on proper greeting.

Influential Questions on Vastu Shastra

+5 #10 Washroom in northeastSanjay 2017-08-20 11:12
Hello sir, I found very useful information at this website. Getting inspiration from your writings and hard work. With your tireless efforts, most of the residents come out from iterations. We have a combined toilet and washroom in Southeast direction. Is it in the proper place? The washing and bathing area in northeast direction. Is it good? how can we solve the problem if there is any. Please help us.
+13 #9 Toilet is at East wall is good as per vastuMeena 2017-08-18 19:03
Respected sir, you are enlightening people from dark to light with these ancient principles. Very kind of you. I have a toilet in the middle of the eastern wall of my flat, and the commode is facing north. Is it okay? The eastern wall of the toilet is not in line with the adjacent bedroom wall and is one meter inside. One meter space is used by the builder to put pipes. Is this a problem and is there a remedy. Please advise. Thank you.
+14 #8 Toilet Vastu Guidelines and Best TipsHashmat Ali S Sheikh 2017-02-21 02:49
Suresh Ji, toilet/bath location of my house is in SE. I Would like to shift. House has space of 7ft between South wall and compound wall. Can I shift toilet/bath to South side available space? Please publish step by step guidelines on all direction bathrooms sir. Allah bless you for your generous services.
+11 #7 Can washroom be towards the North directionSanni Babu 2016-11-01 14:54
Respected sir, I am constructing a house. I have heard that there should be no washroom to North. Is that true can I can't place a washroom to north. Please kindly help me out. Can you please provide key points for Vastu for bathroom fittings & Vastu for attached bathroom and toilet and also vastu for attached bathroom in bedroom. Is there any difference for vastu for bathroom door direction. Anyway, your website is wonderful sir. It clear many of my doubts and we are all realizing about the current situation of our thoughts in constructing the home.
+10 #6 Need more bathroom vastu suggestionsRajesh Padhi 2016-08-01 18:40
Dear Pandit ji, your website rounding many corners with all details. Thank you sirji. I want to know the appropriate sizes for different bathrooms as per vastu. If there are size recommendations in vastu, then send the details to my email.
+8 #5 Basin on west wall of bathroomAshish Jain 2014-12-13 08:02
Respected sir, very nice of your services. I followed several tips. I am constructing my house (east facing)and a bathroom is placed in northwest corner of the plot. as per planning, proper space for washbasin and mirror is coming on the west wall of bathroom and in front of door, is it OK. As I read that mirror should be on North or east wall only. is there any alternative solution like pyramid etc.
+13 #4 Vastu remedies for Northeast toiletSudip 2014-08-21 07:39
Respected sir, I would have been of great use if you could mention some remedies. Thank you, anyways. At least I know now that I have some vastu dosha at my home. What are the best vastu remedies for NE toilet?, can it be possible to get solutions without demolishing this Northeast bathroom.
+7 #3 Images of laying toilets in east face directionNirmala 2014-06-05 06:02
Dear sir, today no one is thinking about others, but you are always thinking about society development with peace and fortune. Sir, God always protects you for your glory and assistance. Please serve the images for laying the toilets for east facing sites.
+14 #2 Vastu for bathroom door directionVikas Kumar Gupta 2014-04-24 04:24
Respected sir, love your website, you made it like such way. I appreciate all of your consideration and commitment. What is the best vastu for bathroom door direction and how to arrange the bathroom in master bedroom.
+20 #1 Vastu For Bathroom and ToiletsTarah 2014-03-24 03:21
Namaste sir, is your system is working for toilets also !! , for everything, there is lots of information flowing here, how to learn this interesting method to have peace in our family, we fight overnight for small cause & silly reasons, hope if we applied this system the quarrels may stop down, you should live 100 years. You are a great & soul and this is conventional website & very interesting. I inspired with your work. You are my role model.
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Delayed Marriages

Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".

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Inspirational Quotations

"The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong." — Swami Vivekananda

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

Rajesh: Chintu, what would you do if you accidentally stepped on an elderly man's foot?

Chintu: I would say sorry, Dad.

Rajesh: Good, you have made me proud my son. What if he appreciates your behavior and gives you a chocolate?

Chintu: I did step on his other foot right away, Dad!

Vastu Tip of the Day

Furniture plays a crucial role in enhancing the ambiance and bringing positive energy into our homes. For the best results, it’s important to choose high-quality furniture. Opting for cheaper options might compromise the potential for good luck and a positive environment. A home with inadequate furniture might see a decrease in fortune, so it's essential to invest in premium furniture that meets your needs and supports a prosperous atmosphere. For More Daily Vastu Tips : Daily Vastu Tips

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